Member Reviews

'Tis The Damn Season by Fiona Gibson

I received an advance review copy for free thanks to Rachel's Random Resources and I am leaving this review voluntarily.


This year, their families can deck the bloody halls themselves...

Old friends Shelley, Lena and Pearl have reached their limit with the festive preparation that has always fallen to them, and five days before Christmas, they’ve booked a mini break… without their families. Up until Christmas Eve, they’ll be sipping prosecco in the Highlands while their kids wrap bacon around 100 chipolatas and their partners brave the supermarkets.

It’s exactly what they need… until they’re snowed in. Facing the prospect of Christmas 500 miles from home, each woman is forced to confront her real reasons for needing to escape: the fiance with the obnoxious family; the son’s new girlfriend who is taking over their home; the family who take their mother for granted all year round…

Will the friends make it home before Christmas day? And if they do, can they really go back to their old lives?

My Opinion

Shelley, Pearl and Lena escape on a mini break just before Christmas, a break without their families and the need to organise the family Christmas. This was a relatively quick, relaxing festive read. A great heart-warming read that will be ideal for the upcoming festive season.

Rating 4/5

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Getting ready for Christmas, these three friends,
Are fed up with the attitudes of others, they're at their wits end.
That's why the idea of five days away together
Is such a great idea, whatever the weather.

A visit to the Highlands, sounds like a real treat
Leaving their family behind makes it especially neat.
As each woman has real needs for this break
Though they'll be surprised at changes it'll make.

A fun story of women rebelling at last
No longer prepared to do everything as they did in the past.
Each has their own family drama they need to escape for a while
And hopefully that'll help them return with a big smile.

Get ready for humour from beginning to end
And other guest with whom it may be a delight to spend
Or will it prove to be a journey too far?
And will the weather their escape mar?

A fun read with rebellion and possible fresh starts
As all three women find out who'll step in to fill their parts.
There's romance, revelations and surprises, too,
As the three women work together in all that they do.

How will their lives change when they return again?
Will the break bring resolution or unwelcome pain?
For my copy of this book I say a big thank you
As I share with you this, my honest review.

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Tis the Damn Season to be Blooming Knackered by Fiona Gibson

👯‍♀️ Life long Friends
🎄 Holiday Vibes
😂 Witty, Hilarious & Fun
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotland
💕 Poignant

Shelley, Lena and Pearl, old friends tired of being the solo creators of Christmas magic for their families, start to question the stress of it all. Is it even worth it.? So much running around, buying & wrapping gifts, grocery shopping, decorating and baking for this one day? Especially, if no one in their families even act like they care about all the Christmas traditions and magic.

Feeling underappreciated, they find themselves tempted by an invitation from Pearl's cousin Michael, to come for a visit at his B&B in the Scottish Highlands. Fed up with the lack of mutual holiday spirit, they decide to escape to the Hignlands, with the hopes of cozying up by the fire and rejuvenate their Christmas spirit. They leaving five days before Christmas, and plan on being back before the big day, before anyone even notices.

Will their families left at home appreciate all the work these women do to make the magic happen. Do they even want to go back?

It is funny, witty and poignant. I could definitely relate to these women and will be rereading around the Holidays, for sure! This is for anyone who feeling like they are always trying to hold it all together during the holidays.

If you like Sophie Kinsella books, this one is for you!

Thank you to Fiona Gibson and NetGalley for this Advanced Readers Copy. All opinions are mine.

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I love this authors books and this one was such a delight to read. Once I had picked it up I read it in almost one sitting.

This was a highly relatable read and would definitely appeal to a lot of people facing middle age and filled with lots of engaging characters and an engaging storyline about three friends who decide to go away to escape the stresses of organising Christmas. This was a fun read but also had moments of seriousness intertwined too.

A heartwarming and cosy read perfect for the festive season.

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Do you find your stress levels rising whilst preparing for Christmas? That is how these three friends Shelley, Lena and Pearl, are feeling. So they make the decision to go away to the Highlands for a few nights before Christmas to give themselves a chance to relax.

It's exactly what they need....until they are snowed in. Facing the prospect of Christmas 500 miles from home, each woman is forced to confront the real reasons for needing to escape, the fiancé with the rude family, the sons girlfriend taking over their home and the family who take their mother for granted. Will the friends make it home before Christmas Day? If they do can they go back to their old lives?

Get into the Christmas spirit with this easy to read story about friendships and relationships. We follow the friends during their stay as they consider what changes they need to make in their lives to help them find happiness.

Overall I enjoyed the book and it is a fast, easy read with a cosy Christmas feel.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for providing me with an advance copy.

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My first Christmas-sy book of the season, read during the awfully hot days this September.
Didn't put me in festive mood, as there was not much of Christmas in there, but actually it was not neccessary for it to be overwhelmingly festive, as it was more about finding yourself anew, regardless of the season.

It was a very accurate story that introduced us to many characters, I actually had a feeling that there was a new character on every page. For me personally there was not enough conflict/plot to make it a book - hence, perhaps, so many characters, because there was not enough to fill the pages and with every character added there was a bit of a background to write around. It was simply a book telling stories, it was not centered around something that they had in common, there was not much that linked them.

However, it was nicely written and everything was wrapped up in the end, like a beautifully packed Christmas present. Easy to read story about friendship, relationship and second chances, though too superficial. It's not bad, it's a few easy hourse you're going to spend when reading it, but for me, it somehow missed the mark.

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Thank You netgalley for the ARC of this book.
This was my first read by Fiona Gibson. It was not what i expected, but in a good way. As a woman in my late 30s who can relate to the stress of family and holidays, i found myself feeling like i was part of this friend group, or at least wanting to be!
Three woman who ditch their families at the holidays to escape to relax sounds delightful. Too bad for them, thats not how the trip goes. It was funny and heartwarming.

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Humorous and relatable, this festive tale focuses on three women, all friends and how they survive the pre-Christmas build-up with their families and partners. The three women are likeable, and you invest in their lives. As the story progresses, the women take a break that turns out to be more of a lifestyle change, which makes them view their lives differently. Equally, you dislike many characters in this story, but lessons are learnt, and the women finally realise their worth. I like the female protagonists, the relatability of the family, the relationship dynamics and the humour.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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3 friends have had enough this Christmas and need to desperately get away to relax and decompress. They are happily invited to a B & B and just as they think it will be perfectly fun with some much needed downtime. Disaster strikes and they are in for more than they bargained for. A story that most middle age women can easily relate to. Christmas can be a busy time with family drama and I for one found it refreshing to read that I am not alone. It's hilarious and had me laughing throughout and with plenty of Christmas cheer and maybe not so much excitement. I feel relaxed after reading and ready to say bring on Christmas!

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I originally wanted to read this book for the adorable title and cover.

However, the story and writing left me very disappointed. The writing was kind of all over the place.

I really really disliked the character Joel, like he was unbearable.

Thank you NetGalley, Fiona Gibson and Boldwood Books for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Thanks to the Publisher and Netgalley for an early review copy.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book about three friends, Shelley, Pearl and Lena.

All of them, each having their own reasons have had about as much as they can take leading up to the main day at Christmas and want a break because it’s all getting too much sorting everything, no longer feeling like they’re enjoying what they’re doing.

But, there’s no place where they can go, that is until they get a chance to leave everything and go away to Scotland, leaving their family members to mange.

It was a funny, and Christmassy story which we can relate to.

All the characters were lovely.

I highly recommend this book.

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I really loved this one, it was just a complete cosy and heartwarming read. It was extremely well written, the bond between the characters felt genuine and I love when a book has more mature characters that are facing relatable + real issues.
This is my first book by Fiona Gibson and I’m definitely going to check out her other works as this was really well written.
I’m already planning a reread on the run up to Christmas because this will definitely get me in the Christmas spirit.

I want to thank NetGalley and Boldwood Books for the opportunity to review this book.

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'Tis the Damn Season' by Fiona Gibson is a delightful, feel-good story that captures the essence of friendship, self-discovery, and the magic of Christmas. The novel follows three friends—Shelly, Pearl, and Lena—who decide to escape their hectic lives and head to Scotland for a much-needed pre-Christmas getaway. However, their plans for a quiet retreat take an unexpected turn when they find themselves snowed in at a remote bed-and-breakfast after offering to run it so the owner can leave and have his own mini-vacation.

Shelly, Pearl, and Lena are each looking for a break from the pressures and expectations of their everyday lives. Shelly feels overwhelmed by her family's demands, Pearl is tired of being taken for granted, and Lena is seeking clarity on what she really wants. As they settle into their temporary snowy sanctuary, they soon find themselves managing the B&B and its eclectic mix of guests. What starts as an inconvenience quickly transforms into a heartwarming adventure, filled with unexpected challenges and the joys of the holiday season. Forced to work together, the friends rediscover their own strengths, re-evaluate their relationships, and form new connections, all while keeping the B&B afloat during Christmas.

Fiona Gibson masterfully captures the ups and downs of friendship and the importance of finding oneself amidst the chaos of life. Shelly, Pearl, and Lena are relatable, charming, and wonderfully flawed, making their journeys of growth and self-discovery feel authentic. The cozy, festive setting of a snow-covered Scottish B&B adds a magical touch, making the story an ideal read for the holiday season.

One of the standout aspects of the novel is how it handles the complexity of relationships. While some bonds are strengthened, others naturally come to an end, reflecting the real-life ebb and flow of connections. Gibson’s storytelling is both heartwarming and humorous, perfectly balancing the cozy atmosphere with moments of genuine emotional depth.

In the end, 'Tis the Damn Season' is a charming, uplifting read that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy inside. It’s a perfect pick for anyone looking to get into the holiday spirit with a story of friendship, new beginnings, and the unexpected twists of life.

Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for providing this ARC. This review contains my honest opinion about the book.

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Pearl, Lena and Shelley are best friends who decide to take a last minute trip to the Scottish Highlands the weekend before Christmas. It's intended to be a break full of rest and relaxation, but the ladies find themselves jumping into action when they offer to look after the B&B they are staying in. First there's the missing meals, then the spoiled guests and a whole load of snow to contend with!

Along the way we also find out what's happening with the partners and children left back at home, again with some unintended outcomes.

What's great about Fiona Gibson's books is they feature real characters; the type of women that you could spend hours chatting to and only scratch the surface. The kind of women who make you feel that it's not just you. I absolutely loved 'Tis the Damn Season and it's going straight on my -re-read pile!

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As always Fiona was at her side-splitting best with this hilarious festive story. I have read previous books from her before and always found them to be a wonderful five-star read!

This The Damn Season was wonderful from start to finish and i very easily became immersed in all its funny, festive goodness.

It was realistic and oh so relatable for me and i really enjoyed that!

This book definitely got me in to the christmas spirit and was so funny - it had me giggling along in lots of different places!!

This was such a cosy, funny, heartwarming read and it thoroughly made my Christmassy heart happy…..

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I enjoyed ‘Tis the Damn Season and finished it in a weekend. The characters were well written and the story was fun to read.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher.

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This book follows three friends: Shelley, Pearl, and Lena as they basically say to hell with their lives/families and take a much needed vacation right before Christmas. They decide to visit the bed and breakfast belonging to Pearl’s cousin Michael whom she has not seen in years. Though when they arrive at the B&B, they decide Michael must take advantage of the sudden opportunity to travel and see his girlfriend. They can handle the B&B with no issues, or can’t they? Will Shelley find out what shenanigans her husband and children are up to while she’s gone? Will Lena’s fiancé, Tommy, survive a visit from his very particular parents? Will Pearl’s home remain in one piece as her son and his girlfriend basically take over the house in her absence? Things don’t go exactly according to the plan laid out by Michael before he leaves the B&B. This wasn’t my absolute favorite read as it seemed to drag on a bit and I found myself easily taking breaks while reading. However, it was pleasant read all the same and am thankful for the opportunity to read and review it.

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Three friends escape the pre-Christmas hubbub to the Scottish Highlands where they question their relationships and choices that have led to this moment. The weather intervenes and all Christmas plans are derailed.

The story showed the different relationships of the three women in their 50’s without knocking the choices they’ve made throughout their lives. I absolutely loved the way the characters were introduced, especially Joel (I was fully on board with him being a six-year-old.

All three women had distinguishable personalities and traits, so the multiple perspectives were not confusing. The present tense was initially jarring, but after the first few chapters it was barely noticeable.

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YESSS - as someone almost entering into my 30’s, this book felt way more like late 20’s vibe. I’ve been reading diff books that are more so college age etc and was starting to feel a bit old but this one was funny and had banter that I enjoyed. I mean this as a compliment but it felt like a trashy Hallmark holiday movie? Like enjoyable but also chill!

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'Tis the Damn Season by Fiona Gibson is a story about three friends who leave for a (can I say must-have) holiday to Scotland just before Christmas leaving their closest ones in London. Each one of them is in a different situation but they all need some time away from the holiday chaos. The journey to the North shines a new light on their lives and problems. Charming story about friendship, and relationships. Perfect to cozy up on a cold day and take on a journey with our characters. I enjoyed it and the whole time I was reading I felt like it would be a perfect book-to-movie adaptation.

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