Member Reviews

What a unique a twisty take on domestic drama. I never quite figured out how things were going to go and the angst had me anxiously turning page after page far after I should have gone to bed. The pacing and tone are excellent, the plot lines wildly unpredictable in all the best ways. I don’t think I’ve read a domestic drama like this one ever before, it will definitely stick with me. Definitely one of the best books I’ve read this year! A strong recommend!

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I received this book as an assignment for Booklist, and I'm glad I got to read it. It was a propulsive story of shattered relationships, betrayal, and forgiveness. The main characters, Kathryn and Andrew, reconnect accidentally at a Starbucks. Kathryn blurts out that she has a son, and he's Andrew's--a secret she's been keeping for years. Andrew is shocked but wants to learn more so he can maybe get closer to his son. He also keeps his wife, Amy, from learning his secret. Kathryn and Andrew get close again, while Kathryn's son Max develops a relationship with their houseguest, Emmy. Kathryn has a past with Emmy's mother as well, and flashbacks show the web Kathryn has created to both hold up her life and break it. A quick and compelling read.

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Relationships are messy….especially those that are shrouded in secrets. Kathryn Moretti and Andrew Williams were college sweethearts with dreams of a future marriage and family. But the effects of past traumas coupled with an unexpected life event, tear the two apart. Twenty years later, a chance encounter reunites them and it is during this reunion that truths begin to reveal themselves. Told in the alternating voices of several characters each of whom hold secrets or carry past heavy psychological damage, this story explores the measures people go to in order to protect those they love and the consequences and fallout that can occur when living a life of lies and secrets that eventually come to light. This debut novel will keep you wanting to read but be prepared that the characters are emotionally broken as they struggle to deal with their past and current lives.

Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the opportunity to read an advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest opinion. Publication date: November 19.

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The well-written story is fast paced and the characters are well developed and fascinating. Draws you in and keeps you hooked.

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This book read like an episode of Real Housewives! High, jaw-dropping drama. The kind of story that feels like watching a train wreck: you can't pull your eyes away! As others have mentioned, it does feel like some of the plot is almost too extreme to be real- but that's the soap opera dynamic I enjoy in this type of work. I also enjoyed the rotating POV and thought it really added to the story. I found most of the characters delightfully dislikeable, and kept turning the page to see what craziness/dumpster fire would happen next! The fact that it did incorporate some more delicate real world issues (like infertility) kept it real for me. Overall, a fun, easy to read drama perfect for a plane ride/vacation/etc.!

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This book is a good example of how humans can take their regular safe lives for granted and mess it up gloriously.

As you read, the personality of each character gets unveiled. None of them are particularly likeable except the kids. Kathryn and her life choices don't particularly make sense. So the ending though understandable left a bad taste.

Overall I feel the plot was based on lack of communication and that none of them would be in such a mess if they just talked.

I am giving this book 3 stars because it does keep you hooked till the end.

I thank NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the E-Arc and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Thank you to Netgalley and Lake Union publishing for my advanced readers copy.
Although I felt like this was a juicy gossip piece, it was too much too fast making it unbelievable. It’s got potential.

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It was an okay read I felt it dragged in spots and felt some of the topics were used for sensationalism moreso than actual plot content
I really didn’t like the characters at it just fell flat
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review the book

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First time I stayed up so late to finish a book, and I loved it till maybe the last chapter. If you love gossip and drama, this book is for you. The storytelling is so compelling I DID NOT want to put this book down. The tension is pretty strong at every stage in the book and with such a numbered cast, there is no lack of perspectives. I didn't find it overwhelming at all, rather enjoyed the buildup of drama that happened in the crazy climax. I've read Malibu Rising by Taylor Jenkins Reid before, and was expecting something along those lines, but this felt better because I had no expectations. There's a lot of secrets and revelations made in the story, which I thoroughly enjoyed, just wish there was more conviction to them. It's one of those stories where every tiny mistake made over the span of decades comes crashing at one moment and upends the life of everyone involved.

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In a coastal town in South Florida, a serendipitous encounter between Andrew Williams and his former partner, Kathryn Moretti, unveils significant secrets that threaten to disrupt their established lives. Andrew, who appears to lead an idyllic existence with his wife, Amy, grapples with the emotional strain of their struggles with conception. Meanwhile, Kathryn conceals the startling revelation that Andrew is the father of a son he was unaware of, complicating their reunion. As they rekindle their connection through clandestine meetings, both characters are compelled to confront the hidden truths and repercussions of their prior decisions. Kathryn's life becomes a continuous struggle against her past missteps as she endeavors to protect her son, Max, from her tumultuous history. Concurrently, she navigates intricate relationships with a local law enforcement officer and a troubled young girl named Emmy.

This novel delves into profound themes of love, loss, and the enduring effects of past choices on present circumstances. The characters are meticulously developed, illuminating their interconnected lives and challenges that exemplify the intricacies of human relationships. The narrative unfolds through multiple perspectives, fostering a deeper connection to each character's journey and rendering the story both compelling and relatable. The unforeseen conclusion leaves a significant impact, suggesting possibilities for happiness and new beginnings while generating interest in a potential sequel to further explore the characters' trajectories. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the advance review copy in exchange for my honest review.

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⚠️⚠️Please check trigger warnings as the topics of self harm, substance abuse, suicide, infertility, and racial intolerance are discussed

The characters in this book and the themes are so real. I mean this in the sense that this book discusses real life themes that I wouldn't even have considered that someone could go through. As I was reading, I realized that amongst main characters and their friends from college, life happened to them that took them on all kinds of twists and turns. It was interesting to see their lives and the decisions made in college compared to where they are in the present. Also how those decisions in college effected their present. I loved the story because of the struggles, highs, and lows that followed the characters. .

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Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for an ARC of The Days Between.

This book is a little outside my usual reading genre but the plot was engaging and I enjoyed the fast pace, as well as the alternating timelines. Ultimately though, I just found the ending to be too messy and honestly a bit depressing.

3.5 stars

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Thank you NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for the eARC.
This book was very good, even though it was depressing at times. The grown-ups made so many mistakes and I found them quite selfish. It impacted the lives of their kids and others around them. Having said that, it was
a story I couldn't stop reading and the ending was very satisfying and surprising. Definitely recommended!

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This book speaks to the fact that life could have been different if the timing of that particular story worked. Yes, Kathryn and Andrew were madly at a very young age but that is the type of love that should be treasured and recognized that it may never happen again. Circumstances drove them apart but it was due to the fact that Kathryn chose to leave and in so choosing, created a life that held a great secret that I believe caused Max to act out as he only knew what she chose to tell him. The reader had to feel sorry for her in that she lived a very lonely life. She had no friends given her falling out with Harper and her relationship with Nick was only fueled by desire with no substance. I think bringing Emmy into her home did open her up as well as her interactions with Andrew but both were fleeting. Both chose to be with someone else who was not her. Kathryn belonged to no one. The ending was certainly shocking and unexpected but the outcome a period later was full of happiness and moving forward. I would read a sequel about what happened in Seattle.

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Although this is not my favorite genre of read, I thought this was well written and very hard to put down.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing and Netgalley for the chance to read this ARC!

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Lying gets you nowhere. Read The Days Between and you will understand why! This was a great read! Read this book!

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Excellent writing and a very interesting story. In love reading complex books about characters with secrets and lost and found family. Well done! Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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What a gorgeous book! I loved that the chapters were written from the perspectives of each character. It made the story exciting and allowed you to really get to know the characters. The characters of this story have all got complicated and intertwined lives- only we get to see just how intertwined as we go through the book. The ending… wow, I never saw that coming! Brilliant book.

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