Member Reviews

I loved this story. Sasha and her brother Freddie decide to move to France after their mothers death. There they find new adventures, new friends, and people they can call family. Its refreshing to read a clean happy story with no violence and nasty people in it.

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Who doesn't want to escape to the French countryside? And after this book, you'll be packing a bag and setting off

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A delightful, touching story full of love and family!
Tons of family dynamic that I enjoyed so much! The setting of this story was oh-so perfect and written in such a way that made me feel at home.
This was such an easy read to get into. If you’re looking for something lighthearted and cozy, this is the perfect book for you!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the copy!

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I am such a sucker for a good sweet book about fulfilling dreams and going after what you want. I loved the relationship between the siblings and the lessons they learned. Plus the lost family surprise without giving too much away was well done and special. It was a great lighthearted read, I will keep reading Jennifer Bohnet books for sure.

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What a remarkable sweet story, taking place at the Château du Cheval, in the Brittany countryside. This story is set in a beautiful environment, the Château from past centuries, has it's history and has stood through two wars. It's the modern generations that are trying to preserve what the ancestors had fought hard to care for. This is the story of a brother and sister, Bradley and Sasha. They need a new start and decide on a new start in France after the passing of a loved one. In France at the Château du Cheval the owners Peter and Ingrid are doing a lot to renovate the place. To get the Château back to what it should be. This story unravels nicely, the author takes us for walks in a beautiful countryside, old villages and farming landscapes. It is the perfect read and has a bit of everything for the reader including a community of readers, a bookclub at the Château. There are happenings weaved in nicely, giving us a more complete picture to help us understand the story. It is so nice to follow the characters that are so nice. With new beginnings and family reunions not expected. This read definitely corresponds with the title "A French Country Escape".
I can truly recommend this lovely read.
I'm grateful to have read this book!
Charlotte N

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Many thanks to Netgalley for this arc. I received this book in exchange for my honest review. My thoughts are entirely my own.

In this book we are following a brother and sister who move to France and end up with a family of their own making. Sasha and her brother decide to move to France after their mother’s death since it’s cheaper to buy a home in France. They purchase two cottages at a cheateu in France and when they meet the older couple who are turning the rest of the estate into a hotel they become friends. Sasha and her brother help Ingrid and Peter with gardening and fixing the place up for a wedding and a fete they are hosting in a manner of weeks. Sasha restarts her Etsy painting business and adopts two dogs and helps Ingrid when she falls out of the Range Rover. Sasha also befriends Ingrid and Peters daughter Penny who escaped an abusive relationship and moved to France to be with her family. Sasha also meets Jean Paul who speaks both French and English and he and Sasha start a relationship after he helps her train her dogs. This book is so sweet and enjoyable and a pleasant book to read. This is a book sure to warm anyone’s heart and is great for anyone who wants to read a sweet and simple book with not to much drama. A very hallmark esk book.

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A really great read. Loved seeing the story from both Sasha and Penny’s point of view. Thought it would have been good if we saw a bit more development between Sasha and Jean-Paul as I felt their relationship happened really quickly.

Apart from that I thought it was a lovely read

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Oh my goodness! The setting of the story in France was just enchanting.
This was a nice story to relax with after reading several thriller suspense novals.
Lighthearted and enjoyable read.

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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After the death of their mother and the sale of their family home, brother and sister Freddie and Sasha are determined to make a fresh start in France, buying a pair of cottages on the grounds of a sprawling chateau estate run by English ex-pats Peter and Ingrid.
Peter and Ingrid, meanwhile, are trying to get their b&b/wedding venue business off the ground, and are full of concern for their daughter, Penny, stuck in an abusive relationship in Bristol.
As Sasha and Freddie adjust to rural French life and make new friends, Sasha's confidence - shattered from a past abusive marriage - slowly begins to recover.

This was a very slow-paced slice of life book, taking the time to meander down country lanes and stop at windows to admire the view. And while the view is lovely, it's all about character development, as Sasha and Penny and some of the side characters come into their own. In the idyllic setting, there is little drama, and the book is made up of small moments of joy that together form a peaceful, content scene.

The romance is slow, s-l-o-w burning, with the characters getting to actually know one another as friends first.

While the Chateau appears to be fictional, the places mentioned are very real, and I did go off on a few side quests in Google maps to see the places in more detail.

~Many thanks to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review~

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary ARC. All opinions are my own. So.... I need to move to the south of France now; this book was fanastic!

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A quick and easy read about a brother and sister Freddie and Sasha who escape to the completely change their life and move to start again in the french countryside . Beautiful setting following their journey about family ,friendship and second chances. A fun and feel good read .. A bit of secrets and mystery thrown in for good measure . I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

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I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I enjoyed this book a lot. It was a lot of fun to read!

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A gorgeous story about Sasha and Freddie, brother and sister, who decide to make a complete change in their lives and move to two rundown cottages on a chateau estate in the French countryside. This is a story of family, friendships and second chances. It was an easy read that was great for a relaxing afternoon. Thank you to NetGalley for letting me read this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Always love a book set in the beautiful French countryside, this was a wonderful holiday read, a real tale of second chances - loved it

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A wholesome read with a feel good factor. A good holiday read and an easy page turner. Thank you for letting me read in advance of publication.

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Such a fun read! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to Netgalley, the author, and the publisher for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I read this as an ARC on NetGalley. I adored this book! Family connections, a mystery, 2nd chances and finding where you truly belong!

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Easy to read book about fresh starts, friendship and love. The words really do flow so well you forget how long you have been reading for, nicely descriptive. Thank you netgalley for the advanced copy

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Review for 'A French Country Escape' by Jennifer Bohnet.

WOW!!!! What can I say?!?! Yet another absolutely beautiful book that I fell in love with!!! I cannot wait to read more books by this extremely talented author!

This book is stunningly written with vivid descriptions setting the picture perfectly in the readers mind. The title, description and cover works perfectly with the storyline.

If you are looking for a gorgeous escapism storyline to get lost in then ladies and gentleman this is the one for you!!! In this gorgeous book we meet Peter and Ingrid Chevalier who own a gorgeous chateau in France with plenty of land and even a few houses on the estate. However, the running costs are very high so they decide they need to sell two of the cottages on the estate. Sasha and her brother Freddie need a new start and with some money that was left to them by their mother they decide to buy the two cottages and renovate them. Peter and Ingrid & Sasha and Freddie become friends and Freddie starts helping out on the estate and Sasha helps Ingrid with the B&B. When Sasha has a fall and Ingrid and Peter's daughter Penny arrives after escaping a controlling relationship and a mystery parcel arrives secrets start to come out. Will the peace that Sasha and Freddie found be shattered? Grab your copy of this gorgeous page turner today to find out for yourselves. I guarantee you will not regret it!! It is an absolute rollercoaster ride of emotions filled with heartbreak, romance, secrets, second chances, family, love, loss, friendship and so much more. I was completely swept on the storyline and loved having a holiday in Château du Cheval in rural France. I absolutely loved each and every single moment of this beautiful read. I loved the amazing sights, adventures and the fantastic characters who I was devastated to say goodbye to as they had become like friends to me and they would make absolutely amazing best friends in reality! This book really is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. Jennifer's stunning vivid and evocative descriptions ensures you see and feel everything that each of the characters are seeing and feeling. I was utterly glued to the pages and I could not bring myself to put it down. I was carrying my phone and kindle around every chance that I got. I adored the gorgeous ending and would love to see this book turned into a series. I also loved the French phrases that Jennifer included with some clues as to what they may mean which I thought was a brilliant idea so thank you Jennifer for that as I really enjoyed trying to work them out! I don't want to say anything else about the storyline as I don't want to give to much away but I do want to mention one more thing. I would seriously recommend this book to anyone and everyone!! A gorgeous uplifting page turner that will warm your hearts 💝.well done Jennifer on yet another stunning and unputdownable success!!

Clear your schedules as this is one gorgeous and unputdownable stunner ❤️

I absolutely loved these amazing, strong women who captivated my heart from the very first moment I met each of them. Jennifer does an absolutely fantastic job creating this stunning storyline and bringing it alive to the readers with the multiple protagonists of Sasha, Freddie, Peter, Ingrid and Penny. Jennifer weaves their chapters together absolutely superbly to give us a deeper insight into each of their lives and the emotions they are feeling. They are all very relatable, strong, realistic and I became completely invested in each and every one of them. They all had their own problems, secrets, feelings and all had unique personalities and I just absolutely loved getting to know them all. I felt each of their love, friendship, pain, heartbreak, happiness, sorrow and so much more. I really was rooting for each of them throughout the pages and hoping they each found the happiness that they more than deserved. I loved seeing their personalities, and characterisations change and develop as individuals as well as watching them bond with each other as the storyline went on. I also adored their relationships and friendships with the other characters that we make on this journey. Jennifer does an absolutely amazing job of bringing the story to life and the characters leap out of the pages as your turning them thanks to her amazing evocative writing skills!! It is so hard to say more about what I feel about the characters without giving anything away so I won't say anymore about them as I don't want to go into too much detail at the risk of spoiling it for other readers but Jennifer really has done an amazing job at bringing each of the characters to life and I am missing them already. Well done Jennifer!!!

Congratulations Jennifer on yet another absolutely gorgeous, escapism filled with everything you could one in a page turner!!! I am looking forward to reading more of your previous and future books. I would absolutely love to see this book turned into a movie!!! This is the exact reason you are on my favourite author list and here's to your next success 🥂

Overall an absolutely gorgeous book that will take on holiday to France and warm your heart ❤️!!!

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When Sasha and Freddie’s mother passes away, she leaves them a modest amount of money and buys two cottages on a chateau estate in France. They befriend the owners of the chateau, Peter and Ingrid. Sasha is getting over a contentious divorce and Freddie is looking for a fresh start. Slowly they start getting to know the locals and rebuilding their lives.

I enjoyed this refreshing story. I love reading anything about new starts in France, and this was no exception. This is the second story I’ve read by this author and I enjoyed them both. This was a fun, refreshing read with romance, a beautiful setting, great food and wine, and fresh starts for many characters.
I look forward to reading more of this author's stories.

Thanks to @boldwoodbooks, @netgalley, @rachelsrandomresources and the author for this ARC

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