Member Reviews

Any book by Sarah Morgan is almost bound to be a winner. I enjoyed reading this one, with its usual mix of people, some needy, some with long held problems, a 'dog' and of course, snow. Many of her books are set in snow! The story of Imogen is sad, with no family to speak f, she invents a life which includes a dog. I loved the fact that her colleagues at work were so caring about the dog's 'disappearance'. When Imogen reaches burn out in her job, she is offered a cottage at which to recuperate. Then she becomes involved with Dorothy and her family, a whole new slant.
I can recommend this book to anyone who loves a romantic story with deeper angles. Thanks to NetGalley for the chance to read this book.

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this Christmas romance by Sarah Morgan. The story flowed well and had an interesting storyline, keeping me hooked. Imogen is the consummate professional, her job is her life and she is 110% committed to it but she is covering up for her home life and family, or lack of it. When it all goes wrong she finds herself having to take a month off work and staying at an idyllic Cotswold cottage belonging to one of her clients. That is when things start to really become interesting.

I loved Imogen, her character is well-written and very endearing. She has had to put up with so much in her life and when things become clearer I was rooting for her. All the characters are excellently developed, as is the storyline and it was a pleasure to curl up with this book.

The story was full of warmth and humour, mixed with Sarah Morgan's trademark family drama. This is the perfect Christmassy read and one I recommend you add to your reading list.

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I love a Sarah Morgan and I think this is one of her best yet. Imogen was immediately likeable and you could see how close to burn out she was, how driven she was to improve her life but still so lonely and isolated. Realising the link with Dorothy was exciting as the community and family she had all around her couldn’t have been more different to Imogen’s and it was delightful to see them begin to entangle.
I thought all the characters (bar Imogen’s mum!) were likeable, authentic and people that I would want to be friends with. The Cotswold setting was so Christmassy and I enjoyed the whole novel from start to finish- thank you!

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A cheering Christmassy read. Imogen leads a lonely life. She lives alone, doesn’t get on with her mother, has no friends and pretends to have a dog she’s never owned. She’s very good at her job organising events though. Her boss persuades Imogen to take a month off, but where can she go? Will Christmas in the country be a great idea or a disaster for townie Imogen?

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Firstly I would like to thank the author, publisher, and Netgalley for my free ARC.

A reader can’t feel the warmth of love and kindness without seeing a world that is devoid of it first. Sarah Morgan plays this trope masterfully, as we take a peek into the disadvantaged life of Imogen, a young woman just trying each day to make it through. Lonely and having been told her family abandoned them, Imogen only has her needy mother who insists on being called Tina, to call her own. Tina is needy, asking for money and alcohol, and finally telling Imogen that she never wants to see her again. Work keeps her busy and it’s the friendship of a client that allows her to take the rest she needs. And that’s how Imogen arrives at Holly Cottage.

Themes of contrast are at play here, including darkness and light, good and bad, lonely and loved, city and countryside, make believe and reality.

This one gave me a proper tear in my eye. It will make a cosy read under a blanket with a hot chocolate.

I highly recommend The Christmas Cottage by Sarah Morgan.

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I love every one of Sarah Morgans books - she's consistently fabulous every time. This book was no exception and is beyond festive. I only have one wish after reading this - PLEASE LET THERE BE A SEQUEL!!!
Funny, warm, cosy, heartfelt and festive this is an absolute gem of a book.
Thanks to HQ, Sarah Morgan and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Another fantastic Christmas read from Sarah Morgan. Imogen has had a lonely life with no family except a mother who never really wanted her so she put all her energy into her work where she excels and eventually everything gets to much for her and her boss insists she takes time off to recover so when one of her clients Dorothy offers her a cottage for the holidays she reluctantly agrees. When she is introduced to Dorothy's family she soon discovers a secret that will change her life forever. It's a fantastic story in a picturesque setting with lovely characters and all the festive sparkle you expect and enjoy but will Imogen finally find the happiness she deserves. A really lovely read and perfect for a winter's afternoon cuddled up with a hot chocolate.

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Sarah Morgan is the queen of romantic Christmas novels and this one does not disappoint
Imogen is a workaholic, she doesn't really have much of a family. So she throws herself into her work! This inevitably means she's on the verge of burn out but can't see it. Her boss tells her to take a month off over Christmas and she goes to stay in a cottage owned by Dorothy (one of their clients) who she has become from friends with. There are lots of twists that happen, but don't want to spoil it for anyone. Suffice it to say if you're a fan of romance (although this is not the forefront of the story) and love Christmas then this is a novel for you. Definitely one with the feel good factor!

Many thanks to the publishers for inviting me to read this, also to Netgalley, and most importantly to Sarah for writing the novel, can't wait for the next one!!!

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A firm fan of Sarah Morgan? (Firm fave for me) Or is she new to you? Well let the Queen of Christmas books deliver this festive read.

I won't speak of spoilers but i feel the main character Imogen and me have had similar family issues, which drew me in even more. Sarah Morgan has a clever way of crafting characters to bring them to life.

Yes there is a hot vet called Miles, animals and the description of the cottage makes me want to visit. The romance isn't at the forefront which I quite like, whereas Imogen's family issues and previous trauma play a big role in the plot. Imogen weaves the perfect life to outsiders, (to prevent others getting close, to fit in, to distance herself from her reality), but that comes to a stop when she stumbles on a portrait of someone she someone elses a family photo.

Had to use my Christmas mug, pop on a wax melt and have some chocolate treats too of course.

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Sarah Morgan is one of my favourite authors, I was looking forward to reading her latest book and wasn’t disappointed.

Imogen appears to be living the perfect life. She is in a strong relationship, has family who live in the countryside, and a gorgeous dog. However, none of it is true. She is on her own, living in a small flat in an appalling area of London, with neither friends nor family.

Through the years, Imogen has become friendly with Dorothy, a favoured client of the Events company she works for. The story is mainly written from the viewpoint of both women, adding depth and a giving a more rounded picture. Both women are strong and supportive, however Imogen’s abusive childhood has left her with low self z esteem, which even with her successful career she is unable to shake off.

Sarah Morgan’s expertise at bringing characters to life makes you feel that you know them, and become emotively involved in their story. When Imogen – a workaholic becomes burnt out, Dorothy invites her to stay at Holly Cottage, set in beautiful rural countryside in the Cotswolds. All characters are well drawn and develop as the story unfolds. Snowy winter settings are described beautifully, with animals, families and children. All with a festive Christmas theme.

However, there is an intriguing totally unexpected twist in the story which adds extra dimension, adding pace and keeping you turning the pages. The addition of a handsome vet called Miles adds romantic interest. The book is packed with warmth and humour, and I found this to be a perfect festive read, and recommend.

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Imogen is a character that is not easy to like.

She is a workaholic with a lot of childhood trauma that makes her not so likeable in the way she behaves. And all the lies she makes to create her "perfect" life, mainly for their co-workers. Imogen's boss makes her take time off work and one of her clients, Dorothy, invites her to spend that time at her Christmas Cottage. But Dorothy is not what she seems to be and keeps a secret...

The characters felt very real throughout the story and I like how romance is not central in this kind of story; it is just part of the plot. I don't like instant love stories and usually that's what happens on these books, but as it takes a back seat, so I am ok with that.

I enjoyed it! It was so easy to read.

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Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for this ARC.

Imogen is a workabolic as she has no one in her life and her mother only calls when she wants money. I'm not exactly sure what she does - marketing, events planning? In any case, she has clients and accounts and is important. She has lovely colleagues but she invents a home life for herself that she does not have, complete with a Golden Retriever called Midas. The blurb is wrong, she doesn't "make a catastrophic mistake at work", she simply drops the ball shortly due to exhaustion and grief, and her very understanding boss gives her a month off for recuperation. Her favourite client Dorothy offers her a cottage on her estate in the Cotswolds for the duration, which is middle of December to middle of January.

This is a multi POV story divided equally between Imogen, Dorothy and her daughter Sara, which works well.

I usually love a Sarah Morgan book but this one was disappointing. I find the story oddly uneven. Imogen only arrives at the titular Christmas cottage at 43%. The time spent before that drags with overlong descriptions of what a workaholic she is, the lies she tells her colleagues and streams of consciousness of how exhausting and hostile her mother is towards her.

Then she finally arrives at the beautiful cottage and suddenly there is a whiplash twist which forces people to confront their painful pasts and explains why Sara was initially so hostile to the idea of Imogen staying. But even afterwards nothing much happens. Yes, she meets Miles the vet and Ralph the dog and spends time with Dorothy's family but there is still way too much talk and inner monologue about her mother and her past. This just isn't fun or heartwarming.

Suddenly there is a realisation that the book is nearly over so the romance gets a move on and the ending is more rushed than any Christmas shopping on Christmas Eve.

Some of the chapters are overlong and there is simply too much drama for me. I need my Christmas romances to be more lighthearted than that, and after all the trauma, Imogen doesn't even get closure with her mother.

Miles is a great character and I liked all the animals although the alpacas etc aren't a huge part of the story really, they are just there to show Dorothy's good heart. I simply wish it really was as feel-good as the blurb and the cutesy cover promise. I'm sure I'll like the next one again.

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I'm going to begin by saying that I've always enjoyed reading Sarah Morgan books ever since being introduced to them a couple of years ago.

Told from the three different female narratives, The Christmas Cottage revolves around Imogen, Dorothy and Sara. Imogen's life is complicated because she has made it so. She has a successful career. An absolute workaholic, she makes up a fake home life - whereas in reality, she is lonely. Dorothy is one of her clients and Sara is Dorothy's daughter.

It is after being on the brink of burnout that Imogen is forced to take a month off work. Dorothy asks her to come and stay with her at her family cottage in the Cotswolds. It is here that the story takes a dramatic turn.

In all honesty, I struggled with the first part of this book. I found that it dragged and nothing really happened. The mid-way plot twist came out of nowhere. It initially felt odd and felt like an afterthought but it was after this that the story picked up.

The setting was gorgeous. The romance was very rushed into, but then again, the second half of the book was rushed and with one particular storyline, there was no closure.

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If you are looking for a book that gives you the feels and vibes of The Holiday movie, then this is the book for you. It is a cosy Christmas read that really puts you in the spirit of the festive season.

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A fantastic coat Christmas read.
Imogen does everything at 100 miles an hour she lives and breathes her job. But she has secrets her fellow workmates think she’s from a large loving family with her own dog and partner she’s living the life she wishes she had.
Her real life is anything but her fantasy one she had no dog no partner and the only family she has is her mother who frequently tells her she’s not wanted or even liked never mind loved.
She never messes up with work until the day she does her boss tells her she’s near burnout and insists she take a month off work to charge her batteries Imogen feels bereft u til her favourite client offers her a cottage for the month in the Cotswolds, but there is more to the offer than that.
Great escapism form Sarah Morgan at her best.

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I loved this. A real Sarah Morgan story. You had the magic of Christmas with family secrets , a lovely love story and not quite the ending I expected. I loved the characters of Ava and Dorothy . The things we do to impressive our work colleagues . Ralph was a great dog. Just read it. It is brilliant brilliant read.

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Imogen tries had to fit in with her colleagues from the office, she just wants to focus on work doing the best that she can but it appears that she will get things done more quickly if she pretends to be like them. She has everything under control and is definitely not overdoing it, her boss is completely wrong about that. However, her schedule hits a bump in the road causing everything to collapse in a dramatic fashion. As she is wondering how to get through Christmas, Dorothy, her favourite client invites her to stay in her cottage in the Cotswolds. Imogen seizes the chance and is looking forward to the escape from her problems. However, things aren't that simple and she finds that she will have to face her past to move forward.

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Imogen is a workaholic. Everything has to be perfect, and she makes it her job to ensure that every clients wish is granted.
One of these clients is Dorothy, who is her favourite.
Imogen doesn't have a home life, so she has created a persona to her work colleagues. Her real life consists of a mother who doesn't want her.
Imogen's boss Rosalind insists that Imogen takes a month off as she is nearing burnout.
Dorothy lets Imogen stay in her cottage in the Cotswolds. Once here, Imogen's lige is rocked to the core.
This was a little slow to start with, but soon picked up a pace where I couldn't put it down until I'd finished.
I could understand how Imogen became so insular as she was trying to protect herself against her mother's vindictiveness.
What a wonderful family, Dorothy has.
Miles was a dishy addition to the story, and I absolutely adored Ralph.
A delightful Christmas read that had me in tears.
The title of this book in the UK is The Christmas Cottage.
Thanks to Netgalley and HQ for the ARC in return for an honest review.

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A really lovely book. A great cast of characters and a wonderful story. Very heart warming! Highly recommended.

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Absolutly loved this book, another cracker from Sarah. A massive warm hug in a book, would be perfect to devour on a winter evening. Relatable characters with depth and real feel good factor at the end.
Imogenis is a perfectionist and work aholic, but outside of work is extremely lonely....although manages to paint a picture at work... albeit built on untruths.

Dorothy, one of her clients, perhaps stretching their work relationship a little too far, as they meet pre Christmas for a catch up and meal.

However, secrets from the past catch up for both of them, leading to outcomes that nobody would have predicted.

Highly recommend this wonderful book.

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