Member Reviews

Super cute story, especially if you're a dog lover. Lovely art too!
On a side note, I really liked the translation notes - I've read some manga in the past so I can handle honorifics, but the information about the dog names, clothing, etc. were interesting and add to understanding.
Recommended if you'd like something short, cozy and dog related.

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4/5 Stars. This was cute. I was primarily in this for the dogs if I’m honest. This slowburn manga introduces us to Chiharu, a small woman with a big dog named Tsubu, and Kiyotaka, a large man with a small fluff ball named Monjuro. The pair accidentally bump into each other on a walk one day and their dogs hit it off. Over the course of the manga the romance builds and so does the doggie cuteness. I liked the playful mixing of the big scary, scaredy cat dog, and the manic mini puffball. The banter between Chiharu and Kiyotaka was cute. Overall this was a really quick read and I enjoyed it. The art was adorable and I loved all the dog themes (cafes, outfits, accessories, toys, etc). Thank you Kodansha Comics, Hono Natsuna, and NetGalley for providing an e-ARC for review!

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Cute and cozy quick read. Absolutely loved the main characters and the dogs of course!! Definitely a slow burn romance which is not for me, but the story was lovely.

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Cute story of two people who meet while walking their dogs. Lots of stereotypes thrown in (small girl, big dog vs. man with tiny dog) to add to the storyline but I found it a little corny and I probably won’t continue with the series. Recommended for those who like slow burn romances with cute characters.

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This manga was adorable! I can't wait to see where it goes, as an avid dog lover myself this made me feel so cozy and had me snuggling my pup on the sofa whilst reading.

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This book was so adorable and amazing, I loved the fact that the character are so completely different from there dogs, this an amazing manga for people who love dogs and I do. I loved it
5/5 stars

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Okay, so I kind of loved this?!

I’ve never read manga before but I was drawn in by the dog theme, cute cover, and silly title so I thought I’d give this a try. I went in with an open mind and had so much fun with this story! 🐶♥️

It took me a few pages to understand the reading flow but I got there. The story was gentle and sweet. The art was incredible. Hono Natsuna can capture the nuance of dog expressions so authentically! I laughed out loud at some of the dynamics between the humans and their beloved dogs - totally relatable stuff!

The characters were great. I particularly related to Chiharu’s bond with her Rottie and loved their relationship. It was fun seeing how the dogs reacted to their humans developing a friendship. I can’t praise the dog characterization enough… both dogs have such distinct and believable personalities.

I loved the translation notes at the end, I learned some things about honourifics and came to fully appreciate some of the puns and jokes too. It looks like Hono Natsuna is a debut author too - wow, I can’t wait to see what they do next!

I’m so glad I gave this a try! This delightful wee graphic novel hits the shelves on August 6. If you’re a dog guardian or someone who enjoys dogs, this is a gentle, comforting story with heaps of character - check it out!

Huge thanks to Kodansha Comics for making this available on NetGalley! 🐾

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Pupposites Attract by Hono Natsuna
Ahh, this was just the cutest manga. Pupposites Attract looked so fun and I was excited to try it out. It is the first manga in the series and it is written by Hono Natsuna. I was drawn to this manga by the cover and the story.
This was such a sweet manga. I read it in one sitting. I enjoyed the story and getting to know Chiharu and Kiyotaka along with their dogs. The drawings are fun to look at and the characters draw you in. I like how you were able to get to know both Chiharu and Kiyotaka and their dogs. Their dogs are their own characters who have personalities of their own.
Pupposites Attract is a sweet and clean manga, it is a perfect quick read. I would recommend this manga to those who enjoy light and easy mangas with hints of romance.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the publisher through Netgalley. All views expressed are only my honest opinion, a positive review was not required.

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Thanks Netgalley and publisher for allowing me to read this manga as a dog lover. I honestly love Mon-chan, absolutely adorable like she melted me heart 😭❤️ However I just didn't really care about the main couple here like yeah it's fluff but they just didn't click with me bro tbh....

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this was such a cute and quick read, the cover matches the vibes of the manga perfectly! super sweet and adorable. i will definitely recommend this to friends and new readers to manga as it was also super simple to follow along!

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This is an adorable story about two people who are walking their dogs. It not only gives a glimpse of what the characters are thinking, but also what their dogs are thinking too. It really gives the story a really cute vibe, and I am cheering for all the characters involved and can't wait for the next book. The art really brings the story to life!

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This was the cutest romance manga I've read in a while!

With a strangers, to friends, to maybe more romance, I was hooked from the beginning, especially with the oppostites attract trope. Twenty-nine year old Chiharu is a teacher who's little but strong. Her bestest friend in the world is Tsubu, a timid yet loveable rottweiler. On the other side, we have twenty-six year old Kiyotaka, who's a tough firefighter but he's awfully shy, and his best friend is loyal and bubble of energy Monjuro, a teeny pomeranian.

I adored that not just the humans are opposites with one another, but the pups are too! Whilst Kiyotaka allows his dog to run his life, Chiharu is much stricter. They meet one day at a dog park, and then bump into each other at the store. And then at Chiharu's workplace. I loved their interactions and really felt their chemistry, even though it's very slow burn.

The art style is very cute, from the tiny details dog owners would understand (such as fluffy bottom wriggles), to the little thoughts the dogs have of their owners (mostly along the lines of love and devotion), this manga is certainly a feel good, cosy and cute read.

The ending only leaves us at the beginning of Chiharu and Kiyotaka's friendship, and I truly can't wait to see what their pups tangle them into next!

5/5 🌟

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Thank you, @NetGalley for an advanced ARC of this manga

This book was adorable 😍 & I was instantly attracted to this manga because of the dogs on the front cover, two people coming together with their dogs encouraging it made me smile like a big kid and the art style is adorable as well... I cannot wait to read more and see the connection between all characters.

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This was cute. I loved the main characters. Their dogs. The art.
Everything was really nice and sweet and i would love to continue with the manga.

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I was really excited for this one, and while it was mostly pretty cute, the characters were a bit too introspective at times. Too much tell and not enough show. (Odd to see this in a manga which one would assume is mostly show with the art.)

The dogs were spot on adorable though. Will definitely read more in hopes the series finds its feet.

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This was a cute manga that is a quick and easy read. I loved the art style and the general ease of each chapter or section. I also really liked how some of the more stereotypical tropes of life were turned on their head- for example the larger dog being owned by a woman I stead of her having a small dog. I thought it was a cute story filled with a variety of meet cutesy until the two leads really had a chance to interact more following his trip to her class. While I think the story could benefit from clarity at times, I think this issue may result more from reading the story digitally than anything else

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"Pupposites Attract Vol. 1" has an adorable meet cute plot. A woman with a huge dog and a man with a tiny dog keep running into each other and become fast friends. Eventually, they start to have feelings towards each other.

This manga was very cute and wholesome. It takes the meet cute trope and adds adorable puppies into the mix! The artwork was fantastic and I was engaged in the story throughout the manga. I only wish it could have been a bit longer, because the plot didn't really get too far. While it's 160 pages, about 40 of those were just bonus content and ads at the end. I would definitely continue on to the second volume.

5/5 stars

Thank you to netgalley and Kodansha Comics for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Okay this is ADORABLE, perfectly capturing the love between pets and humans and all the ways their personalities shine through. I love that this is more about the relationship between dog and human than the two humans (though there's definitely feelings there), and the ways that we can connect with the people around us even better through the things we love.

Very cute and lighthearted, with just the right undercurrent of emotional depth to keep it realistic and touching instead of leaning more into hijinks. I hope we get to see Kiyotaka's meeting with Monjuro next!

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This manga was absolutely delightful.
Very sweet and cozy and a must read to all pet lovers.
The story centers around Kiyotaka and his extroverted pomeranian Monjuro and Chiharu and her shy rottweiler Tsubu-chan, in a series of chance encounters they developed a courteous friendship and maybe, just maybe, something more than friendship.
As a first volume it does well its job of presenting the characters and hooking the reader with the promise of more sweet moments of these humans and their dogs and how they navigate this very new acquaintance.

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If I could only use one word to describe "Pupposites Attract" it would be cute. It's the perfect amount of fluff. And yes that pun was intentional. Thank you Netgalley for letting me read this in exchange for an honest review. I look forward to the next volume.

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