Member Reviews

I knew from the cover this story was going to be adorable and gosh darn it so was. Chiharu and Kiyotaka are opposites in that Chiharu is a small woman with an iron will, and Kiyotaka is a big man who is a great big softy. Not only that, but their dogs are also opposites of themselves. It’s real cute to see Chiharu mirrored in Kiyotaka’s tiny, sassy fluff ball Monjuro and Kiyotaka mirrored in Chiharu’s beefy scaredy cat Tsubu-chan.

You can see some feelings starting to develop in this first volume, but I’m pretty sure this is one that you’ll be in for the long haul - I would love to see more romance between the two and I’m super excited to see how this story develops.

If you’re looking for a sweet, silly, well-drawn manga that loves dogs as much as you - this is the manga for you.

*I received an eARC from Kodansha Comics & NetGalley. All opinions are my own*

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This was such a cute book. I loved the art and the story. Mixing dogs with a cute romance is nothing short of a great read. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a cute romance and if you love dogs. I think the characters were cute and I loved watching their relationship form

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SO CUTE!! What a great story, I can't wait to read more. The humans and their pups are just so sweet!

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I am so ecstatic that Kodansha licensed this title. I've seen snippets of the first chapter for months online and was impatiently waiting to get my hands on a digital copy.

This was everything I thought it'd be and more! We have two adults who both have dogs that are the opposite of their physical features and that part is so cute. They meet by chance and the dogs hit it off. The more they meet and interact, the feelings start to simmer and we get inklings that they kind of like one another. Their mannerisms are so cute! The scene where they're both on the bench and his brother is in between them had me cackling. How dare they make him a 3rd wheel. I cannot wait to see what else happens in this series and will recommend it to everyone.

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The two couldn't be more different at forst glance, not only their own appearance but also the dogs and yet they somehow always cross paths and see glimpses of who the other actually is.
This was such a fun and fluffy read. I couldn't stop laughing and wanting to see more of all four.

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This manga was so cute and lighthearted! I loved how of the main characters and the dogs are such opposites of each other but they compliment each other so well. I can't wait to see how their relationship will blossom in the next volumes!

Thank you to Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for the ARC. I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the series!

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ARC provided by NetGalley

Now this was just adorable. Short, sweet, and adorable. Now you have seen the cover, read the titles, chuckled/cringed at the pun (depending on your temperament) and I'm sure you can guess exactly what the story in here is. Just take in those two context clues of the cover in the title, envision the story they belong to and you have it. It is your quintessential dog meet cute opposites attract story that we all love. It is the stuff of hallmark movies and cheap romcoms. And it is done so well in here. These two MCs are adorable. They remind me a little bit of the MCs from The Ice Guy & The Cool Girl which is another romantic story that I have been really enjoying recently. Definitely pick this one up for your daily dose of cuteness.

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This was the first manga I've ever read, and what a cute experience. I picked it up solely because of the dogs, but I enjoyed the story. The two main characters' connection is sweet and wholesome, which is how I prefer romantic storylines. Overall a sweet and quick reading experience.

Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the advance copy. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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This is super cute, about two people in their late twenties but so far seems appropriate for all ages. A very strong petite woman and a careful large man each have dogs that seem opposite of what someone would expect of them. The two form a friendship as they continue to run into each other with their dogs, and we slowly begin to learn more about their lives and how each adopted their pet. It's very sweet, humorous, and the drawings of the pups will definitely make people go "awww" constantly. It isn't a series that necessarily captivates you for needing to know more immediately, but it's an extremely relaxing read that I look forward to continuing whenever I want to put a smile on my face.

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This was super cute! I wish the drawings were a bit less cluttered but that's a very me specific thing.

Both MCs and the dogs are adorable and I love them and can't wait to see where their relationships go! I need chapters of the doggies talking to each other!!

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Ahhhhhhh this was such a cute read! Both leads have such a cute connection to their own pups and are curious about each other who, in some ways, are polar opposites.

We get a bit of insight from the dog’s POV and can see the antics that each pair has together. I absolutely cannot wait to read more, this is such a wholesome read!

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This manga was really cute, but not particularly exciting. It's told in the 'short form" chapters, meaning it's like little bursts of content instead of a cohesive story, which isn't usually my favorite style of manga. I do like the puppies a lot; they're so cute. And I really like that the bigger dog is so like the MMC.

I doubt I will continue reading the series but I do think it will appeal to an audience that just loves cutesy manga and doesn't mind the story being a bit random.

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Received from net galley 5 out of 5 stars!

This was so insanely cute! As a woman with two shih tzu's it was so cute to see a man with a Pomeranian! This was a super quick read of two people who couldn't be more opposite of each other falling for each other. The biggest bonus is the two cutest dogs ever that really make this a five star read for me.

If you are a lover of slow burn romances and of dogs then this would be for you. I can't get over just how cute this was.

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