Member Reviews

Want a sweet, cozy romance between dog lovers with a dash of comedy and a whole lot of wholesomeness? Then Pupposites Attract is for you!
Seriously, Chiharu and Kiyotaka are so adorable you’re sure to get diabetes just from reading this first volume of is sure to be a great story. Personally, I’m more of a cat person, but Tsubu-chan the Rottweiler is really making me think that getting a dog wouldn’t be so bad. He’s way too cute for his own good. Though I gotta say, even though he was only in there for a little bit, Kiyotaka’s little brother is probably my favorite character. Poor kid’s going to be third-wheeling throughout this story.
I can’t really think of anything else to say other than the art style is cute, and while the flow of the first chapter was a little too fast for my taste, it seems the rest of the story moves at a more reasonable pace.
Overall, Pupposites Attract is a fluffy story perfect for romance and dog lovers alike.
NOTE: I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley for review purposes only. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Tsubu is the best!!!

It is about two lovely people with their best furry friends written in short stories like format. Theres also hints of a blossoming romance. Very heart warming; I truly enjoyed it for what it was. Dog lovers should definitely check it out :)

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

I just finished reading “Pupposites Attract,” and I immediately fell in love with the simplicity and charm of this story. As someone who adores dogs, I found myself really connecting with the situations presented, especially the dynamic between the two main characters and their completely opposite dogs.

Hono Natsuna’s art is subtle yet full of expression, perfectly capturing the personalities of the dogs and the emotions of their owners. The humor throughout the story is light and spontaneous, leading to plenty of laughs and “aww” moments. The reading experience is smooth and well-paced, allowing me to get fully immersed in the story without feeling rushed.

What I enjoyed most was how the narrative highlights the everyday joys and challenges of having a dog, along with the growing relationship between the characters. Even though the plot follows a somewhat predictable path, the execution is so charming that it didn’t lessen my enjoyment at all.

That said, I recognize that for those who prefer more complex plots, “Pupposites Attract” might feel a bit too light. But for me, that’s exactly what makes this manga shine: it offers a pleasant, heartwarming story, perfect for unwinding and enjoying.

Overall, I loved “Pupposites Attract” and would recommend it to anyone looking for a light read, especially if you’re a dog lover like me. I’m excited to see how the story unfolds in the next volumes!

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If you want to read something that feels like a warm hug, this is it! Super cute story with two pet owners who are the exact opposites of their pups. I loved the inclusion of their pet's perspective near the end, it added the perfect touch. Not to mention how adorable the artwork was. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for my ebook in exchange for my honest review.

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A really cute, softly and cozy read.

I like the theme because I have pets as the story say and I love them too much, also a lot of dogs from differents dog breeds, so I could understand when someones didn't match the dog has. Some people look rude, big and intimidating but have little pets and dogs super adorable, meanwhile other people cute has big and stronger ones.

The thing is I like the manga because you always judge people from the cover, are not always the same at it seems, you need to know better the person to see the other layers, and after Chiharu and Kiyotaka start interacting with eachother could see more of eachother rather than judge by their own pets, showing their truly personality, the one that only their dogs see, making them opposites that attract to each other.

Both characters are lovable. Chiharu is the atypical girl who looks cute but have a lot of strength inside her to carry a Tsubu food -a 15kg feed bag- like nothing else and even tho she's a teacher from children. Kiyotaka has also big body and strength but can control it, more after know why is so political and where he used it. Both are really incredible, even we know more about Chiharu + Tsubu backstory, they introduce both characters so well. I hope know more about Kiyotaka.

I'm really interesting to follow the story knowing more about them, I love a good shoujo and more with pets.

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Rating: 4.1 leaves out of 5
-Characters: 5/5
-Story: 3/5
-Writing: 5/5
Genre: Contemporary, Romance
-Contemporary: 5/5
-Romance: 2.5/5
Type: Manga
Worth?: Yes

Want to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to read this book.

This manga is a cute and fluffy story. I don't particularly want to continue the story, just wasn't something I usually read, but I did think it was a nice refresher if I was reading my usual.

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I love a manga that makes you feel all the feels. I laughed, cried, awwed and ohhed while reading this. I love the dogs and their point of views were the cosiest ever. The slow burn romance that hopefully leads somewhere is also very nicely described. A must read for dog lovers!

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This was such a cute romance. It starts with a puppy led meet-cute (very 101 Dalmatians), that eventually leads into a hesitant friendship and (maybe?) something more in the future. I loved getting to see the small girl x big dog and big guy x tiny dog dynamics, and the chapters from the point of view of the dogs was adorable. All in all such a fun and quick read, can't wait to continue on with this series.

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Such a cute read. Big man/small dog vs small woman/big dog. The dogs definitely fit the characters and I could not picture them with the opposite sized dogs. Tsubu is a big scary dog who is really just a cuddle bug and Monjuro is a spaz! Looking forward to the rest of this series!

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The 2 main characters are so different and yet so alike. I love their dogs. So cute and sweet. I love how his little dog has him totally wrapped around it's little paw. And the big tough looking dog is such a softie. I can't wait for the next installment. Keep 'em coming.

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Very cute! I really enjoyed the art style and the backgrounds of the characters. I would definitely pick up volume two!

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This comic was so adorable and funny. It was easy to follow and the role reversals at the end were a lovely touch.

I really appreciated the translations of names at the end of the comic as it helped clarify some things and gave me a wider understanding of the story.

Overall, it was a binge-able read which had me smiling from ear to ear. I will definitely be looking to read more from this author/series.

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Rating: 3.75/5 (rounded up)
[Gifted a copy on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review]

Volume 1 of <i>Pupposites Attract</i> starts a sweet and silly story that charmed me. Our two dog owning leads live opposite lives (a shorter woman with a big dog and an athletic man with a tiny dog) but once they start crossing paths, a simple romance begins. Or at least starts to! We’re lighter on characters and plot in this volume then I think I’d like, but it’s a charming walk in the park nonetheless.

A shout out to the translation. I really loved the accessibility of the translation notes throughout the text and a lot of the smaller details, like the dogs’ sound effects being different to register their particular behaviors, were really cool!

This was an easy read and something I would love to circle back to when the next volume comes out!

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A manga featuring a dog and their FURrent? Count me in! Overall, I really enjoyed reading it. I can’t wait to read the next volumes. As a FURrent myself, I can relate to the characters, and I must say, it’s all on point! It’s very relatable since I’m a dog mom like Chiharu.

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This was absolutely everything! This was adorable! The story was perfect and the art was perfect everything was just perfect! I can't wait until the rest of the volumes come out so I can see how this adorable series goes.

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This was a relaxing read with a fun meet-cute premise: While walking the dogs that they love so much, a small woman with a big dog meets a big man with a small dog. Their paths keep crossing as they begin to look forward to running into each other. The two dogs (and their humans!) are super cute and overall it was a fun story. I especially loved the way the manga went into Chiharu's back story and I thought the bonus material at the end was fun. The author achieved the goal of crafting a story that would appeal to dog lovers and romance readers alike!

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I really enjoyed reading this manga. Goes to show that you can't always judge a book by it's cover, especially when it comes to people and the size of their pets! I can't wait to see the relationship blossom between the couple and their doggos, will be anxiously waiting for volume 2!

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This was adorable! I loved the idea that a big man with a tiny dog and a small woman with a huge dog met and just had personalities you wouldn't initially expect. the slow burn here is super cute and I look forward to seeing where this goes from here. I'm not typically a fan of this style of storytelling that's all short chapter segments but I felt like the story flowed well due to this format. Also I just want to say that the art style is so charming in this one. The dogs really did have just a soft and cute quality to them while still looking very accurate to the real life breed so it was rendered really well.

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Cute little graphic love story, about pet owners and their pets and the way we come to balance each other out. I enjoyed the characters and the story and the art, very cute. If you love dogs and are looking for a quick something different…this is it 👍 I don’t want to give too much away in the review, but it’s enjoyable, cute and warm. 3.75 stars, rounded up

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As a dog person, I had the best time of my life while reading this! It's been a long time since I read a manga, but the story is very easy to follow. There isn't really a plot, just vibes and feel-good moments, but that's exactly why I love it.

I don't know how many volumes this is going to have, I'm so excited to see the love story develop but honestly there's no hurry, Chiharu and Kiyotaka are so cute together and their dogs are absolutely adorable. I already said it but this made me feel so good, it's so heart-warming and I for sure will check out the next volumes!

(The extra stories at the end were such an amazing plus, I forgot how much I love when manga authors make extra content, this is really bringing me back!)

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