Member Reviews

I enjoyed reading this manga. It has a cute couple who are trying to figure out their feelings for each other, is it just temporary or is it going to be permanent?! Can't wait to read more volumes of this story!

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10/10 HIGHLY recommend! Oh my goodness the tension was so hawt in this one! I was really drawn into this one with the fear of men and having an androgynous model fake date to get used to men, but the genuine feelings and connection that started to form was so adorable to see. also the immediate sexual chemistry was something else. I am eagerly awaiting volume 2 and I want to purchase a physical copy of this one because I want to reread this again and again!

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This manga was a rapid read.
It's fun but too quick in the story for my taste.
The characters' drawings were perfect and cute.
The history overall was interesting but too fast-paced.


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Хм, това е в известен смисъл необичайно, най-малкото защото през абсолютно цялото време се опитват да се... изядат, да речем. Историята на пръв поглед е насочена към вътрешното, но всъщност главният фокус пада най-вече към физическото привличане, без разбира се да отива отвъд "притеснителните" жанрове. Артът е хубав, историята не стои в застой и все пак ми е много странно какво по-точно ще може да се измисли като продължение. Подобен тип истории изглеждат като доджинши, които не изкарват повече от един том. Също така като цяло е на ръба между шоуджо и джосей, сякаш не може много добре да прецени какво е (най-вероятно повече джосей, но без особено голяма дълбочина).

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This is a quick, cute read. The art style is beautiful! Aran is gorgeous and his gender bending style is amazing. I love how he is helping Nagi become more confident. I cant wait to read more of Nagi and Aran’s relationship!

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Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with the opportunity to read this title before it was published.
So, this title was a bit racy, and this is the first time I've encountered this type of manga. The premise of the story makes sense. The main character is assaulted. This makes her repulsed by men until she meets this highly androgynous male model. He is able to pull her out of it. Nothing truly adult happens in this first volume. I'm sure that will change in future volumes. So far, I kind of like the romance between the main characters; however, it seems to be developing rather quickly. Overall, this has promise. It needs some plot work.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this e-book ARC!
4 stars

The art on this is so prettttty! The art is what first drew me to the manga, so it was nice to see the prettiness carried throughout. I'm sad because I cannot find anywhere to continue this manga online v_v May just have to get the manga as it comes out. I liked the concept of a female MC unable to touch men but the androgenous guy bypassing that. The mature-ness of the manga is a bit above what I'd typically look for, but the art is too pretty and I enjoy the characters enough not to care. Gives more pretties! Also, I like that Aran isn't treated less as a man just because he likes wearing clothing for either gender. All for people just being able to wear what they want to without it having to decide anything about them.

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I thought the premise of this book was really great, but I'm not so sure on the execution. Maybe the first book was a little shaky to me because it was volume number 1 and the story was getting set up? I probably will give this story another chance in volume 2, because I really want to like it!

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I liked the characters individually, but together, I didn't like the way that she said she couldn't touch boys, but with him she wanted to touch him and much more.
There was no development of emotions to get to that point.
However, I like the drawings, I just wasn't expecting the story to develop like that.
I guess is my bad.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Kodansha for the e-book copy!

That Beauty Is a Tramp is about Nagi, who has an aversion to men's touch after an incident in college. Nagi wants to overcome this fear and find a boyfriend. One day she meets Aran, an androgynous model whose touch does not give her a reaction. They ultimately decide to date for one month to let Nagi practice being in a relationship. This was a good read and I'm looking forward to seeing this relationship develop. If the premise intrigues you, definitely check this title out.

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This was such a fun and quick read and as it's the book 1, the characters and the plotline was well written and executed too.
I absolutely love the characters in this book.

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Nagi wants a boyfriend, but has one big problem; her body reflexively rejects the touch of any man! (Honestly very relatable.) That is, until she encounters the beautiful male model Aran, who uses his androgynous look to effortlessly model both masculine and feminine styles.

The world of fashion and model. I can't be the only one who immediately though of one of the best manga series of all time <i>Paradise Kiss<i>? And because of that, you can imagine my surprise when I started reading this book.

I would say this is definitely more of a new adult type of manga but after the initial shock, I actually enjoyed this a lot! This was very quick and fun read. The art style is really beautiful and both of the main characters are fascinating, will definitely be picking up the next volume!

If you enjoyed mangas like <i>ParaKiss<i> which I already mentioned or <i>Nana<i> too or anything similar, I'm sure you will enjoy this one as well!

Thank you NetGalley and Kodansha Comics for the ARC!

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This is definitely a good start to a new series. The art style is stunning, and I love an androgynous male in manga. I'm definitely excited to see where else this story goes.

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Nagi wants a boyfriend badly but fears she'll never get them because of an incident in college that caused her to physically recoil whenever a man touches her, until she finds out her favorite model is actually a man, and for some reason she doesn't react when he touches her. So the two begin a temporary relationship to help Nagi get more used to men.

I wanted to like this. I really did.
The art is really pretty but the story went by much too fast, i felt no chemistry between the two and I just wish they had taken much more time to get to know each other before they began their "temporary relationship"
I really was not into the male love interest and the female kept on saying how it took a lot for her to like a man and it didn't really take that much did it...
Maybe this is just not the genre for me, but I really wasn't feeling it.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Kondasha for providing me an arc for review!

3.5 Oh this was a fun one. I have always been into manga that lean heavily into fashion and romance. And “This Beauty is a Tramp” hit the right notes for me.
The art is so pretty and the fashion was actually interesting to admire.
And the plot was fun: Nagi is a tomboy who doesn’t like to be touched by men and Aran is a stunning gorgeous beautiful androgynous male model. There’s fake dating, jealousy, and my favorite “oh no we have to cohabitate” trope (one of my favorites.)
I’m very much so looking forward to future volumes.

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such a quick and easy read for me of 149 pages
I loved how the artwork looked, the possessiveness and protectiveness of the two characters, I was most definitely giggling.

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<i>"It pisses me off when someone puts down what I adore."</i> - Aran

~Fake Dating
~Average Girl/Famous Boy
~Forced Proximity
~He Falls First And Hard

Nagi, our FMC is a tomboy who hasn't ever dated and punched a guy who tried to confess to her back in college. She is a huge fan on a female model named Aran who unbeknownst to her is actually a male androgynous model. When they meet face to face Aran is just as taken with Nagi as she is him. He asks her to help him with a modeling campaign and she agrees only if he if agrees to be her pretend boy friend. Thus setting up the premise of this story.

I thought the banter between our two leads was very cute. The way Aran is steadily trying to instill Nagi with self confidence is done tastefully. The art was gorgeous. The story was also fast paced and easy to get through. I look forward to the next volume.

Thank you Netgalley for providing with me an E-Arc.

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As always, I'm thankful to Kodansha and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.

I'm very... conflicted about this first volume. Plot-wise, it feels like everything's been put together haphazardly. I don't think a fictional work has to represent real life 100% and I go into a series fully intending to believe what I'm being presented about the world it'll build. However This Beauty is a Tramp expects you to feel something about the story without giving you a substantial ground to take your first steps on. Girl has a complex, the boy is looking for a model, they are on top of each other the next panel. You can make a quick hookup work, unfortunately I didn't think the artist was able to pull it off. I'll give this series the credit for focusing on arousal and desire Nagi's trying to wrap her head around, which is quite rare and something I'd like to see more of. Alan was a cool character as well; his character had certain inconsistencies throughout the volume, but we don't often get a male lead dresses in androgynous clothing or switches btw masculine/feminine outfits.

The art, though! It's beyond gorgeous. I spotted shoe models or socks changing from one panel to the next, but still. Love how silky the hair looks and -as expected from a fashion-focused series- the combinations the artist came up with were all super stylish! All in all, I'd give the 2nd volume a chance to see whether the points I adressed get better or not since my rating is more 2.5 stars than a 3. If you're already a fan of the genre, you might like to give it a chance though!

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I liked the premises of "That Beauty Is A Tramp" but I was also truly impressed by its execution! It's a nice, fluffy romance that will make you kick your feet and give you butterflies in your tummy.
I always love when there's a fashion element in mangas, because I get to see cool and cute outfits and this was the case with "That Beauty Is A Tramp". I especially liked Aran's philosophy of "fashion has no gender" and I think that this manga plays around really nicely with gender expectations and gender roles while still being a "classic" straight romance (it's het without being heteronormative, if you know what I mean).
I'm looking forward to reading the next volume!

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I really enjoyed this manga! I loved the androgyny of Aran and how comfortable he is with himself and also just the confidence he had. Nagi's character was also very relatable in the sense that one incident can make you uncomfortable enough to feel a way for years but I liked that she was willing to attempt to move forward and do so at her own pace, Aran respected her wishes and let her press pause whenever she wanted. The manga was cute, funny, and kept my attention, I would definitely keep reading the series because I liked the chemistry between the characters and would like to see how/when they get together. I'm hoping to see Nagi become more confident and even maybe model and Aran be more vulnerable as the series goes on.

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