Member Reviews

Thanks to Rockport and Netgalley for this copy in exchange for my review.

I picked this up on a whim because I've started to get back into drawing and was extremely surprised. A part of me thought it was going to just be a boring regurgitation of perspective and shading as quite a few drawing how-to books i've read, but I was extremely surprised. This book does cover perspective, but also emphasizes drawing from observation, using that as a basis of imagination and more. I really enjoyed this and have used a few tips to help keep that 'blank page intimidation' at bay.

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This is a great book for both beginner and more advanced artists. I especially loved the section about how to keep a sketchbook. The author gives plenty of advice on a wide variety of subjects, which is really helpful. An art book I highly recommend.

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I follow Sorie on Instagram and I love her structured way of sketching. That's why I was really excited when I got access to this book through Netgalley. Thank you!

Drawing Basics and Beyond by Sorie Kim is an excellent guide for beginners looking to learn drawing from the ground up, as well as for more advanced artists aiming to refine their skills. The wide range of topics makes the book a comprehensive resource. It's accessible without sacrificing depth, making it suitable for both hobbyists and those looking to improve their technique on a professional level.

Overall, Drawing Basics and Beyond is a valuable resource for anyone looking to build a solid foundation in drawing and enhance their artistic abilities.

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Drawing Basics and Beyond is a good resource to level up ones sketching skills. This is more advanced than a beginners guide, yet helpful in the samples provided and encouragement from the author.

Thank you NetGalley and Rockport Publishers for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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In Drawing Basics and Beyond führt Sorie Kim Künstler aller Niveaus durch die Grundlagen des Zeichnens und darüber hinaus. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Zeichnen aus direkter Beobachtung, das als Schlüssel zur Entwicklung kreativer Fähigkeiten und der Vorstellungskraft betont wird. Kim teilt praktische Techniken, die das Beobachten und Skizzieren in verschiedenen Umgebungen, wie Städten, Parks oder Museen, vereinfachen. Sie beschreibt, wie man Skizzenbücher in der eigenen Praxis nutzt und bietet innovative Tipps, wie man durch Abstraktion und Experimentieren mit verschiedenen Medien Originalkunstwerke schaffen kann. Besonders interessant sind Kims Einblicke in ihre eigenen Skizzenbücher, die sie als Inspiration für angehende Künstler offenlegt.

Sorie Kims Ansatz ist sowohl lehrreich als auch inspirierend. Das Buch kombiniert technische Anleitungen mit kreativen Impulsen und macht das Zeichnen aus der Beobachtung heraus zu einem spannenden Prozess. Besonders gelungen ist die Art, wie sie das Zeichnen als Methode zum freien Ausdruck darstellt. Ihre Tipps zum Einsatz verschiedener Skizzenbücher und die Ermutigung, auch „hässliche“ Skizzen zu akzeptieren, nehmen den Druck von Perfektion und fördern die Freude am kreativen Prozess. Ein weiterer Höhepunkt sind ihre detaillierten Erklärungen, wie man das Gesehene in imaginative Kunst umwandelt – eine wertvolle Ergänzung für alle, die über das bloße Abbilden hinausgehen wollen.

Drawing Basics and Beyond ist ein hervorragender Leitfaden für Künstler, die ihre Beobachtungsfähigkeiten verbessern und mehr Kreativität in ihre Skizzen einbringen möchten. Sorie Kim verbindet technische Anleitungen mit kreativen Inspirationen und schafft so ein inspirierendes und praktisches Buch, das Anfänger genauso anspricht wie fortgeschrittene Zeichner.

Bewertung: ★★★★★ (5/5)

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*Drawing Basics and Beyond* introduces formal drawing techniques and theory to those who want to learn to draw. It’s very much in the artist’s style, and so will be most useful for those who want to imitate it. It’s also really very packed with method; and so, depending on your perspective as a beginner, you’ll find you’ve got far more than you bargained for, or real value for money.

Thank you to Rockport Publishing and to NetGalley for early access.

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A useful and accessible guide. As a reader who is working to improve their art, this book will be a wonderful gift.

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A great guide to sketching. Kim's book covers the most essential basics in a way, that is more approachable than what most may have learned in school. I love the way she encourages the reader not to give up if you don't instantly reach the level you aimed for. That rules and perfection / perfectionism isn't the end all, be all.

Kim gives beginner artists what they need most: great examples and explanations, as well as a ton of encouragement to keep on going and trying.

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Ein gutes Buch um sich einen Überblick zu verschaffen, aber ich bin mir nicht sicher ob es etwas ist für Einsteiger ins Zeichnen. Die Erklärungen gut, aber doch fehlt mir persönlcih der rote Faden an dem Ganzen.

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Providing tips on looking at objects, animals and people in new ways. Rendering their forms into basics shapes, then using those basic shapes to round out the details into a beautiful form. Art is in how you really see something and can transfer it to the page. Tips and tricks on using perspective to give a real sense of space and movement to your work. So much is packed into these pages.

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I really liked the focus on form and volume, with cool and imaginative examples. If you were really just starting, though, I think you'd need more of a beginner's guide than this. It's a great guide to "level up" to intermediate, in my opinion. My favorite part was getting to see Kim's sketchbook pages!

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I loved everything about this! I plan to purchase a hard copy when it releases :) This is very comprehensive yet still easily digestible and enjoyable to read.

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Amazing, goes into detail without getting bogged down. I love how its not just a step by step tutorial like some drawing books are, rather it teaches concepts and techniques to make your own work better. Has helped my form so much

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I love drawing books. As someone who has always loved to doodle and sketch when bored, this book seemed right up my alley to help improve some basic skills. Unfortunately, I was wrong. Calling this book “basics” is a stretch. I was overwhelmed almost instantly. It’s one of those how to draw books where it goes from basic to complex within one step. I felt not good enough after reading honestly. Like if I can’t even grasp the basics in this book should I even sketch? I hope others truly love this resource and him it helpful but it was just not the one for me.

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Absolutely lovely book by Sorie Kim, with a beautiful and intricate art style that was very inspiring :D
I was expecting more of a detailed step-by-step to understand the artist's process as a beginner, but it's a fantastic book nevertheless, and I can certainly recommend it to anyone who wants to get excited about making art and move further along their sketching journey!

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Sorie Kim is one of my all time favorite artistic instructors. I have taken multiple courses of her’s and they have definitely been a turning point and aha moment each time I revisit them. She just understands the basics more than any other instructor I’ve ever learned from. Her work is plain phenomenal.

When I saw that she was releasing a guidebook, I had to jump on it and I am pleased with the inside guts of this book.

In her courses, she goes through all of the steps within this book, and even more in depth. But through these pages, you can really get an introduction into her courses and enhance your skills, beginners and expert artists alike. The way that Sorie teaches shines even here.

My favorite part of all is the beautiful sketchbook work she has throughout. She uses simple, accessible supplies and reinforces the idea that in order to get better is through breaking it down to simple processes and repetition. It’s just so good.

I cannot wait to gift this book to any and every aspiring artist I know. It’s fantastic!

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This was a great little book! As someone who has always been intimidated by the technical 'rules' of drawing (thanks, school system), I found Kim's approach refreshing. She presents some common formats and gives basic tutorials for each but encourages readers to experiment and not get too bogged down in following rules and perfectionism. I enjoyed Kim's accessible, gentle style and the peek inside some of her own sketchbooks was a neat touch!

Could I replicate some of these drawings? Ha! Not even close. But, it deepened my understanding of the drawing process and made me feel like art and drawing is something that I too could try, enjoy, and experiment with!

Thank you, Rockport Publishers for making this available on NetGalley!

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Thanks to the publisher, Sorie Kim, and Netgalley for this eARC. Very good introduction to one method of drawing based on shapes. It's not the only method but one of the easiest to learn. The section about shadows is very thin and the examples are incomplete (the parts under the bridge or leaves are darker but there's no shadow from the sun in any direction for any other parts like the walls and trees). The book could benefit with an extension about adding highlights and shadows in a drawing to add a more natural form to an object. Adding shape lines of the basic forms to show volume isn't visible in real life. Overall, a great reference.

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I fell in love with Sorie Kim’s style and approach to drawing after taking her Domestika class.

This is a really beautifully laid out book which covers the basics without being just another rinse and repeat on form and value.

The great thing about Kim’s approach to drawing is that she infusing subjects which drive her passion and make you want to explore and observe the natural world.

I also love how the book covers her concept of observation to imagination and being able to confidently slide the scale as you grow more familiar with a form. This is where the magic in drawing happens beyond simply drawing what you see.

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I really liked this book, but I don't think it's for beginners. It goes over how to draw some basic shapes like a sphere, box or cone, and then describes how to use those shapes to sketch more complex subjects, but it gives only a few examples, which I don't think is enough for a beginner like me.

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