Member Reviews

Sarah's book presents a narrative that heavily emphasizes a radical left perspective, making it difficult to enjoy for readers of varying viewpoints. The characters are portrayed as exceedingly annoying, with the dialogue feeling more like an incessant lecture than a narrative flow. From the opening chapter, the focus is overwhelmingly on topics like feminism, veganism, sexism, immigration, and sex, but the discussion is executed in a relentless and repetitious manner. It feels as though the author is intent on hammering these ideas into the reader, rather than allowing the story to unfold naturally. This approach detracts from the reading experience, making it less enjoyable and more of a chore to get through.

Furthermore, the characters' extreme reactions to political disagreements, such as ending friendships over differing opinions, come off as immature and lacking in perspective. This portrayal suggests an unrealistic level of intolerance and fails to acknowledge the complexity of human relationships. It would have been more impactful to explore these themes with nuance and depth, showing that people are multifaceted beyond their political views. A more balanced approach could have made the book more accessible and engaging, allowing readers to reflect on the issues presented without feeling overwhelmed or alienated.

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Struggled a bit to get into it. I wasn’t in the right frame of mind for this book. Will
Give it another go soon. Grief is very raw depending on you! Thanks netgalley

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A lovely but sad story to get lost in. Grief is different for everyone, and I enjoy reading about people that have handled it and navigated after only being with someone for a short amount of time instead of years and years of marriage. I think Gate gives a voice to this genre. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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