Member Reviews

All My Fault
by Emma Robinson
Pub Date: Sep 09 2024

This is my first book by author Emma Robinson and I'm looking forward to reading many more! I absolutely loved it! Talk about emotional, it brought me to tears to the point I had to put the book down.

Great writing style with lovable characters. A heartbreaking story at times that was a little dark but definitely a must read!

Synopsis: There’s a knock at the door. It’s every mother’s worst the police are here. They tell me my beautiful daughter Charlotte has been hurt. They’ll take me to the hospital, there’s no time to lose… and I know this must be all my fault.

Many thanks to #AllMyFault #NetGalley and #Bookouture for providing me with an E-ARC of this fantastic book!

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Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the ARC (Advance Reader Copy) of All My Fault by Emma Robinson. What an emotional read. Have your tissues ready for this one. Beautifully written story that makes you feel right alongside the characters. It was hard to put down and carry on with life. I really enjoyed it and would recommend it to others. Be ready for the emotional ride. A 5 star rating from me.

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First, I want to thank Emma Robinson, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing this book so I may bring you this review.

Ohhh how I have been craving an Emma Robinson book!! Her books always give me the feels, touch my heart in so many ways, and make me tear up! In All My Fault she goes a little dark and adds a little mystery which is refreshing from some of her past stories. If you are a die hard fan of Emma’s like I am you will need to go pick this one up.

All My Fault focuses on a truly heartbreaking unthinkable tragedy where Charlotte was injured in an accident. My heart broke in two for her poor mother who had to piece everything together of what really happened to her daughter. Oh there were so many wickedly shocking twists and turns that I was even stunned by some of them.

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What a lovely book all about relationships between mother and daughter and how things can be misconstrued but the depth of love and the bond between Charlotte and her mother. I loved the fact that every page kept you wanting to know more - it was not predictable at and although quite heart wrenching it also contained moments of joy and reflection. Really enjoyed this book.

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Emma Robinson has written a hypnotic family drama with All My Fault.
The complexity of two families with young adult children who love each other and the mothers who interfere.
All My Fault is written with all the feelings of love between Charlotte and Freddie. The struggles they endure and the ending you will cry at.
So be sure to have the tissues.
I enjoyed this book tremendously. It pulled on every one of my heartstrings.

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When a mother suddenly loses her daughter, it causes unbelievable pain. When secrets come out and decisions must be made, the pain deepens. And then there’s the mystery of who caused the death. What will be revealed? This was a sad, but ultimately healing, story.

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I read my first @emmarobinsonuk book last year and have now read all of her books, now including her latest #allmyfault
A knock on the door will change the course of Joanna’s life forever. When the police inform Joanna the her daughter Charlotte has been attacked and is in critical condition, she knows who is to blame. She has never trusted her daughter’s boyfriend Freddie, she blames him for driving mother and daughter apart and now this.
In typical Emma Robinson fashion this book slowly sinks deeper into the story giving us a bigger picture as it goes and making it harder to put down. I so completely enjoyed this story and can’t wait for the rest of the world to get to pick up on September 9, 2024.
Thank you to @bookouture and @netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy for review.
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Sobbed my heart out the whole way through! Was what was needed! Such a great book that I couldn’t put down!

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I have absolutely loved every book I’ve read by this author and this is no exception. I loved it and didn’t want it to end!

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I knew straightway from reading the synopsis that this book was going to be an emotional read, but wow, I was still not quite prepared for the emotional trip this book would take me on.

Joanna and her daughter Charlotte had had a fight the week before about Charlotte’s boyfriend and things had clearly been strained between the two since. Joanna is just pottering about the house when she receives a knock at the door from two police officers there to deliver the kind of news that any parent dreads and fears more than anything else. Charlotte had been seriously injured and taken to hospital with life threatening injuries.
The first few chapters were so well written I felt like I was at the hospital with Joanna, feeling her pain, fear, worry and panic, as if I was experiencing it. I was gripped, and this was only the beginning of the book.

As well as chapters told from Joanna’s point of view, there are also chapters told from Freddie, the boyfriends, point of view. What I found really interesting about telling the story from two different perspectives like this, was the way Joanna speaks about Freddie in such a derogatory way, you can’t help but dislike him. Then when you read the chapters told from Freddie’s point of view in the past, and how he came to meet Charlotte, the way he speaks about her is actually very sweet. It really got me second guessing my opinion on Joanna and whether she was in fact a reliable narrator after all.

This book has a strong theme running through it of the complexities of a mother daughter relationship. This kind of storyline definitely hits in a different way for me now then it would have done had I read it before becoming a mother myself. It also got me reflecting back on my own relationship with my mother, and how that’s changed over the years.

Although there are lots of heartbreaking moments in this book, there are also lots of heart-warming moments. You can tell from the writing that the author put a lot of thought and emotion into this story and getting it down on the page, and I can imagine it would have been a tricky job of dealing with such emotional issues whilst trying to strike the right tone, something which the author does superbly in this book.
This book really delves into the intricacies of relationships between family and friends, and whilst that is the main theme of this book, there is also an undercurrent of suspense as to what actually happened to Charlotte. I think this book has a bit of something for everyone regardless of what the readers ‘go to’ genre is.

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My thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read ‘All My Fault’ written by Emma Robinson in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.

The police knock on Joanna Woodley’s door informing her that her daughter Charlotte is in hospital following an altercation in the flat she shares with her boyfriend Freddie Knight-Crossley. She blames Freddie and is determined not to let him see Charlotte. She’s distressed to hear that Charlotte won’t survive her injuries, and shocked that she’s twenty-four weeks pregnant. The police have taken Freddie in for questioning and Joanna’s determined to keep the baby safe from him.

‘All My Fault’ is an emotional family drama of a mother who loses her much-loved daughter who she believes she was over-protective with but is determined to care for her baby and give her the love her daughter won’t be there to give her. This has been a touching story that’s grabbed at my heartstrings and hasn’t let go, reducing me to tears on several occasions. The characters are beautifully described showing the depth of love and true friendship, and I’ve sympathised with Joanna as she endures the loss of her only daughter so soon after losing her husband. This is such a moving story written by a wonderfully talented author that ends with an epilogue and a perfect conclusion.

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The blurb reads ultimate tear jerking

Well that's definitely true. What a read. A definite page turner that I couldn't put down. Was totally engrossed

Thanks for the opportunity to review

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Oh my days. All My Fault hit me in the heart and had me crying on at least three separate occasions. Told from Joanna's POV in the present and Freddie's POV in the past, All My Fault is a story of love and loss and was such a compelling read that it kept me gripped to a story that had my heart breaking for them both.

I love that Joanna has her faults as a mother and All My Fault doesn't shy away from the fact that most of the distance between Joanna and Charlotte's distance at the time of a incident, is due to her controlling and borderline narcissistic behaviour. There is so much Jo did to push her away that you just wanted to reach through the pages and tell her to stop.

Packed full of suspicion, suspense and the positive power of friendships, as a mother, All My Fault resonated with me so much. The level of emotion that Robinson managed to put within in - both rational and irrational - had me on a tear flowing emotional rollercoaster.

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omg. get the Tissues ready when you read this book by Emma Robinson.
it's a really emotional ride but definitely recomended for 2024

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Another fabulous read from
This absolutely brilliant author. Yet again this author has taken me on an emotional rollercoaster lots of tissues were required in this heartbreaking yet heartwarming and emotional read and also had some twists and turns along
The way which added to the story and was a slightly different way of writing to some
Of the authors previous books.

I read this in practically one sitting as once I have picked up a book by this author I know that I won’t get anything else done. This book left me with a book hangover and will continue to think about it for a while to come.

Can’t wait to read what they write next.

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It’s been a while since I read a book by THE Emma Robinson and reading this new book her hers reminded me why I love her books so much!
Emma Robinson puts so much heart and soul into her stories that you are instantly captivated and find yourself bonding so much with the characters that you just don’t want to leave them behind.
This book felt a bit different to me with the storyline as there was suspense, suspicion and a few shocks along the way…. And as always with this authors books, plenty of tears.
This has been another fabulous book from Emma Robinson that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed

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"All My Fault" is a book about a mother who tries to control her daughters life, without really realising, to then realise that there was no need to do so. It is a heart wrenching emotional book that is so well written that is really portrays the emotions and it connected deeply with me. There wasn't one chapter in that book that I thought was boring or a "filler", it was action packed all the time!

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Name of Book: All My Fault
Author: Emma Robinson
Genre: Women’s Fiction Family Drama
Publisher: Bookouture
Pub Date: September 9, 2024
My Rating: 4.6 Rounded up
Pages: 302

Joanna Woodley is turning fifty but doesn’t feel like celebrating. She lost her husband Steve a little over a year ago plus isn’t on the best of terms with their only child Charlotte who is twenty-two.
Charlotte has moved in with Freddie Knight-Crossley, a guy she has been seeing for three years. But Joanna believes this relationship is a mistake. Charlotte is a beautiful sweet good girl but often drawn to someone opposite -- similar to a moth to a flame.
However, Joanne is still expecting her daughter to stop by on her birthday. She is surprised to find two police officers at her door. They tell her Charlotte is at the hospital with life threatening injuries. She has been in an altercation and hit her head.
Charlotte's boyfriend Freddie is helping Police; however, Joanna is sure Freddie had something to do with what happened.
When Joanna arrives at the hospital she it told Charlotte is in a coma. Joanna wants to stay by her side even through the doctor as no idea when the swelling will go down and she will come out of the coma. Joanna sits by Charlotte’s bedside and asks in a whisper. . .”Is this all my fault?”

Wow! ~ This exceeded my expected.
I have read other Emma Robinson stories and enjoyed them so I was sure this would be good ~ I just didn’t expect it to be SOOOO Good!!
I went into this thinking it was going to be a nice practicable story. WRONG!

Emma Robinson’s early novels are humorous; however her recent work focuses on
power of family and friendship in the most challenging circumstances.
One reader describes her writing as - "one who can always be relied upon to pack an emotional punch".
Want to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for this early eGalley.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for September 9. 2024.

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Emma’s novels always need tissues to hand, and this one was no exception! As am other I really resonated with the situation and really wanted to know more. Superb writing as always.

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A beautifully written story that will resonate with many mothers. Don't we all want what's best for our children, convinced that we know better than them? When Joanne's daughter Charlotte is attacked barely a year after her husband died, it's too much too bear. Joanne is sure Charlotte's unsuitable boyfriend, Freddie, is to blame. Then she discovers that Charlotte is pregnant. Grief stricken, Joanne is determined to get justice for her daughter and custody of her grandchild, but so is Freddie's mother, Emma portrays the characters so realistically and skilfully weaves an emotional tale of hearbreak, secrets and love with a few red herrings along the way.

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