Member Reviews

A fantastic slow burn, as the title implies, simmering as deliciously as a pot filled with the most fragrant ingredients. A book that made me hungry on every page, eager to jump into the kitchen. Chamberlain deals with difficult topics, addiction, grief, self-worth, with delicate hands. Ellie and Keiran spend the book circling each other, the pot stirred until they overflow.
A heartwarming love letter to cooking, and to the love food can bring a family.

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As soon as I read the premises for this book months and months ago, I know I wanted to read it. So when the chance came to request it, you’ve never seen me move so fast and I’m so glad I did.

This is such a sweet and sensitive read. I adored both Kieran and Ellie. They complemented each other so well and to see their love story progress through out the book fed my very soul. To see such love and patience and acceptance between the two was a privilege to read.

I wanted to speed through this and savour it at the same time but the story won and I sped through it. The author of this novel has gone straight on my auto buy list.

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"Maybe I was on the right track with wanting to feed her instead of write her."

3.5 Stars rounded!

This story had a really enjoyable romance with two fun main romantic leads. I enjoyed that the romance and the chemistry between them is truly a slow building tension with lots of scenes adding to the mounting pile of 'just kiss!'. The two main characters definitely start off in competing corners to each other so it was fun to see them come closer and closer.

Away from the romance, it was nice to see the character development throughout the story from both of the main leads (and also some side characters). I liked that these character development is not just a sudden quick change but you see the characters working towards and communicating how they are working towards the changes and seeing their behaviours in scenes also develop.

The only thing I would have love to have had is a nice flow and pace throughout the story. I found it a little slow in the beginning and slowing once again as the story came to the end. The main portion of the story flowed well and it was easy, as a reader, to get sucked in but I would have loved this grabbing pace to have been present throughout.

Thank you to Little, Brown Book Group UK for giving me this eARC, I am voluntarily leaving a review.

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If this book was a recipe, it would be something you'd make for someone special, where the ingredients need time and care to bring out the depth of flavour so that the whole thing both sings on your tastebuds and is a hug on a plate. The title says it all: this isn't an instalove story, it's complex and takes time to unravel, and that's the pleasure of it. I really enjoyed the exploration of grief - the impact Ellie's husband's death has had on her and those around her - and the work that both Keiran and Ellie had to put in to escape from the boxes they'd had imposed on them (and those of their own making).

It says something that when two characters initially meet, you wonder just how they can possibly end up together - even if that's the obvious end game in a romance! They really do start off as polar opposites, but as they get to know one another, and help each other to heal from some of the trauma they're carrying, both Ellie and Keiran find something of an equilibrium in that sweet spot between their respective excesses, and it's there that they can both thrive and be their best selves. Like all the best recipes, it's about the whole being greater than the sum of its parts (or ingredients, as it were).

As someone who is mildly obsessed with cooking shows and has a shelf full of cookbooks, I also enjoyed the foodie theme of the book - it didn't feel gimmicky or get in the way of the personal stuff, and it wasn't something I hadn't seen before.

All in all, The Slowest Burn is complex and funny and heartfelt and worth savouring. I look forward to more from this author.

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I am a huggeee fan of slow burn so tbh, the title of this book was the first thing that drew me in. Thankfully, the actual slow burn romance didn't dissapoint either so this was something I was really happy about as many times a book has been quoted as 'slow burn' and it really isn't!

Enemies to lovers, work romance, open door policy, all big tick boxes for me.

For a debut novel, I was really impressed. There were parts I thought could have been stronger, but again, this is a debut novel and I'm sure Sarah's writing will only get better and better! She got my vote for a true slow burn romance for sure!
And the cover is so cute! 😍

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Very unique exploration on love after loss. Really enjoyed the character growth of the FMC and how she grows into her dreams. Didn't love the resolution though as I felt that none of her family actually apologised for belittling her and then we just skip to the epilogue. For a debut book, this was really good though.

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I’m not huge on romance books, mostly because I always feel that the couple always gets together far too quickly and then I’m left bored. I picked this up because of the title ‘the slowest burn’. It does what it says on the tin! You’re left yearning for more and with the slowest of slow burns i absolutely loved it. An enemies to lovers that actually takes time to grow into something more and that’s what I like to read. Also the cover is so pretty!!

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I adored this book from the very start to finish! As told in a dual pov of both the mmc and fmc, you really get to know them both intimately and I can safely say that these characters felt so raw and real. The friendships and relationships that these characters have are so authentically portrayed and conversations feel so natural.
Ellie is a ghostwriter for famous chefs, always prioritising others' needs before her own and struggling with her own challenges. There are themes of grief, guilt, troubled family dynamics and huge selflessness that I am sure that a lot of readers will connect with. Kieran is a neurodivergent chef, working with Ellie to have his own book published. He has a lot of shame, difficult familial relationships and a lack of self worth. Ellie and Kieran have to learn to work together to produce a cookbook that will aid both of their careers, while navigating their polar opposite ways of living.
When this book poses itself as a slow burn, it means it. The tension and understanding that builds between these characters as they heal alongside each other is remarkable and I didn't want this book to end! There is open-door spice, however it is done tastefully, naturally and in my opinion realistically.
Overall, this book shows how being different to each other still allows for understanding, healthy change, recognising one's own faults and fears and a capacity for a beautiful love. I felt all of the feelings for Kieran and Ellie and loved this book so much!
For fans of Emily Henry, Christina Lauren and Beth O'Leary, I am sure that this debut by Sarah Chamberlain will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy.
A huge thankyou to NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK for the eARC and allowing me to provide an honest review of 'The Slowest Burn'.

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4.25 ⭐️

I ate this book up. Was this the best book ever written- no not even close. But this author knows what an entertaining story is. And if it can entertain me I can look past the terrible writing and cringey jokes.

The slowest burn is the perfect rom- com, it follows Ellie and Kieran as they write a cookbook together.

Both characters misunderstood each other at the beginning, but when Kieran agent, books them to go and work together in a cabin for a week, they start to understand each a little more!

Kieran adhd and Ellie’s people pleasing was represented as a hurdle rather than something that defined them, which I really appreciate as the characters were easy to relate to.

Overall the writing could do with some improvement, but the story was amazing I loved it. Thank you NetGalley for spending me arc in an exchange for a honest review!

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I really liked both of the main characters. I’ve been stuck in a book rut and this definitely dragged me out of it. It certainly lived up to the title. I hope the author is already working on another book as I really liked her style and pace of writing.

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First of all thank you for the E-arc it is always appreciated! I really enjoyed this book, the fmc was the definition of a people please and I really loved that she put herself first by the end of the book! The face that Ellie was a ghostwriter for cookery books was cool to me as I’m the kind of person who always flicks though cook/baking books to read the description 🙈 I would have liked it even more if there was a recipe or 2 in here! Kieran was the complete opposite of Ellie but they really complimented each other and I thought they had good chemistry. As you can tell I really enjoyed this book and I’m looking forward to reading more ☺️

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