Member Reviews

You can’t go wrong with a Karen Swan book. As normal this had an excellent story line within. The story was very well written and the plot well thought out. Characters were interesting and entertaining. The perfect read for cosy Christmas nights by the fire, this festive season. Recommend

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I loved this romantic Christmas tale from Karen Swan. Her writing is consistently good and her storylines are always different and intriguing, and this one was no exception. Set in Copenhagen, it is the perfect setting for a festive story, I enjoyed the cultural information about Christmas traditions there including the Christmas St Lucia celebrations on a Danish canal. Karen Swan evokes the places her books are set.

Darcy Cotterell is an English art researcher finishing her PhD in Copenhagen. When she is asked to research the background of a recently found portrait and uncover the identity of the subject, she unfolds an intriguing story of cover-ups and family secrets. Max Lorensen, is her blind date and also turns out to be part of the family connected to the portrait. their chemistry is undeniable but the painting causes them conflict.

Well written, this intriguing story is a must-read this Christmas, or any other time of year really. I would highly recommend it.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book especially the story around the art world. I loved the interaction between Freja and Darcy friends who supported each other through good and not so good times. The romance between Darcy and Max made for a great suspense.

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Karen Swan has done it again. This is a great seasonal read. I really enjoyed the new setting in Copenhagen and the mystery element added an extra dimension that I particularly enjoyed. The romantic journey is pretty much what readers would expect, but it is always a joy to see how Swan will develop that thread and this time there were some unexpected twists and turns along the way.

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I am a great fan of Karen Swan and this book did not disappoint. Loved it from start to finish. Super cosy read with a high feel good factor.

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Darcy Cotterell’s heart is as cold as Copenhagen’s winter when she discovers her boyfriend’s infidelity. With her PhD studies keeping her busy and Christmas around the corner, she’s determined to avoid romantic distractions, despite her friends’ matchmaking efforts. But when a portrait by Denmark’s greatest painter is uncovered, Darcy is tasked with unravelling the mystery of the woman behind the artwork. As she delves into the art world’s elite, she finds herself working closely with Max Lorensen. Amidst the burgeoning chemistry and professional boundaries, Darcy’s new discovery could drive a wedge between them, threatening their potential romance.

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A classic Karen Swan novel with intrigue, romance and plot twists. I loved the setting of Copenhagen and although it’s set during Christmas, it isn’t a Christmassy book so can easily be read all year round. I really enjoyed it and would happily recommend it.

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Darcy is in Denmark studying for a PHD. Her interest is hidden or forgotten female painters. When she is asked to help identify an unknown woman in a painting that has been hidden she it's excited and intrigued.
After a failed romance Darcy's friend urges her to join a dating app online where she meets 3 different men.
One of the men Max is involved in the mystery painting too. What will Darcy do when she finally discovers that the truth about the woman in the painting will upset any relationship she might have with Max?
Will she hide it or stay true to herself and tell everone the truth?
I loved this book, it was so interesting as Darcy did research about the painting and also wondering who she would date next.
A story that kept me turning pages and did not disappoint.

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couldn’t put this book down as I was so engrossed in the story of both Max and Darcy and also the important research Darcy was undertaking.
The setting was magical and very festive and I felt like I was there with Darcy.
The characters were excellent and Darcy was a brilliant strong female while Max was the handsome. aloof male character with the hidden insecurities.
I liked the fact the book wasn’t just a big standard romance but had another great storyline running alongside this.
Thanks to NetGalley, Karen Swan and Pan MacMillan for an advance copy in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.

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Karen Swan's Christmas romances are a well established part of the season. Less fluffy than many of their kind, they are still ultimately feel-good. All I Want for Christmas is set in wonderful (wonderful) Copenhagen and features PhD student Darcy and corporate lawyer Max. They're opposites in many ways but share un undeniable attraction. Darcy's research, though, brings them into conflict and Max's life-choices keep them apart. Until they don't of course.

I enjoyed the book very much. The supporting cast have definite characters and personalities and are mot just decoration. They actually move the plot along. Copenhagen en fete comes off the page and sparkles. Where I do have problems is the resolution. I feel that Darcy's moral and artistic position shifts too easily and I don't think that resolution is realistic. And Max seems to undergo a personality transplant. For the ending to work I think it needed to be more gradual. But read this and enjoy it.

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I started this book and initially thought it wasn’t going to be for me, too young, too slushy…oh boy was I wrong and I should have known better as Karen Swan novels are always an excellent read.

This developed into a real mystery/detective search for the truth behind a hidden painting…some love interests, some unpleasant characters and some unexpected twists and turns. A happy ending including a rescue dog, a dual timeline and some laughs - just wonderful!!

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A perfect Karen Swan book. You have a great setting in Denmark, a mystery in the art world, an intense love story and you escape . Read in one setting. Absolutely loved it. Karen Swan at her best .

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If you’re in the mood for a festive read that’s equal parts romance and intrigue, this one’s a must-add to your list. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

The story follows Darcy, a PhD student on a year-long secondment at the Danish National Gallery. Her research takes an unexpected turn when she's assigned to investigate a mysterious painting found attached to the back of a masterpiece by a revered artist. Meanwhile, Darcy’s flatmate Freja, concerned about Darcy spending Christmas alone, signs her up for an exclusive dating app. Despite being behind on her thesis and still reeling from a brief, disappointing relationship, Darcy decides to swipe right on three profiles. One of these profiles belongs to Max, who turns out to be the trustee of the foundation where Darcy will be conducting her research.

The chemistry between Darcy and Max is undeniable from the get-go which creates tension as they struggle to keep their relationship professional. As Darcy uncovers more about the painting, they find themselves at odds, raising doubts about whether any kind of relationship is possible between them.

Darcy is a compelling character strong, independent, and easy to root for. And Max? He’s that classic combo of handsome, wealthy and arrogant but there’s also a tenderness to him that makes his character growth all the more satisfying.

The Danish setting adds a magical backdrop to the story, and the pacing is spot-on, with each chapter leaving you eager to turn the page.

Thank you to Netgalley and Pan MacMillan for the ARC

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Set in Copenhagen, Darcy is working to try and discover the identity of a woman’s face painted over by a famous artist. Having just come out of a failed relationship, her friend Freja has signed her up to a dating site, and Darcy becomes attracted to Max deciding, to contact him. However, when they discover they will be working together they decide to keep their professional and private lives separate, but sizzling chemistry between them insists on breaking through.

The setting is beautifully described, atmospheric historic buildings filled with valuable artwork, vibrant city and canals come alive at the stroke of a pen. Darcy and Freja are the best of friends and their relaxed, easygoing relationship is full of humour. All the characters are well drawn, though Max comes across as arrogant with his rich, entitled background.
All characters develop and grow throughout this compelling story, and not all they seem.

With Darcy working hard to discover the woman in the painting, and unavoidably coming into contact with Max, trying to play down their undoubted attraction this complex intriguing story steadily unfolds. I became engrossed in both setting and characters in one of my favourite novels by Karen Swan.

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Another lovely, cosy, Christmas read by Karen, You are in for a treat with this one, and I liked the mystery element to it. It's not just another cookie cutter Christmas novel. Really loved it, even reading it in summer!

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This was a really good book that I thoroughly enjoyed & will recommend to others.
Thanks for the opportunity to read & review it

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While working on her PhD in Denmark Darcy is asked to research a painting found hidden on the reverse of a well known painting. During the research Darcy becomes emotionally and professionally involved with the history of a well known family . The painting is a portrait in oils of a woman done in the 1920s but who she is and who painted her is unknown. This becomes a legal fight not only for ownership of the portrait but also to uncover what happened to the woman.
This book not only brings the characters to life but draws you into their livers keeping you reading right through to the end. A really enjoyable read which is not only a romantic novel but a historical mystery as well.

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This was another book of the author which I could not stop reading. A very enjoyable theme, set in Denmark, with the heroine trying to work out the story behind a hidden painting which has just been discovered. So good.

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Thank you very much Pan Macmillan and NetGalley for the advanced copy for review!

There's something very comforting with knowing Karen Swan comes out with 2 books each year. Having read The Lost Lover (Wild Isle #3) not too long ago, I was excited to see her next Christmas/Winter novel would be releasing in October.

While it seems odd to read about the festive season while it's summer - as usual Karen Swan's novels are very atmospheric and evocative of the holiday spirit. We're treated to a setting in Denmark, featuring a Christmas market, a fun city tradition, as well as the glamour and high stakes of the fine arts scene. Darcy is a very enjoyable female lead - I liked how she mostly knew her own mind, was forthright in her opinions, and also came from a slightly less established career background (being a student still) than some of our previous heroines.

Max, our male lead, is described as very handsome, very rich, and also very arrogant. He's actually quite insufferable on paper. He's possessive, and has his own personal hang ups, which influence how he forms relationships with women and those around him. While I found this part of his trait to be annoying, nonetheless he still makes for a swoony lead - he has a soft spot for Darcy and helps her out on many occasions. Darcy and Max also have very palpable chemistry.

Beyond the romance - the underlying mystery that Karen Swan weaves into her books are always a treat to read. They're usually a secondary plot and I find them very engaging, this one being no different. I liked learning more about the identify of the woman in the painting, as well as what her fate and legacy were.

This is another winner from Karen Swan's books, and hope others feel the same!

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This was a well written and entertaining story set in Denmark. I liked the premise - PhD student Darcy is attracted to Max a representative of the Madsen Fiundation who want to acquire a painting. Darcy is given the job of identifying the painting on the back of Denmark’s most famous painter.

There was a large cast of characters which sometimes confused me as Intried to remember which side of the argument these people worked for. I thought Darcy’s friend Freja was a very pushy, interfering friend but she played an important role so I forgave her.

It was a little predictable in places (soft gentle vet turns out to be an abusive man with drink problems) but the quality of 5e writing carried this story really well.

I was disappointed with the brevity of the denouement - just a. Couple of pages. Considering how long it had taken to get to the happy ending, I would really have liked a longer and more satisfying climax.

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