Member Reviews

Sought By Fate takes you deep into a world where magic isn't just power—it's the foundation of society itself. The Fate Blessed rule while the Forgotten languish, creating a stark backdrop for the story of Storm, the revered First Commander, whose life turns chaotic with the arrival of Feylin. She’s a fugitive with forbidden magic, whose very presence threatens to unravel both their lives. The dance of their relationship, amid a war with a Dark Mage, makes for a thrilling read. I loved how the author masterfully wove tension and emotion, making each page a fight between duty and desire. It’s one of those books that pulls you in and doesn’t let go until the very last page.

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Wow I really enjoyed this one! This book was a fairly quick read but I thought the pacing was fantastic, the plot never felt like it was dragging and every page felt like it progressed the story forward. I'm a sucker for all of the classic romantasy tropes/elements including fated mates, unique magic systems, MMC jealousy/posessiveness, feuding factions, etc. I thought the FMC's growth throughout the book was really well done regarding how she kind of transitions from mourning her situation with her fated mate to valuing herself more and being disgusted with how he has been treating her. The MMC love interest was pretty infuriating for the most part but I hope this is setup for more reveals/insight into his character with the next book. I did not predict the ending and I am very curious as to how this story moves forward...looking forward to book 2!

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Book Review:

This is a very easy to read romantasy which is such a blessing compared to most novels that tend to overexplain when there's fantasy involved. I was able to be whisked away to a fantasy world without being overloaded with too many words, places or information.

I enjoyed the slow burn romance between the two main characters and wished that they were able to spend more time together and get to know each other better.

Ultimately it's a quick, easy and enjoyable read. I'm looking forward to seeing what unfolds in the next one.

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Loved every second of this book. It really surprised me with the story (I'm not going to tell what it is, read the book If you want to find out)! I rated this book 4 stars and I recommend everyone to read this book.

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🌟 "Hold onto your hats, because Sought By Fate is going to take you on a wild ride! 🎩✨ Storm’s got it all—command of the army, respect of his troops, and a life so ordered, a librarian would be jealous. Then bam! In walks Feylin, magic so forbidden it’s practically a tabloid headline, and suddenly Mr. Perfectly-Planned is Mr. Perfectly-Panicked. Their fiery clash is as explosive as any spell in their world. This book? It’s a heart-pounding rollercoaster of emotions and magic that you just can’t miss. Grab it, read it, love it—I sure did! 📚💥

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After reading the synopsis, I was excited to read this book. I'm a huge fan of the romantasy genre, and this seemed like an interesting concept.

Unfortunately, this book was a huge disappointment for me. Throughout Part 1, the writing was extremely difficult to read. There is a lot of unnecessary repetition, and the sentences are very stilted; nothing flows. This is far, far beyond what I'd expect an editor to correct. The writing does start to flow better from Part 2 onward, but if this wasn't an ARC, I would've just quit this book before that point. I think other readers might be less motivated to stick it out.

I have a hard time picturing the setting, because it was barely described. This seems like a real missed opportunity. The characters behave strangely. Their thoughts and speech are unnatural. Unnatural dialogue, to some extent, works in a fantasy setting, but this doesn't seem to be a deliberate choice here, it's just more poor writing. The beginning of the book also feels very rushed. Instead of taking time to establish the main characters and show us their personalities, we're quickly told a couple paragraphs worth of backstory, and then we're into the thick of it. Their behaviors don't make sense given the little information we have. Sadly, it's not just Storm and Feylin this is true for, but all the characters; we're never given a solid foundation for why they act they way they do.

I liked the ending. The twist was good, and I kinda want to see where the story goes in the next book.

I do think, at a high level, that the concept of this book is good. There's something actually usable here. Unfortunately, I think nothing short of a total re-write will salvage it.

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It’s sooo fast paced and easy to read. No crazy world building or boring back storylines. Right to the action and it’s damn good. An excellent introduction to a "can't put down until I finish the whole book" kind of series.
I wasn't sure what to expect with this book and honestly I'm glad I had no expectations because this book could not so easily be described. It is short, but it blew me away. This is a first for this author for me . I am so eager for the next book
Received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for my honest review

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"Sought By Fate" by Monica Agenois a Romantasy book about fated mates - with the twist of one mate rejecting the other.

The story is set in a realm where society is divided based on magical abilities: the Fate Blessed, the Fate Gifted, and the Forgotten. The story follows Storm, the First Commander of the army, whose life is disrupted by Feylin, a woman with forbidden magic. As Storm battles a Dark Mage, Feylin must navigate a perilous world to protect her secrets and her life.

The writing style starts off somewhat lacking but noticeably improves throughout the series. Especially in the beginning, the author often uses many short sentences but later on found a better flow which makes the read more enjoyable. I easily finished the book in one sitting.
Sometimes the gestures appear a little off, like a character exclaiming something loudly - even described as the word exploding from his mouth - while his teeth are clenched.
The female main character's emotions are depicted quite well even though they aren't always very understandable due to everything unfolding so fast.

The characters often feel one-dimensional, with the male lead being particularly unlikable, making me root for another character to end up with the female protagonist instead.
The male main character is in a relationship with another woman who basically ends up just being rude. This could have been such a complex and interesting story had she been kinder and the mmc really torn and portrayed in a way that makes it easier to empathize with him.
In general, it's not always easy to understand the characters behavior and reactions which is why often ended up a little frustrated with them.

Despite this, the world-building is intriguing, offering a compelling backdrop. The story would benefit from more detailed scenes and additional smaller twists. With only about 140 pages, the story is told very quickly and some more complexity would have been nice.
The surprising open ending effectively sparks curiosity for future installments!

Thanks to Monica Ageno, Kindom Books, and Netgalley for the free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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OMG, this book had me on the edge of my seat the whole time! My emotions were all over the place—one moment I was furious, and the next I was laughing out loud. The character building is fantastic, and the writing is truly exceptional. I absolutely love this book!

I wish it hand been longer. It does end on a cliffhanger, so be prepared to dive into the next installment. If you’re looking for a page-turner with incredible character development, engaging plot twists, and top-notch writing, this is the book for you. I highly recommend it!

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Thank you to NetGalley, Monica Ageno and Kingdom Books for the E-ARC!

When I read the description for this book and saw the stunning cover, I was super intrigued. The magic system and world seemed super interesting, and I thought it might be something I would enjoy. Sadly, it just wasn't for me.

As mentioned, the magic system and the world seemed pretty unique. People had different "Wings of Magic," and although our main character spends most of her time in the human realm, there are places where trolls, the undead, elves, and more mystical creatures and beings live. Unfortunately, we barely got to see any of this world and the magic wasn't very well descripted. There were throw away comments here and there about a Dark Mage, and a big war between him and the current King. We would hear about different Commander's magics, but they were barely consequential to the story. Nothing was properly developed until it was rushed into the last 30 pages and by then my eyes were already glazed over.

I couldn't stand Feylin as a character. Her jealousy over someone she had just met, and her need for him to break up with his long-time partner annoyed me. I understand they're "mates," but he's allowed to live his life as he wishes, and he doesn't need to drop everything for her. I wish we were also able to explore a bit more of her past, because it was definitely the reason why she was so insecure, and thus projected those feelings onto others.

Then we have Storm, Feylin's mate. I actually appreciated him (only for the first couple of chapters) for standing strong against the mate bond. He had a partner and wanted to be with her, and he didn't want to throw it all away just because fate decided he should. I liked that we got to see things from his point of view, because it really showed the reader his true feelings. Although for some reason after a few chapters, we just stopped getting his point of view. Then his character seemed to do a complete 180 and I couldn't stand him either. His flip-flopping of emotions was annoying and repetitive, and the way he spoke to Feylin was super disrespectful (even if I didn't like her, I can admit that). Also, I wish we actually got to learn more about his background. At one point, him and Feylin had a conversation where he talks about his past, but we don't actually get to see it. I feel like that could have helped the reader understand him more.

Unfortunately this book just wasn't for me, but I'm sure others will find enjoyment out of it.

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"Sought by Fate" is a captivating romantasy that centers around the intriguing concept of fated mates—a bond so strong that rejecting a mate can have dire consequences. When Storm painfully rejects Feylin, she faces a race against time to tether herself to someone else to survive.

If you’re drawn to intense, fated romance and are looking for a quick, engaging read (just 143 pages!), this book is for you!
The writing shines with beautifully crafted descriptions that bring the story to life. The vivid imagery and heartfelt moments make for an enjoyable reading experience.
The plot focuses primarily on the romance between Storm and Feylin and their fated bond. The story moves at a brisk pace, which may appeal to readers who enjoy a more immediate and fast-paced narrative. While the world-building and character development are more straightforward, this approach makes it a perfect read for those looking for a light, entertaining story.
I enjoyed every moment of this.
Thanks to Monica Ageno Netgalley, Kingdom Books for the review copy in exchange for my honest review

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

Certainly an easy read and some of the things I didn't care for (little world building, flat characters) is somewhat resolved by the story being under a hundred fifty pages. I'm also not really feeling this as an enemies to lovers story when the main male spends eighty percent of the book being a dick to his mate.

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A thank you to NetGalley, Kingdom Books, & Monica Ageno for the eARC of this book ahead of its release.

Sought By Fate follows Feylin, a woman bearing a forbidden type of magic, as she navigates life and work as a servant in the royal palace. When she is assigned to take over as a server for a sick friend, Feylin’s life is changed in ways she never imagined when meeting her fated mate.

Is this book going to scratch an itch for a sprawling romantasy with rich world building and deeply layered characters? No. Are you going to blaze through it and enjoy yourself while doing so? Absolutely.

Ageno does more telling than showing early in the story, providing us with quite a lot of information about secondary characters, much of which doesn’t become pertinent to the story. That aside, I enjoyed her story telling. With such a short page count, I expected the plot to move quickly, and it delivered.

I admit to not harboring much love for our male protagonist, Storm, and wishing for more insight to Feylin’s life. I’m hoping since that our main characters are essentially strangers, we’ll learn more about them as they learn about each other in future novellas.

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<u><b> The writing </b></u>
The pacing of the book was quite fast, which kept the story moving quickly, but it sometimes felt rushed. The dialogue often felt awkward and unnatural, more like robots talking than real people, which made it hard to connect with the characters.

The language lacked immersive and descriptive qualities. I struggled to picture the characters or the world they inhabited. Although the narrative flow was generally easy to follow, there were moments where the story seemed disjointed.

One aspect I did appreciate was the development of Feylin's character—she showed significant growth throughout the book. However, it was disappointing to see her revert to her original state by the end.

<u><b> the plot </b></u>
The story follows a young woman with forbidden magic who has endured a lifetime of abuse. Seeking a fresh start, she leaves her past behind to work in a kingdom, where she meets her destined mate. Unfortunately, he rejects her. Meanwhile, a war looms between the kingdom's current king and his brother, a dark mage. After her rejection, she tries to survive by aligning herself with another man who shares her interests. However, she is kidnapped and taken to the dark mage's stronghold, where she learns of his plans to capture her mate. Now, she faces the dilemma of how to aid her mate while preventing the kingdom from falling into chaos.

<u><b> the characters </b> </u>

⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚ <i>Feylin</i> ⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚
Honestly I’m indifferent to her right now. She’s the main character who has forbidden magic and happened to be mated with the kings first commander

When she first discovered they were mate she immediately came off as desperate and needy. She immediately jumped into jealous mode

<i>“Why are you with her” </i>

She meant why was he with his girlfriend of over fifty years?!? Idk girly because he loves her???

Then she proceeds to cry and even beg him to accept her despite him being rude and aggressive towards her.

This imo, made me lose respect and not really regard her.

⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚<i>Storm</i> ⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚
Storm is one of those MMC who need to unsubscribe from life.

╰┈➤he rejects her as a mate, which I didn’t have a problem with because he had a literal girlfriend. So fairs. But the way he rejected her? That was insane.

╰┈➤ after rejecting her *despite the fact that she could die*, he goes and kisses her passionately and then immediately after he shames her and rejects her AGAIN

╰┈➤ now that Feylin was rejected, she could tether herself to someone so as to not die. And she meets this wonderful(questionable) guy called zarius. They hit it off and when they were merely conversing he comes over and called her a whore. Accusing her of sleeping with Zarius to make him jealous and even threatens to have her dismissed from her job

╰┈➤he and his current gf, now laugh at him in their private chambers.

╰┈➤ towards the end of the book, it looks like he has changed and he was “in love” with her. But once Feylin rejected the bond (in order to save his life) he’s goes back to being aggressive, calls her a wench.

Storm is the reddest flag to ever exist in the history of red flags. He is veryyyy misogynistic to the extent that it becomes borderline criminal.
I hope she rejects the bond

⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚ <i>Zarius </i> ⋆.˚ ☾⭒.˚

Honestly, he’s just there. He’s a way better option than storm and his character feels unreal. He wakes up from almost dying, begins flirting, he’s inlove with her, he’s asking her to tether to him? It’s like alright best option at the moment. But where’s the chemistry? Where’s the love????

<u><b> conclusion </b></u>
Overall this was a very fast read. Even though this book disappointed especially since the cover is so pretty, I’d like to see what happens in the next book between orlon and her.

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Well that was a quick short read, about 140 pages. But packed full of magic, mates, war & court intrigue etc. I liked how the mating bond was portrayed - but Storm was soooo hot and cold it made me want to smack him. I'm hoping to see Feylin get the love she desires in the books to come! I definitely think there are some games afoot going on behind the scenes too. In any case, I really enjoyed this and am definitely intrigued to see how it plays out after that cliff hanger!
Thank you NetGalley & BookBuzz for this ARC!

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Thank you to Netgalley and to the author for allowing me access to this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

« Someone broke your heart? » « I know, hard to believe with a face like this and my winning personality. »

Rating: 4 ⭐️
Genre: Adult Fantasy Romance Novella
Format: ARC Ebook
Pages: 143
Spice: 1 🌶️
POV: Third POV
S/S: Chronicles of the Fates #1
Check trigger warnings for any book

Such an impact for such a short book!

Addictive character relationships, intriguing lore and world history, magic system that impacts society and a difficult romance?

Oh and that ending twist? Feylin the woman you are! Storm, you better learn. And a love triangle? All in one? YUP.

Yes, yes, yes!

Finished this book in one sitting and can’t wait for the rest! I love a fated-mates story and we’ve got that and obstacles? Yes!!!

QUOTES (possible spoilers):

« What you hear is your dying sense of humor, old friend. My stone-cold heart is safe in the abyss it thrives in. »

« You are too kind to me. I don’t want to use you. » Amusement rode his features as he replied, « Consider me at your service, Feylin. »

Leena - Leena.reader review - @leena.reader on tiktok and instagram

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"Sought by Fate" is a romantasy story centered around mates, a fated bond so strong that the rejection of a mate can lead to their death. The story follows Storm and Feylin, two people brought together by a fated bond. Much to Feylin's torment, Storm painfully rejects her, and she must find a way to tether herself to someone else if she hopes to survive.

If this piques your interest, and you are looking for a short story (only 143 pages!) to devour in one sitting, then this book might be for you!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *. read on for a more in-depth review. * :☆゚. ───

✒️ the writing
⤷ The writing has notable strengths, particularly in its beautifully crafted descriptions. However, the prose heavily suffers from redundancy, an unnecessary repetition of information that has already been stated before—instances where unnecessary words and phrases clutter the text without adding value, only just restating what has already been said.

See? I just did it. I've demonstrated redundancy by restating the same point in different words. The second half of my statement could be omitted without changing the meaning, making it more concise while still getting my point across. That being said, a bit more revision could significantly enhance the writing, making it more clear, concise, and impactful.

🎥 the plot
⤷ 'Sought by Fate' primarily centers on romance and fated mates. If you're looking for intricate world-building or well-developed events and characters, you will be severely disappointed. Things happen quickly, without much development or build-up. This straightforward approach may appeal to readers who prefer a more immediate narrative without extensive detail, making it perfect for people with the attention span of a goldfish (yes, I'm talking to you, whoever is reading this).

⤷ I call this the fast food of literature. It lacks any depth and substance, yet you might find yourself consuming it eagerly. If you don't mind the overly simplistic approach, you might find some enjoyment in this if you only treat it as a light, entertaining read to pass the time. Nothing more.

💗 the romance
⤷ You see, while the concept of fated mates seems romantic in theory, it raises concerns when it undermines personal autonomy. In the book, the mating bond is portrayed as so powerful that feelings of love will happen regardless of personal choice. This aspect makes the love between Storm and Feylin feel less meaningful. Their attraction stems solely from this overpowering bond, rather than any deeper connection or personal reason. If they eventually come to love each other, it would be a result of the fated bond rather than a more genuine relationship.

⤷ I had hoped for some meaningful development between Storm and Feylin, a chance for them to discover qualities in each other that would foster genuine love. Perhaps an event that would force them to truly get to know one another. Unfortunately, there was no substantial reason for their affection beyond the fated bond. Storm wanted nothing to do with the bond, or Feylin, but ultimately, the connection proved too powerful to resist.

Storm and Feylin's reaction to being mates:

Storm: A fucking servant.
Feylin: A mage of legend!


🧸 the characters
⤷ Storm Avondale lacks any redeeming qualities. He consistently insults Feylin, rejects her, and insists that he doesn’t need her, yet he becomes petulant (like a child whose toy has been stolen from him) whenever she tries to move on by getting close to someone else. He could use a serious lesson in emotional maturity. I hated how he popped up every time Feylin was having a moment with Zarius. Please leave and let my girl get some.

⤷ Honestly, I found Feylin’s naivety and desperation to be quite frustrating, especially as it undermined her dignity. I wished she would stop hoping, begging, and yearning. I wanted her to hold her head high, walk away, and show Storm Avondale what he was truly missing. The ending was satisfying because, even though her actions were meant to protect Storm, he finally got a taste of his own medicine.

⤷ Zarius felt like a caricature. He wakes up after being at death's door, and the first thing he does is flirt with Feylin like a lovesick teenage boy. Despite this, his behavior adds a touch of comic relief, and if you’re a fan of the hurt/comfort trope, you'll probably eat up their interactions. Sometimes, something can be so silly and cringe that it just ends up being entertaining instead of bad. (Well, still bad, but entertaining nonetheless.) This was a prime example of that.

bottom line: the plot leaves much to be desired, but it was an easy, fast-paced read. i would have preferred the book to be longer with more substance, as many aspects of the story deserved further exploration. the lack of development is truly a missed opportunity. despite its shortcomings, the ending captured my attention, and i’ll be looking out for the sequel.

Thanks to Monica Ageno, Kindom Books, and Netgalley for the free ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Absolutely yes! Is there any news on the sequel? Because I need it yesterday!

This book is wonderful, I finished it in one sitting! It's writing is addictive, the banter is fantastic and the world building and magic system are easy to understand!

I have to admit, one little thing that annoyed me a bit, is that I kept on reading Feylin as Feyre. And I thought her to be rash and reckless at times, but it worked quite well in the story. Now we wait and see what adventures and/or problems she'll find herself in next!

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This was so addictive that I read it in one sitting!!

This book was a quick read with its fast pace and interesting storyline. It was such a fun read!

In this fantasy romance, Feylin, who has magic punishable by death in her kingdom, meets Storm, the First Commander for the King. As it turns out, they are mates.

One of the things I appreciated most about this book was how it balanced the aspects of fantasy, action, romance, and emotional moments. The plot twists were well-executed and kept me hooked until the very end.

I will say - I did not like the mmc, Storm. For being known as a self-disciplined and stoic commander of the king's army, this man was way too emotionally unstable. I hate the way he treated Feylin and played with her emotions throughout the book.

I enjoyed the plot twist at the end and found it super surprising! I am interested to see how the story unfolds in the next book of this series.

I would like to thank NetGalley, Kingdom Books and the author for providing me with an eArc of this book in exchange for an honest review. <3

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SOUGHT BY FATE is an exhilarating start to a new fantasy romance book that does a pretty good job at blending elements of fated mates, enemies-to-lovers, and the traditional tropes we all know and love. This Advanced Reader Copy captivated me from the very first page, and I do think its comparison to ACOTAR is spot-on, although I think there are a bunch of books currently with similar themes (and we still read and love them).

The story follows a thrilling and intricate plot where fate, magic, and romance collide. Our protagonist, caught in a web of destiny and conflict, finds herself entangled with a formidable and equally stubborn love interest. The enemies-to-lovers trope is seen regularly, with sharp, witty dialogue and a palpable tension that keeps the pages turning.

What sets SOUGHT BY FATE apart from other books similar to ACOTAR is its seamless integration of humor into the narrative. The banter between the main characters is not only entertaining but also adds depth to their interactions, making their evolving relationship feel all the more genuine and engaging. The author’s ability to infuse levity into intense moments enhances the reading experience and makes the characters’ journey even more enjoyable.

Overall, SOUGHT BY FATE: Book 1 is a good read that combines romance, fantasy, and humor. It’s a perfect blend for those who enjoy a captivating fated mates story with a dose of playful banter and a touch of magic. Would I pick it up at the store just for the beautiful cover art alone? Yes. But now knowing the story, I would also recommend it to friends.

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