Member Reviews

This is one of Tyler’s best and what she does so well: gentle domestic drama with fabulously observed characters.
Gail is a schoolteacher who loses her job just as her daughter is about to get married and her ex husband comes to town.
Set over three days, Gail decides how to move forward with her life.
Simple but sweet, this tale is deceptively insightful and I defy anyone not to love the happy ending!
Thoroughly recommended.

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Another excellent novel from Anne Tyler. Three days in June is a microscopic look at a woman’s relationships with her family and people around her. A classic case of will they or won’t they but with a beautiful and gentle tone.

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I absolutely loved this book
I've seen it being raved about on #bookstagram so knew I needed to read it and I'm glad I did.

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This was a gorgeous read and another excellent novel - or perhaps novella, given its length - from Anne Tyler. Like Redhead at the Side of the Road, it's a deceptively simple story about three days in the life of Gail as her ex-husband returns for their only child's wedding. Across the three days we learn about Gail's life and why she separated from Max. She is at turns oblivious and sometimes very frustrating but always believable and, by the end, I was rooting for her.

At times genuinely funny, its a masterclass in characterisation and dialogue. Loved it!

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I've been reading Anne Tyler's novels for many years. They're all great, and this one in particular. I love the author's gentle touch with her characters.

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A short work of fiction yet long on charm; replete with Tyler’s regard for the small change of life and the hours as they pass through us:

‘People don't warn you ahead of time that some days your face will be netted with wrinkles and other days almost smooth. Today I was wrinkly. My eyes were quirked into triangles and so many lines crossed my forehead that it resembled a sheet of ruled paper. But at least my hair hung vertically. No trace anymore of the beauty parlor experiment.’

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Anne Tyler books are always an absolute pleasure to read - and this was no different.

It's the slow details of every day life; the nuances of relationships, the day to day activities, and the comfort almost of sinking into a realistic life for a few moments, with characters you can almost see beyond the pages of the book - and like your own family and friends, by the end of the book you have your own hopes and dreams for them too.

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Anne Tyler has never failed to deliver. Her words are perfectly chosen, perfectly crafted together and capture in detail the everyday lives of people. I will admit to a bit of dust in my eyes at reading the final page. Perfect.

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Classic Anne Tyler - a gentle meander through people's lives, unearthing all sorts of unresolved issues, misunderstandings and unintended hurts. This tale is set over three days, but covers the married and post married lives of the bride's parents. A great read with a satisfying ending.

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Three Days in June was such a lovely read.
It’s the day before their daughter’s wedding, Gail arrives home early from work to find her ex-husband on the doorstep with a cat.

This beautiful book is just three days long, the day before, day of and day after the wedding.
With lovely characters and people from their past. Gail has to navigate the wedding, reflect on her past and try to work out her future. The burning question is what will happen to the cat…!

A delightful read, thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and Anne Tyler for the copy to review.

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How can you not love Anne Tyler! Although less than 200 pages, and thus for me a single day read.. this is not short of all the things we love Tyler for - her razor sharp insight into domestic lives, uncovering all the tiny details in life that make us who we are. She is particularly skilled in examining the lives of those in later lives, with maybe regrets about how they lived their earlier parts of life.
Gail is in her early 60s - about to lose her job as an assistant headteacher at a private school - and this story covers just 3 days - the day before, of and after her only daughter's wedding. There is an amicable relationship with her ex-husband who has arrived in town to celebrate the wedding but the nature of the split many years prior still haunts Gail. We get an insight into young Gail, and what happened by the vibrant young woman who now appears to be world weary, grumpy,. uncaring about her own appearance.
A great read.

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I’m a huge fan of Anne Tyler’s work. I find her writing to be thought provoking and insightful.
The author has a knack for being able to explore the full range and depth of the human emotions and psyche.
This one is no exception. With Anne Tyler’s usual flair and wonderful execution, this is a beautiful book and one worthy of adding to her collection.
Highly recommend. Thank you for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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I'm a long time fan of her work and have been reading her for decades. This book didn't disappoint and whilst treading familiar themes felt new and fresh.

Gail is a brittle and precise woman in her early 60, divorced and with her only daughter about to marry. It's a book of quiet drama that conceals huge events and a mass of emotional undercurrents. The characterisation is vivid and masterful and the story is moving and relatable.

As someone who's older and has experienced relationship breakdowns it felt resonant and truthful.. The humour worked well and the comic timing is spot.on.

Everyone should read at least one Anne Tyler book, if not the entire catalogue of books. Perfection.

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Anne Tyler is a wonderful storyteller. Three Days in June is a masterful observation of how people think & feel. It’s a short(ish) story, but I felt that I knew the characters in real life by the end of those 200 pages. Just lovely, highly recommended. Many thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read it early.

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With around 200 pages this was a fairly quick read, but I never felt like anything was missing. The writing was beautiful, with the hint of humor which actually made me chuckle and characters that I immediately connected with. I’m pretty sure I will reread this once. I have the physical copy of my hand, going to keep my eyes open for a signed copy for my collection

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Ann Tyler writes about ordinary people with extraordinary skill. Three Days in June explores those small moments of drama within a family and the intricacies and complexity of human interaction. Her characters are flawed and complex, every situation believable.
Poignant, emotional and gently humorous (I particularly loved the homeless cat!) I read this in a single sitting and was sorry when it ended. Wonderful.

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"Oh, why was I so bottled up?" asks Gail Baines

Anne Tyler is the consummate storyteller who over several decades has created some of the most moving characters in literature- it's the subtleties and nuances and the poignancy of the 'everyday' that give her novels such a viivid insight into the lives she creates.

Gail Baines is such a character; this is a fairly short novel but it's always a case of quality of quantity that delivers the impact from Anne Tyler. This is a novel set over three days; three days through which Gail faces unemployment, her daughter's wedding, the return of her ex-husband and the unexpected arrival of a feline visitor.

Recounting the events as they happen as well thinking back to past pivotal moments, Gail manoeuvres her way through this challenging few days but just not always able to openly express herself- especially the conversations she wishes she could have with her daughter.

This is a wonderful read full of comical moments- observing the snobberies and oneupmanship between people ( the mother of the groom ) , the pathos that pervades from Gail but ultimately this is about life, families, mistakes and surviving in our small ways.

If you've never read Anne Tyler but have read Elizabeth Strout then I recommend you discover the incredible writing of Anne Tyler.

A one sit read as you'll be hooked into following Gail as she navigates Three Days in June.

"Anger feels so much better than sadness. Cleaner, somehow, and more definite. But then, when anger fades, the sadness come right back the same as ever."

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Anne Tyler is up there as one of my favourite writers and this book didn't disappoint. Well written with characters that felt so real they could have stepped off the page and settings that felt so vivid I could have stepped into them. I was sad to reach the last page, but so, so happy with the resolution. I absolutely loved it. Thanks to Netgalley.

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A charming short story by Anne Tyler.
When Gail and her ex-husband Max are unexpectedly thrown together for 3 days as their daughter is about to get married, memories of the past resurface.
Great characters and a satisfying ending, I’d like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Anne Tyler fans will relish and adore this short but perfectly formed story of family life. Mother of the bride Gail reuinites with her ex husband as they come together for their daughter’s wedding.

The story is of the wedding and the family dynamics change over that period with naturally an entertaining and satisfactory conclusion to this beautifully plotted and written story.

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