Member Reviews

When she’s on form, there really is no one like Anne Tyler! I have read nearly all her books, and while I wasn’t so keen on her 2015-or-so novels, I found ‘French Braid’ to be a safe but enjoyable return to form for the Queen of small-town quirk.

It may well be that she won’t write another Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant, but what we may lack in substantial depth here is made up in sharp style.

This short novel opens with deputy headmistress Gail being told that her job is now earmarked for someone else because of her lack of ‘people skills.’

As if that wasn’t wearing enough, she’s in the middle of prepping for her daughter’s wedding, including having her perfectly controlled home invaded by her sweet but maddening ex-husband, his dietary requirements (vegan, but not really) and a cat, which quickly makes itself at home and gets itself a name - Celine!

When a secret comes to light about their daughter’s fiancé, the no-longer-married parents must decide how - and if - to address it before the knot is tied.

Full of laughs and pitch-perfect observations, my only caveats are that it’s not long enough and that it doesn’t come out in time for Christmas in the UK!

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