Member Reviews

This was my first book of the author and as i finished it I’ve felt the need to instantly read the previous one! This story is full of twist and turns and had me hooked from the firs Page!

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Arc Review

Love and other cages by Emilia Ares

My Ratings- ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

326 pages

Will release on 15th October 2024

Love and other sins series book 2

My review

My god this book blew my mind and I took days to literally process through everything that Mina and Oliver was going through and I felt I was with them through the entire journey. I didn't know what I was getting myself into when I received the Arc for the book 2 but if I didn't get it, it would have been a total loss.

The book picks up how our book 1 ended and after that it was a total shit show from there that I finished it within one sitting. My heart couldn't take it, how our Mina was going through all of the horrible things that she was forcibly put through and she kept going thinking about her mom, Oliver and her bestfriend and i could totally understand Mina in this book and how her character development through this book was exceptional and she is a total badass and needless to say selfless! I don't have words to describe her ❤️.

Our Oliver will literally move the heavens and the earth to find his Mina😭 and the last two chapters, aahhh my god my heart exploded, I don't want to spoil too much because this is an arc but please if anyone is reading my review, please go and pick both the books and i suggest you read them in order for better understanding and depth of the characters and their background. I'm telling you that you will not be disappointed.

Thank you @emilia ares and @netgalley for this ARC and I'm so honoured that I got to review this beautiful book. Can't wait for book 3😘. Please release it soon ❤️.

Much Love
Suzaan ✍🏻

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This book can definitely be enjoyed as a standalone—I read it that way myself, unaware it was a sequel. Now that I know, I can’t wait to go back and read the earlier one! I loved every twist and turn this story took! I can't wait to read the first book and see what happened in that one because I need to know! Mina and Oliver are my favorite and I need more of them! Lets just say I hope I am on the list for the next book because the cliffhanger this book ended on I cannot wait!!

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"Love and Other Cages" by Emilia Ares is a poignant and gripping young adult fiction book; sprinkled with the dark and often hidden world of human trafficking. The book masterfully intertwines themes of captivity and manipulation to demonstrate how easy it is to unwillingly become trapped in this world. I would like to think that the enduring bonds of love between Mina and Oliver save the day, but I cannot exactly say that without spoiling the end.

“Love and Other Cages” is the second book in the series by Emilia Ares. The first book is “Love and Other Sins”, I have not read but plan to. The book read fine as a stand-alone. I never felt lost or like I did not know what was going on.

In "Love and Other Cages," Emilia Ares skillfully weaves together the friendship of Mina, Oliver, and Nyah.

Mina is the resilient protagonist, whose strength and determination drive much of the plot; her journey from literal captivity is the novel's emotional core. Her sad new reality is a compelling exploration of survival against overwhelming odds, as she, through no fault of her own, becomes entwined in the disturbing world of human trafficking.

Despite the oppressive circumstances she faces, Mina's worst fear has come true, she must keep her mother alive. She is led to believe great harm will come to her if she does not comply. Thus, we have the beginning of all human trafficking at its finest, a way to bribe and exploit young people.

Oliver's character in "Love and Other Cages" is a testament to the complexity of human emotion and the transformative power of love. Initially, Oliver appears as a reserved and contemplative figure, grappling with his own past traumas and insecurities. This vulnerability makes him relatable and endearing character, allowing readers to empathize with his struggles. Maybe, even too empathetic for his own good, in fact leaving himself vulnerable to nefarious activities and
operatives that are way out of his league including law enforcement authorities.

I worry about Oliver's emotional and financial well-being, because he seems to tell everyone exactly what he has and wears his emotions on his sleeve, thus opening himself for another kind of trafficking, money laundering and owing favors. But hopefully this will never happen.

Through Nyah, however young and innocent she might be, serves as the central coordinator. She may not realize it yet, but she may sometime in the future serve as a rescuer or be in service helping innocent people. She really has a talent for bringing people together.

Who Should or Should Not Read the Book?

Who Should Read It:
• Young adults looking for a riveting and emotionally engaging story.
• Readers interested in social issues, particularly human trafficking.
• Those who appreciate character-driven narratives with strong emotions.

Who Should Not Read It:
• Readers who may find the themes of human trafficking too distressing. Serious trigger warning to those sensitive to physical and emotional violence.
• Those looking for a light-hearted or purely romantic read. This is not a book about Mina and Oliver living happily ever after. Maybe in the next book?

My Opinion

"Love and Other Cages" is a powerful and eye-opening novel that reveals the harsh realities of human trafficking. A subject that I have studied throughout the years. Emilia Ares does an exceptional job of blending the brutality of captivity with the human elements of love and resilience. I now understand how easy it is, to be abducted by human traffickers in plain sight, a sobering realization that underscores the importance of awareness and vigilance. The young love element adds a layer of emotional depth, making the characters' experiences even more poignant.

In conclusion, "Love and Other Cages" is a must-read for anyone seeking a thought-provoking and impactful story. Its portrayal of the unbreakable bonds of love amidst adversity will stay with you long after you turn the last page. The story leaves you hanging on the cliff, so I expect more books in the series. I am eagerly awaiting each book.

Thank you to Netgalley and SERA Press for providing me with a free e-reader copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own because as a United States citizen I have freedom of speech. I suspect the human traffickers would not appreciate these rights.

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This was overall a good book. I think it is more of a 3.5 but I rounded up! By the 50%/60% mark is when I personally became more invested in the story. Before this it was starting to drag a bit and the plot wasn’t moving forward for a while. Even at that point, the plot wasn’t moving too much but there was more interesting things happening. I finished this majorly on audio which I highly recommend!!! I think the voice actors really brought mina and oliver to life and I connected more with them because of this.

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This is my first time reading the author and this book surprised me in a good way. I was on my book slump era since I couldn’t find any book that make me totally hooked until now. I really enjoy the author’s writing style. I absolutely got mesmerised on the story. It was well done. I really enjoyed the characters. Now I need to know what happened them after that ending. 👀

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Since finishing the book, I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I keep replaying the story and characters in my head, dying to know what happens next. I’m really glad I read the first book again before diving into this ARC because it gave me some great context for Love and Other Cages but I don't think its necessary per say, like you can totally enjoy Love and Other Cages without reading Love and Other Sins. The book can be intense but it stands out. The writing was solid, it really picked up speed towards the second half. I loved Mina’s relationship with her mom; it’s rare to see such a close bond between teens and their parents in books. Their conversations and certain phrases they use were specific and brought out emotion. The narrators were topnotch, she nailed the Russian, the Brittish accents, everything. The male narrator was pleasant to listen to as well. Cant wait for the story to continue I'll be thinking about this one for a long while I can already tell, it wont leave me anytime soon.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing the book (and audiobook) in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley, Emilia Ares, and SERA Press for the opportunity to read the ARC of this book. I think that I was missing a bit as I didn't realize at first that this was the second book in the series, so I was missing bits that probably would have helped things make more sense. I think that overall, a lot is probably standalone, especially from other reviews that I read. Maybe I would give it a four if I read the first one and had more context. I would still read another any day by Emilia Ares.

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ARC through NetGalley
Overall it was pretty engaging - a lot happened right away and throughout the whole book, but I feel like so much tragedy happening from beginning to end that no solution or end result really happened in the end.

I started with the audiobook but had issues with a few chapters and then eventually switched to e-book and then return to audio - not sure if it was connection issues or NetGalley, but this isn't the first time Ive had issues with chapters not playing through audio on NetGalley

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Another great book in the Love and Other Sins series!
Book two picks up where book one leaves off and jumps right into an action packed storyline that is sure to leave you gripping the edge of your seat.

I found Love and Other Cages to have a different vibe from the first book. Book 2 has a lot more action within the storyline with plenty of twists and turns. The first book, Love and Other Sins was focused more on Mina and Oliver’s romance with a slow burn. Romance tends to be my go to genre but I really enjoyed this book despite the fact it wasn’t romance centered this time around. The author did a really great job entwining the two genres together into one series and I am loving her writing style.

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I did not read the book before this one but I was able to follow along with the story at the beginning and from there, the book took off. Oliver and Mina are intensely attracted to each other, she also wants to protect her mother. When all of these emotions are coiled, Mina is taken and you follow her journey into a dark underworld. Meanwhile, Oliver is working at looking for Mina, but coming up empty and does not know what he is up against. yet he continues until the end of this book. What I liked about this book is the different storylines and characters, all of which made for a very intense read at times. What I did not care for is a cliffhanger and since this is the second book how many more are there going to be? That is my only reason for four stars.

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Love and other cages by Emilia Ares.
I did like the cover. I liked Mina and Oliver. I got into it straight away. I liked the writing style. Although the chapters were long I did enjoy it. I did find it difficult to read in some places. Very emotional. But Emilia wrote it very well. Very cleverly written. I did feel for Mina. I wanted to jump in. I also felt for Oliver. Omg. The ending. I can't wait for book 2 now. Wow

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I initially gave this book 4 stars, but considering I have thought about it daily since I finished it, I think it deserves 5 stars! I find myself thinking back to the book and the characters, longing to keep reading to find out what happens next. I feel like I got to know the characters very well throughout the two books and I am glad I went back to read the first book before starting this ARC, it provided great context for Love and Other Cages. This was not easy to read and listen to because of how brutal and descriptive some scenes are. The whole situation is scary and unimaginable. But I also feel like that is what made this book unique. The writing was great. The first part of the book dragged on a bit, but flew by after I hit about 60%! I loved Mina's relationship with her mom, not many books include a close relationship between teenagers and their parents. I loved the way they talk to each other and their sweet Russian words and phrases. I enjoyed the narrators, it was awesome to listen to Emilia Ares narrate her own book! It helped because the Russian was actually correct when she spoke. I hope there will be more books in the series, I can't wait!

Thank you NetGalley for providing this book (and audiobook) in exchange for my honest opinion.

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An absolutely staggering read. Perfect title, perfect cover, and the love story contained in this book's pages is one to remember. Highly recommended.

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I did not expect to enjoy this book as much as I did!!! 6 starts
this was an audio book and the narrator's voices were so enjoyable and easy to follow, also the storyline is just so gripping!! it does end on a bit of a cliffhanger which I cannot wait to see whats next. it will definitely be a book I will recommend ofter

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This book feels hard to describe. For one, I didn't know that this was the second book in a series, so after a few chapters I went back to read book 1 before continuing to read this, which I recommend, because this book picks up literally within minutes of book 1 ending. The plot of this is pretty wild and you definitely have to suspend your disbelief. I think what I am struggling with the most is that this book does not feel like it could stand alone as a story. Things did happen, the plot progressed, but it again ended on an extreme cliffhanger. If you didn't read book 1, it would really be lacking, in my opinion, because so much of the set up and character explanation/backstory happens in book 1. At the same time, I feel like the writing style was good, and I genuinely really enjoyed the audio as the narrators were phenomenal. I think I would continue this series because I am curious what might happen next...but if I am just talking about this book on it's own, it was just okay.

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Wow. I had to read "Love and Other Sin" first cause I didn't know it was a series.
It is a good story, but I sometimes felt like the pace was a bit slow, especially in this book with Mina's POV (and I get why). Also, I love the POV of Oliver, especially we get to know Oliver better, than in the first book (which I loved). And the fact that you gave onto a funny character (Xavi) who reduces the heaviness of the story, because damn you talk about heavy topics! A lot of trigger warnings.
I fell in love with the boys in this book and the Plot twist at the end!!!! It has me creating theories about everything, I think the last three or four chapters were my favorites.
I enjoy it,
I do recommend to proceed with caution.

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While reading this, I was trying to decide what it reminded me of and then it came to me Red Sparrow. Yes we are back with Mina and Oliver and their budding relationship however they don't get a chance to enjoy this when their world imploded. This books was full of actions and twist & turns for the characters - which is depicted by the different storylines for Mina and Oliver. They both have different desires for the outcomes and do these outcomes align .... you will have to read to find this out. The ending had me on a cliff hanger and I need the next installment to see what happens.

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I had initially requested both the audio and E version to do a tandem read but loved the Audio so much I set the ebook aside. However I read it by itself to see if it had the same experience as the audio book. It was still great! Although I do prefer the audio version as it added so much to the story.
Reading the book it still drew me in and I got some content I missed whilst listening to it which is always bound to happen with me. Below is my original review since I can only have one on the different platforms!

WOW! What a surprise read!!
First I am thankful to have gotten the audioARC and the eARC for free from Netgalley and the author so I can leave my voluntary review.

I was out of audio books and needed one to listen before bed so I looked at ones I could listen to immediately and came across this. It looked interesting enough so I got it. Afterwards I saw that it was available in print as well through NetGalley so I got that as well to be able to do a tandem read as those opportunities don’t come up often on NetGalley.

Anyway, within the first 10% of the experience I dropped e-galley as the audio version was so engrossing and well done. If you follow my reviews you know that I don’t enjoy dramatic versions of audiobooks. I want the narrators to read with enough feeling to be engaging but not go overboard where it completely shapes how I need to interpret the material.

Well this is a bit different. It was a bit more dramatic of a reading than I typically like but it was fantastic! It was as though the female narrator completely brought the FMC to life and was so in tune with her. It wasn’t until I was 90% done that I checked out who the narrators were and saw the female was the author 😝.

So it makes complete sense now! I feel because she knows the characters best that she was able to be a bit more dramatic with the reading and come across as completely authentic. The author Emilia Ares is an actress as well and honestly that doesn’t always equate to a good audio reader!

Anyway, on top of the the recitation of the book being fabulous, the book itself was outstanding too! While the FMC and the MMC are 17 and in high school which fits in with the YA genre it’s not at all. It is New Adult for sure and it’ll speak to general and women’s fiction lovers as well.

I ended up listening to it in one sitting as i completed a project at 1.5x speed rate as it put it at a perfect speed. I definitely liked Mira’s chapters so much that I wanted Oliver’s to hurry up but his were very much needed to pull the story together. It was just that Mira’s were full of the action and you want to know what happens!

I didn’t realize that this is the second book in a series but can also be read as a stand alone. By the 20% mark I made sure to put the first book in my kindle library.

This book comes out October 15th 2024 and I highly suggest you preorder it now! I am 100% getting my own copy through Audible come October and a print copy. Now I’m off to reread the eARC to see what else I can get from this story!

My rating system since GoodReads doesn’t have partial stars and I rarely round up.

⭐️ Hated it
⭐️⭐️ Had a lot of trouble, prose issues, really not my cup of tea (potentially DNF’d or thought about it)
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Meh, it was an ok read but nothing special
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Really enjoyed it! Would recommend to others
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Outstanding! Will circle back and read again

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This book was different to the type I normally go for. It was hard to get into at first, however I am glad I stuck by it. The characters were great. Olivier had an air of mystery about him which I enjoyed and Mina was the type of character that you just couldn't help cheer for. She was strong and persevered through tremendous difficulties and challenges throughout the story.

I loved the connection Mina and Olivier had.

The author did a fantastic job of entwining the characters love story with mystery, suspense and drama.

A very good read.

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