Member Reviews

This is a great story about how a soul’s past life can be past down in families, much like DNA. While the premise seems a bit far fetched, it’s a theory that always fascinated me after I experienced a brush with it in my own family when one of my sister’s who was 3 or 4 at the time would wake up in the middle of the night calling out for her “Rose Mommy.” Even Plato contemplated “recycled souls” back in his day. This premise was also explored in the 1991 movie, Dead Again starring Emma Thompson and Kenneth Branagh. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the audiobook version of this story narrated by Tim Campbell and Mia Hutchinson-Shaw and highly recommend it!

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An Echo in Time by Boo Walker

Charli can’t catch a break and when her friend suggests a soul reader to break what feels like a family curse… she isn’t convinced but after a session brings up a violent past memory, she realizes that this could be the reason the family has had issues for decades and goes about setting her family's legacy back on the right path.

The synopsis didn’t inspire me to read the book. It didn’t sound like my kind of book but I saw a review from another reader and I knew I had to read it. I am so glad I did. It starts off a little wobbly for me, like it is finding its footing but once Charli goes to the UK to figure out her family history, the story explodes for me. I got chills, like actual chills from the story.

The characters were amazing and I loved how all the elements of the book came together.
I do not want to spoil this book for you so just go grab a copy and thank me later.

4.5 stars

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I have enjoyed the books I have read by the author, Boo Walker. When I see one is going to be released, I am first in line to get lost in the pages of his magical writing. This one was a little different than previous books I have enjoyed. While I don’t really buy into constellation therapy, I do believe that trauma in our past and the actions of our ancestors can bleed over into our present. This book was a wonderful journey through Charli’s life from childhood and then as an adult as she struggles to progress past the “red lights” that block her from truly living ... from relationships to work life to friendships. The dual timeline presentation of family members from hundreds of years in the past and Charli’s pursuit of answers is handled well. The characters throughout the pages are well developed and you find yourself getting lost in their lives.

Watching Charli mature and realize that it is up to her to change her own destiny was rewarding. She discovers a lot about herself and grows throughout the story and eventually has to choose whether she will continue to allow her past to affect her present and future. Each page will bring you closer to discovering what really happened with her ancestors and exploring how Charli will seek to find redemption through her discoveries. As you absorb the last word and close the book, you will have a smile on your face and a sense of satisfaction. I loved the way it ended! I have to say that this book really resonated with me and I still find myself thinking about Charli and Noah and how I have watched friends and loved ones heal from difficult family dynamics. I can’t wait to see this published so that the world can enjoy the gift of words that Boo Walker shares with us.

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for my advanced review copy. All opinions and thoughts are my own.

For more reviews, please visit my blog at: Over 1000 reviews posted!

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An Echo in Time is an interesting take on generational trauma and the legacy it leaves behind. I was both skeptical and intrigued by Charla’s journey and her work with a healer to delve into and heal from her past.

Tim Campbell and Mia Hutchinson-Shaw did an excellent job narrating the audiobook.

Thank you Boo Walker, Lake Union Publishing, Brilliance Audio, and NetGalley for providing this ARC for review consideration. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I love the way that Boo Walker writes and this book was no exception. I docked one point, because I felt the main character was a little difficult to like. But, the story itself was original and exciting.

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Brilliance Audio for the free audiobook in exchange for my honest review. Tim Campbell and Mia Hutchinson-Shaw do a fantastic job narrating this story and make the whole experience very enjoyable. I highly recommend the audiobook!

This is an interesting blend of historical and contemporary fiction with a dash of romance. The story alternates between 2 different timelines of the 1800s and today, as Charli, the main character, confronts, addresses and tries to overcome childhood trauma that is presently impacting her life. There is magical realism (or "woo woo" as both I and Charli call it) in the mix but I think it adds a depth to the story.

This is a compelling, fast paced and enjoyable read, or in my case, listen!

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This story got off to a slow start, and I was more than a little frustrated with the main character, 30-something lost child Charli Thurman. She repeatedly engages in acts of dishonesty and self-sabotage. Charli does a lot of growing up by the end of the novel, but I wish it hadn’t taken her quite so long to change her behavior.

Charli’s story takes off when she is introduced to her friend’s “soul reader” and takes part in a family constellation therapy session. The session is fascinating and intense and was probably my favorite part of the story. However, I struggled to suspend disbelief as Charli investigates her family’s past and is drawn into wilder and wilder coincidences.

At this point, Charli’s story alternates with scenes from the life of her ancestor, Miles Pembridge, whose tragedy seems to have led to so much trouble for surviving family members.

I liked observing Charli’s research unfold, and I adored her love interest, Noah. I also liked Miles and his love interest, Lillian, although their story was terribly sad.

The audiobook production was excellent, and I enjoyed the narration by Mia Hutchinson-Shaw for the contemporary story from Charli’s point of view and Tim Campbell for the historical story from Miles’s point of view. The narrators are pleasant to listen to, with good pacing, clear pronunciation, and distinctive voices to suit the characters. Both were able to convey the mood and emotions of the story effectively. The story works well as an audiobook.

Recommended for fans of women’s fiction and family sagas, as well as those interested in family constellation therapy, intergenerational trauma, and genealogical research.

I received a free review copy of the audiobook from Brilliance Audio through NetGalley. I volunteered to provide an honest review.

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Approaching thirty and feeling cursed by her family’s troubled past, Charli embarks on a journey of self-discovery and uncovers a shocking legacy of violence and secrets. Guided by a generational trauma therapist and aided by a charming Englishman with his own family mysteries, Charli must confront the sins of the past to break free and create a better future.

This is an angsty and intense novel with a dual timeline and an intriguing mystery. There’s also a strong romance subplot. I enjoyed the audiobook narration.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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I LOVED this book!!
Except of course, for the parts that I hated...but those were few and far between.

For those of you who follow me, you know that I recently discovered that I LOVE dual timeline books and I love time travel books too! This one FEELS like a time travel, but it is not, and it is definitely a dual timeline. Present day and late 1800's.

Charli is the present day MFC. She is working at a job she does not love, and missed the opportunity of a where she would be the owner of her own bookshop.
Her life is one big ball of turmoil...and a mess. She feels like anything that CAN go wrong, WILL go wrong, if it has to do with her. She did not have an idyllic childhood, and her Mom was not nice or kind to her... at all. Her Dad on the other hand was, but always stood down from her Mom.
She feels like her life is just falling apart.

One day a friend suggests that she go to see someone who might be able to help her. She deals with transgenerational feelings... things that will cross lifespans to other members in your family...many years (or centuries) later. She thinks her friend is crazy! But, being as she feels like she has NOTHING left to lose, she goes to meet the woman. They are having a 'class' where the 'students' act out a scene from their lives. When Charli does this, nothing seems to make any sense...until it does.

This leads her to Winchester (Europe) where she believes her ancestors came from. Hoping to get to the bottom of her problems, she arrives here full of hope. Pretty much as soon as she gets there she goes to a pub to eat, and meets Noah, the owner. They start talking and seem to hit it off. But she's going back to the states in a few days and does NOT want to start anything. But once again, the best laid plans...yada yada...

As she begins meeting people who may be able to help her, the picture starts to get clearer for her... and her life is about to change!

4 1/2 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 💫 for me, rounded up to 5!

Thanks to #NetGalley and #BrillianceAudio for an ARC of the audiobook which is due to be released in about a week…on 8/20/24!

#AnEchoInTime by #BooWalker and narrated beautifully by #TimCampbell and #MiaHutchinsonShaw.

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This novel delves into the profound impact of generational trauma on families, illustrating how unresolved past traumas can continue to haunt future generations. The protagonist, Charli, grapples with a series of unfortunate events in her life, tracing them back to the abusive behavior of her mother during her childhood. Encouraged by her friend's positive experience with therapy, Charli seeks help from therapist Frances to confront her own generational trauma. As she delves into her family history and embarks on a journey to England for answers, Charli uncovers hidden truths that shed light on her struggles. The book skillfully weaves together themes of trauma, self-discovery, and romance, captivating readers with its compelling narrative and well-developed characters.

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