Member Reviews

This was a difficult book to read as it kept going back over what had happened in the past and it was told in a way which was difficult to become properly immersed in. I found the content pretty harrowing too so it wasn't an enjoyable read, unfortunately.

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Madeline and Summer are more than best friends, they are like sisters from as far back as either can remember. But Summer was hiding a devastating secret from Madeline and it ended up tearing her family and the girls’ friendship apart. Years later, Madeline is still struggling to come to terms with what happened and her part in it. She finally confronts the past in an effort to heal in the present.
I thought this book was ok. Some parts seemed a little murky and I never felt like I got the full story. Most of the characters seemed one dimensional and I wish there had been some more back story and substance.

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Thank you NetGalley for an early copy.

I loved this book. I am so picky about books involving recovery/occurrence of trauma because they can feel so inauthentic.
It’s really heartbreaking to watch Maddie go through this. I work with clients with severe trauma, and this feels so similar to journeys I see every day. It is EMOTIONAL so please be prepared for that. If you don’t like books about abuse and trauma don’t read this. But if you do, I highly recommend.

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Trigger warnings for CSA and suicide. Also some semi spoilers in this review.

This was a well written book dealing with difficult subject matter. I found the writing itself engaging and well paced, and the protagonist flawed yet sympathetic.

I guess I had a little bit of a disconnect with the book as a whole because it is essentially a book about healing from trauma, but it felt like a lot of that process was skipped over. The majority of the book takes place at a time in her life when Maddie is finally starting to actually face these events from many years ago. We see these confrontations play out (her father, her mother, summer) on the page, but nothing actually changes based on any of them. I don't think that's a bad thing in itself, a large part of dealing with trauma can be recognising what you can't change/control, processing it and moving forward. The problem is that the processing part takes place off the page, with her doctor during a time jump we don't see. The end of the book is a skip into the future, where she still doesn't speak to her father or summer and ignores her mother's willful denial. The only difference really is how she perceives her life. The end just felt a little unsatisfying to me because we didn't experience the healing process with her, we didn't see how she got there.

Overall, wonderful writing on a difficult subject to write well, and worth a read. I'll definitely pick up anything else this author writes.

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This was a very haunting book. You could viscerally feel Maddie coming apart and the internal fighting she was going through. I liked the book and the subject matter was interesting from the character point of views. But once the book hit the 60% mark, I just wasn't sure where it was going and it was anticlimactic. I was glad Maddie ran into Summer, but was there really any kind of resolution to anything? Her mother admitted nothing and didn't change anything, her dad stuck to his coldness, and Summer didn't absolve Maddie of any guilt of being a child and having no realization of what could be going on. So, I felt the last third of the book was just ok, and ended abruptly.

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I usually don't like books about abuse, however, this story unraveled so beautifully that I couldn't put it down. I will definitely be looking for more from this author

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4 ⭐️
tw: sexual assault & eating disorders & suicide
Summer and Maddie have been best friends since they were little kids. When a secret that Summer kept comes to light- it destroys both of them. will they ever be the same? this book takes us on a journey of healing from trauma. overall it was a super easy read- that i could relate to in certain aspects.

thank you to the publishers and netgalley for this ARC!

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An extraordinary book that examines the far-reaching effects of abuse on those who weren’t necessarily the victims but became so by being in the vicinity of the abuser.

For Maddie, her life is collapsing around her as she tries to come to terms with the loss of her best friend and her innocence. Is it worth living if every moment is a nightmare she cannot wake up from?

Her only hope is to revisit the trial and her memories to try and understand what occurred and whether she can reconcile her present with the erosion of all that she believed to be true in her past.

Dianne has captured the agony, the loneliness and the self-recrimination of the protagonist in beautiful prose that sweeps you along, at once riveted and terrified that things may not end well for Maddie.

A beautiful albeit devastating novel which I highly recommend with the caveat that there are plenty of triggers for those who cannot handle difficult subject matters like sexual abuse, depression and suicidal thoughts. In which case, avoid. If you can, however, don’t miss out on this one!

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Madeline and Summer were as Close as two friends could get.
Until the secret that Summer has been hiding, comes to the surface.
It changes everything, We get to experience what happens when somebody is abused not only to them, which are those closest to them. Written so beautifully
This is my first book by this author, and it will not be my last!

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This is a book about trauma and loyalty. Madeline and Summer are childhood friends, as close as sisters. There is a power imbalance in their friendship, though, and Summer, raised by a single mother and poor, relies on the generosity of Madeline's family. She spends every weekend and their house, every evening after school, goes on vacation with them, and even lived with them for a while. When we meet Madeline, she is recovering from a suicide attempt and is lost and floundering. We realize that something happened to Summer when they were in middle school and Madeline was forced to choose sides. She forces herself to relive that time and look through the trauma with a more objective lens. This is a hard book to read, but it is compelling. Thank you, NetGalley, for the advanced copy.

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5 stars.

Wow, where do I even start? First, a huge shoutout to the publisher and author for the advance copy. I don’t think I’ve ever been so thankful for a book that wrecked me like this one did.

I was hooked from page one and didn’t stop until I was done. I’m talking about reading while eating, and yep, that’s how I found myself bawling into a plate of late night Chinese food. This book is just so intense and raw, it digs into depression, how to deal with your past, and the painful process of moving on and forgiving. Every single word hit me right in the gut.

The friendships in this story are beautifully written, and they’re contrasted by the harsh reality of life’s cruelty. And don’t get me started on that freakin' bastard who wrecked everything. He had me fuming with how he messed up something so pure.

Honestly, I couldn’t have picked a better book to end my 2024 reading challenge. This one’s definitely earned a spot among my favorite reads of the year. If you’re up for a read that’ll have you crying and reflecting all at once, this is it.

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was able to read his novel thru NatGalley. At the beginning I struggled to connect with the main character but as the story progressed I became more engaged and things became more clear. I was satisfied with the ending but want to add warning for those affected by sexual abuse.

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This was a ripping-off-the-bandaid kind of book. It begins with Maddie jumping into finally processing the long-standing family trauma that she, and the rest of her family, have been shoving under the carpet for nearly a decade.

I found it to a really beautiful and complicated portrayal of sisterhood and family loyalties. And what happens to the people on the periphery of a life-altering betrayal.

I liked how the author played with the idea of "evil" and how that intersected with personal responsibility. This is a complicated story with no easy "whys," and a whole lot of victims.

Every character was a real person, very humanized -- very complicated. I really enjoyed Braley's writing, and the emotional rollercoaster she took us on with this story.

When Summer said "Lemonade" at their reunion, I wanted to bawl my eyes out. I was then a bit confused why Maddie later says they'll never be friends again. It seemed as though they both still have a lot of love for one another, and while I understand there is no easy way to reconnect... That felt unexplored to me.

Also -- in the first half of the book... there were a few illusions to Summer being dead? Bit shocked when she turned out to be alive.

Overall I found the writing to be fantastic, but it was a bit clunky in establishing the story. In particular, this passage really stood out to me as a LOT of exposition that could have been more nuanced.
“I know you want to know, hear her voice and what happened— Summer’s words. You never got to because you had to testify and were not allowed to be in the courtroom. I know that’s killing you, Mads.” His voice softened, and he cleared his throat. “You believe her now, just from the sentencing, but you didn’t until you stopped believing him. I know you want to hear her words, Maddie.”

Overall, I would rate this book 4.5 stars. I found this emotionally devastating, and covered some very heavy themes with nuance and care.

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The premise of this book is good albeit heavy - the main character Summer deals with the guilt and betrayal of a family member abusing her best friend and how she herself handled it. She must confront these issues from her past and it doesn't go well. That being said, I thought the writing was not good at all. It was stilted and choppy writing. The story jumps in without any preamble which made it initially confusing.

I did like the interspersing of the trial, that was the best part, but I did not connect at all with the characters. The writing style was one of just TELLING rather than developing the characters.

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Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. Madeline is remembering her friend Summer. They did everything together until everything changed. This book was a page turner.

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Heart wrenching look at how sexual assault effects so many people beside the victim. It was well written and I could not put it down.

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Wow. This book was powerful. The topic of molestation isn't an easy one, but the way the author delved into the avoidance people use to keep holding onto their denial of the guilt of their loved one struck a chord. The title and the cover of this book were great choices. Even with the difficult subject matter, I had a hard time putting this down and read it very quickly. I would absolutely recommend reading The Summer Before.

Thank you to NetGalley and Dianne C. Braley for the ARC.

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Summer and Madeline are closer than sisters. They share secrets, telling each other everything. Except for one thing that Summer can't tell anyone.

Well, this was NOT what I expected. This was quite a difficult read as the subject matter was just...awful. That said, Dianne Braley was able to create a tender and vulnerable character in Madeline, who struggles with acceptance and guilt. This is a story about the other people affected in sexual assault cases.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this important story.

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This book is one everyone needs to add to their fall TBR list. It was phenomenal!! I absolutely loved the characters and their journey. Just so good!

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A fantastic read that kept me turning the pages until the end!
I couldn't put it down it was soooo good!
This is a well written story with some hard truths and learning experiences.
There were some places where I sniffled and some places that I was rooting for the main character Maddie.
My heart went out to Summer.
I loved that it was a fast paced novel. There were things that I would have asked why.
I think that one of the themes is that secrets will come out no matter what and the way it comes out I wasn't expecting. I think it's terrible.
Forgiveness is hard no matter who it is. But it needs to be done for a peace of mind and in order to move on. Change is hard too. I hate change. No matter how it comes about.
5 stars for a well written story that will leave you thinking about this family long after the story is over.
My thanks for a copy of this book.
I was NOT required to write a positive review.
All opinions expressed are mine.

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