Member Reviews

Wow wow wow! What a book! I was totally invested at all times and couldn’t put it down. Very emotional, hard hitting and thrilling! Highly recommend!

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The Last Bookshop in Prague is a historical fiction novel set in WWII, focusing on a bookshop owner named Jana who joins the resistance.

Using her bookstore as a cover, she helps the resistance by using hidden signals and codes.

The arrival of a young Jewish boy and a fascist police captain complicates her already dangerous situation.

This book was thrilling, kept me on the edge of my seat and emotional.

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A beautiful and sweeping WWII historical fiction novel about one women's fight against the Nazi regime: Jana has inherited her mother's bookshop, but now it is at risk since the Nazis took over Czechoslovakia. Jana can not stand the censorship of books and hates being forced to carry Nazi propaganda pieces and German-translated books. Still, she knows the importance of a good story and desperately tries to remain open to give the people of Prague a place to come and escape into a book, even if it is books deemed appropriate by the Germans. When the Gestapo sweeps away one of her young regular patron's parents for being Jewish, Jana vows to protect him and keep him safe, and so begins her journey into the resistance movement. From spying, to carrying illegal parts, to helping Jewish children, Jana will stop at nothing to give hope to the people of Prague. But all actions have consequences, and is she ready to face the consequences of her actions?

This moving book has themes of self-discovery, love, patriotism, and betrayal. I loved how brave and yet relatable Jana was. When she realized the consequences of some of her actions, you felt her pain and doubt, which made her more relatable. She wasn't just some gung-ho patriot who would stop at nothing to save her country; she struggled daily with her actions and felt the heavy weight of them. Her story is one of hope in the face of darkness and desperation.

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This story is set in Prague during WWII. The story revolves around a young woman and her friends. It is a heart wrenching story of the hardships endured by people during the war. It is also a story of hope and forgiveness. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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Such an emotional storyline and suspenseful plot! I really enjoyed reading about books' lovers and their fight against the Nazis! The resistants were impressive showing so much courage. Of course, the group was not perfectly organised, often led by affect which makes the novel even more realistic. I learned quite a bit about Prague during WWII, some of the events I was not aware of. Rather emotional, tension full, this novel is definitely well worth reading. My first book by the author, and I know I am already a fan of Helen Parusel!
I received a digital copy of this novel from NetGalley and I have voluntarily written an honest review.

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I really liked the setting in prague, and it was an entertaining book. But it felt a little too naive sometimes, the characters were strong but they felt a little bit naive too for me. But the book had a lot of glimmer of hopes .
Thank you to netgalley for letting me read this e arc in exchange for an honest opinion

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A lovely window of historical fiction. Loved the setting of Prague and the main character was fun to read from. Highly recommend

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