Member Reviews

Another great read from Sally Rigby!

It was good to bring in Ellie, a character from the Whitney series.
The story line was cleverly thought out using Ellies skills to the maximum to help solve the case and will there be a bit of romance in the future.....

I would have liked to have seen AC12 take Laura's main witness from her due to the police corruption but saying that I really enjoyed the book and all the different twists it took to solve the case.

The door has now been opened for Whitney to visit Matt in the future and it seems Laura's first impressions of Whitney were positive so I am looking forward to where the story goes from here

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Thank you to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for my copy of The Cambourne Killings by Sally Rigby.
A new author for me but one I will definitely have on my tbr pile in future.
Set in Cornwall and centred around Detective Lauren Pengelly and her partner Matt Price, this is a quite a short read and the pace moves along quickly.
Would recommend.

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Such a thrilling book. I was hooked from the first page. I rapidly devoured this book. I didn’t realize there were three books in the series ahead of this I hadn’t read. I still followed along. It’s definitely an easy to follow book. I will be going back to read those. Sally Rigby is a prolific writer. It’s a very exciting book. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Thank you NetGalley and publisher for this arc!

WOW! What a great book! This book had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. Had me guessing! That plot twist got me! lol what a great read!

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Lauren Pengelly and Matt Price are back with another fantastically written investigation.
This time someone is targeting former police officers and using an old children’s rhyme to leave a signature calling card. As the bodies start to mount the realise they are dealing with a serial killer and how does the Chief Constable fit into all this, and what is the 30 year old case got to do with it all?
In a race for time the team try and unravel the mysteries which keep appearing.
Great to catch up with the team and looking forward to further investigations.

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The Camborne Killings is the fourth novel in the Cornwall Mystery series, and, as with every other Sarah Rigby novel, it is a wonderful read. Someone is killing ex-police officers. The only thing they seem to have in common is a thirty-year-old case. DI Lauren Pengelly and DS Matt Price of the Penzance Major Crimes unit will have their hands full with this one. Good thing Ellie Naylor, a computer genius, is visiting Matt. The characters are great, the plot well-woven, and the twist and turns keeps your nose glued to the pages. I look forward to the next book in this great series.

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Having read all the books in this series it's fair to say Sally Rigby has a distinct formula for each book. A body at the start of each book; some sort of note or mascot insinuating the start of a spate of killings, and a reflection at the end of each chapter. In the final chapter, there's invariably some sort of inclusive activity for Lauren Pengelly's team, or with Matt' s daughter, to show she's making progress in her communication skills.

Fortunately the plot is well devised, although a clue quite early on led me to a swift identification of the protagonist.

I'd like to see Rigby tackle some different crimes: Penzance is getting as bad as Midsomer for murders.

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Detective Lauren Pengelly and her partner Matt Price are sent to a remote farm to investigate a woman's murder. A cryptic note left at the scene is also found at the scene of a second murder in a nearby jurisdiction, and suggests there could be more murders to come. The research expert on the investigative team discovers that both murdered women were former police officers, working under a now high-ranking police official, who the victims accused of sexual harassment when they were on the force. Lauren and Matt must walk a tightrope in their investigation and avoid accusing the police chief until they have solid evidence.

Though the plot of this book was intriguing, the writing style and use of language seemed to be on about a junior high level, with numerous statements of the obvious which was just plain boring after a while. After having read half of the book, the lack of subtlety caused me to skip to the denouement and move on to something that could hold my interest better.

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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Really enjoyable book. I am getting to know the characters now. They are well constructed and well developed and give additional substance to the books. The plot of this book is good unfolds well and has sufficient twist to keep the reader interested. Would highly recommend.

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Book Title: The Camborne Killings
Author: Sally Rigby
Series: Cornwall Murder Mystery #4
Publisher: Storm Publishers
Genre: Mystery/ Thriller
Pub Date: September 13, 2024
My Rating: 4.4 stars
Pages: 255

This story is the fourth in this series and I have read "The Lost Girls of Penzance" which was the first and loved it
That story featured DI Lauren Pengelly and DS Matt Price. Matt had transferred to small town of Penzance after his wife died and his parents want to help with his young daughter, Dani.

Now in Book 4 Detective Sergeant Matt Price is very much settled in Penzance.
Detective Constable Ellie Naylor a colleague of Matt’s who worked with him at Lenchester is in town for a visit. When Ellie joined the police department, Matt had taken her under his wing as she was so shy and reserved but had phenomenal research skills so he knew she would do well. He is enjoying seeing her and catching up on but cannot help but notice that something is wrong. She finally tells Matt that Dean her longtime boyfriend has been cheating on her so has called it quits and needed to get-away for a few days. Her parents were supportive. Thought it would be great to see him and spend some time with his little daughter Dani. Although it is his day off Matt gets a call.
Lauren has called Matt that they need to investigating a murder, When they arrive at the farm they find an elderly women who turns out to be Carmel Driscoll a retired police office. There was a note left next to her body ~ “Ten green bottles”.

Not long after there is another similar murder also a former police offer and a note. This note states – Nine green bottles.
Lauren and Matt are a bit overwhelmed in this investigation as they are short a team member. Ellie is still in town and offers to help. Matt is very aware of her research skills and is delighted to receive her help.
Lauren welcomes the help as well but is not all that happy about another from detective from Lenchester as Matt mentioned many times that the team worked well there. Lauren feels a bit jealous.

However, the team ends up working great together and Ellie’s research is ‘spot on’
It appears that the murdered officers had worked in CID (Criminal Investigation Department) at the Camborne station in the 1990s-

I certainly enjoyed this and already looking forward to Book #5.

I want to thank to NetGalley and Storm Publishing for this early this early eGalley
Publishing Release Date scheduled for September 13, 2024.

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Wow another great installment in this fantastic series.

Lauren Pengelly and her partner Matt Price are faced with ex police officers being murdered, who is doing it and why?

Its a race to find the culprit before there are any more victims

A fantastic read which i raced through

Thanks to the publishers and netgalley for this arc in exchange for an honest review.
5 stars

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Officers dying…a serial killer? A Cornwall setting. This talented author has written a page turner. Secrets and red herrings. Realistic characters keep the story moving quickly. A cannot put down mystery. Thanks Netgalley.

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The fourth outing in the Cornwall Murder Mystery series and a gruesome murder near Penzance calls for Pengelly and Price. Something cryptic is afoot and another murder soon gives the pair and their team cause for further disquiet- both victims thus far are former police officers. Can they make connections fast enough to halt this killer in their tracks? Another intriguing mystery with a credible cast of characters, a compelling plot and a well imagined backdrop.

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Lauren and Matt are called to a gruesome murder scene, and beside the body is a note that makes them think that there will be further murders.
Could there be a serial killer on the loose?
Soon, there is another murder, and the connection is that both victims were former police officers.
The race is on to prevent further killings!

Loved this latest in the series. Lauren has fitted into the team, and there is a new introduction by Matt, whose friend is an ace researcher.
The murders are methodically solved, connections between victims made, and the plot is intricately crafted.
Cannot wait for the next in the series!

Thanks to Netgalley and Storm Publishing for the opportunity to read this book.

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The Cambourne Killings by Sally Rigby is book 4 in the Cornwall Murder series featuring DI Lauren Pengelly and DS Matt Price. It is published on 13 September. Thank you to Storm Publishing, Netgalley and the author for the advance review copy. A previous colleague of Matt’s from Lenchester, Ellie Naylor, is visiting him in Cornwall. However, she is a very different person from the last time Matt saw her before he left, having suffered some heartache. Their reunion is interrupted when the DI rings with news of a woman’s body being found near Penzance, murdered. There is a cryptic clue left with the body which signals more murders will happen. Revenge plays quite a big part and the steps taken to achieve it are astounding. I love how Lauren is mellowing slowly through each book, mainly due to Matt’s influence. Lauren won’t put up with any nonsense and you know where you stand. There is a great mix of characters and when Ellie steps in to help with the research with one of the team out of action, she fits in well with them all. I really love reading about the characters and of course the setting of Cornwall is a plus. Love this series and each book is a great addition.

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A chilly morning mist blankets the Cornish countryside, shrouding the barn in an eerie silence. Inside, a woman lies motionless, her unseeing eyes fixed on the rafters above. A blood-stained note... Great book!! I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one! This book had suspense, intriguing, murder mystery, a great who done, fantastic characters, and a few crazy twists and turns! The story was very interesting and kept me glued to my kindle! I highly recommend reading this book! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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This is a fabulous book by an author who is fast becoming a favourite of mine. The murders are grisly but not too gory, there is police procedure but not too much detail and there is an excellent cast of characters. There are several lead to this book and the different voices help add depth to the plot, it brings in the family life and concerns as well as making the, more rounded. The author doesn’t over play this though, and whilst there are growing friendships and private battles going on, these aren’t given the inner monologue treatment and there are things we just don’t know. I felt on the inside of the team making the enquiries but not omnipotent which helped me get into the book and want to keep reading on. This has an excellent tone and the writing runs along smoothly making the book easy to read and one that I just want more of.

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Actually a 3,5* rounded up to 4*. I immensely enjoyed the plot and the police team! Lovely characters I was happy to meet again. However, I feel the narration throughout the novel rather clumsy: the way the author conveys feelings and thoughts doesn't feel natural. Indeed, as though she thinks the reader will not understand, she tends to explain too explicitly when no explanation is actually needed. That's a shame, because when it comes to the plot, you really want to read on! Overall, a good read!
I received a digital copy of this novel from NetGalley and I have voluntarily written an honest review.

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Love the Cornwall mystery series of novels.. I have read them all. . Great writing and premise. Amazing characters. Page turner. Plenty of suspense to keep me guessing.. Was a real rollercoaster ride. Definitely looking forward to the next offering. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it

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The continuing series of the murder team working out of Penzance station. Once again DI Pengelly and DS Price are out to discover who is committing the latest atrocities and why. This time round they have a secret weapon, DC Ellie Naylor, down from Price’s old station in Lenchester for a holiday, to relax and recuperate after some personal issues left her floundering. No sooner has Ellie arrived than the bodies start appearing! As the team is a member down, it’s fortuous that one of Lenchester’s brightest is there to pick up the slack.

Another very good read from this author. The setting and characters are top notch and the plot intriguing. Although part of a series this is perfectly suited to being a standalone. I read the first book in the series and thought it had great potential and I’m pleased to say that the books continue to be well written and give plenty of reader satisfaction. Roll on the next one!

Thank you NetGalley and Storm Publishing.

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