Member Reviews

Some people just need chopping down to size.

Rhiannon should be happy now, newly married and a loving family that have accepted her completely. Except her old family need her, she has no option but to return to the UK despite being one of the most wanted people by the police.

All good things must come to an end the saying goes and what a great series these books have been. I love Rhiannon’s character and the humour that runs through these books. Fab ending to a series I’ve really enjoyed. I’ve not watched the TV version yet and I’m not too sure if I want to…is it worth a watch if you’ve seen it? Thanks to @netgalley for the opportunity to read this book.



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I love, love, love this book and this series! I’ve been with it since day one, reading Sweetpea when it was first released (around 2017-ish I think),
That first book had everything, it was thrilling, exciting, fast-paced, and full of darkly comedic moments. So good it’s stayed with me since.
The author managed to keep that level up from the first book, to the last one, this one.
There’s not a bad one in the series and I’d highly recommend it to everyone. To be more exact, I’ll continue to recommend this series for years to come.
Thank you to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for allowing me an ARC of this wonderful book! Much appreciated and enjoyed.

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A brilliant ending to a brilliant series! I had loved every one of these books and I am sad that the series has come to an end. I can’t wait to see what the author brings out next! Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers.

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An amazing conclusion to a fantastically original series. I cannot recommend enough! Funny, gripping and sarcastic with characters you cannot care about.

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Rhiannon is back, thank god! Loved it and couldn’t wait to get back into another after the ending of the last one!! Another brilliantly crafted thriller filled with unpredictable twists and complex characters. The suspense builds steadily, and I have to say I think it’s the best one yet!!

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Picking up exactly where Thorn in My Side left off, this book is exciting from the very first page and wastes no time in bringing the action.

Honestly, what's not to love about feisty Rhiannon and her childish yet murderous rages? I love the stans, The Bad Seeds, who pop up everywhere and thankfully although fawning are helpful.

C J Skuse has created another action packed and exciting installment in our favourite serial killer's life, and in this book she faces new challenges having to leave her husband behind and go on alone to try to save the life of her daughter.

I raced through this book. Fun, murder and mayhem ensue, with many surprises and a thoroughly enjoyable read. Much recommended - although please do start from book one in the series.

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Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.
After Thorn ended the way it did, I was so glad to have The Bad Seeds ready to read, I'm not sure I could have handled the suspense!!!
The last in the series but it did not disappoint, it was utterly brilliant as usual and I didn't want it to end!
I gasped out loud a few times and had my head in my hands, I was petrified!!!!
The epilogue was perfect but I can't believe it's over.
Would recommend this series to everyone, it is addictive and I loved every minute.

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“Even though I’m a bad seed, I’m trying to grow.”

Rhiannon is back. And it is her final adventure, making this book bittersweet for me as I am not at all ready to say goodbye to my favourite anti-hero. And would I like the ending? I was apprehensive. But I also knew I could rely on the Queen of Sassy Noir to send our girl out the right way. And that’s exactly what she does, knocking it out of the park once again with a magnificent finale to the Sweetpea series.

When the book opens Rhiannon is newly married but instead of enjoying her honeymoon she’s by her husband’s side in the hospital as she waits to see if he’ll recover from a gunshot wound. But she can’t stay there for long as her daughter is seriously ill and she has to fly back to the UK to see her. But can she make it back without being recognised and arrested?

What a book! Darkly funny, tense and twisty, I was on the edge of my seat from start to finish, devouring this one whole as I waited to learn how things end for Rhiannon. As an official bad seed, I am team #KeepHerBuried but there are many who want to unmask Rhiannon and see her jailed for her crimes and they are hot on her heels in this instalment, raising the tension as she tries to get back to her daughter. I was surprised how emotional this book was at times and it wasn’t only laughter that had tears in my eyes this time around. But something I love about this series is how you can rely on some things to never change. Every book is filled with inappropriate, ink-black humour, pop culture references, and bloody murder. And while we have seen a softer, more emotional side to Rhiannon as the series went on, she is still that wonderful psycho serial killer who won’t let anyone stand in her way. She has just learned some life lessons and now has more to lose.

Deliciously dark, scathing, hilarious and completely outrageous, I can’t recommend this book and the whole series highly enough. And that final line! Sheer perfection. Take a bow, Ms. Skuse. I couldn’t have asked for a better ending.

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The Bad Seeds
CJ Skuse

It starts at that cliffhanger ending of book 4, and does not disappoint. Its a great last book in the series, I enjoyed the references to the previous books so I would read this series in order and the ending was excellent. I loved how the Sylvanian Families still get a mention.

Thanks to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book, in return for an honest review.

Rated 4/5

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I am so sad to finally be finished with one of my favourite series, Sweetpea.
Book 4 had an ending that shocked me to my core so I was relieved to see book 5 wasn't too far in the future, and even more thrilled to have been invited to read it early. I adore the narrator Georgia Maguire, and she has embodied Rhiannon so well, I was disappointed she wasn't acting in the Sweetpea TV series that has just been released!
These books shouldn't be read as a standalone, they deserve to be fully appreciated in all their five-book glory.
What has truly made these books so much fun, has to be the list at the start of each chapter when our FMC Rhiannon lists the 'people she'd like to kill'. These have had me belly laughing in public places (The Daniel Radcliffe comment of Book 3, LOL) and I am gutted we won't be treated to these nuggets of genius again. I feel the Bad Seeds should launch a campaign for a monthly Rhiannon kill-list. C.J. Skuse, I hope you read this!
To endear the readers to a serial killer, takes some doing, but Skuse manages it. Rhiannon is honest, loyal, intelligent and utterly hysterical. I shall miss her.
I can't wait to see what wonderful characters Skuse dreams up next, and I hope it has some more of the author's fabulous humour through it. I'll read everything she writes.

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The fifth instalment of Sweetpea and as strong as the others. Rhiannon is on the run again after a tug on her one heartstring from her sister Seren re her adopted daughter. Ivy. The most unlikely alliance with her police nemesis leads to road trip to rural Ireland.

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CJSkuse has done it again with a great follow on and final book In the sweet pea series. I read the first one years ago and love the way it has developed and continued on ! Rhiannon is one of the best vigilante serial killers on paper and always recommend to other people ! I have always read cjskuse from very early days and her YA fiction ! Never been disappointed ! Can’t wait for more amazing characters and books !

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A huge thank you to Netgalley for my advanced reading copy of this!

Rhiannon is hands down my favourite serial killer, so I was super excited to read this one and it didn't disapoint!!

Suske has done it again, another 5 🌟 read in the Sweetpea book series.

Although I didn't want it to end, this was the perfect ending to an incredible series! It was full of Rhiannon-isms which I adore, it was full of twists and turns that had me hooked.

I am gutted to say goodbye to #sweetpea but I have enjoyed the ride!

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I didn’t realise that this was the latest in a series but everything is so well explained/ referenced that it didn’t matter.

Rhiannon is a serial killer who after escaping to and building a life in America has returned to Britain to see her daughter - or has she been lured?

Rhiannon is a vigilante but much like the TV character Dexter you find yourself rooting for her and becoming a member of “The Bad Seeds” fan club. Her characterisation is clear and consistent with the prose being easy to follow, even if the dialogue sometimes requires some additional reading as it’s written so naturally.

I’m definitely a Sweetpea fan!

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Absolutely amazing read. The whole series is fantastic and certainly one of a kind. The Sweetpea series will be missed, but CJ is an outstanding author, and I look forward to her next brilliant book!

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Absolutely loved #TheBadSeeds. It definitely doesn’t disappoint. Book #5 and sadly the final instalment in the sweetpea series.
It’s so chilling, thrilling, funny, dark and twisted. It’s just brilliant.
As usual we see things not going to plan for Rhiannon when she heads back to the UK to see Ivy.
With brilliant characters old and new, it’s fast paced, violent, tense and hilariously entertaining. I love the authors writing style, she brings the places and people to life on the page. It’s fun and easy to read. Loved the sarcastic one liners, so on point. And don’t forget the kill lists. I couldn’t put this book down. I loved every page.
A perfect ending to a brilliant series which I just loved and thoroughly enjoyed reading. I look forward to seeing what @ceejayismeeejay writes next. Highly recommend this book and previous books in the series.
With thanks to #NetGallery @HQ for an arc of #TheBadSeeds in exchange for a honest review.
Book publishes 24 October 2024.

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I read the first book in this series years ago when it first came out, but I don't think it made any difference jumping to this one. ( I might have to go back and start from the beginning after I watch the TV series). It's hard not to sympathise with the main character, despite her being a serial killer. She seems to go through a lot. The dynamics between her and the police officer could be amusing at times as she awaited news about her injured husband. A book I read in one sitting

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Well.. here we are at book 5 and, if you haven't already met Sweetpea, or Rhiannon as she is more formally known, I'd go back and meet her properly in book one and get to know her and how she got to where we find her at this book's opening properly by playing catch-up with the rest of the books.
There's a TV show too but, as I haven't started it yet, I have no idea how good/bad it is or even if it follows the books...
Right so... if you recall, Rhiannon found herself in a bit of a dilemma at the end of the last book. Her daughter needs her, and only her, blood relation and all that. Or it could all be a trick to tempt her back home to face the music, walk in to a trap? She is settled where she is, as Ophelia. And safe. Or actually, possibly not as safe as she could be as someone is about to spill the beans which will open up a world of pain. So it's sht or bust time. But it's her daughter and if there is even the slightest chance of it being true she has to, doesn't she...? And, speaking from a reader's perspective, it's the only choice that makes for an absolutely cracking finale for Sweetpea so yeah, she did the right thing...
Oh and yes, you read me right, this is rumoured to be the last in series. I know boooo and all that, but also it makes sense... You'll see when you finish it.
Anyway... as per what has gone before we follow her as she faces down her sister, gets aided by her fan club The Bad Seeds, teams up with a very unlikely ally, and madness and mayhem definitely ensue. It's high on gore and violence - yay - but also balanced with softer moments. And so very funny in places too. I'm a big fan of observational humour, especially when delivered by someone on the same wavelength as myself, which is definitely what I get from these books. Not always for the faint hearted but hey, if you've got to book 5...! And as always, with a storyline that is definitely larger than life but just short of incredible, and wonderfully brilliant.
So yeah.. if it really is the end, then goodbye to Rhiannon, it's been a blast! I'll miss you. But, on the other hand, her story ending does make me wonder what's next for the author... I think more exciting days are to come...
My thanks go to the Publisher and Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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This is such a great series and I have loved following Rhiannon through the different stages of her life.
I didn’t realise this was the final book in this series (according to Google) and am a bit sad that this is the end.
I really enjoyed this book though and as usual with Rhiannon, things don’t quite go to plan when she heads back to the UK.
This is a great read and there’s some brilliant one liners, as always, from Rhiannon.
I really want to make more comments but it will spoil it all for you, and then I might end up on someone’s list ;)
Thanks to HQ for the opportunity to read this book.

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Rhiannon's back - and it seems like everything is finally turning up roses...of course nothing could be that straightforward! Her husband's been shot, her daughter back in the UK is seriously ill, and soon the authorities are right behind my favourite serial killer.

I did enjoy The Bad Seeds but it's not the highlight of the series. The character of Rhiannon kept me engrossed, but the plot and pacing were a bit drawn out. Fun and entertaining.

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