Member Reviews

I have been very impatiently waiting for this one after the massive cliffhanger at the end of the previous book!

In The Bad Seeds, we are thrown straight back into the mix, picking up immediately where Thorn In My Side finished with Rhiannon facing a huge dilemma with no time to ponder on a decision. The choice she makes leads her back to the UK, under the nose of the police who have been looking for her for years for a string of murders, but also closer to her daughter. Can she stay under the radar, check on her daughter and maybe take some revenge?

It is ridiculously bittersweet that this is the final book in this amazing series. This is another excellent instalment with the usual witty, dark storytelling and, as much as I hate that this is the end, I am so happy with how it turned out. From book one, it has always felt a bit odd to be desperate to catch up with my favourite serial killer, but Rhiannons heart has always been in the right place and she (almost!) always only kills those that most would agree deserve it. The only thing that is lessening the blow is that the TV series will be starting soon and I can't wait to see our girl on screen.

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Rhiannon is on the run again - this time back to the UK and ultimately into the arms of the police who are waiting to arrest her for the string of murders she has committed. But Rhiannon will risk anything to save her little daughter - and, being a devious and well-practised serial killer, she's long been one step ahead of the law ...
And just like that, everyone's favourite serial killer Sweetpea is back. And as a vigilante killer of predatory men, there are plenty people backing her. The Bad Seeds are a motley crew, usually found lurking online, but will there be any around when she needs them?
As alway, CJ Skuse delivers a strong and audacious story that will leave you gasping. It's witty, it's filthy but it is also finessed, as Rhiannon's character continues to develop as she comes to terms with her past as a child victim of a hammer attack, her father's relentless quest for bloody vengeance, and her sister's abandonment of her when she needed her most.
There's a strong backing cast of characters here, Billy, the ex-army Irishman with false legs provides much of the humour, along with his Irish friends and family, but it's Rhiannon's arch Nemesis DI Gericault who comes into her own as she and Rhiannon stage their own version of Thelma and Louise. We've hated Gericault over four books - will we learn now to love her?
Rhiannon loves to make lists of the things she'd destroy if she could, and I generally agree with her. This time she got me with the Daisy, Daisy, Daisy ad - whoever came up with that one deserves Rhiannon's wrath! As did all her other victims. It's why we love Sweetpea so much.
You don;t have to read all the books in the series to enjoy this one, but I'd highly recommend them. And this one is just as great as the others. CJ Skuse won't mind me saying how much I admire her evil genius - but if I suddenly disappear from this platform, you'll know she's got Sweetpea to get me.

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I was so excited to get the email from netgalley and the publisher to invite me to read the final installment of the Sweetpea series.
You know those things you wish you could experience again for the first time - reading Sweetpea was one of mine. Sweetpea ignited a passion for a very specific genre in me and I've adored the whole series, but with this one I truly feel like it's gone full circle and I got those same feels like the first book.
After leaving us on the mother of all cliffhangers at the end of thorn in my side, the bad seeds throws us straight back into the thick of it.
I laughed so hard at so many different points - the deliciously dark humour and sarcastic one liners are just so on point.
I wasn't sure how the story of Rhiannon/Sweetpea would end - I obviously didn't want it to! But I think the way that it has is actually pretty perfect.
I'm also truly honoured that a little piece of me is in this final book as I'm mentioned in the acknowledgements!
C. J. Skuse I'm a Bad Seed for life! #KeepHerBuried

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Well, what can I say! I’ve absolutely loved this series and how it has progressed. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about the ending as I didn’t really want it to end. But it really drew everything together. CJSkuse writes with such humour but is also able to make you root for the characters. I adore Sweetpea, I loved the first book and then how her story has progressed and how much she’s grown has been a pleasure to read. I will miss the list of things that annoy her at the start of every chapter, her wit and humour and even her warmth and love towards the end. Fantastic.

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Rhiannon, our favourite serial killer is back.

After the cliff hanger at the end of the last book, we get the ending that Rhiannon deserves. We will miss her, but don't miss out on this latest instalment of the Sweetpea books.

So good, I devoured it.

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What a series! What an author!! I am officially a Black Seed #KeepHerBuried

Rhiannon Lewis is a complex character built entirely in a league of her own. You’ll love her for her expletive descriptions and no holds barred reaction to aggression. She’s she is one of the most contradictory and yet plain-living serial killers you’ll ever read which makes her both intriguing and laugh out loud funny.

Rhiannon’s (or should I say CJ Skuse’s) expletive narrative is just another reason I love these books so much. It’s horribly offensive, graphic and over the top … but omg so funny and crying out to be quoted in everyday life!

This whole series follows a seemingly normal and clichéd character until the day that she ‘snaps’ and has what can only be described as a a ‘coming of rage’ moment. Told from Rhiannon’s perspective it reads almost like a Bridget Jones novel, had Bridget decided to chop her ‘baby daddy’ up into tiny pieces and go on midnight stalks if pervs and ‘peeds’ for kicks.

I was selected to read this book by the publishing house and I can’t tell you how honoured I was to get my hands on an unedited version!! I chose not to read the synopsis of this book before reading. I didn’t need to be told how much I’d love it, or what she was going to do… I just knew I wanted to be on that bus to ruin with her. And what a thrill ride it was! So much so I miss Rhiannon/Ophelia and have put the whole series back into my TBR pile - because it is SO GOOD!

Thank you as ever to NetGalley for my advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a very difficult review for me to write. Because no matter how I love this book I am BEREFT that this is the final instalment in the absolutely first class Sweet Pea series. (Soon to be a major TV drama).

This book is the last time we’ll read about Rhiannon Lewis - a serial killer who (mostly) despatches predators and creeps. Yes, a few innocent people have been caught in her twisted stabby crossfire but despite her pathological lack of remorse she is still a character you cheer on. Even when her truly deranged self emerges from the shadows.
This book more than any puts her vigilante existence into context with how many, many women still face abuse and violence. There are stark reminders of the predators of this world littered through the book.
But as always, writer CJ Skuse manages to avoid dragging us too far into the darkness as Sweetpea’s filter free approach to life is just so sharp and witty. I laughed out loud many times - but I’m aware Rhiannon will very much not be every readers’ cup of tea. She is abrasive and offensive. Taste and decency are not her thing and yet she is one of the best and most memorable characters in modern crime fiction.
Book 4 in this series left us with one hell of a cliffhanger and I absolutely do not want to spoiler this for anyone - suffice to say this is an exceptionally satisfying conclusion to one of my favourite reads of all time.
So much happens in this book - Richard Grunt makes his usual appearance, Rhiannon has to face her past head on and risks losing everything. There is tension a plenty and heartache too.
Even five books in this story feels fresh. That’s quite an achievement in and of itself.

I loved it. I’m sad it’s over. It’s exquisite in every way.

Thank you @hqstories for an ARC of this book which is released in October.

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Rhiannon has done it again!

While this novel was more slow paced than all the previous ones, I still enjoyed it. It seems like this is the final book in the series and it has a very satisfying ending

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Rhiannon is back! I was so excited to read the 5th installment of the Sweetpea series. I don't typically read series' but this one I never miss an installment of. As always, Rhiannon's wit and dry sense of humour are the star of the show and the action was really ramped up in Bad Seeds. I loved the exploration of the other characters in the story and the sense of inner conflict between turning her in or joining her in her vigilante justice. Another excellent installment in a great series! Would definitely recommend.

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Thanks to Harper Collins for allowing me to read this one early.
Rhiannon is back.
Absolutely love this character maybe I’m a bad seed!
Having read all of the Sweetpea series I was waiting for this one and it has lived up to expectation.
The plot as usual is fast paced twisty and filled with humour. The writing keeps you reading and brings the places and people to life. The characters are both endearing and frightening but always with humour and leaves you routing yet again for Rhiannon.
Would definitely recommend to readers who like plots with quirky killers.

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This book was everything I hoped it would be. The ending of book 4 smashed my heart into a million pieces, and I've been (im)patiently waiting to get my hands on this one ever since. I thought this was a brilliant conclusion to the series - it was full of the usual Rhiannon-isms and it ended just how I wanted it to end. My only negative is that I'm devastated that the series is over, I've loved every single page of it.

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The one-liners in this are soooo good and quotable, yet I can't share them here because most of them are channelling sweary Rhiannon! My favourite concerns a coat with a fur hood, you'll know it when you see it...! This is the fifth in the Sweetpea series, and they just keep getting better and better. There's character development, added depths to characters we thought we knew, fun online forum segments, and OF COURSE Rhiannon's hate lists. It wouldn't be a Swweptea book without those!!

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Thank you to Netgalley for allowing me to read this book in return for an honest review. I was so excited to be accepted to read this new instalment of sweetpea as it is one of my all time favourite book series. I absolutely loved this new story and felt that it carried on so well from the last one perfectly. Rhiannon is an absolutely fantastic character who is hilarious and seriously entertaining. This may seem like a strange thing to say about a serial killer but you need to read the books to understand her. I really hope there is another book in the works as I’m not ready to let her go just yet. #badseeds! Highly recommended. 5 stars.

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One of the main things I loved about this series was how truly different it was. There likely will be poor attempts to recreate it, but this was a one off, a true individual.

I’ve read all of them now and I know that I will go back time and time again to read them again.

Skuse is a hugely talented author (yes I read the others) and while I know my feedback won’t matter at all, I would say this book surprised me. It wasn’t what I was expecting and it didn’t end as I imagined.

I don’t even know if that’s a good thing. What I do know is it was a hell of a ride and a joy to read.

This book was an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, which this is.

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Compelling As Ever..
The fifth in the darkly amusing Sweetpea series finds Rhiannon with a dilemma on her hands. Once upon a time, everything seemed to be going well but then, due to entirely unforeseen circumstances, she finds herself needing to flee the USA for the shores of Britain. Knowing that this will pose a dangerous situation, what ever will she do next? Dark, dark, dark and in a much similar vein to the others in this series, seriously amusing and with a propulsive plot populated with a pitch perfect cast of characters. As compelling as ever.

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This series has been so much fun and I’m so sad it’s all over! The final installment was a very fitting end to a gruesome, tongue in cheek, sarcastic, thoroughly rotten ride. 💯💯💯

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After the cliffhanger at the end of book 4 I was desperate to read this next installment so I'm so glad to have had this ARC.
As with all of the previous Sweetpea books I struggled to put this down and I loved being submerged in this world again. The only negative is that this was the final book in the series. C.J. Skuse is a genius to be able to craft a loveable, humorous serial killer who is a breath of fresh air!

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First of all i am kicking myself for reading this so fast.
The 5th and sadly the last in the series.
Rhiannon is in a terrible situation, if she returns to the UK she is likely to get arrested but she must.....for Ivy.
Another brilliant and hilarious/dark read which would make a fantastic series for television
If i could give ten stars i would.
C J Skuse is one talented author, i will be watching to see what she writes next.
My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my copy..

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This is the fifth and final instalment in the fantastic Sweetpea series and it did not disappoint in any way at all. I have loved this series and I am sad to see it end but at least I can re-read the story again whenever I feel the need for some hilarious, murderous fun.

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As an unapologetically feral Bad Seed, it should come as no surprise that I inhaled this book, barely coming up for air. A sensational conclusion to one of the best series out there, I'd follow Rhiannon anywhere (even if I would be on one of her lists 👀).

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