Member Reviews
In some ways, this lifetime-spanning novel reminded me of Free Food for Millionaires but centered more around a romantic coupling than an individual human or family. I’m not sure this worked for me as a reader. I was rooting for Suchi and Haiwen on their own journeys but because their relationship was prioritized over their individual stories or their families’ stories, I found some of the focus, particularly of their childhood, disappointing. I was hoping for more identity/diaspora commentary and while we got some when the seniors in the States were reflecting on their experience at the beginning, it wasn’t as much of a theme across the book.
I appreciated where Chen left untranslated words as this left a level of authenticity and nuance that I feel gets diluted in many translated novels I’ve read where everything is translated. I also really love learning new words and terms! I deeply appreciated the foreword at the beginning where Chen explains the difference in names and honourifics across contexts and invites readers to consider how difficult it is for those needing to navigate a new country, language and culture.
Overall, I found the pace of the book slow and the sense of time was opaque, particularly at the beginning, which was compounded by non-linear time skips. Suchi read a lot younger than she must have been in the early flashbacks so the romance focus felt a bit strange. I’d have loved to have seen more balance on other aspects her childhood than the hyper-focus we got on her relationship with Haiwen in the first quarter of the book. This does improve when Suchi and Haiwen are living their adult lives; however, I’m not sure the jump from their first meeting to their dotage really worked as the remainder is basically a fill-in-the-blanks since we know they meet again as seniors. For me, the best part of the book was when they were apart and exploring their family dynamics (I loved Suchi/Sulan’s story and found Haiwen’s sibling relationship thread heartbreaking). I loved the ending though and I’m glad Chen concluded our time with these characters the way she did:.
I was privileged to have my request to read this book accepted through NetGalley. Thank you, Hodder & Stoughton.