Member Reviews

I had high hopes for this because of the synopsis but unfortunately it was a DNF for me. I personally found it very slow and I didn’t care for the story or characters. I did try to give it a chance but I just found myself not wanting to pick it up at all. I think if you enjoy slow burn thrillers and not having a character to root for this will be for you.

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Set in the Napa Valley, Josh disappears…

Atmospheric. Full of secrets. Mystery. Moody &Bold. This twisty thriller spends time scene setting but picks up the pace as the story unfolds.

Perfect for those who enjoy:
- Dual narratives
- Wine!
- Slow burn
- Suspenseful stories

With thanks to HQ and Netgalley for an ARC copy in return for an honest review.

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Wine with a side of murder? Yes please and thank you! I was a huge fan of Laurie's debut, and thought Till Death Do Us Part was even more gripping, and the setting was absolutely top notch.

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Till Death Do Us Part is a thought-provoking and poignant read, blending mystery with an emotional exploration of family and personal identity. Though it may not meet the traditional thriller’s fast-paced criteria, the richness of the characters and the complexity of the narrative more than makeup for it. It's a story that lingers long after the last page, offering a haunting reflection on the choices we make—and the secrets we keep—in the name of love and survival.

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Was a DNF for me,unlikeable characters and too much about vineyards etc and the writing style was not for me,apologies

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The premise of this book is what made me want to read it, it sounded so intriguing and like nothing else I’d ever read. Unfortunately, the execution of this story fell flat. As well, as this, this book has two storylines, one of which I didn’t even have an inkling of which was more than a little surprising. In addition this book has a very slow start and I was thinking about DNFing it on a couple occasions. Characters take actions that do not always make sense, and often seem (borderline) cruel and I didn’t find myself much invested in any of the characters. Overall, I did hope to like this book, but in the end it just fell short, with a plot that was unexpected and convoluted, and characters who had had several features that made them not just boring but dislikable.

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Till Death Do Us Part by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn is such a dark, twisty ride! It’s about a woman trapped in a messed-up marriage, and the tension is wild. I loved the rich, intense writing—Flynn really nailed the wine imagery! It’s moody and suspenseful, with so many unexpected twists. The main character’s strength shines through, making you root for her the whole time. If you’re into dark romance with surprises, this one’s a must-read. 4/5 stars!

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I had high hopes for this following my enjoyment of Flynn's previous novel, but sadly this one really fell short for me. The two POV characters are unlikeable, and the twists are so far fetched they're practically on another planet. Plus there are things we simply never get answers to. I did enjoy all of the wine talk, and I found myself invested in the story, but I'm left feeling disappointed at how it panned out!

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First the cover and the title are 😍😍😍
I loved the duel perspective between the now and the past
It was interesting full of twists and. Was completely blew away a few times
I read it in nearly one sitting as I didn’t want to put to down
Definitely worth a read
A fantastic thriller with interesting characters twists you don’t see coming!

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Thank you Netgalley for this one. This book kept me guessing from the very beginning! I loved it. So many secrets throughout the whole story which i couldn't keep on top of. A really good thriller! Defo recommend this one!

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Till Death Do Us Part follows June, a widow whose husband Josh died years ago. She is now getting ready to marry again and suddenly Josh reappears.

The story is told in the present day through June’s perspective and in the past through Josh’s mum Bev’s perspective and we get to know both women and the secrets that their lives hold.

This is a twisty thriller which I devoured in one sitting however some of the twists were a bit too unrealistic, i’m all for suspending my disbelief but it get a bit into eye roll territory by the end. Nevertheless this was a fast paced and addictive thriller that kept me guessing - a great beach read.

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The book starts with a diary entry from the character June back in 2012, where we the reader, are treated to a bombshell opening. Josh and June had married in a whirlwind and eloped without telling their friends and family, but June writes that she didn’t realise that seven days later she would be a widow.

Fast-forward a decade to 2022, and June is now getting engaged to Kyle. A man who sounds just about as perfect as can be. But June still wonders what her life would have been like had she had the opportunity to continue it with Josh. To this current day June is not convinced that Josh’s disappearance and ultimate ruling of death was an accident.

Well this book had quite the opening in my opinion, what a hook to reel the reader in. There was no way I could read those first few chapters and not be eagerly curious about what had actually happened to Josh.

We also follow the timeline of Bev, Josh’s mother, from 1999, where she lives in St. Helena and works on a wine estate with her husband. We learn early on that something happened with Josh in the past but we don’t know what. Yet another little hook to get the reader eager to learn more.

I really enjoyed the setting of the book, with the majority of the book set within the Napa wine region. I learnt a lot I didn’t know about wine making and the process behind it but it wasn’t the focal point of the book or too much detail to detract from the overall story.

The two timelines go back and forth between Bev in 1999 and June in 2022, whilst slowly revealing secrets of their past. Although there are two timelines being told from two different perspectives, both stories were told seamlessly that I never felt lost. The two stories actually work in harmony together.

Although this is definitely somewhat of a slow burn, when it comes to how the story unfolds, in that for most of the book there isn’t that many big shock moments, there is a very big reveal moment at the end which makes the wait worthwhile. The slow burn element just adds to the suspense and kept me racing through the pages to see how everything fits together.

This is one of those books that truly kept me guessing all the way through. I just couldn’t quite work out how all the pieces fit together, and I didn’t not see the final big reveal coming at all!

I would recommend this book for anyone that likes their mystery reads told with a lot of background story building up to a big reveal.

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A thriller set in the Napa Valley. It’s a book of secrets, lies and deceit set mainly against a backdrop of Californian vineyards. June’s new husband Kyle is going out for doughnuts but never returns. From then on, June sees him everywhere but he’s dead isn’t he. Although is body was never found. Told over a couple of timespans, this all adds to the tension and the plot builds nicely. It’s got some great twists to keep you guessing and I would rate it 3.5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley, HQ and the author for the chance to review.

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June's husband died tragically only a week into their marriage, but 10 years later she starts seeing him. Unsure whether she's losing her mind or her husband is really alive, she starts to investigate and discovers how little she actually knew about the man she loved...

This is a pretty good read with some good twists and clever reveals. I wasn't completely gripped, but I did really enjoy it and would recommend it to anybody who likes a bit of a mystery

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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A good well written read with excellent characters which kept me involved in the storyline.

It took me slightly longer to get into this book but overall I did enjoy it.

Thank you to Netgalley and HQ Publishers for this ARC.

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