Member Reviews

This book was heartwarming as it was heartbreaking. I advise to get tissues when you read it. Mia has a heart of gold. Her patients mean the world to her. She sees kids that have cancer: Her twin sister died when she was 9.
Christmas is coming up and she needs to bring someone home: Her one friend can’t. So she is prepared to ask another doctor, Brax tells her he’ll go home with her. They went out over the summer, and broke up. Mia just wants to make her mother happy since she was going through cancer treatments. It was great, and Brax was winning her whole family over. The only thing was when she learned something he was hiding from her. Mia had one person do that to her, and she didn’t want a repeat of that. She did learn something about what she really wanted at the same time from Brax.

I’m truly sorry I have to say this. There was one line which I don’t know why it was in the book. It didn’t make any sense. Ms. Liasson basically mentioned “pit bull” . A stereotype on the breed. Why is that? I will say I was deeply offended by this. People train them to fight and attack. They were nanny dogs. How many stars used them in fighting rings?

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This wonderful book made me smile, cry and laugh. An endearing book for Christmas or any time to get you in the mood for the holidays.
Swoon worthy Dr. Brax Hughes and sweet Dr. Mia D’Angelo work together to brighten the Children’s Adolescent Ward at a Wisconsin hospital. When Dr. Mia needs a ‘fake boyfriend’ to take home for Christmas, Dr. Brax steps in. However, there is much more to this book than the ups and downs of the relationship between Mia and Brax. Both have deep and lasting tragedy’s in their past. (Thank you to the author for her thoughtful trigger warnings). Overcoming these heartaches is the heart of this special book. All of the characters are sincere and fun loving. Thank you Netgalley and Hawthorne Press for the early copy. This is my honest review of this heartwarming book.

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I absolutely loved this book!

Mia and Brax both work at the same hospital. They had a fling months ago, then Brax told Mia he just couldn’t do a long-term relationship. While her mom was going through cancer treatment, she kept up the ruse that she and Brax were dating. Now she’s in a pickle because she’s going home for Christmas and needs a fake boyfriend to pretend to be Brax. A good friend is unable to help her out, so at the last minute Brax offers to go with her.

It turns out to be difficult for both of them, Mia – because she still has feelings for him, and Brax – because he’s never experienced a family Christmas like hers. They’ve never told each other about their childhoods, and they both have issues that need to be discussed.

Loved Mia’s whole family. This was a fantastic Christmas book!

Thank you, Hawthorne House, for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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This is the first book I’ve read by Miranda Liasson and it definitely won’t be the last. Mia and Brax, both pediatric residents, once had a passionate relationship that ended when Brax could not commit. Mia finds herself in need of a fake boyfriend to take home for Christmas, Brax agrees to be that boyfried. This is a very familiar plot and yet in the authors hand it works. Mia and Brax were so likable and the banter believable. I would say the only negative for me was that the book deals with some very heavy subjects so possibly read the included disclaimer before committing to read it.

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Mia D’Angelo and Dr. Braxton Hughes were dating for a short period of time, and during that time she mentioned to her Mom that she had met a wonderful guy and was dating him. Soon after that her mom fell ill and she didn’t have the heart to tell her the truth, and she continued with her stories.
Now it’s Christmas time, and her family expects her to bring her boyfriend home. After exhausting all options, she has no choice but to take Dr. Braxton Hughes home with her.
Take Me Home for Christmas is a heartwarming read. I loved the bond shared by Mia’s family. It was a sweet read with some really funny moments.
A wonderful Christmas romance.

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Although we have heard the story of faking a boyfriend for the Holidays before, I am always here for a story told by Miranda Liasson. Like all of her books this one did not disappoint and hit the mark on what I want in a Christmas romance book. The story of Mia and Braxton was sweet, heartwarming and at times laugh out loud funny. You fall in love with the characters as you read this book and wish for them a happy ending. Miranda Liasson never fails to draw me in and make me smile the way she tells her stories. Definitely recommend this one for the upcoming holiday season.

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I absolutely loved this book, and I can not wait to read more about Oak Bluff and the setting it was to die for. This is such a feel-good Christmas story. I liked how the author wrote the story and the story of Mia and Brax. You will not want to pass up this remarkable Christmas story with all the trimmings for that feel-good fuzzy feeling.

Thank you to the publisher, NetGalley, and the author for allowing me to read and review this book.

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This is such an inspirational book. I loved all the characters. Mia and Brax are wonderful. This is a very insightful book into how cancer impacts our lives. It was very sad at times, but it was offset by the magic of Christmas. It’s very well written and I really enjoyed it. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Loved reading this book. I'm looking forward to more books from this author. I love books that are christmas themed. She is 1 of my favorite authors and I had a hard time putting it done

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I really enjoyed this book. It was heartwarming and romantic. This is the third book, That I have read by Miranda Liasson. I plan on reading more. I love reading Christmas books because of their happy endings. The ending to this one was better than I thought it would be. I'm grateful that netgalley and the publishers let me read this in exchange for an honest review.

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Ten out of ten for cuteness and romance and Christmas cheer. This is such a good story that I just loved reading. This is a proper Christmas romance, with two people hurt by the past trying to get their feet under them and move forward. Brad is alone and refuses to let people get close, Mia lost her twin sister to cancer and is living her life for the two of them. These two kind people collide and need to work out how to move on together or alone. The Christmas cheer is palpable and there are trees and lights and wrapping paper all over the place. A sensitive look at cancer and cancer treatment and now it impacts on families and health. This book is packed with strong characters, a sexy dress and lots and lots of festive glitter.

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Such a feel good Christmas book! Loved all the characters and everything about to! Highly recommend thanks Net Galley

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A wonderful cover and an equally beautiful romance. I loved the writing style and the backstory of Mia and Brax. They are both doctors working with children, and have each suffered loss and heartache in their past.

They briefly dated before becoming coworkers and now they find themselves spending the Christmas holidays with Mia's family as a 'couple' however, as feelings and chemistry was always strong between these too, soon there is no faking anything as they both discover new secrets and open up to one another.

I loved every minute of this swoony romance.

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Mia perdió a su gemela a los nueve años por leucemia y eso hizo que se convirtiera en doctora. Veinte años después su familia vuelve a tener que enfrentar la enfermedad de un familiar, a su mamá le detectaron cáncer de mamá, afortunadamente todo salio bien. Pero mientras la señora estaba en tratamiento, Mia le mintió, le dijo que tenía novio y en esas vacaciones de navidad tiene que llevarlo para conocer a la familia, por lo que cuando se ofrece su ex (Brax) a ayudarla no puede negarse.

A Brax le gusta mucho Mia, pero su pasado le ha enseñado que nadie lo podría querer, entonces cuando siente que su relación con ella se está poniendo seria decide terminarla, sin embargo, seis meses después sigue igual de enamorado y cuando ve que ella necesita ayuda, no duda en ofrecerse a fingir ser su novio.

Ambos tendrán que enfrentar sus pasados, sus sentimientos y ver si son valientes para luchar por su amor o dejar que sus miedos ganen.

Lo unico que no me gustó fue como se manejo lo de Charlie, o sea el tipo fue su novio por años, le fue infiel y la mamá espera que vaya a la boda del tipejo.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was absoluetly darling! Just had all the feel good Christmas feels. I absolutely loved the main characters and the setting. Perfect book for cuddling up and an afternoon of reading.

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Fake boyfriends, dogs, Christmas. All the things I like in books. Take Me Home for Christmas was an awesome book.

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