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A different angle on a subject I have always been fascinated by

Loved it

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Caroline Angus delves into Anne Boleyn’s death with forensic precision, and chronologically, as the full horror is played out. She studies the different roles of all the people involved, the foreign alliances, Henry VIII’s affair with Jane Seymour and Anne’s innocent flirtations with Henry Norris and Mark Smeaton. She is especially good at analysing Anne’s relationships with Cromwell and the King, and Cromwell’s evil schemes concerning her.

This is an excellent book to read if you love to read about the Tudors and Anne Boleyn, or you like to read about royal history. It is also an excellent reference book.

I received this free ebook from NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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Caroline Angus' Planning the Murder of Anne Boleyn is a captivating and meticulously researched deep dive into one of the most infamous events in English history. Nearly 500 years after Anne Boleyn’s death, her fall from grace remains a mystery steeped in political machinations, religious conflicts, and personal vendettas. Angus brilliantly untangles these webs of conspiracy and examines the motivations of those involved, painting a fresh and compelling portrait of the final months leading up to Anne’s execution.

What makes this book stand out from other works on Anne Boleyn is its razor-sharp focus on the politics and key players of 1536. Rather than rehashing the same debates over Anne’s guilt or innocence regarding adultery, Angus directs her attention to the power struggles between Thomas Cromwell, the Catholic nobility, and other factions who saw an opportunity to not just diminish Anne’s influence but to restore Princess Mary’s standing and ultimately alter the religious direction of the court.

Angus dives deep into the motivations of Henry VIII’s closest advisor, Thomas Cromwell, and those of the Catholic nobility and the White Roses, deftly exploring the interwoven alliances and personal interests that culminated in Anne’s downfall. One of the book’s most intriguing arguments is how Cromwell’s enemies, sensing a chance to restore Princess Mary to her rightful place, sought his cooperation in the lead-up to Anne’s death. Angus carefully dissects Cromwell’s role, not as a simple mastermind of Anne’s demise but as a man caught between political pressures and personal ambitions. Her portrayal of Cromwell adds a fascinating layer to a figure often characterized as a ruthless operator, revealing a far more complicated man, embroiled in the court’s high-stakes game of power.

The role of Jane Seymour in Anne's fate is handled with particular nuance. While Jane has traditionally been depicted as a passive figure waiting in the wings, Angus questions this narrative and presents her as a more significant player in Anne’s demise. Similarly, Henry VIII’s emotional volatility and shifting priorities are carefully examined, especially in the context of his relationship with Cromwell, culminating in a public confrontation that raises questions about the real reasons for Anne’s downfall.

The book’s strength lies in its ability to make readers question long-held assumptions about Anne Boleyn’s execution. Through her thorough research, Angus shows that Anne’s death may have had less to do with her personal conduct and more with the political and religious currents swirling around her. The idea that her demise was part of a larger plan to restore Princess Mary and resolve England’s religious crisis is an innovative take on an event traditionally interpreted as a personal betrayal between Henry and Anne.

Angus also does a remarkable job reconstructing the atmosphere at court during this tumultuous period. Despite the destruction of key trial documents, the author’s use of letters, diplomatic correspondences, and other contemporary sources helps to recreate the political and social landscape of early 1536. The gaps in the historical record, particularly the lack of evidence surrounding the charges brought against Anne, become a key part of the narrative, as Angus skillfully weaves together what little remains to offer her readers a plausible, gripping theory about Anne’s downfall.

The book’s prose is as engaging as its content is detailed. Angus balances academic rigor with an accessible, almost novelistic style that draws readers into the intrigue of the Tudor court. Even though the political maneuvering can be dense at times, her clear explanations ensure that even readers unfamiliar with the intricacies of the period can follow the story with ease.

Final Thoughts:
Planning the Murder of Anne Boleyn is a thought-provoking and richly detailed exploration of the conspiracy that led to the death of one of England’s most famous queens. Caroline Angus provides a fresh perspective on the political, religious, and personal factors that drove Anne Boleyn’s enemies to plot her demise, making a compelling case that Anne’s fate was sealed by forces far beyond her control. A 5-star read for Tudor history enthusiasts and anyone fascinated by the high-stakes drama of the English court, this book is both an enlightening and engrossing journey into the heart of a royal tragedy.

Thank you to Pen & Sword and NetGalley for granting my wish!!!

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This is both fascinating and detailed. Caroline Angus looks again at the facts and people involved in the life and death of Anne Boleyn and presents a persuasive case to confirm she was an innocent victim. History is shaped by the winners and here, Henry was always in command. He got what he wanted and after a king first marriage, with no successor, he set his cap at Anne Boleyn. The Boleyn’s were equally keen to improve their status and the royal marriage was encouraged.

However, fast rising star is invariably destined to fall and in this case, Boleyn was soon subject to gossip and innuendo. Angus looks in detail at the royal court and courtiers, particularly Cromwell and their role in the accusations laid against her. There is huge difficulty in determining the facts as all papers and records relating to events, known as The Great Matter, were systematically destroyed. Angus devotes the first part of the book to the people which sets the scene for the trial and subsequent execution. I found her presentation methodical and informed and she paints a very different picture of all those involved in this duplicitous and cruel affair, it’s well written and very enjoyable if you enjoy Tudor history and there’s much food for thought.

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#TudorNonfictionChallenge hosted by @cha_ye on StoryGraph

I would rate this 4.5 out of 5.

I want to thank Pen & Sword Publishing and NetGalley for a copy of this book.

Summary: This book details the events surrounding the downfall and eventual execution of Anne Boleyn. It examines those individuals at court close to her and the underlying forces at work.

Thoughts: This is an excellent book. I enjoyed Angus's writing style. It was clear, well-detailed, and easy to follow. This book also laid out how events unfolded in 1536 in such specific detail it painted a vivid picture of how events unfolded as violently as they did.

I particularly enjoyed how Angus examined the women within Anne's household and the roles that they may or may not have played in how events unfolded. After reading this book, I started to think of Lady Worcester in a completely different light.

It also never occurred to me to consider how Princess Mary may have played a role in the events unfolding in 1536. The way that Angus was able to weave that into the overall narrative was also exciting and I think it made everyone involved even more dynamic. Cromwell was a complicated man, but his juxtaposed interest in protecting Mar and the Reformation was interesting to read about and consider throughout the book.

The one thing that I struggled a little bit within this book is Jane Seymore. Angus makes several good points about her overall, but it does make me wonder how to what extent she was involved in the downfall of Anne. There is more detailed evidence about the relationship between Henry and Anne so the faults she had in the dissolution of Henry and Catherine's marriage is a bit more clear. However, because Henry was hiding Jane in the shadows a bit more it is unclear to my Jane's role or opinions about the events of 1536.

This is an excellent read for any Tudor lover. Particularly those who are fans of Anne Boleyn. Although she is not the focus of this work (i.e., it's not a biography of her) it does quite vividly detail her downfall.

Content Warnings
Graphic: Bullying, Death, Incest, Infidelity, Miscarriage, Torture, Toxic relationship, Violence, Forced institutionalization, Medical trauma, Murder, Pregnancy, Gaslighting, and Classism
Minor: War

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The 16th century was filled with tales of remarkable women. Still, one of the most defining figures of the century was a woman of noble birth who the King of England fell in love with and decided that he was going to divorce his first wife of over twenty years to marry her. The Great Matter caused a great scandal across Europe, however, it was a love match that would not last long. The relationship between Henry VIII and his second wife Anne Boleyn would turn volatile and in the end, Anne and the men around her would be executed. We often blame Anne Boleyn’s death at the foot of Henry VIII’s right-hand man Thomas Cromwell, but who was behind the death of this famous queen? Caroline Angus has chosen to re-examine the case to find out who was truly responsible for the fall of this famous queen in her latest book, “Planning the Murder of Anne Boleyn.”

I would like to thank Pen and Sword Books and NetGalley for sending me a copy of this book. I have enjoyed previous books by Caroline Angus, so when I heard that she was writing a book about Anne Boleyn's “ trial,” I was curious to see what new insights she would bring to the case.

Angus begins by explaining to her audience that this case is hard to put together centuries after the fact because papers pertaining to the case were destroyed after the verdict was carried out. She then dives into how the fall of Anne Boleyn and the men around him happened, starting with the aftermath of the Great Matter, and the divorce between Henry VIII and Katherine of Aragon. We see how the Boleyns rose to power and Henry was so infatuated with Anne that he knew she would be the next Queen of England. Angus explores the men and women who served Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell, it was fascinating to see how they would shape the case against the queen. Finally, we get to see the rivalry between Thomas Cromwell and Anne Boleyn develop regarding religious reform issues and Princess Mary’s place in the line of succession.

The second half of this book focuses on the actual fall, trial, and execution of Anne Boleyn and the men who were associated with her. Angus takes the time to do a diary-style section, starting at the time when the idea to remove Anne from power to her actual execution to show her readers how quick this “case” was and to show that Henry wanted her out of his life permanently. She has taken the available information and the gaps left behind to create a plausible case for what truly happened in these few weeks. Angus shows what Princess Mary and Jane Seymour had to do with the fall of Anne Boleyn. We also see that most people knew that Anne Boleyn and the men around her were innocent and didn’t deserve to die, but it was a foregone conclusion as the king wanted them dead.

Overall, I found this enjoyable and enlightening with the new information Angus brought to the table. Yes, there is a bit of repetition of information already shared in previous books about Anne Boleyn, but it was one of the most infamous cases in English history, so it has been examined for centuries. It's hard to show new information about this case without repeating facts that we already know but I think Angus does an excellent job of balancing the old and the new information about this case. If you want a solid book specifically about the fall of Anne Boleyn, I recommend you read, “Planning the Murder of Anne Boleyn” by Caroline Angus.

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We all know how Anne Boleyn died, but do you know how she got to that stage? Well, I do now - thanks to this cool book.

Planning the murder of Anne Boleyn was no small feat, yet it was more a conjecture of events that led to it: her sour relationship with Cromwell, Henry VIII desperately wanting a son, the lack of support from her family, but also, the ever-changing factions at the Tudor court.
As Caroline Angus explains in this extremely researched book, uncovering the truth about the plans to murder the Queen lies in figuring out what is missing - letters, records, official documents - rather than looking at the little evidence that still remain. It is about finding out who was where and who was not, to see what was going on.

Ultimately, it plays out like one of Shakespeare's plays: if someone had just come forward to say that Anne was pre-contracted to Henry Percy, all could have been avoided. Yet, someone had to take the fall and the responsibility for the lack of heir. But with Henry getting closer to Jane Seymour, was there ever a chance for Anne to survive?

This was highly enjoyable, although I rate it a 3.5/5 (rounded up to 4). I would have liked the relationship between Anne and her enemies (Cromwell or Suffolk) to be explored a little more, same as her relationship with the king at the end of her life, especially when the book mentions him visiting Jane. It is however very cleverly put: the findings in this book are remarkable and dig into the how of it all, with Cromwell at the centre stage, making sure everything was both rushed and planned. It was interesting learning more about the way he worked and thought as well.
I also wish the people mentioned for context (ie. Nan Cobham or Margaret Shelton) had been recorded in a family tree, I had a hard time figuring out who was who, considering they were all somewhat related to one another and were named the same. The other issue I had with it was the 'name dropping', as most of these contextual elements felt a bit dumped on the page for the reader to deal with, one name after the other. But overall, a great success in explaining this complex web of lies!

Thanks to Pen & Sword History for granting me access to this advance copy through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review, I look forward to reading a lot more from them! All opinions are, of course, my own.
UK Release Date 6th September 2024.

#netgalley #arcreview #arcreviewer #netgalleyreviewer

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I received a free e-book of this book from Net Galley, and the following review are my thoughts alone. They have not been influenced by the author, supplier or by Net Galley.

I thought I'd accumulated quite a bit of the lore surrounding Anne Boleyn. She's one of my favourite subjects around the Tudor Dynasty, and certainly the female queen who I am most interested in. I've read, listened, invested in podcasts (The Anne Boleyn Collection: The Real Truth About the Tudors by Claire Ridgeway. I'd highly recommend this) since I was gifted The Six Wives of Henry VIII by Antonia Fraser. There are various authors this has opened up to me, but I hadn't known of Caroline Augus.

I'm extremely glad that taking a chance on a book on Net Galley has given me such good rewards. I found this book to be filled with information I didn't know. I felt as though I was next to Anne Boleyn through every paragraph, every page, etc. Her feelings, her thoughts, were pounding in my head and causing me to tense. I sympathised with her, even though she isn't always the most sympathetic character. What she did was clearly explained, and how it was true to her character to act like she did.

And I didn't feel as if the author was trying to blind side me. She showed Anne Boleyn as a full character, with all of her flaws, faults and aggressive behaviour. Yet, at the same time, I 'liked' Anne Boleyn. I've read other books, either portraying Anne Boleyn as a woman who had no control over her life, or, a conniving, evil woman who wanted to be queen and would threaten/kill anyone who got in her way. This book on the other hand, was even-handed. Caroline Augus didn't omit information that made Anne Boleyn looked bad, and she didn't white-wash anything Anne Boleyn said or did either. This is one of the most comprehensive biographies I've read on Anne Boleyn.

I'd highly recommend this biography. This one is right up there, along with Hunting the Falcon by John Guy & Julia Fox, and, The Fall of Anne Boleyn, by Claire Ridgeway. From the latter's book alone, I have been listening to her podcast.

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A must read for all Tudors' enthisasts. Amazingly detailed descriptions. The reader experiences all the events together with the characters. At times one has to concentrate hard to understand the family and court connections, to understand the nature of some of the relationships between Henry the Eighth's courtiers. The book dispels many myths about the relationship between Anne Boleyn, Catherine of Aragon and Mary Tudor.
The author draws the background of the events perfectly, even for a person who has never been interested in this subject before, the book will be an excellent compendium of knowledge.
I liked that it included a lot of source text. At times difficult to understand but the compensation is the good atmosphere of the whole thing.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the book. As a long time fan of Tudor history and particularly the C J Sansom books, this was a great resource for the real story behind the fall of Anne Boleyn. The narrative was engaging and easy to read and digest. A good insight to the politics and personalities of the time. The legend of Anne Boleyn has endured for nearly 500 years.

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I must admit that the first couple of chapters were a little bit slower to read, as it often happens when reading history books. But I've learned and debunked so many things about Anne Boleyn's fall from grace that this book has readily become one of my favourites on the issue. It's astonishing how well researched this has been and how many theories, facts and texts the author has brought up.

Loved it.

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Surprise, surprise! I read another Tudor-related book! And - surprise, surprise again! - I really enjoyed reading it. Maybe you’re asking yourself, why on earth would she read the umpteenth book about Anne Boleyn and still not be bored? Well, first of all, that’s what the word “obsession” entails. And secondly, it’s always delightful to learn something new about a topic or time period you think you already know quite well.

In Caroline Angus’ book, for instance, I love the way the author manages to present the facts of Anne Boleyn’s downfall and still make it read a like a thriller - I know how it ends, and yet I still found myself on the edge of my seat. I love how the book really puts into focus the complicated relationship between Anne Boleyn and Thomas Cromwell, how religious reform came into play here, and how detailed the “trial” (if you can even call it that) is described. I love that there are only so many historical sources one can find and use as reference - and the rest is up to us. There’s a lot of speculation about Anne Boleyn’s final days, and since the written evidence from that time was mostly destroyed, we’ll never know for sure what happened. But I’m so grateful to every author/historian that provides their own version on what could have happened.

As the author writes in her thank you notes: “Finally, to all Anne Boleyn lovers (for she has no haters), while myths and misunderstandings continue to persist even after five centuries, there are plenty of us still researching, still advocating, still reading, and still educating on the realities of 1530s England. No matter how we approach the topic, we all strive for the same thing.” Please, I say, never stop!

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Thanks to NetGalley, Caroline Angus, and Pen & Sword for allowing me to read an advanced copy Planning the Murder of Anne Boleyn. I received an advanced reader copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I never imagined a complete book could be filled with just the final days of Anne Boleyn. The author blew my mind by how fantastically everything was laid out here. Henry convinced himself he needed to be rid of her and he made sure that it happened. She was innocent on all accounts. Her downfall was all Henry. I highly recommend this book to anyone that loves Tudor history.

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A very in depth account of the people and events surrounding the death of Anne Boleyn.I was actually very surprised by the sheer amount of details this did contain.It seemed well thought out and researched and I loved the final thought in the book.At times though I felt my eyes glaze over a bit due to what I felt was just repeated information already out there.Nevertheless,I would recommend for someone just interested in Anne's tragic ending.

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A very close up look at the end of Anne Boleyn's life and (high praise to Caroline Angus for calling it what it was) murder.

Angus carefully combs through all available evidence about the last few months of Anne Boleyn's life - while also pointing out the parts missing from the record due to deliberate destruction - and makes it clear that this was ALL Henry's idea - he wanted her gone, so Cromwell got her gone. Cromwell may have done all the grunt work, but it was very much at henry's bidding. Also, Anne was 100% innocent, and at the time everyone, even her enemies, said so.

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Angus meticulously delves into the intricate plot to assassinate Anne Boleyn, shedding light on the political machinations and personal rivalries of Tudor England. The book combines detailed historical research with a gripping narrative, offering readers both a compelling story and insightful analysis. Angus's engaging writing and thorough investigation make this a fascinating read for anyone interested in the darker corners of history and the dramatic power struggles of the era.

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I want to thank Netgalley and the author for gifting me the ebook. I was so excited to be gifted this book! It was such a good read. The author did a great job and brought up some interesting points and did a great job with her research. Highly recommend for all Tudor history lovers.

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This was really informative! I don’t think it provides any additional or previously undiscovered information but it’s a good length and an interesting enough read.

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Planning the Murder of Anne Boleyn by Caroline Angus

For most of us who like the history about the Tudor era , and thought they knew about Anne Boleyn 's downfall , think again and read this book.
A brilliant , and thoroughly researched book on the final months of her life and those that brought her demise .
I was lost within the book at occasions due to the vast volume of people within and their connections be it by name or close connections , but thanks to the author , many unanswered questions have answered thanks to the authors vast knowledge on the subject.

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