Member Reviews

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for my copy of Remember Her Name by Lisa Regan

I cannot believe this is the 21st book in the Josie Quinn series, normally by now I have given up on the books because they are so similar but not with this one.
The characters are great, the plot baffling, twisty and dark with so many twists I felt dizzy, just trying to work out what was going on.
The new detective is still driving me mad!! Why is he there? We got a bit more information this time and I cannot wait for the great reveal.
A terrific book by a great writer.

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I don’t know how she does it, and I say this every time, but I think book 21 is Lisa Regan’s best yet! I cannot fathom how she is able to publish multiple books a year and still have them be this deliciously wonderful! I truly could not put this one down… I was up late into the night clicking pages on my kindle to find out more!

This is a must read series. I love Josie Quinn and team and love when we get glimpses into her past and cases from other books. The flashback in this book hooked me immediately and I was thrilled how the case connected with other major cases from throughout this series. We also got multiple POVs and that was exciting.

I am dying to know more about Kyle Turner! Lisa, you are killing me with these breadcrumbs, but in the best way. I’m excited to learn more about him in the next book!

No spoilers but this book also had me happy sobbing in the scene where JQ says “everything you want is just around that corner.” My heart!

Will forever be a huge fan!

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Lisa Reagan is by far one of my favorite authors and this book totally explains why!
Josie Quinn and the gang are one of the best to follow. This one takes you back into Josie's rookie days on the force to help solve the new case at hand and I loved it. It was great to read a bit about her past while she tries to figure out all the clues. You'll be guessing until the end on who is responsible for the deaths!
So yourself a favor and start this series! Thank you Netgalley for the chance to read this book in return for my honest review.

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Twenty first in this series featuring Detective Josie Quinn and her team. The story is intriguing and the characters are believable,an interesting mix.

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Another great addition to the Josie Quinn series! This is a must-read series! Josie is back, and what started as a missing persons case turns into a serial killer with a vendetta! Many twists and turns with lots of mystery! Loved it !!! I really can't say anything negative about this book because once you start reading, you won't be able to put it down. Love Josie, Noah, and their team. Excellent book and series!!!

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Book 21 of the fabulous Detective Josie Quinn series and wow this is one intriguing and intricate episode of the series so far and it had my head spinning trying to figure out what the heck was going on and it’s oh so clever!
I really admire Lisa Regan as she always makes each individual episode fresh coming up with a totally different storyline that keeps us on our toes every time and that’s no mean feat and proves just what a brilliant author she is.
It’s always a joy being back with Josie and the team and omg I can’t believe that I am actually beginning to like douchebag in a strange kind of way and can’t wait to find out more about him and what’s with his inability to put his phone down he really has become such an enigma.
So a wonderful 5 star read once more and I can’t wait for the next, if you haven’t read this series I really can 100% recommend it and one not to be missed.
Many, many thanks to Lisa, you did it again girl !
My thanks also to NetGalley and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to read the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Like the previous books, this one is well written and has excellent characters, and the plot is really intricate and well thought out. The book is easy to read and entertaining, and I'm happy to see the chapters written in first person POV are gone.

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This is the 21st book in the Detective Josie Quinn Series and I just love all of them. They are suspenseful, enjoyable mystery read and they have you on the edge of your seat trying to guess what is going to happen next but the endings are always surprising. There are so many twists and turns and will keep you guessing. These are one of my favorite series and I just can't wait until the next book in the series. Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the ARC.

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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟—bad-ass Josie Quinn!! Always an adventure!! Can’t wait for the next one to come out!!! 💕thanks to NetGalley for letting me read this in exchange for an honest review! 💕💕

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Remember Her Name by Lisa Regan. If I press the five stars twice will it give the book a 10 star rating? Fantastic addition to the series, an intricate, fast-paced mystery. The tension is high with dark and eerie heart pounding moments, surprising turns, and not one, but two tense climatic moments. Ms. Regan has masterfully written an engrossing, amazing crime thriller and #21 is one of the series' most intricate novels involving one Josie's first cases as a detective. Although Kyle Turner, the newest member of the team, is still mysterious, his conversations with Josie and Gretchen offer much-needed comedic relief. Once again he has Josie's back and gets her out of a life threatening situation.. His previous relationship with another character was revealed, providing a glimpse into his background. I'm looking forward to learning more about him n the next story. Josie, Noah, Trout, the team and Josie's family continue to evolve and there are insights into their lives which is part of the series appeal. Highly recommended.
Thank you to Lisa Regan , Bookouture and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book

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You will not put this one down!!! This is another homerun for the author Lisa Regan and her Josie Quinn novels. I love how we got a glimpse of Josie life when she was a rookie as well as the progression of the team working together as they start to except the new detective. The Josie Quinn books have become my new go-to in all book suggestions and the ones I wait very impatiently for. I love every page!! Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for allowing me to preview this book.

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Holy. moley! What a cracking read from Lisa Regan, totally hit the ball out of the park with this one!

Her heart stutters as she draws closer. A woman’s fingertips curl over the boat’s edge. Dark crimson blood clashes with the faded blue peeling paint beneath. They’re too late, the beautiful woman within has been dead for some time…

Detective Josie Quinn lifts the baby from the pram, holding her close and gently soothing her. Josie scours the scene for the sweet little girl’s mother, but the park is deserted. Glancing down, something catches her eye. Nestled amongst the child’s soft pink blankets is a polaroid photo, the corner smudged with blood.

The search for Cleo Tate has Josie and her team in a chokehold; the abandoned newborn needs her mother, and every second counts now lab results show the blood belongs to her. The blurred photo of a body of water is Josie’s only lead. But what does it mean? And where was it taken? The answer is just within reach, but with Cleo’s husband lying about his movements that day, Josie can’t see it. Then it finally clicks: Cold Heart Creek, a crime scene from Josie’s past that she will never forget. Josie is terrified by what she finds there: Cleo’s body, cold as ice, with a second photo of a new location.

This is Book 21 in the Josie Quinn series and is it getting stale- hell no! This story is amazing a real addictive page turner. Trust me you will get sucked in, you will go through a whirlwind of emotions then you will get spat out at the end and think wow that was intense. This is Lisa Regan at her best, highly recommend this book, actually read the whole series they are all fantastic you won’t regret it. Five big fat stars from me!

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Remember Her Name is book 21 of the Josie Quinn series and just like the other books in the series was an amazing read! I found it to be a page turner and with a lot of twists that i didn’t see coming. The plot was great, the story flowed beautifully and the suspense and mystery was intricately woven into the story. I loved seeing Josie and Noah, who are total couple goals! Even when going through the hardest of times and facing more bad news Josie continuously attempts to pick up the pieces of her life, to be better than she ever has been, she never gives up. Josie inspires me and i have to say this was such an intriguing and unique read- the suspense was on point and i didn’t see the complete picture at all. Josie continually impress me with how she thinks and how the puzzle comes together for her. I love reading this step by step and experiencing it like you’re standing next to Josie as everything is happening. That’s how good Lisa’s writing is you legitimately feel like you’re right there whilst the events are happening. The plot was interesting here and i loved how it linked into Josie and Noah’s past and how we got to see of that and hear about what the police department was like even pre book 1. I definitely did not see a lot of what happened coming and Lisa’s books are always so realistic with the police procedures/evidence and even legal matters that come up which i love. I loved the scene up on the Outlook. I loved the suspense but also it just showed me how much Josie and Noah understand each other and the lengths they’d go to for the job but also for one another. Their love is a partnership and the way they show their love is always beautiful because its so respectful. I loved seeing my favourite secondary characters- Noah, Gretchen, Chief Chitwood and who doesn’t love Trout! So far i’m having a really hard time liking the new guy but i can see something coming, i just have no idea what it is. We definitely are starting to see a different side to Turner and i can see more coming in the next few books but i’m already starting to warm to him and i can just tell there is a story there from what Trinity said. I’m a Josie Quinn series fanatic and i don’t see myself ever missing a book by Lisa Regan because her work continuously impresses me! Bring on book 22!

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First, I want to thank Bookouture, NetGalley and Lisa Regan for this arc.
It’s always fun to read a Josie Quinn book. This one didn’t disappoint. I think it may be my new favorite. I have to say When Turner first arrived I wasn’t a fan. I’m warming up to him a bit and hope that Gretchen can as well.

I love Lisa Regan’s writing style and can’t wait for more. I never have to read the blurb because I know it’s going to be good! Can’t wait for book 22

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Now I have been one of the EXTREMELY, super lucky ones to have recieved the majority of this series by ARC (I have still bought them all so I have a hardcopy) but, every single time I still get that internal fizz of excitement and outwardly whoop with joy each time one lands in my inbox,

Book #21, yes, you heard that right... #21!!! has got to be one of my most favourite installments of the whole series. I most probably say that for each new book BUT this one just hit a little different. It was definitely more 'case' based than personal based, which I loved just as much.

In Remember Her Name, Josie is called to a local park where a baby girl has been found, abandoned, in her pram.on checking her over Josie finds a blurry polaroid photo which she is unable to work out. As a missing, married mother, the obvious first port of call is the husband, isn't it? On speaking to him, Josie doesn't believe he has harmed his wife, but he is definitely hiding something.

When the missing woman is found, murdered with another polaroid picture placed at the crime scene, Josie knows they have a killer on her hands!

In this new story, Kyle Turner (Metts replacement) is a lot more prevalent and I really enjoyed getting to know him more. Gretchen is just about tolerating him but, constantly being offensive in his mannerisms and use of language means that there is still a long way to go. I'm hoping we'll learn a bit more of his backstory soon and why he is constantly on that bloody phone 😅

As mentioned, this book is alot more case focused but there are still points of more personal throughout the plot which keeps the character development constantly moving along. Josie and Noah are getting further along with their adoption journey and her family appear in small doses. I must admit I did miss Cindy and Harrison making an appearance though. I've come to really love the dynamic that they have with Josie and Noah but I can't expect LR to bring in every regular character into every story can I? 😄

One of the most complex books of the series, so strap in tight and get ready for this fast paced read! For the first time in a long time this plot had me scratching my head with the amount of plot twists and red herrings. I did not guess the protagonist at all, not even by a sliver. It was easily one of the best endings I have read by a mile.

As always... riveting, unputdownable, suspenseful, gripping and just totally amazing!

Keep em coming LR!

HUGE thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

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I love the Josie Quinn series and this edition was as great as expected. Amazing portrayal as always. Very good storyline. More twists and turns to keep up with as usual. I love the back stories of the characters. Look forward very much to the next offering. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it.

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I think this is my most favorite Josie Quinn book. The flashbacks to when Josie was a rookie officer gives a lot of insight into Josie as a young police officer. It adds a lot more depth to the storyline. The writing is cohesive and rich in dialogue. I feel as though this book is going to be pivotal to the next books. So much happens in this book. There are some startling surprises. I was transfixed to the story being unfolded. I stopped breathing a few times. There are some very tense scenes. The whole book was just incredible! I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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Wow! Buckle up for this binge read as it is action packed and full of suspense and I loved it!

A baby abandoned in a stroller in a park and her mother missing instantly pulls on your heart strings. Whoever took her left a Polaroid picture as a clue. Now, starts a game of cat and mouse as Josie tries to catch a killer based on the clues left behind. She gets frustrated as he seems to be one step ahead. The clues seem to lead to Josie’s past cases and it was fun to see moments from past books brought back up again. It was such an intriguing story from past to present.

There is some comedy relief with Turner and some beautiful heartfelt moments tossed in for romance to round out this story.

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Josie and her team are hunting down a killer who leaves a Polaroid photo at each of his crime scenes. Each photo shows the location of where the next body will be found. And there appears to be no end in sight to the number of victims. Even worse, Josie has a gut feeling that she’s somehow connected because the locations are of previous crime scenes that she attended. But she and her team struggle to see what the killer is trying to prove. They have no choice but to narrow down previous cases based on similarities to the current crimes, but will they be able to do so in time?

I enjoyed the flashbacks that revealed Josie as a rookie, seeing her portrayed as the inexperienced rookie rather than the smoothly controlled detective that we’re used to. And the way the team progressed in narrowing down the perpetrator was just brilliant. Sometimes it just good old-fashioned police work that does the job, not fancy forensics or state-of-the-art equipment. Although, that’s good for finding evidence to back up what they deduced!

And dare I hope that Detective Turner is turning over a new leaf? Not disappearing as much and almost coming across as a compassionate human being here and there. I can’t wait to see what his back story is. It should be expanded on soon and maybe the characters (and readers) will see him in a new light. Of course, he could just be a waste of space. Only time will tell!

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Why did I love Remember Her Name? For the first time in too long, we got to see Josie Quinn coming out of her fog of grief and pain and participating in life again. Since losing Lisette and others in her life, Josie was able to let the grief work for her when needed, and the rest of the time, she was able to focus on her job and her relationships, like the Josie we knew in the first few books.

I loved getting a little peek into her early days on the force as the book opened. It reminded me that at one time, the great Josie Quinn was a rookie cop who didn't have nerves and a stomach of steel. Fast forward to now when she's a seasoned detective with enough cases under her belt to know that the killer they're up against might just be reminding her of the past for a reason, and she'd better figure it out before another innocent person dies. I loved it when she looked around and realized the team needed a leader, so she stepped into the spot seamlessly, and away we went. She even managed to make Turner toe the line enough to actually help the team rather than hinder them.

Book 21 is an old country road filled with potholes, twists, and turns that occasionally twist backward before dropping you out in a completely different place. Buckle up because this one will take all of your concentration if you want to sus out the killer before Josie and the team.

Remember Her Name is a fantastic reminder to diehard Josie Quinn fans of the woman we first met all those years ago in Vanishing Girls when she would stop at nothing to help an innocent girl. It was funny when I finished the book, all I could think was, they will remember her name, and her name is Lisa Regan, the new queen of suspense!

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