Member Reviews

It should be illegal to be 21 books into a crime novel series and have the book be this amazingly good. Lisa Regan, you are a genius. I was in the slumpiest of book slumps and imagine my excitement when the new Josie Quinn shows up on Netgalley. I don't want to tell you too much about this one because trust me when I say, you want to go into it with very little details. When everything comes together at the end you realize all the work that must've gone into writing this and in a short amount of time. Lisa writes like she must not need sleep. Fantastic book again! It's a definite must read.

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A baby is found abandoned in a park. Left behind are blood stains from her mother and a polaroid picture. The baby’s father’s alibi doesn’t hold up. Following a clue from the polaroid, Josie discovers another body, also with a picture left behind. As more bodies and photos are found, she realizes that the locations are related to cases from her past. Can she put the pieces together in time to stop more deaths?

This is the 21st installment in one of my favorite series. Although it can be read as a standalone, fans of Detective Josie Quinn will enjoy the references to some of her earlier cases. Do yourself a favor and read some of the prior titles.

This is yet another exciting, page turning read. Regan always grabs my attention and won’t let go. Gripping is a word often overused to describe stories; this one truly was.

 I enjoy Josie. Despite all the travails she has met with in her life, she remains a strong, intelligent, though vulnerable, character. I also like almost all of the repeating characters who surround her both in her personal and professional life.Those of you who are familiar with this series know that a new character was introduced two books back to replace a beloved member of Josie’s team who died in the line of duty. Nicknamed Douchbag by her, I was glad to see that he is finally starting to show some sparks of humanity.

If you like well written police procedurals/thrillers, and are not familiar with Lisa Regan, I recommend her. I can’t wait for the next one!

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If only there were more than 5 stars.

Remember Her Name is a fast paced gritty and compelling read that will have you holding your breath, can't put the book down and heaven help anyone, dog included, if they interrupt .

Lisa Regan has outdone herself in Book 21.

Expect the unexpected from Lisa.

Josie , Noah and the crew are back racing against the clock to solve the murder of a young woman found stabbed with a polaroid photo under the body.

She is the first of many.

Something about the photos is so familiar to Josie .

Kyle Turner the newest member of the team ( I kind of like him) is trying hard to fit in: or is he.

Josie once again did not listen as I yelled don't do that, don't go in there and the tension mounts with every page.

Lisa Regan is a master of leading the reader down the path with the clues she cleverly puts out along with a few red herrings to an ending that always surprises me.

I thought I had cleverly followed the clues this time but I was so very wrong.

Josie Quinn and Lisa Regan are in my top 3 favourites and Remember Her Name is my favourite book in the series so far. ( Until Book 22).

Don't miss this one. Clear your schedule and hope not to be interrupted.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for the privilege of reading and reviewing Remember Her Name.

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Holy Moses!! Lisa Regan delivers big time! An absolute’go-to’ author for me. Crazy great characters that kept me totally invested in the story. I read in less than a day. Gripping from the first paragraph until I closed the book. A true roller coaster ride head snapping this way and that, and no idea who to trust. Great big on the creepy vibes.
Thank you NetGalley, Lisa Regan and Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for the copy of Remember Her Name (Detective Josie Quinn Book 21) by Lisa Regan. If you’re already a Josie Quinn fan, you won’t be disappointed in this installment in her story and if you’re new to Josie, you are in for a treat! A young mother is missing and her baby is found abandoned. What happens next is a complex, twisting story that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the shocking end. As usual, we learn more about Josie’s family life and how her relationship with the annoying Detective Turner is developing, especially in light of recent revelations! I already can’t wait for the next book! 5 stars

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Detective Josie Quinn is called to a scene where a baby has been abandoned in it's stroller, and the mother is missing. Under the baby is a polaroid photo of a location - blurred and with blood at the edges.
The race is on to find the woman, and to figure out the motive. And then there are more disappearances, killings and photos.

Loved this novel. Josie is one of my favourite detectives.
She has softened a little, apart from when she is in the company of Turner - who is going broke when he displays some of his more irritating habits.
Lazy as he is, he is showing that he does have some detective skills, but still doesn't slot into this close knit team.
I was glued to the pages, the plot is very complicated, but once Josie cracks the code, so to speak, motivation becomes clearer.
Suspenseful? Not sure if that is a strong enough word. The tension of the chase got to me at times!

Looking forward to Detective Josie Quinn Book 22.
5/5 stars.
Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read this book.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this book.

Detective Josie Quinn and the team investigate when a body is found with a Polaroid hidden underneath. They have to decipher where the Polaroid shows to try and prevent another murder. Is it linked to previous cases.

Oh my take a breath! I had to keep putting this down. Not because it wasn’t good-it was absolutely amazing-but because I couldn’t bare to devour it and it to be over. Truly the sign of an amazing book.

This had so many twists and turns. The last reveal came out of nowhere. I love this series, but my heart is always racing throughout. Somebody always nearly dies and I really was worried that one of the main characters was at risk this time. The team dynamic is fun to read. Loving how Josie seems to be warming to ‘douchebag’ Turner, without her realising! I enjoyed that this had links to Josie’s previous cases, and it’s made me want to go back to the very beginning and reread the whole lot.

This one was so good! Highly recommend and can’t wait for the next one!

Editing to add, I have just realised the significance of that title. So subtle and ties in so perfectly with what one of the characters says.

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Josie and gang are back in book 21, which is insane. This time in Denton, when a woman is found stabbed to death, a Polaroid is found with the body. Within hours another woman is found stabbed and another Polaroid is found. Josie soon realizes that these pictures tell a story, but what is that exactly? It’s always a race against time to figure out why these particular people are killed and what the motive behind them are for. I liked that in this particular book we get to see more of the new detective, Kyle Turner. He’s still an enigma & the team still don’t like him. Maybe they tolerate him a little bit better in this book though. I definitely liked seeing more of him & hoping to getting to know him better in the next story. Another fast paced story that gets you hooked from page one. The ending was a little surprising, which is always a good thing.

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This series is like a jewellery box. When you open it, you find 21 shiny gems inside...

What makes me smile here is the interaction between Turner and Josie and Gretchen. I have the feeling Turner enjoys it too when he sees the ladies's reactions. He is not the most subtle, but loved that the author showed a different side as well.

I wish I had Josie's ability, the ways she digs into her brain and retrieves memories from cases, some from many years before. That, together with her determination, her guts and the love for her job, make her an incredible detective. 

This is a complex and clever story. It's great to see that the author adds some snippets of good news in order to give the reader a few moments to take a breather.

I loved the suspense, the emotions, the love and the banter. Excellent book. 5 stars

Thank you

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Lisa Regan’s “Remember Her Name” brings back the gritty, compelling feel of the earlier Josie Quinn novels, and as book 21 in the series, it does not disappoint.

Detective Josie Quinn is thrust into a chilling case when a baby is found abandoned in a park, a blood-smeared polaroid photo tucked among her blankets. The child’s mother, Cleo Tate, is missing, and the only clue leads Josie back to Cold Heart Creek—a crime scene she thought was long behind her. When Cleo’s body is discovered there, the case takes a dark turn, with more victims and photos linked to Josie’s past cases emerging. As Josie races against time to stop a twisted killer seeking revenge, she must confront the buried secrets of her past before more lives are lost.

Fans of Josie will appreciate the callbacks to her earlier cases, as well as the glimpses of a rookie Josie, and the book has that old-school Josie Quinn vibe that hooked us all from the beginning.

Right from the start, the stakes are high, and I was genuinely saddened when the first body was discovered. Out of all the victims, this one hit me the hardest, leaving a lingering sense of loss throughout the investigation.

Turner, who has often been a source of frustration with his lazy and incompetent ways, surprised me this time around. Although he still annoys the heck out of me, his interactions with Josie and Gretchen provided some much-needed comic relief. It was refreshing to see him finally stepping up and doing-ish his job. The reveal about his past connection with another character was a fascinating twist—I’m eager to see how that story unfolds in future books.

One of the highlights of this instalment was reconnecting with Josie’s family, and the abundance of happy news added a heartwarming layer to the story. The cat-and-mouse game between the Josie and the killer kept me on the edge of my seat, with twists and turns that left me guessing until the very end. The Maureen Easter egg was a delightful touch, adding another layer of fun for Lounge readers.

The call back to Josie and Noah’s wedding vows was a beautiful moment, grounding the intense action in the deep emotional ties that have been built over the series. This book is an adrenaline-pumping, edge-of-your-seat read that will leave you breathless.

However, whilst the mystery in “Remember Her Name” is self-contained, the character development and evolving relationships are anything but. New readers should definitely not start with book 21; this series is best enjoyed from the beginning to fully appreciate the growth and depth of its characters.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This story was really well written for such a complicated plot and so many moving parts.

In this story, we see glimpses of Josie as a rookie and we get them to understand what is happening currently. In the search for a missing mother, the only tangible clue is a poloroid left at the scene. Figuring out what is in the picture and where it was taken, will help the team locate the missing mom. What they don't anticipate is finding yet another poloroid, leaving them with even more questions. What started as a missing person is turning into something so much more sinister. There were several clues that I picked up on, but there was no way I could've predicted who the killer was. The best part of this book is the character development. I didn't expect to find myself starting to like the newest member of the team Tucker, but I think I'm starting to come around. There's a story there and I can't wait to find out what it is.

I can't really get into anymore of the plot without spoiling it, so I won't. I'll just say it was a well written, fast paced, enjoyable read. If you're still reading this series that is up to book 21 like I am, you won't be disappointed.

There are a lot of moving parts and a cast of side characters that are all important to the story. So, if you're easily distracted or forgetful, you should save this book for a day you can read it start to finish with little to no interruptions.

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This is an edge of your seat suspense with a whole lot of twists and turns. Can’t wait for the next adventure by this author, a must read for me. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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If you are looking for a keep you on the edge of your seat thriller, put Remember Her Name on your to be read list!

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When I see this author, I want to read the book. When I see Josie Quinn, I want to read about her next mystery…her journey with Noah…her life. One of my favorite series. This talented author has written a page turner with realistic characters. Josie has a twin sister. She and Noah are trying to adopt a child. They both work in law enforcement. Secrets and red herrings kept me guessing. Do not miss this book. Thanks Netgalley.

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This book is WOW!

I could not put this book down.

I know that I say this every time BUT this was old school Detective Josie Quinn. In my opinion I got that vibe and man I was all in. This was dark, creepy and truly unputdownable. It blows my mind that this far into the series I’m still so invested.

The character progression is hands down the best out there. When you are in Denton you are literally Josie’s ride or die. And Tucker…come on, I love to hate him. And he even had some moments. His story when it is revealed is gonna be so good. I cannot wait until I visit Denton again. Lisa Regan has created a brilliant crime thriller series that I can’t get enough of.

And PS…every book I love Noah more.

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