Member Reviews

Falling For Prevence is a wonderfully written book with a stunning locale. It was a great book. Read this on publication day.

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What a captivating, sweet read with all the magic ingredients, new beginnings, moving on and finding the meaning of life again and living it to the fullest. This is the story of Ellie one of three sisters who inherited a house in the South East of France. Going there she is fully set on getting the house in order so that they will be able to sell it. Ellie takes on the project and it is going to be a lot more than she expected. This story unravels beautifully and Ellie discovers the neighbors, the surroundings of Provence. It's as if you can feel that Provence is outside your door. Feeling the sun, the lemons, olive trees as well as the atmosphere of how life in that region is. As a reader of this book, and having lived there a couple of decades I can perfectly relate to the magic described in this book. Ellie meets her neighbor Julien, from there on a lot happens, new places discovered with a daily life to be lived even if it at times could seem rather difficult. A nice story that was impossible to put down, with a feel good feeling along the way!
I truly enjoyed this read and discovering this new to me author.

Thank you!
Charlotte N

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I did enjoy Falling for Provence, largely due to the terrific imagery that captures the beauty of the region, and not just the sea, the houses, the gardens, and trees, but also the light and how the light captures the mood and reflects it. Author, Alison Roberts, focuses on how the house and Ellie’s life are reflected in the journey that her summer in Provence undertakes. Ellie is able to accept what cannot be changed, even as she uses her grief as a way to transform the house she and her sisters have inherited, turning a neglected house into a beautiful home to be cherished. Since I recently returned from a vacation in Provence, I appreciated how nicely Roberts captures that area. There should be a trigger warning about the death of an infant, and while the author does capture the grief and self-blame that this kind of loss engenders, the loss of a child is a grief that would not be so easily solved by falling in love.

The characters are interesting, but the plot was quite predictable. There were no surprises, and the slight effort to create suspense and tension did leave some holes I expected to have filled. Thank you to Boldwood Publishers and to NetGalley. Falling for Provence was a fast read, and I suspect Roberts' fans will enjoy this romance. 3.5 stars

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A beautiful well written book that follows a stead pace of a families sudden inheritance from an unknown family member. .One of the daughters goes to stays at the beautiful if terribly rundown cottage set in the heart of Provence as she is trying to rebuild her own life after a personal tragedy. There are triggers in the book regarding child mortality and grief though beautifully handle. .
Some readers may find the story a tad predictable but it is a lovely stead read that make you feel like you are there and part of Ellie and Julian’s own personal journey to put the past to rest. A very heart warming read and I dreamt I was there . A very comforting and heartwarming read.. I thoroughly enjoyed it. 4.5/5

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This is such a beautiful romantic story set in the gorgeous setting of Provence. Ellie Gilchrist, along with her sisters, inherit ‘La Masionette’ a rundown stone house. After her and sister Laura travel to France to look at it she decides to stay to get it ready for putting on the market to sell. It is obvious from the start that Ellie has suffered some trauma and needs space and time to heal. I like the fact that initially it is alluded to and is sympathetically explained in a very sensitive way. It’s not long before she meets her very guarded neighbour Julien and his son Theo. There is a sadness there and it’s not long before their story is also revealed. Together they start to act on their feelings for each other and their friendship develops into something more. I thoroughly enjoyed this, loved the characters and the descriptions of the house and area. Thanks to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for the ARC

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I absolutely loved Falling for Provence, it was superb! For starters it’s set in France so it was always going to be a winner in my eyes as a self-confessed Francophile, but it was a beautifully put together story. Fabulous characters, evocatively descriptive, and with donkeys and little Pascal the terrier what’s not to love. I didn’t want it to end, Highly recommended. Ten stars 🌟😊

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book! Read in one sitting. The characters were great and the description of the house and area were fabulous. I wanted to go there!
You couldn’t help but fall into Ellie and Julien’s story and heartache. I cannot wait to see if this is going to the the first book in a series with the sisters. Plenty of hints in it.

I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley.

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Ellie Gilchrist and her two sisters, inherited a stone house in Provence, from an uncle they never met. She went to Provence to see the house with her sister, and it needed a lot of work. She decides to stay there and fixing it up to sell it, she thought staying there, she could leave her grief at home. It didn't work out that way
She met the neighbor, Julien, and his son Theo. The first meeting didn't go well. Julian was also grieving. When her sister was going back home, she decided to buy Ellie a red bike so she would have a way of getting around. When she rode it into town, a stray dog, ran right in front of her. The dog was injured, and she had a scrape on her elbow. Julian came, because he is a doctor, and took her and the dog to the vets. She decides to keep the dog temporarily.
Her plans are to fix up the house, and bring it back to life. As she brings the house back to life, will she discover, that she might be coming back to life too? Alison Roberts writes with such description, that whether it is the house, feelings, animals, the countryside, she makes me feel like I am right there, with her, and can see it all.
I received an ARC from Boldwood Books through NetGalley.

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This book was a lovely read. Ellie's journey was provocative and fulfilling. My favorite part of the book was the beautiful imagery the author conveyed with her words. From a run down house to a beautiful sanctuary was quite a metaphor for Ellie's life and her journey. The romance was subtle yet impactful. Beautiful escapist romance.

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Alright, alright, alright.

Take A Year at the French Farmhouse by Gillian Harvey, but add other life events leading to the year in France.

Slow, slightly predictable read.

Sad story with the MFC.

Didn't hold my attention like other books would, but it was alright and easy for a 'between books' read.

Thank you NetGalley and Boldwood Books for my E-ARC.

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I usually love Alison Robert’s books but this was disappointing - slow, rather pedestrian and predictable

A sad little story with a heroine Ellie who’d lost a baby to cot death and the father of said baby had left her. She and her sisters inherit a cottage in France. After she and sister Laura visit, Ellie stays on to prepare it for sale.

She meets next door neighbour Julien and his son. He lost his wife in a car accident when she ran away with her lover.
Ellie struggles with her grief for a lot of the book feeling guilty that she didn’t save him.

Ellie and Julian succomb to attraction (closed door scenes which disappointed me., but agree it will be a short fling. She renovates the cottage. And makes limoncello and learns to drive the Citroen 2CV which is conveniently left in the garage and easily repaired.

There’s a third act break up and then a fast and truncated resolution and happy ending.

IIt’s a sweet and gentle story and an enjoyable read but it didn’t capture my interest as so many of her books have done.

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A bitter-sweet romance set in the south of France. When Scottish Ellie and her sister go to view the run down house they inherited, Ellie finds a way to distance herself from the sadness back home. Losing her son to crib-death, and her partner leaving her when he found out she was pregnant, she is wallowing in grief. Meeting her handsome widower neighbor and his adorable son, add a new dimension to her life. Finding ways to work on improving the country house, and taking care of her two donkeys and small dog, Ellie find a new meaning for life. Julien, the neighbor also has issues to overcome. Good story, and one I highly recommend.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Boldwood Books for this ARC.

After losing her child to cot death, 29 year old Ellie is still deep in grief when she learns that she and her two sisters have inherited an old stone house in Provence from an uncle they never knew, due to their alcoholic father leaving them when they were young.

Ellie and Laura travel to Provence to take a look and start selling the house as neither wants to live in it. However, something compels Ellie to stay for the summer and renovate the building for a better sale. Soon she meets her grumpy neighbour Julien and his adorable little son Theo, discovers she owns two docile donkeys and acquires a scruffy dog she calls Pascal when she nearly runs him over with her bright red retro bike.

However, she cannot afford to fall in love again as the pain of losing people would be too big so all she allows herself is a little holiday affair.

I liked the protagonists and how they slowly fall in love with each other without really wanting to. The area and the food is described wonderfully, making you want to live there too. The cover is utterly gorgeous but I was missing an epilogue as the book ends rather abruptly.

However, it is a quick, cozy and warmhearted holiday read that will leave you wanting more.

4.25 stars

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Okay, any gal that is looking for a book, this is it!!! Absolutely darling. I was just in love with the main character and her sweet story.

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Es un libro sobre la sanción y las segundas oportunidades.

La protagonista, Ellie perdió a su bebé, un día se fue a dormir y al levantarse, Jack, ya no respiraba.
Durante 6 meses ha estado deprimida, su familia está muy preocupada y cuando les heredan una casa en Francia la mandan junto a su hermana para que se despeje un poco y al final decide quedarse hasta que vendan la casa.
En ese tiempo conoce a su vecino Julien y a su hijo Theo, la pobre se pone nerviosa cuando conoce a Theo porque le recuerda a su hijo, pero por ciertas circunstancias se vuelven cercanos y poco a poco abrirá su corazón.

Julien es doctor  ama a su hijo y es viudo. Su esposa lo iba a abandonar, pero mientras escapaba con su amante murió en un accidente. Ahora el no quiere saber nada del amor y quiere enfocarse en su hijo, pero la vida le tiene otros planes.

Ambos tiene povs, sin embargo, la historia se centra en Ellie por lo que ella tiene más povs.

Tristemente no tiene epílogo, espero que lo agreguen en la edición final.🤞

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Beautifully written, should however come with a trigger warning. I've lost my first born so I know exactly how deep Ellie's grieving is. I would however loved being warned beforehand that this book covered this theme..I wouldn't have picked it up because after soon 14 years it still hurts.

The world building is magnificent, as I am living in the south of France I didn't have any problems at seeing the pittoresque villages. I would have loved to know more about how Julien was thinking about winning her back. And an epilogue to show the new family's happy ending

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