Member Reviews

Instantly impactful, Cemetery Spot opens strong and keeps getting better. So many great twists! Recommended.

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This was okay. Had a hard time really getting into it but it ended up being pretty good! Looking forward to reading other books by Jenna in the future.

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Wow, this one definitely was one of those books that hooked you from start to finish. The twists and turns had me all over the place.

This was a new to me author, but I’m looking forward to reading more from this author.

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This is the second book I've read by Jenna Moquin & definitely not my last. The Cemetery Spot can be described as a thriller that involves family/domestic issues. This is a fast paced read & keeps you on your seat with each unfolding event.

Thank you NetGalley, the publisher, & the author for voluntarily letting me read this book & give my honest opinion.

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When April decides to visit her sister August she's met with a gruesome scene. August's abusive husband is dead on the floor from a stab wound in the back. After deciding to bury him somewhere quiet, everything goes horrendously wrong.

This was fast paced and gripping and everything you could want in a thriller. I never saw the twists coming and each one had me shook. I'd definitely pick up more from this author.

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The Cemetery spot opens in a big way and it does not disappoint from there. A woman goes to visit her sister one day and is met with a gruesome scene. Her sisters abusive husband is on the floor and the girls come up with a plan to get rid of the body. Things go wrong as the nephew is looking for his dad and they come up with a story that isnt so plausible. This is a wild ride- hold on!

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This is a quick read that is hard to put down. I found it a little repetetive at times but highly enjoyable still. Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author for a free e-arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was absolutely amazing! I was totally enthralled with this story from beginning to end, I could barely put it down, and when I finally read the last page, the house was dark, I was hungry, thirsty, needed to pee and my neck was stiff. But damn, it was worth it!

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This had potential, but I feel that it could have been 100 pages shorter. There was a lot of repetition and it got boring. The 2 sisters were so dumb and the dialogue between characters was just mind numbing. I did love that last twist at the end! That was the best part of the book.

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This book was giving My Sister the Serial Killer type of vibes, but unfortunately missed its mark. I was very intrigued and hooked the first ten or so chapters but then all the twists started to occur and don’t get me wrong, I love a good twist but after what felt like the seventh twist it started to lose me. I just wanted to be done and know who was the culprit! The books main character is April, who goes by Ape and is the younger sister of August who goes by Auggie. One-night, Ape walks into her sisters very dark house and finds Auggie in the kitchen next to her dead husband Roy. Ape being the younger sister and feeling indebted to her decides to help Auggie bury Roy. After he is buried, Auggie reports Roy missing. Now the sisters must keep up the charade of knowing nothing. Easier said than done once weird things start taking place and the trust that the sisters once thought they had is put into question.

The storyline in my opinion, felt a bit all over the place and underwhelming. The main twist as to whodunit was simply ehh and honestly Ape was not a fun main character pov to read.

I want to thank NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A fast paced, unputtdownable read.

It starts with August, April and a body which grips you from the first page.

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Thank you NetGalley for this advance reader copy in exchange for my free and honest review. This book began as intriguing and quickly went to me shaking my head as the facts of the story and characters were all,over the place, and circumstances and stories changed to match what would fit the current page but not match other pages. One spot made the sisters sound close as one would show up at the other’s home frequently and then suddenly there was a story that the sisters grew apart and didn’t see one another for long periods of time. I could not finish this book because of these inconsistencies.

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Very good! Lots of twists and turns and it kept me guessing throught! I definitely will recommend this to friends!!

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This suspenseful story kept me engaged and I read it in one sitting. I loved the relationship between the sisters and know that if I had a sister, I would do exactly the same things. Definitely worth the read if you love thrillers!

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I saw that Freida McFadden recommended this book. I have made it early went to go search for the book and saw it on NetGalley. I submitted it was approved to read this early. This book was great and I will recommend this everyone.

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The Things We Do For Love

I received this advance copy of The Cemetery Spot from NetGalley with the expectation by them that I would provide my honest review.

The underlying theme of the book is that family relationships can be complicated and that sometimes we will do anything for those we love. Whether or not they deserve it.

To me, most of the characters didn’t deserve the grace they were being given. For me to enjoy a story, I need to be invested in the characters themselves, first and foremost. I could not generate any enthusiasm for August (Auggie) or April (Ape). As an older sister myself, I found the storyline of the sisters when they were younger to be abhorrent. August put her younger sister into a horrible situation, from which then she then needed to save her. Instead of being furious with August, April then spends her subsequent years feeling indebted to August, ultimately helping with August’s own family situation. Poor decision-making abounded.

The book was promoted a bit like a mystery, but the answer was fairly obvious early in the book. I was not surprised by the reveal surrounding the central theme of the story. Also, the Frieda McFadden-esque “twist” at the end completely fell flat for me. Again, because the characters involved meant nothing to me. It felt like that extra bit was thrown in because of the success of Ms. McFadden’s (who was listed in the acknowledgements as a contributor) own books and the hope that it would be successful here, but it just wasn’t to me.

Overall, not a story I enjoyed, nor would I recommend it.

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Augustine and April are sisters. The two have always had an estranged relationship. Augustine had saved April on her 13th birthday, and April had never forgotten this act. Flash forward to adulthood, and the two still don't have the best of relationships. Then, one night, April went to her sister's house, unannounced, and found her brother-in-laws dead body. This starts a rollercoaster of events. Who killed Roy? Why was Augustine acting strangely? What was going to happen to Augustine and Roy's son, Justin? A few twists and turns later, and the ending left me shocked.


It did start out a little slow for me, and I almost dnf'd it, but I read on and so glad I did. This is why I don't usually dnf a book. So if you read this, don't give up, it does get so much better.

I was given a copy to read through NetGalley, and I want to thank them for the opportunity to review.

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Characters were appealing, but I had a difficult time making it through this one. For someone who likes lots of details, and extra information, this book would be completely in their wheel house. I found myself getting lost in some of the filler information I give this 3 stars because the plot and story are there, I just think it could have gotten to the end a little faster,

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This was a great read! It was fast paced with shorter chapters so it was easy to follow and kept me hooked the entire time! I can’t wait to read more from this author! I did not guess the twist at the end which is the best part!

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I wasn’t too sure what to expect from this book, I liked the premise of it but there were a couple things that I wish were buttoned up a little bit better but overall I enjoyed this horror/thriller and will most likely check out some more titles from this author!

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