Member Reviews

3.5 🌟

I got through this book relatively quick, and enjoyed it!
the characters were met through a meet cute in a way I suppose?? it was a little funny hehe.

some parts irked me a little because their communication wasn't communicating?? Harlow was a bit ?? at times, Andy too..
and their friends weren't very helpful either.

but there was dual POV which made it more bearable to read

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Oh Sara what the heck was this??

Your Biggest Fan follows Andy and Harlow who meet by chance in Central Park. Andy is a huge football star but seeing as Harlow is oblivious to all things sports related she just thinks he’s some crazy guy ordering the chicken kebab from a food truck. They hit things off and after a day date and not being able to say goodbye they spend the night together. Andy is immediately smitten and loves the idea that he can be normal with Harlow and Harlow doesn’t really know what to think but knows that she has some feelings for him. All is long distance fun until Andy thinks of signing with Harlow’s home team and goes to surprise her. And the truth of who he is finally comes out.

Honestly I did not feel the chemistry between these two at all. Their banter wasn’t cute like other Sara Ney couples. It felt stunted and weird. Andy acted like the truth of him being a major star athlete should be accepted in two seconds with no issues. I think he barrels over Harlow’s feelings a lot and expects her to just accept him being in the national spotlight and expects her to be cool with being in the media as well, it was wild.

I usually love the fun that Sara brings to her books but I was so put off with this one and the misogynistic tones of it. I won’t write her off completely, I’ve been reading her for a long time and this is the first time I can remember not liking her book. Hopefully the next one is back to her usual quality. Thank you to Montlake for providing me with an eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Oh how I devoured this book! First, characters that are from my city?! Love that! But the banter Ney writes between the MCs is hilarious and feels real. Within the first chapter of this story, I was hooked and could not put my kindle down. I love when a book can make me giggle and smile from the situations that occur and this book is chock full of all sorts of feels!

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I really enjoyed this story!

The book had a good storyline that was strong and well planned out.

I found that the book was well written and I liked the character development.

Big town boy, small town girl - romantic and sexy

It is 4 stars from me for this one - highly recommended!

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I really liked this book! The pacing just everything. I hope to see more from this author in the future! Thank you for the ARC

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This was my first novel by Ney and it was interesting. I enjoyed the plot, but I don’t think the writing was my style.

There is a lot of witty banter back and forth between Andy and Harlow, which can be exciting. However, sometimes their conversations were very mundane and could have been eliminated.

I just wanted to point out a major issue the author made. Now, I’m from Wisconsin and I’ve been to Green Bay more times than I can count. It’s not a small town by any means, with over 100K people living there. Not only that, Harlow hates football? Not only is that NOT common in Green Bay (pretty much a sin), but in the state of Wisconsin as a whole. We are raised in Packer gear and Cheeseheads from a young age. Also, we got a new quarterback last year (just saying).

Now, I didn’t let that play into my rating of this novel, since I know not everyone reading this book is shouting Go Pack Go every Sunday night. But I still wanted to mention it since it did irk me.

I also just felt like it took forever to get to the point. By the halfway mark Landon still wasn’t even in GB yet. There were just a lot of texts back and forth between him and Harlow. And when Harlow found out Landon’s occupation she wasn’t very smart (chapters 22 and 23). It seemed overplayed and could have been written better.

I think a lot of people who love a good romance will enjoy this novel. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. There’s not much football though.

*An ARC was received in exchange for an honest review.

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I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.


🏈Hidden Identity
🏈Meet Cute
🏈Sports Romance

My only complaint with this book is that it wasn't longer. The way Harlow and Andy met was hilarious. Seriously, who orders chicken skewers from a street vendor in New York?

Harlow is a strong-willed girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind, and I love that. Andy is just trying to live a normal life, which is almost impossible for a star NFL player. I'm a sucker for a romance with a great meet-cute, and this one was it.

I stayed with a smile on my face and chuckling at the banter and antics of these two. Not to mention their friends and family. And the spice was *OH MY*. 🔥 I wish there was more to the story, but it was awesome if you're looking for a super quick, fun read or something to help you unwind.

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Adorably hilarious! This is the first book I’ve read by Sara Ney…it will not be my last!!

Harlow and Andy’s meet-cute had me LOLing, especially Andy’s aftermath. The supporting characters were equally entertaining. I hope we see more of Harlow’s friends in future books.

If I had one complaint, it would be the super accelerated pace of their relationship. It seemed to happen overnight, but it is longer than that. We just don’t get to see a lot of what happened after their NYC encounter before Andy visits in Green Bay.

Overall, it’s a definite thumbs up from this reader!

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Not your biggest fan is a super light and fun novel to read. I think it was a super fresh book, in certain parts very far from the drama that one might expect (and that I expected all the time for it to appear and it never appeared! I loved that).

Our female protagonist is very funny and is quite out of the ordinary from what I usually read. It's quite inta love, and I don't think I'm much into those books, but this was a comical, romantic story that let me clear my head.

Don't look for a lot of drama, a lot of PLOT... it's just to read.

Thanks Montlake for the ARC I read on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Not your biggest fan by Sara Key is sport romance perfection!

She's an app creator that helps others find love and he's a football player. Harlow and NFL player, Landon couldn't be more different from each other but as luck would have it, the universe and karma has plans and so they run into each other. often and repeatedly after making a bet and connect emotionally and romantically. I really enjoyed the book and it was fun and steamy and charming. It has that small town charm, quirky accidents and funny moments and lots of chemistry. I thought the story was fun, unique and easy to read and fun to enjoy.

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I enjoyed the book, but felt it ended very abruptly. I’m assuming this will be a series of books, or at least I hope it is! Harlow is a feisty character, but some of the scenes, though well written, felt a little unbelievable, for example the jealousy when you’ve only just met that person. In the context of the book it didn’t take away from the story though.
I enjoyed the writing; having never read anything from this author before, I’d be happy to read more of her work.

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This was my first book by Sara Ney, a cute sports romance about Harlow and Landon 'Andy' who meet at a food truck in Central Park, with Harlow being none the wiser that Andy is in fact a top football star.

It was a quick and easy read, albeit with some very cheesy dialogue and some questionable behaviours for a 29 year old male. I did enjoy it for what it was and would read other books from this author.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advance copy of this book.

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Not Your Biggest Fan is a sports romance between Harlow, a dating app creator, and Andy, an NFL superstar. They meet over undercooked street food.
I really enjoyed the plot line of this book. There were also many comedic points. However, the writing was more "tell" than "show" and I felt this definitely hindered being able to connect with the overall story. The main characters Harlow and Andy were quite juvenile, making them read as middle schoolers instead of adults. For these reasons, I couldn't fully immerse myself into the book.
If you're just starting sports romances, this is definitely a good book to start.

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Not Your Biggest Fan was an easy to read and entertainging story, but I ended up missing some backstory on the main characters.
I found it refreshing that there was not a big misunderstanding leading to a big make-up, but I felt something was missing. Ex partners were mentioned, but, by the end of the book, we know little about both Andy and Harlow, and very little on why they are how they are, and what brought them to this point in life. I liked their banter, though.
For my personal taste, there was more sex than story, everything happened too quickly. I did enjoy reading it, but I would have like it to go a little deeper on the characters and their stories, not just how well they could use their bodies in the bedroom.

At the end, a new character is introduced, so I assume there will soon be a second book and this will be a series.

Thanks NetGalley and the author for my ARC of this book.

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I love sports romances and this didn’t disappoint.
The characters were cute and I love the way their story progressed right from the entertaining meet cute to the happy ever after. It’s not often you get an athletic character that’s kinda dorky and sweet instead of just cocky and full of himself.
My only complaint is I felt the timeline of their relationship felt a bit rushed, and would have been more “believable” (as believable as these books can be) if their entire relationship didn’t evolve in such a short amount of time.
Despite the timeline I think this book is great if you’re looking for a quick and easy read!

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I am a currently a newbie reader to this author and have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the banter and wit throughout the story. I absolutely adored the meet cute and feel that a lot of books I have read of late haven't been doing this as well as it was done with this story.

I would completely be Harlow at the food truck, because that is just the way I am. I could really relate to Harlow not knowing who "Andy" was and would treat him the same way she did. This is the stand alone sports romance that I have been needing and it hit all the points. I feel this was a great introduction to Ms. Ney has an author and made me want to go and read her backlog of stories.

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Hawlow James is excited about her app helping singles find love. She runs into Landon at a food truck and they made a little wager. She returns home later and meet him again....

Love this funny and sexy read. Harlow and Landon are terrific together. Love the sparks and banter. A very fun quick read.

Thanks to the publisher for the arc.

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Immediately disliked that the MMC is lying to the FMC right off the bat… I tried to ignore but the writing was also kinda amateur and the characters felt more like teenagers than grown adults. I did like the plot and the outline of the book felt strong.

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Overall I enjoyed this read. I will say I found the story very surface level. I wanted there to be more depth to both the characters and their backgrounds. The conflict did not provide enough angst for me to feel drawn to them. It was a fun read that I did find myself laughing out loud several times. I also found it refreshing to have silly normal people including awkward steamy scenes giving it a more realistic feel. 3.5 rounded up to 4 stars.

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This book was OK. I didn't love it and I didn't hate it. It was a very low stakes sports romance, so it was a quick easy read. The pacing felt a little bit off, but I can't quite pinpoint how.

Also, the MCs were a bit over my limit for crass commentary (which to be fair is lower than a lot of people's - same applies to real life. Just not a fan of excessive cursing and innuendo. I prefer romance to smut. And just how long am I going to go on in this parenthesis?)

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