Member Reviews

The A Tale told by traitors is an absolutely captivating read that left me spellbound from beginning to end. The author masterfully creates a rich, immersive world where magic and adventure leap off the page, and the depth of detail in the world-building is truly remarkable.

The protagonist, is a beautifully complex character whose journey of self-discovery and courage resonates deeply. Her growth throughout the story is both believable and inspiring, making her a heroine you can’t help but root for. The supporting characters are just as well-crafted, each bringing their own unique charm and depth to the narrative.

The plot is filled with twists and turns that kept me on the edge of my seat. Just when I thought I had figured out what would happen next, the author skillfully surprised me. The themes of friendship, sacrifice, and the fight between good and evil are woven seamlessly into the narrative, adding layers of meaning that will leave readers pondering long after they turn the last page.

Overall, is a must-read for fantasy lovers. I can’t wait for the next installment!

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Lio and Ryker are so fun to read. Great chemistry and adventure in this second installment.

Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This is one of those books that can be intimidating by sheer size alone. If that were the case, I would have missed out. The characters were very real and draw you in, making you care about them, their interactions and their fates. We need more!
The plot was well developed and engaging enough to keep me guessing.

Thank you to Net Galley, Renee Dugan and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for a review.

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I absolutely loved this book! The plot line was amazing and I loved the main characters so much! The story was so good and I could not put it down!

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This book is really good. It kept me on my toes the whole time from the beginning of the book till the end of the book. It was fantastic. Well developed characters, meaningful relationships so much tension and gripping Plot twists here and there. I just loved it.

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I don't love a lot of things the way that I love pirates, so this was delightful, and did not disappoint. This book was a recipe for success: pirates, romance, adventure, friendship, etc. The main character was so fun, until she genuinely stressed me out and I realized how attached to all of the characters I was. This book snuck up on me a little bit; before I knew it, I was unbelievably engaged and excited. I couldn't wait to continue this book. It was fast paced and full of twists and turns, the perfect summer read. Would recommend to fans of Leigh Bardugo and Mary E. Pearson.

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This book kept its claws in me since I started reading it. Typical of this genre, there's quite a bit of world-specific lingo that I had to catch up on. And maybe that's my fault since I did not read the first book. Overall, I eventually understood what each term meant, and I agree that this book can be a standalone for anyone. I was convinced, though, while I read this that I needed to read the first book since it sounds like the first book's character has occasional big events that happen throughout this one (I'm not sure what the timelines are for each). I like the way this author writes and the pacing of it all.

The characters were great, although given the description I could barely remember, I was a little on edge most of the beginning of the book waiting for the other shoe to drop. I liked the twists, expected some of them and others I did not. The character development felt mostly natural.

The main character was written so well that I was stressed with her most of the time as the plot advanced. I could feel her struggles. I do think her balance of anger and hotheadedness may have been a little off, but I can't figure out how to put it into words. And maybe that's just where I differ with characters on a personal level, so it could be a personal problem that other readers could disregard lol.

The romance... idk it didn't do a ton for me. Like, it's nice but lacking something. But that's ok because I feel like this book stands out more for its fantasy/adventure aspects.

I feel like how an author ties up loose ends (or doesn't) at the end of the story really matters to how I feel about a book, and I was satisfied with how it ended.

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Do I need to say more?!

"A Tale Told by Traitors" by R. Dugan, the second installment in the Tales of Wonder series, is a captivating read that had me hooked from the very first sentence. Though the beginning unfolds at a slower pace, it serves to build a rich atmosphere, setting the stage for a plot full of twists and turns. These twist and turns kept me on the edge of my seat waiting to see what would happen next . This is my first book by R. Dugan, and I’m thoroughly impressed.

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The story started off with some excitement and kept going. The characters were compelling and the MC was written wonderfully with a sharp edge and a gooey center. The writer's main strength is their characters. Each one had me falling in love or hating them (depending on the storyline) and their relationships were beautiful and felt real. Overall, great book and would recommend.

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A Tale Told by Traitors is exactly what it sounds like, a perfect blend of adventure with high stakes on the high seas. The story takes you right in the thick of it. A great beginning that gave action movie vibes, reading this made me feel like I was beside the characters living through the challenges and laughs. You have 1. Found family 2. Taking back your life and 3. Facing the past and living with it.
It made me anxious at times but I enjoyed how realistic the characters were. Yes a fictional world but with real life feelings, not everything can be fixed with charisma alone

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Ich habe mich über das Buch sehr gefreut. Es ist nicht nur fließend zum lesen sondern auch sehr spannend.

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What a wild adventure! It had a slow pace to begin with, but I'm glad I did not walk away. Once I was roped into the enthralling adventure of the voyage to Amere-Del I was hooked and wanted to see what was going to happen. Then, the twists and turns that followed kept me on the edge of my seat. Renee Dugan has a definite way with words. I thought this was a well crafted story. I especially loved the romance and redemption element.

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Renee Dugan’s A Tale Told by Traitors is a captivating adventure filled with intrigue, piracy, and unexpected twists. From the opening page, the reader is swept away into a world of high stakes and perilous journeys. The relentless pacing ensures that the story maintains a constant sense of urgency, making it difficult to put down.

While the main characters are intriguing, it is the supporting cast that truly shines. Their complex relationships and personal growth arcs elevate the narrative, creating a sense of camaraderie and investment in their fates. Dugan’s world-building is exceptional, with intricate details that bring the story to life.

The seamless integration of elements from the previous book enriches the overall narrative, creating a cohesive and satisfying reading experience. The novel explores profound themes of power, resilience, and the complexities of the past with depth and nuance.

A Tale Told by Traitors is a masterful blend of action, character development, and storytelling. It is a truly immersive experience that leaves the reader eagerly anticipating the next installment.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for a digital review copy.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. (via Netgalley)

I somehow missed this was a connected standalone when I requested it lol. Either way, this moved at a pace that was hard to put down and I really enjoyed this.

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There are pirates, an adventure, a baker that has to deal with pirates, pirate cities, a ransom and so much more - the makings for such a fun time.

Personally, I found these characters to be so flat. I couldn't get as invested in them as I wanted to be. I did feel as if there was character growth and development, a couple characters are definitely a different people by the end of the book, but I just could not get invested in that transition.

The plot was definitely twisting and kept me reading (at a very quick pace). You're constantly on the edge of your seat, waiting to see what's going to happen next and what each twist is going to mean for the next part of this adventure.

And if you love a found family, a wonderful mixture of misfits, you will love these characters. I would highly recommend this if you're one of those people that loves the fun and fascinating side characters. This is full of them! And I was definitely more invested in them (but I really am a sucker for a good side character, as I think we all are).

Overall, I had a fun time reading this book, but I just wished the main characters could've hooked me more. This had amazing side characters, a cool environment, and a twist and captivating plot. And it's an interconnected fantasy standalone (I don't think I've ever seen that before)!

Thanks to NetGalley for the digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review! My review on Goodreads is up and my TikTok (Zoe_Lipman) will be up at the end of the month with my monthly wrap-up.

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A Tale Told by Traitors is such a good book. It's story is immaculate and super well written. I rated this book 4 stars because I loved the characters. Renee Dugan really knew how to put all their personalities together and create a beautiful story.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC

Pirate adventures, found family, political intrigue, and super sweet love story! This book checked all the boxes and was a fun, fast paced story. The timing was perfect, the writing was enjoyable, and the plot/world/characters was original. Looking forward to future stories in this series as well as going to read the first book, I’ve gotta know Audra’s story!

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If there is one thing that can be said about Renee, it’s that she never has a lull in her books. From the time it starts, to the time it ends, this book never stops moving. I am out of fingernails to chew on, hair to rip out, and I’m not even sure how many times I used all caps reactions or exclamation points for this book. Like it’s predecessor, Traitors is a book written with beautiful prose and a story that cannot be topped. While this isn’t a love letter to the power of stories, it’s a true tale of how to take your power back, how you’re stronger than you think you are, and that at any point, your past can and will catch up to you. And you better be ready when it does. Eyes wide open. Take power where you can. Ok, Renee, I’m ready for book three. My socks are blown off, AGAIN, and I’m not even mad about it. Not even a little bit.

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