Member Reviews

I was immediately captured by the tagline of ‘All Our Tomorrows’ when it promised “sometime in the near future, three Gen Z women ride the throes of late capitalist life in New York City” and at times it struggled to live up to my expectations around that premise, but as a whole, the novel is clever and thoughtful. This debut really surprised me.

In All Our Tomorrows, Janet, Anna, and Gemma lead separate lives, each ground down by the weight of the world they were born into, lost against the dazzling pixelated backdrop of the city. Too young to remember life before the iPhone 4, they think the real world was destroyed long before they were born.

Janet is an underpaid gig therapist who spends her time as a mental health matchmaker, responding to grievance letters from faceless online avatars. Anna is a model-turned-sugar-baby who dissociates during dates with her aging daddy, hoping to save enough not for a Birkin bag, but for the water wars of the near future. And Gemma is a freshman at NYU who aspires to become an influencer, but is so haunted by a recent loss that she can’t even film one video.

Sharp, incisive, and sparkling with dark humor, this is a novel for the age of the doomer generation. DeBellis delivers an unflinching examination of three young lives as they circle closer and closer to the drain of nihilism, climate anxiety, isolation, and grief. All Our Tomorrows is about finding yourself in a broken world, and the small but mighty decisions that can save you from leaking down the drain.

The narration is split between three POVs and we alternate between them pretty evenly, but I quickly came to find Gemma’s narration more interesting. There isn’t a huge amount of plot, it’s mostly character study so identifying and enjoying the characters was pretty essential in enjoyment of the novel. All three of them are varying degrees of desperate for connection, for love, for purpose and for security, in an unstable world on the precipice of change. None of the women are particularly likeable at the start, but they’re very sympathetic and I was cheering for them nonetheless.

I actually think that the most interesting view of Gemma, Janet and Anna was when they finally came together towards the end and we also got to see them as they are viewed by others, all casting their own motivations and experiences on their reception of each other. It reflects all of the things that they’re missing as the first threads of friendship and community form for the three women, weaving them together into a unit that gives the promise of helping them through whatever is to come.

The backdrop to their lives in a near future NYC with climate crisis impending, but it actually rarely played into the plot - these women were entirely too wrapped up in their own lives and heads to think much about the world until a huge protest is announced for Manhattan and a category five hurricane begins to head for the east coast of Florida when Janet’s sister and family live. I expected the climate crisis or some kind of impending apocalypse to be a more significant part of the plot, but without much of a plot at all, it lingered on the horizon in a similar way it does now; waiting and watching for those events that change everything.

‘All Our Tomorrows’ ended with hope and promise, even against the backdrop of a crumbling world. It felt like a beginning rather than an ending and I’m really interested in where Amy Debellis goes next

Thank you to CLASH Books and NetGalley for the review copy.

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I really loved this one! This was a book with very little plot but so much to say, and I just couldn’t put it down. This is literary fiction at its finest as the author tackles the anxieties of late stage capitalism in three women trying to get by in New York City. With each chapter being told from the perspective of one of the three women - Janet, Anna, and Gemma - we get to know all three really well. Each character is so well-written and relatable but also distinct despite the interweaving thread of feeling lost, seeking an identity outside of your relationships, feelings of loneliness, and climate anxiety.

This book beautifully represents what it is like being a woman in your 20s in the modern era. Each character struggles with their relationships in various forms whether they be romantic or familial, and each woman is lonely in her own way and deeply suffering morosely. I really struggle to pick a favorite character because they all remind me of aspects of my personality in my 20s. With Janet, I see the woman who feels desperately lonely and struggling to connect with people but desperate for that connection, working a job that she hates because at least she has a job. With Anna, I see the woman that is willing to do anything to help and support her family and feels like she has to put their needs over her own even if she is unhappy as a result. And in Gemma, I see the woman who is working through trauma and desperate to forge a path forward while not forgetting where she came from. And then they all get to deal with the anxieties of climate change where they daily hear about more and more catastrophic weather events (I happened to be reading this during the LA fires and finished around the time of Trump’s terrifying environmental executive orders).

If I hadn’t been reading an ARC, I would have a million quotes from this one as the author has such a way of pulling things from her brain that I feel so frequently but writing them in such an elegant and lyrical way. This book is about relationships, identity, and feeling helpless in a world that feels out of control. This is the perfect read for all of my sad girl lit fans out there. Amy DeBellis is a great addition for fans of Moshfegh and Awad, and I think her writing style will lend itself to fans of those authors as well.

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Thank you Netgalley for this arc!
I enjoyed this book for what it was even though I think it was not my kind of book and other readers might enjoy it more. It felt a bit too mundane for me and I did not really connect with any of the characters and therefore felt a bit bored sometimes. However, I liked the writing and the overall themes!

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All Our Tomorrows follows three women in a near-future New York City. All three women feel isolated in some way, and are trying to navigate this around crumbling relationships, difficult jobs and the climate crisis.

I was captivated by the perspectives of Janet, Anna and Gemma, with each thread drawing me in from the first page. The perspectives and storylines were very different to one another, but linked together through the themes of anxiety and dread, as well as the general struggle of feeling alone in a busy city. I also liked the commentary around selling yourself and personality, whether for your office job or to be an influencer, and how you have to create a persona in order to succeed and survive. In Anna’s chapter this was more literal, but Janet and Gemma also dealt with this in some way, and it felt very realistic and relatable.

DeBellis perfectly captures the uncertainty of your twenties, in getting to know yourself and trying to find somewhere to belong. This is shown in beautiful prose that is thoroughly engaging from start to finish, with a thought-provoking and quiet narrative that is subtle but insightful. I loved this and I’ll definitely be looking out for more by this author!

Thank you so much to Clash Books and NetGalley for the chance to read this early 😊

*I was gifted a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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I wanted to love this so much more than I did. I love sad girl, doom and gloom stories. I love New York City. Unfortunately I just didn’t click with any of the characters and found myself mostly bored by them.

All Our Tomorrows follows Gemma, Anna and Janet and their struggles in their individual lives in NY city.

Their meet up was my favorite part of the book. I think a lot of people will love this one and relate to the characters more than I did.

Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!

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This book really surprised me. All Our Tomorrows follows three lonely young women, Janet, Anna and Gemma, trying to eke out an existence in NYC amidst the never-ending talk and worry of the world slowly falling apart. Their stories are told in alternating chapters and do not connect for much of the book.

I was trepidatious going in. I've been tiring of dual (or in this case) trio storylines lately and I wondered if I was going to be too old for this book but I quickly got sucked in and didn't want to leave. Each woman is well-drawn and although their day-to-day lives are quite different, they share feelings of loneliness and not fitting in.

If this book seems like a downer, it's really not. Thankfully it's quite hopeful and the ending is well done. DeBellis writes beautifully and I'll definitely be looking for other books by her.

Thanks to @netgalley and @clashbooks for the ARC.

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I really enjoyed this book! Each POV was so distinct, which I feel can be hard to do in novels like this. I also loved the way that each of the women ended up meeting in the end. It really brought the story together. Thank you to NetGalley and CLASH Books for sending me this ARC in exchanged for a review!

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In New York City, three Gen Z young women eventually, and gently, collide in this portraiture of nascent adulthood tainted by existential and environmental dread. Think: a season of HBO’s GIRLS but with relatable characters and social consciousness. DeBellis clearly demonstrated her literary talents with this debut! I didn’t feel too connected to any of the characters myself, but that doesn’t mean others won’t be. Thanks to @clashbooks and @netgalley for the digital review copy!

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A book about 3 young women coming from very different background and living in New York City. They don’t know each other and their stories are vastly different but they all hit a certain wall in their lives around age 20. That sounds like so many other books currently out and coming but All Our Tomorrows has a flavour I haven’t come across in a book before. And let me tell you how glad I am to see it. I might be in my mid 30s and having hard time relating to the younger generation but there are aspects of life and current world that affect me just the same. Late stage capitalism and ongoing (yes, ongoing, it has already come) climate disaster are looming over all of those of us who will see the collapse of current systems in our lifetimes. It’s the kind of dread, the constant weight on the shoulders that many of us experience at all waking hours and I found it reflected in All Our Tomorrows really well. Janet, Anna and Gemma all have a different levels of understanding this doom, from literally being crushed by it to it only popping up occasionally. But in their daily lives things just spiral out of control and there comes a point where nothing really makes sense anymore. That’s where we meet them. We follow along as they face some of the worst and most bizarre moments of their young lives and witness as they ask themselves what’s next? And what comes out of it is weirdly reassuring. The more I sit with the ending of this book the more I understand what the final message of it is, and let me not spoil it for you!
I found myself gravitating towards Janet the most and her story and where it goes at the end really spoke to me. I can totally see how different readers will have that connection with Anna or Gemma. I do wish the characters had more time to be fleshed out, I particularly felt that Gemma felt a bit flat, like I didn’t get to know and understand her enough to connect with her story. Anna was really intriguing and I really wanted to know more about her.
I’m really excited to see where Amy’s writing will go next (and I’ve seen some hints of there being a fantasy or romantasy in the works? Yay!). She definitely has a real skill for writing and storytelling and seeing it in other genres would be amazing.

Thank you to CLASH Books and NetGalley for the eARC!

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Amy DeBellis is the real deal. I tore through ALL OUR TOMORROWS, which depicts a triptych of voices in the near future trudging through various capitalist dilemmas. Incredible world-building and characters, not to mention DeBellis' pitch-perfect prose.

Thanks to the publisher for the e-galley!

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I had such a great time with All Our Tomorrows and was very happy to be invited into the worlds of Gemma, Anna and Janet (+ their layers of anxieties).

As a young women, this book resonated the exact feeling I felt these characters were experiencing at their age and it was honestly an amazing reflection to see the similarities I think many young women could relate to.

If you also have a pit in your stomach about our world and how we’re going to survive the life in front of us, I would highly suggest diving into All Our Tomorrows.

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Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for an early copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This was a strange one for me. I started it during a difficult time, and I struggled to get into it, dragging it out for a while. I felt like nothing much happened until midway through the book – but that’s when everything changed. From the 50% mark, I couldn’t put it down. I loved how the characters’ stories unfolded, how they imploded, yet also brought them together. I especially loved their connections; Janet’s sister, Izzy, felt like the glue holding them all together. It was incredibly powerful.

Some quotes that I’ve highlighted:

“Luck doesn’t occur in the form of a person. It occurs in the patterns, the things that happen to you.”
“In that moment, Janet realised that she had finally stopped looking ahead to anything else. The present moment was enough, and in it, she was momentarily immortal.”
“She was everything and no one.”
“To Gemma, the encounter with those girls had felt like a beginning in the midst of all of these endings that she was reading about and living through.”
“She kept on writing about all her yesterdays, and all her tomorrows rushed in through the pages, gliding on swift, rustling wings.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the eARC. This book will release from CLASH Books on February 25, 2025 in the US. However, I stopped reading at 17% due to concerns about the author, a white writer, voicing a Korean American character.

In All Our Tomorrows, Amy DeBellis dissects millennial and Gen Z culture through the lives of three young women navigating the complex realities of New York City in a near-future, hyper-capitalist world. Janet, an overworked online therapist; Anna, a retail worker and sugar baby seeking financial survival; and Gemma, a college student turned aspiring influencer, each confront their struggles with nihilism, isolation, and climate anxiety. DeBellis employs sharp critiques and dark humor to explore the intimate challenges of identity, privilege, and resilience in an era defined by economic instability and digital culture.

I stopped reading All Our Tomorrows at 17% because Amy DeBellis’s portrayal of Janet, a Korean American character, felt misaligned with my values around racial justice and representation. As a white author, DeBellis’s decision to voice a character with a specific racialized experience raised concerns about appropriation, particularly because Janet’s ethnicity seemed incidental to the story rather than thoughtfully integrated.

Janet’s ethnicity is revealed in a scene where her date, a tone-deaf white man, exotifies her background by asking where she’s *really* from, “like ancestrally.” While DeBellis’s critique of white privilege and microaggressions is evident, the scene risks reducing Janet’s racial identity to a narrative device for advancing this critique. If her ethnicity plays no significant role beyond this scene, it feels tokenizing and exploitative. If it reappears later, the risk grows that it could be mishandled in ways that amplify the problematic nature of this choice.

While I appreciate DeBellis’s incisive commentary on millennial struggles, her approach to Janet’s character felt at odds with my values. I’m not comfortable supporting a narrative that might perpetuate the very erasure or commodification of marginalized voices it aims to critique, particularly when those voices could be more authentically written by someone with lived experience.

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Amy DeBellis can WRITE. She has more literary talent in her pinky finger than most of us could hope to have in our entire bodies. If I had been reading a physical copy of this book rather than an e-ARC, I fear every single page would have been highlighted and annotated. Yes, the writing is that good - and I say that as someone who is a stickler for prose, especially when it comes to literary fiction.

I was completely enamored with Anna, Janet, and Gemma, our three indelible protagonists. Multi-POV novels can be a tough sell for me, as I often find that one character gets the short end of the characterization stick (so to speak), but that is not at all the case in ALL OUR TOMORROWS. Each of these young women feel completely distinct from one another, be it in dialogue, inner monologue, or character arc. Every single chapter, I would finish it and think, "Oh yeah, she's totally my favorite of the three women!" And then in the next chapter, I would go, "Wait a second, no, SHE is my favorite for sure!" So on, so forth. In the end, I give Anna the slightest edge as my favorite character because I saw so much of myself in her that, at times, it was like looking in a mirror.

What I think will stick with me most about ALL OUR TOMORROWS is how seen it made me feel as a zillennial woman. It is a strange, strange time to be alive, and an even stranger time to be a woman in your twenties. The nihilism, the loneliness, the ever-shifting boundaries of my own identity, the constant feeling of being unmoored in a world that is always moving faster, always demanding more, and always leaving me behind... DeBellis gave life to those feelings in a way I never knew I needed.

Friends, if ALL OUR TOMORROWS is not on your TBR for 2025, it needs to be immediately. I could not recommend this more highly.

Much thanks to Amy DeBellis and CLASH Books for the ARC!

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the plot was interesting enough but I couldn';t really get into the book, iI think more editing could really improve the book overall

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A coming of age page turner with well developed characters. Thought provoking, moving and relatable. Bravo!

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In this story you get to meet 3 totally different women, who lead different lives, but all live in New York. You are first introduced to Janet, who is a working online “therapist” and then you meet Anna, who is a paid escort and from Russia originally, and last by not least we meet Gemma, who is a university student from the UK.
Each women suffers minor live crises, and all have their share of disappointments and through this all they have an off-chance meeting that brings them all together.
I am giving this book 4 stars, ONLY because I as a reader was left wondering what happened to the three women..

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All Our Tomorrows is a realistic future-ish(?) novel that interweaves the stories of three different women living with the successes and failures of our ages of technology. The social commentary in this book was especially smart, and I think it could be a fun book to read for a book club or discussion group.

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(review and rating to come, but in the meantime I wanted to thank CLASH Books and Amy DeBellis herself for my eARC and swag in exchange for my honest review. I'm so excited to be apart of All Our Tomorrow's Street Team and even <i>more</i> excited to get reading!)

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All Our Tomorrows is a book about three women living in futuristic NYC. Janet is an online therapist, Anna is an ex-model turned sugar baby, and Gemma is an aspiring influencer.

The writing was beautiful and thought-provoking, but I had a hard time connecting with some of the characters. Anna was probably my favorite, which is to say she was the character who irritated me the least. Something about the way she was written felt kind of stereotypical, though I could be reading too much into it.

Anyway, for a book set in the near future, the only major crisis at hand is climate change. There were a few offhand attempts to date the story- Anna knows that Game of Thrones was popular a “number of years ago”- but given the lack of discussion about war or politics or literally any other global issue, it was a little difficult to fully immerse myself in it.

We’ve already been living in unprecedented times- Trump’s presidency, COVID, the insurrection, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Israel’s attacks on Gaza, etc. The upcoming election has a lot of people even more nervous for the future.

I tried working this all out. I’m terrible at math, but if I had to guess, the story takes place about 10 years in the future. Janet’s older sister Izzy, a mom of three toddlers, was born in the 90s. Supposing she was born later in the decade, she’d be in her mid to late twenties in 2024. In 2034 she’d be at least 35. My mom was the same age when she had me, so it’s plausible that Izzy’s a thirtysomething mom with three young children. What I had a hard time believing was that environmental issues were the only thing to get worse over a 10-year timeframe. The story could have taken place in the present day and not much would have changed.

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