Member Reviews

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Thank you for the arc copy from the publisher.

We follow three young women on an isolating journey of life back to finding their community, realising that communication with the people in their lives is so important for discovering how to live well. While this book was sad and shows how our world has changed so dramatically, at the end of it, it shows that the relationships we foster either bring us to life, or kills us. Life is not meant to be lived in isolation, or fear, or anxiety for the future. What matters is the here and the now, found family, or real family, being open with our reasons for doing something, and how far we may go before we address the underlying loneliness, and honour our lives.
I found this book to be extremely readable, I found myself ignoring my other titles in order to make my way through this. The characters, Anna, Gemma and Janet had me hooked the entire time. The author manages to capture a feeling, a sense of hope through her writing even when it seems like there is none.

I highly recommend this novel and I look forward to more by this author.

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As someone who can relate to feeling a bit lost in the world, All Our Tomorrows by Amy DeBellis is a thought-provoking read. It explores the lives of three young women, each struggling to find their place amid the challenges of a bleak near-future. DeBellis masterfully intertwines their stories with themes of climate anxiety, isolation, and existential dread, all while offering a glimmer of hope. If you’re looking for a narrative that dives deep into the emotions of searching for meaning, this one will definitely resonate

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this is definitely a "if you're in your 20s" everything will be ok book. just loved how everything(one) re-connects at the end and it's just a human feeling of thinking you're not doing enough, executed very well.

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All Our Tomorrows was a whirlwind of emotions that left me both breathless and a bit bewildered. The premise of a world on the brink of destruction, where a select few are chosen to survive, was gripping from the start. I was immediately drawn into the characters' struggles as they navigated love, loss, and the terrifying unknown.

DeBellis's writing is vivid and evocative, creating a sense of urgency and desperation that kept me turning the pages. The exploration of humanity's resilience in the face of unimaginable adversity was both inspiring and thought-provoking. However, the pacing felt a bit uneven at times, and some of the plot twists felt a little contrived.

Overall, All Our Tomorrows is a powerful and emotionally charged read that explores the fragility of life and the enduring strength of the human spirit. While the story may not be perfect, it certainly left a lasting impression.

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This was a much quieter book than I was expecting (I don't know why but the description of the book reminded me of Followers by Megan Angelo, and so I was expecting something much more plot-driven), but the language was very beautiful. It's a quiet character study of 3 young adult women, very much a coming-of-age story about life not living up to your expectations and learning how to reassess and make changes. Beautiful prose, just very different from what I was expecting, 3.5 stars rounded up.

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Unfortunately not for me. In a world with SO many books being published, I just don't see this as a must in our collection.

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All Our Tomorrows is a well written novel about the connection between three seemingly unrelated women. I was engaged from start to finish. At times, it left me feeling woeful about the state of the world, but also, strangely enough, inspired to try to make it a better place.

4/5 stars!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC!

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I was fascinated by the plot, but I had a hard time making it through and maintaining my interest. This book is well reviewed, so it may just not be the book for me.

Did not finish at 40%.

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Three young women, each with different problems and backgrounds, also have in common aspects like living in NY and being disappointed.
We get to know them each first, with DeBellis’ talented writing (detailed descriptions and the externalisation of the internal), and then their fates interweave at an unusual event.
I found this very contemporary, relevant, interesting.

Plot, characterisation, execution, style, mood, themes are all in the 4 and above bands.

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