Member Reviews

Expected publication January 14, 2025

When her estranged daughter asks to hear the one story she doesn’t want to tell, a woman spins lie after lie to protect her perfect life in this gripping novel.

The above line begins the synopsis for 'I'll Tell You Everything' by new-to-me author Rebecca Kelley. This line immediately draws readers in as we follow Amy Linden, who is confronted by her tumultuous past when the daughter she gave up for adoption, Ramona barges into her life. Finally settled, with her dream career and family, Amy comes up with tales in the hopes Ramona will simply let sleeping dogs lie. However, her newfound child is determined to learn about her heritage and digs deeper and deeper, sending Amy's neat life into a nosedive of epic proportions.

I really liked the unique plot of this novel - I have never read anything quite like it and as someone who has read more than 1000 books in her lifetime, that's saying something! While there is nothing new about having an unreliable narrator, it was quite interesting having an alternate narrator who acted as a direct foil, giving the storyline a distinct push-and-pull feel. Adding to this, all the twists and turns ensured that I was never bored; I was invested from beginning to end and actually finished the entire book in two days!

My only (and biggest) issue was that I unfortunately guessed the ending quite easily- I wished there was some more mystery to the plot. While this was disappointing, it didn't put me off reading.

In the end, "I'll Tell You Everything" gets a solid 3.5 star rating from me because while I enjoyed its distinctive premise, I do wish the mystery was a bit more...mysterious. This is definitely one to give a chance if you are looking for something new to spice up your TBR list!

*A great many thanks to Lake Union Publishing, Rebecca Kelley, and NetGalley for this ARC. It is important to note that I was not committed to providing a positive review; all opinions are undoubtedly my own.*

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Ramona, an adoptee met her mother previously, but she felt she wanted more of the story, including her bio father. I was irritated with Ramona initially, and felt she was intrusive, but then....I realize that her birth mother could not be more manipulative and self serving. I felt like she never saw her young son through this whole book. As the book progressed, I was still very surprised as to the way it was going. The area is described beautifully, but whew...what a ride. Sometimes you have to be careful what you wish for.

Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for a digital ARC of this title in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This entire book was topsy turvy from the start. There were so many plot twists and story changes that had me on the edge of my seat reading. I particularly loved the setting, the Pacific Northwest is my home and it always makes me appreciate a book more. Ramona was an interesting character, albeit a little two dimensional in parts. Amy, however, was insane. I found myself initially rooting for her, but as the story went on and more secrets were revealed, I was shocked at her admissions and actions. She was an unreliable narrator that added another level of suspense to the story. While the ending was a little predictable, I still enjoyed the story and the mystery.

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Starting this book, you’re already aware that something is being withheld from Ramona, but it doesn’t keep it from surprising you as she extracts it inch by inch. It isn’t until the very last word that everything clicks into place. The setting is so beautifully described, I want to visit there myself. The setting, the plot and the characters come together well to keep this book exciting and interesting. Definitely an enjoyable read.

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[arc review]
Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for providing an arc in exchange for an honest review.
I’ll Tell You Everything releases January 14, 2025

The daughter Amy put up for adoption comes looking for answers about her birth parents and origin story 20 years after the fact.
Ramona’s incessant search for answers threatens to unravel the tangled web of lies that Amy has tried to keep under wraps for so long.
Will unearthing her past lead to the destruction of the new family and life she has built?

I knew going into this that I should view Amy as an unreliable narrator and take everything she divulged with a grain of salt.
That being said, this was very drawn out and cyclical.

While I enjoyed the story telling, I kind of wish the flashbacks were isolated to their own chapters and structured as a then/now instead of blending them in with the present day narration in order to provide more separation and overall clarity.

There was a part that severely caught me off guard when a character took to comparing a young woman in her 20’s leading a double life and cheating/sleeping around to Nazi’s compartmentalizing by torturing individuals at concentration camps during the week and then being perfect doting fathers with their families on weekends.
Not only is that insensitive but it’s highly concerning to stumble upon text that is phrased in a way that sympathizes Nazi’s by saying they were just “normal guys” and not the “bullies.”

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Wow, what a phenomenal read. I’m talking about I’ll Tell You Everything. This is a book that you have to read!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reading copy. This book blends elements of romance, mystery, and suspense. Amy Linden's carefully orchestrated life unravels when her daughter, Ramona, seeks the truth about her biological father. As Amy spins a tangled web of lies, the tension keeps building. Amy’s internal struggle sucks you in and the twists keep you reading.

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Ill Tell You Everything

I feel lucky enough to have read this Advance Readers Copy, or ‘ARC’ of this book.

Honestly, I have never read a book quite like this one, and have nothing to compare it to, in the best possible way.

There are elements of what I felt were romance, mystery and thriller. As per the plot, Ramona is adopted, and has located her biological mother. She is seeking some answers and insight into where she came from and what her birth parents are like…and the answers, journeys she is taken on, and all the things she learns is nothing like she saw coming.

I read this book in 4.5 hours. I could NOT put it down. As the story went on, i found myself thinking one thing, then another, then another. Characters start by coming across one way, then morph into something else entirely. Incredible.

Unputdownable, one of a kind and an ending you will not see coming. A must read, like nothing else you will read.

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I adored this book! I read and write about adoption topics so this was naturally of interest. I enjoyed Kelley's writing and found this story to be mysterious but authentic. I found the well-developed characters intriguing and couldn't help but ponder what would happen next. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC.

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The writing brilliantly captures the tension and internal struggle Amy faces as she spins increasingly tangled tales to protect her perfect facade. The story’s mix of suspense and heartfelt moments is both gripping and poignant, drawing you into Amy’s world and keeping you on the edge of your seat. It’s a powerful and engaging read that masterfully unveils the layers of truth and deception.

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This was a fine read. There was not anything wrong with it, but there was not anything special about the story either.

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