Member Reviews

I love the punny title. I can easily picture this story as a movie. Hallmark Mysteries should buy the rights. I love the premise and think it’s perfect for the Hallmark Mysteries demographic. Crowdsourcing for clues. I think this book can be a great gateway book for readers that think they aren’t interested in cozy mysteries. The only thing I worry about is library patrons of a certain age will have no interest in this book because of the very 21st century/trendy aspects of the story. I can’t wait for the finished book because thanks to the punny title I think it’s going to be very Instagram-able.

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This was a solid 4-star read for me!
Any book with a hero furball aka Murball ranks pretty high in my book!
I also enjoyed that I didn’t see the ending coming and I could’ve sworn I had the Who-Done-It solved pretty early on… I was wrong.
I enjoyed the setting of this mystery very much and 8 will for sure be reading the next novels!

When lifestyle blogger Emily Dalle comes face-to-face with controversial talk show host, Jackie Hunter, she’s in for the shock of her life. But this time it’s not Jackie’s words that cause a stir—it’s her dead body.

Emily knows the chance of Jackie’s death being a random hit-and-run is about as low as the blows she dished out on her gossip feed. The police are doing their best but with their limited resources, Emily enlists the help of her online audience to figure out what really happened. She gets some great tips, including one from the murderer who tells her to back off.
Will Emily piece together who killed the Queen of Mean or will she fall victim to the same fate?

Thank you @thrillerbooklovers, @sydneyleigh & @netgally for this ARC!

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I wasn't really sure what to expect with this one, but I'm glad I picked it up! It starts kind of like a new adult humor book but quickly dives into a twisty suspense book with plenty of turns you don't see coming! I do wish we had a bit more background to the story and characters, but it was also nice how it dove right into the action from the start with Emily literally stumbling over a dead body! Overall, it was a fun mystery that still managed to be cozy and have great pacing - thanks so much for the ARC!

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🌪️ P L O T T W I S T T H U R S D A Y review 🌪️ featuring “Insta-Goner” by Sydney Leigh!


Emily Dalle is a lifestyle Instagram blogger from a small town where all the locals know one another! Emily has gone head to head with local talk show host and frenemy Jackie in the past … and literally stumbles across her dead body! It looks like this is a case of hit and run turned HOMICIDE and Emily is determined to get to the bottom of it 🔎!

Emily uses her blog as a space to talk about the murder and brings her followers along to help out with the investigation! However, Jackie had a ton of frenemies and was know as the town’s “mean girl. The list of unreliable suspects and their motives seems to get longer the more Emily digs!

This book is a witty & fun murder mystery that is filled with juicy secrets, wild plot twists, small town charm and a crime solving dog sidekick!

Thank you kindly @sydneyleighauthor @levelbestbooks @netgalley for my advanced digital copy in exchange for my honest review! This book releases on August 27, 2024!

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I hate to leave negative feedback but this book just wasn’t really for me. I struggled with the way the book was set out, not really giving you much of an introduction to the characters or setting before diving straight into the story. There were some good parts and it was an okay read but it didn’t grip me and i just unfortunately didn’t love it! Sorry! But I’m sure there will be many that do! Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read the ARC

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This was a nice start to a new series. Emily is an influencer who literally stumbles over the body of Jackie Hunter. Emily discerns quickly that the police need help. What is the use of having followers if you cannot ask them for aid with a dead body. 😂
This book didn’t suffer from first book in a series syndrome. It took off almost from the first page. There were the usual amount of potential suspects, and I did not figure out whodunnit before the author reveal.
A lot of cozies I have read lately feature a cat. This one has a dog, Murray. If you like cozies, this was an enjoyable read..

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I really liked this book!! It was so enjoyable and interesting to read! I loved the mystery and the whole plot of the book. It reminded me a lot of murder mystery movies, which I love, and it made reading this much more enjoyable!

Instagoner is a cozy murder mystery about an influencer, Emily Dalle who stumbles on the dead body of Jackie Hunter, I mean that quite literally. She finds herself starting to investigate and wants to help out what happened to Jackie, even though their past wasn’t the greatest.

It took me a while before I really got into the book and when I was I was interested! I feel like the pacing of the book especially at the beginning could’ve been a bit slower, but I do like how it hooks you in right away. I loved Emily as the mc and Fitz as well, and obviously Murray too.

I definitely recommend for any murder mystery fans! Thank you so much to Sydney Leigh and NetGalley for the arc!!

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5/5 (rounded up)

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Book Review
By Sydney Leigh
Pub Date: August 27, 2024
Thank you to @sydneyleighauthor and @netgalley for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.
I truly enjoyed Sydney’s first book, Peril in Pink. So, when she asked if I wanted to read her new book, of course I did!
Three things about Sydney’s writing, she’s going to make you laugh, there’s going to be a dog, and there’s going to be a murder. Maybe I’ve watched too many episodes Law and Order SVU, but when someone stumbles upon a dead body, that is very interesting beginning, and I can’t wait to dig in! The other nice thing is that the killer is not obvious, in fact it’s not until the very end that it becomes clear. Which I enjoy, I don’t like when the mystery is too easy. Besides trying to figure out who killed Jackie, I also enjoyed Emily’s relationship with her mom, and that her dog Murray played an active role in the book and she wasn’t just some cute sidekick.
If you are looking for a cozy mystery with lots of humor look no further. You will enjoy thinking you know who the killer is when you realize, nope back to square one!

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This was definitely a cozier mystery than I'm used to.
I was hoping it would pull me in and entice me more than it did.
I did, however, enjoy the character dialogue and the twists !

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On a morning bike ride influencer and blogger Emily falls over the dead body of her frenemy.

Our hero rolls out of bed everyday and gets fed sugary treats by her gay BFF and he also takes care of her dog pretty often while Emily… ? Um posts a random post on her blog? She even says “Bloggers and influencers often worked more than most people realized.” Not this one.

She then for no really good reason asks her followers for tips about the murder and could possibly destroy the whole investigation for the police. Her response is to stomps her feet and tells the cop “You can’t tell me what to do. This isn’t high school. I’m a grown up.”

I guess if this was an early draft and you cleaned it up, flesh out characters and make them more real and likable it could be good. Feels unfinished at this point.

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Emily is an influencer who just found a dead body. It just so happens that the body belongs to the woman who ruined/changed her life. It is the queen of mean talk show host, Jackie. The town is small, but Emily has a network of followers to help solve the case. Can she do it without targeting herself?

This was a fun, quirky mystery with amazing side characters.

I am a big fan of Sydney's writing.

Thank you Sydney, publishers and Netgalley for an advanced copy in return for an honest review.

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Book Review
Instagoner by Sydney Leigh

Tropes and Thoughts
✅ Cozy mystery
✅ Small town aka TV town- think Hallmark
✅ Influencers, Bloggers and reality tv ,Oh and the local TV station
✅ Caffeine and baked goods
✅ Loads of red herrings- I was totally wrong in my predictions
✅ a low key crush with potential
✅ Hiking boots, Bike, Cars, and motorcycles oh My

Emily- blogger and part-time meddling
Fitz- BFF, owner of a cafe full of pastries and caffeine
Murray - the wonder dog
Noah- best friends brother, has the whole protector vibe thing going on, lots of sexual tension between hum and our FMC- I hope for more between these two
Becka/Vera/Jackie/Rob/Merle/Billy- every small town needs its cast of meddling characters/villains/victims- the question is who is who

Exactly as advertised- a cozy murder mystery complete with a loveable pooch and never ending supply of caffeine, baked goods and intrigue.
This genre is still relatively new to me ( I think I have read like 3 Cosy mysteries before ) and I really enjoyed this one!

Thanks to the author for my digital copy in return for an honest review. Opinions expressed are my own.

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Instagoner by Sydney Leigh is her second novel and the first in a new series. I really enjoyed her first this year called Peril in Pink so was excited to check this one out! While I enjoyed the writing and the plot, I struggled a bit with connecting with the main character and a cozy mystery with an influencer. There was a lot of complicated relationships between the characters and it definitely had a young voice. One of the strengths of this story and her first novel as well was that her characters actually seem their age and rooted in 2024. Lots of references to pop culture and trends today. This is a great light mystery for an escapism read!

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I really wanted to like this book more. I was intrigued by the idea of an MC as an influencer, but unfortunately, this book is troupe soup. It starts right in, no lay of the land, no introduction to characters, which I understand doesn't bother everyone, but it does bother me, especially in a new series. I will say that even though Emily literally falls over the body, she isn't considered a suspect, which is definitely an anti-troupe, but unfortunately, it ends here. I am not sure if it's because she's with her best friend, a handsome gay man, or because her best friend's brother is the chief of police. Emily has a troubled history with the victim. Jackie humiliated her on TV, then stole her long-time boyfriend, but when her sister asked her to use her influence with her followers to see if if anyone saw anything or might have a clue to the hit and run, she said sure. Even when the police ask her to back off, she's all into finding out what happened. All the characters, besides her best friend, are deplorable people with serious issues, like the victim's sister takes over her show, the day after her death, and another co-worker is sleeping with her boyfriend. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Even though the job of an influencer would give her some time to sleuth, she never works, two five minute blogs a day. But my biggest issue is that Emily just pulls one TSTL move after another with barely taking a breath. How many times are you allowed to do something stupid before there are consequences. Unfortunately, while the who, when, and why made for an interesting mystery, the rest is just too much to overcome for me. Thanks to #Netgally, #LevelBestBooks, and the author for the opportunity to read. #Instagoner #SydneyLeigh #bookreview #bookideas #retiredreader

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Emily Dalle’s apartment is above her best friend Fitzwilliam (Fitz for short) Warner’s Longbourn Café in Eliot Hill, New York. Emily would be the first to admit that she wouldn’t have been on a bike ride that morning (especially at that hour) about to have a calamity with a raccoon of the worst kind – the worst kind being Emily seconds from sailing over the handlebars kind of worst - if it hadn’t been for her friendship with Fitz. Little did she realize that the most memorable aspect of this bike ride wouldn't be the raccoon incident, but rather her shocking encounter with a lifeless body.

I loved the opening of this new mystery series. The character relationships shine particularly in the friendship between Emily and Fitz, Fitz and his brother Noah, and Fitz’s reactions to the sparks between Noah (excuse me, Sheriff Warner) and Emily. As a social media influencer, Emily’s schedule is fluid, so it’s easy to accommodate her desired sleuthing with multiple suspects, keeping Emily busy and the reader guessing. Descriptive writing favorites, as the descriptions are so relatable, are:
"…the hints that I should get busy had started coming faster than rain pellets in a May storm."
"…felt like a kid nervously watching their mom’s reaction to a homemade breakfast on Mother’s Day."
I’m looking forward to Book 2, as I’ll be following this social media influencer and her dog Murray, who is so popular on Emily’s blog that some sponsorships are just for him.

Thank you to Sydney Leigh, Level Best Books, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read an eARC of this book.

Reviewer’s Note: I do not know if the publisher plans on marketing it as a cozy mystery, but readers should be aware that it cannot be marketed as a clean cozy due to Emily’s vocabulary, although she is on a profanity diet (Fitz’s description) as Emily’s mom and southern belle has her trying for improvement.

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I didn’t realize until the end that this is the same author as Perils in Pink, which I enjoyed.

Emily is an influencer and during a morning bike ride with her bestie she finds her frenemy, Jackie, dead on the trail. Emily is asked to help try to drum up leads, but soon enough Emily finds herself in the cross path of the killer.

Thank you #NetGalley for the advance copy!

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This was an okay book. I didn't care much for the characters as they all felt a bit cringey and immature. There was some good humor but that was about it for me.

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"Instagoner (The Bark and Blog Mystery Series #1)" by Sydney Leigh is the first cozy mystery book about Lifestyle Blogger/Influencer Emily Dalle. She seems to quite successful at her chosen career and is about to start a regular tv segment with her mom on the local channel. She live in a cozy apartment with her big dog above her best friend's coffee cafe. She has a massive crush on his (the best friend's) brother who just happens to be the town detective.

The mystery begins when Emily and her best friend are on a mountain road bike ride. Emily literally crashes into the local talk show hostess and everyone's least favorite person. Luckily and unluckily, Emily didn't get to her first. Then the sister of the victim asks Emily to reach out to her followers for any information they may have. This gets Emily in full blow curiosity mode.

There are several possible suspects. I was a bit focused on one suspect in mind and had one that I was sort of thinking it could be. My second person ended up being the culprit.

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What a fun mystery!

I really liked it! Maybe I even love it?! I enjoyed learning about Emily and her world. She’s got a great, fun relationship with her best friend Fitz, a crush on a hot cop, and, of course, a jerk of an ex-boyfriend.

I definitely didn’t see some parts of this story coming. I did guess the killer right before the conflict, but I didn’t get why at all!

I look forward to diving more into Emily’s world and seeing what mysteries she sticks her head into next.

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Ugh I was so excited for another cozy mystery by Sydney Leigh but this was not it.
Firstly it felt as if there was a previous book I was missing? The characters already had established relationships that went unexplained. Also I get the MC and the murder victim didn’t get along but I would hope you would never wish someone dead!!! The characters came across as extremely immature and cringy. Overall the mystery was okay but I wanted more

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