Member Reviews

Instagoner by Sydney Leigh is an interesting read with a unique premise that caught my attention. The story explores some intriguing ideas about social media and its impact on our lives, and there are moments where the plot shines. However, I felt that the pacing was sometimes uneven, with certain parts dragging on while others felt rushed. The characters, while relatable, could have been developed more deeply to draw the reader in fully. Instagoner has its strengths, but it didn’t quite hit the mark for me. It’s a decent read if you’re interested in themes around social media, but it didn’t leave a lasting impression.

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Sydney Leigh’s Instagoner is a contemporary mystery that successfully blends elements of humor and suspense. The novel introduces Emily Dalle, a social media influencer unexpectedly thrust into the role of amateur detective when her frenemy is murdered.

Leigh’s skillful integration of social media into the investigative process creates a fresh and engaging dynamic, appealing to a modern audience. The small-town setting provides a charming backdrop while also contributing to the overall atmosphere of intrigue. The plot is filled with unexpected twists, keeping readers engaged throughout.

Emily is a relatable protagonist whose witty commentary and determination are both endearing and inspiring. The supporting characters, particularly her loyal friend Fitz and the enigmatic Sheriff Noah, add depth and complexity to the narrative. However, some readers may find Emily's characterization inconsistent at times, which can detract from her overall believability.

While the novel effectively combines humor and suspense, the romantic subplot between Emily and Noah feels somewhat predictable. Additionally, the character of Fitz, though charming, is underdeveloped and leaves the reader wanting to know more about his backstory.

Overall, Instagoner is an entertaining read that successfully blends humor, mystery, and contemporary culture. Leigh's writing style is engaging, and the plot is well-paced. While the novel might not break new ground in the mystery genre, it offers a fun and lighthearted escape.

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for a digital review copy.

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Funny entertaining book that I would recommend. It starts with Emily a influential blogger bumps into the dead body 9f her nemesis. She feels she needs to find who did it

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Instagoner is a charming and fast-paced murder mystery involving lots of coffee, cute dogs and best of all, everyone is a suspect. Another plus? The main character is fairly self-aware and didn't make me want to throw my kindle against a wall :)

Lots of crazy plot twists kept me guessing until the end and left me on the edge of my seat as I was trying to figure out who the killer was. The book also leaves off in a great spot for any future books in the series!

The only negative? I WANTED MORE OF THE HOT COP IN THE STORY. Thank you.

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Wow, what a neat book! Instagoner by Sydney Leigh was a book that kept me turning pages until the very end!

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Instagoner by Sydney Leigh is a fast-paced, murder mystery filled with humour, suspense, and a cast of characters you can never fully trust. The story revolves around a social media influencer who accidentally discovers the body of the town’s notoriously mean girl. With the help of her lovable best friend, her adorable dog, and the local sheriff (who just might be more than a crush), she dives headfirst into solving the murder—using her followers to help piece together the clues.

Leigh skillfully weaves an unpredictable narrative that keeps you hooked from start to finish. The small-town setting adds an intimate, yet tense atmosphere, where every encounter with the quirky townspeople feels shrouded in mystery. You’ll find yourself questioning everyone's motives, making the suspense all the more gripping.

The protagonist shines with her witty, relatable personality, providing a delightful balance to the darker elements of the plot. Her chemistry with her best friend and maybe one-sided, unrequited crush on the sheriff are heartwarming subplots that enrich her character and lighten the mood.

Sydney Leigh has created a protagonist who is both charming and resilient, making "Instagoner" an irresistible read for anyone who loves a good mystery infused with humor and heart. This one’s a must-read!

3.5 ⭐️

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overall 4/5. i think this series has a lot of potential moving forward. the premise of getting involved with true crime with a social media presence makes it easy to relate to our current world & allows you to be fully immersed in the story. i was left guessing until the end on who did it & i would also like to see how noah & emily’s relationship evolves (if at all), in future books! thank you for the ARC e-book!!

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~Murder-Mystery, Plot-twists, Secrets, and more!~

Instagoner by Sydney Leigh follows Emily Dalle, a professional blogger and Instagramer. After quite literally stumbling into her frienemy and infamous talk show host, Jackie's body, she asks her followers for help to uncover the truth about her death. With the help of her follower's tips and her loyal dog Murray, will she be able to discover the truth, or will the online threatening messages she receives turn into more than just empty threats?

4| Overall, this book was a quite enjoyable, easy read. I love the concept of it and think the series has enormous potential. The title is a funny pun. Emily is stubborn and determined to find out the truth no matter what anyone says, and while that can be frustrating at times, it helped me better grasp who the character is. Emily's backstory with Jackie is interesting, and I liked how, despite Jackies passing, she was characterized for who she was and not a sugar-coated version. Lots of characters had motive and opportunitiy, which had me guessing who it was til the end. I love Emily's wholesome friendship with Fitz; he is loyal to a fault and always there when she needs him. I felt his sexuality was danced around a little bit too much for my taste. While he is a side character, he is also Emily's closest friend, and I wish the story delved more into him, even if it was subtle. His character is something I hope in future books will be more fleshed out.

Emily using her blog to find out more about what happened to Jackie was fun. I wish I had got to see more of her blog posts and her career in general. At times, I felt Emily went back and forth too much. She was very judgemental about a lot of things and then, the next second, fine with it. She is very quick to judge which got a little annoying. Although it says a lot about her and her loyalty to the people around her it felt like she was too easy on some people but then way harsher on others. The killer was not someone I saw coming, even with the subtle clues sprinkled about. There were a perfect amount of red herrings to make me question any and everyone. The potential for Emily and Noah's future romance is something I'm interested in seeing more of in future books. I loved Murray and the rolled he played in the story. I also enjoyed the descriptions of the places like the studio and mountains. The pop culture references were well done though some of the language felt a little forced and awkward at times.

In future books, I would love to see more of Noah and Emily and how their relationship progresses. I would also love to see more of Fitz and his backstory. Seeing more of Emilys day to day life would be a nice touch that would help break up a lot of back and forth she feels. This story was well-written and enjoyable. Getting to know more about the town would be fun to see. I will definitely be keeping my eye out for future books in this series and what happens to Emily next!

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