Member Reviews

Sally Castle, an exceptional defense attorney and her boyfriend State Trooper Jim Duncan work together beautifully, cooperatively, and supportively. Sally’s law partner Tanelsa and Cavendish, Jim’s partner in the state police round out two strong support characters.

Sally agrees to take on a case for a friend despite the bad timing which turns out to be a great deal more complex than viewed on first blush. When a second body is found that appears to be tied to the first, Duncan and Cavendish become involved in the case up to their eyeballs.

Matters become very convoluted quickly as the author adds clues and twists that keep the reader turning pages. Dialogue is right on, authentic between intelligent and appealing characters.

An entertaining read from start to finish. The plot is well-paced and complex but it was the characters I found most appealing. If you enjoy mystery, tension, legal fiction, and great characters, then this one will keep your interest. Recommended.

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A well-written whodunnit suspense!

Liz Milliron is a new author for me!  Mystery solving at its best! Enjoyed every minute of this ‘whodunnit’ suspense! Saving the Guilty will keep readers guessing till the very end! This one is the seventh story in the Laurel Highland Mystery collection!

Defense attorney Sally Castle is asked by an old friend to help him on an appeal for a murder conviction. This case appears simple but as she looks for facts and clues, she discovers new evidence. Is her client innocent or guilty?  Was he framed? By who?
Meanwhile State Trooper Jim Duncan investigates the murder of a man who lived with a fake identity. Who is he? Who killed him? And why?
Can Sally and Jim discover in time the persons responsible for both cases?

"I received a complimentary copy of this book from Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) and NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

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Although this book is book seven in the Laurel Highland Mystery collection, it is completely capable of being read as a standalone. I haven’t read any of the previous books in this series and did not feel like that took away any of my enjoyment whilst reading. If anything, I’m interested to now go back and read the earlier books so I can better understand the back story of the characters.

The main characters are Sally Clarke, a defence attorney and her boyfriend Jim/Duncan a State Trooper. Running alongside these characters, as ‘support characters’ if you like, are Tanelsa, Sally’s partner at her law firm, and Cavendish, Jim’s parter in the State police. All four characters work really well together and compliment each other as the story progresses each adding their own depth to the story.

It starts with Sally and Jim at home when Sally receives a call from an old colleague in the hospital. He asks if she will take on an appeal case for him as he is unable to continue with the case due to being in hospital. Despite it only being a few weeks before Christmas and the appeal hearing only being five days away, Sally agrees to take the case.

We then have a parallel story whereby the same morning as Sally and Tanelsa start reviewing the case files for the appeal, Duncan and Cavendish get called out to a murder scene in a small community. The scene is completely clean and the victim has boxes of cash and guns in the house leading Duncan to suspect that there is more to the scene than first suggests.

The author does a brilliant job of creating a chilling atmosphere throughout the book. Set in the fictional setting Monongahela County, pretty much every chapter there is mention of the freezing cold weather. As I was reading this book it was brilliant sunshine but the way the author describes the cold I could almost feel a chill down my neck whilst reading.

Ultimately this book all centres around one question - who actually killed Vivian Wilson? It doesn’t help that her husband Alec, whom Sally represents, is accused of killing her and provides an account which is full of inconsistencies and facts that can’t be verified. For a while it just seems as if Sally is chasing her tail, but slowly and surely the author pulls all the strands together for an ending I wasn’t quite expecting.

I would recommend this book to anyone that likes mystery books with a strong sense of ‘who done it?’.

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Are you ready for your next mystery? Saving the Guilty was a good book and should be near the top of your TBR list.

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When defense attorney Sally Castle agrees to do a favor for an old friend she thinks the case will be simple: present the appeal for a murder conviction and the work is already done. But the more Sally looks into the facts of the case, the more problems she sees. Did sloppy police procedure result in the conviction of an innocent man?! Good book! This book had suspense, intriguing, murder, mystery, a hood who done it and a few twists and turns! The story was very interesting! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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