Member Reviews

I won't be reading this. I've tried multiple times and haven't gotten into it. Thank you though for the opportunity. If I read it in the future I will come back and change this review.

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Where the Dead Brides Gather

This was my first read by by this author but I’m sure it won’t be my last. First of all, what a cover!! I would definitely pick this up in a bookshop. We are introduced to Bata, an 11 year old girl who is haunted by nightmares after a fall. She is taken to the local medicine man but it hasn’t stopped her night terrors. On the night before her cousin’s wedding Bata wakes up standing guard outside her bedroom door. Her cousin is unable to get married unless they can escape the clutches of a vengeful ghost bride who used to be engaged to her groom. It takes a ghostly possession by the Bride Sentinel to help Bata defeat the vengeful ghostly bride. Unfortunately when she’s put through an exorcism, it backfires and she’s completely transported to a realm populated by dead brides called Ibaja-La. They bestow her with secret powers that allow her to fight ghost brides in the future, so when she is returned to the human world she must learn how to use her new powers and protect those she loves. To do this she is whisked off to Ibaja-La to receive tuition under the Seven Guardians to give her the discernment to spot spirits with angry energies, determined to cause destruction.

The book is set in the late 80s/ early 90s and has a great sense of place. Nuza Onoh takes us into the heart of a Nigerian village, with it’s political and religious clashes and all of the differences that make up a small society. Bata is only ten years old so we feel her powerlessness as adults make decisions about her. She’s so easy to root for, I found her determination and her kindness very endearing. I loved the way the author handles the pace of the novel, slowing down when we reach Ibaja-La but picking up the pace and tension as Bata starts to take on those dark energies. The author stays away from the usual plot lines and keeps you guessing, springing a few surprises. It’s a great combination of Nigerian culture and horror, being genuinely scary in places especially if you’re reading late at night. This was a great read and totally fresh and original.

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Fast-paced, dark, and atmospheric this book held my attention and was the perfect cold weather read.

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WHERE THE DEAD BRIDES GATHER by Nuzo Onoh - Thank you to the author, @netgalley and the publisher, @titanbooks for the e-ARC.


Bata is tormented by nightmares. When she finds herself standing sentinel at her cousin's door the night before the cousin is to be married, she finds she has physically changed - her hair, skin and eyes have turned stark white. An eleven year old living in Lagos, Nigeria, Bata's father takes her to the medicine man who says he cannot help her. She is a protector of brides the night before their wedding. She will have to help brides-to-be fight off the dead lovers that used to be engaged to the grooms they are about to marry...


While the concept of a ghost bride is not new to me, this Nigerian version is very different than that I have encountered in Chinese and other Asian mythologies. I was thrilled with the character of Bata as she navigated her new position as a protector that wards off ghost brides and was charmed and terrified alike at the mythology weaved into the story.

If the following sounds interesting to you, give this one a shot:

👻Vengeful dead brides with nothing to lose
⚡Nigerian Mythology and culture
💃A young kickass female lead
💂🏻Protector sentinel's called Night-Flyers
💀An in-between spirit world similar to a purgatory called Ibaja-La

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Where the Dead Brides Gather is a haunting and atmospheric novel that took us into the world of supernatural horror inspired by Nigerian folklore. The author's writing is easy to follow, and with its vivid descriptions and ability to evoke a sense of dread, it creates a chilling atmosphere that lingers throughout the story.

The book explores themes like death, vengeance, and cultural traditions, which adds depth and intrigue to the narrative. However, the pacing is a bit uneven at times, with some parts feeling slow or overly detailed, which disrupts the reading flow for me. Overall, while the horror elements are compelling, the character development is not as strong, leaving some emotional connections underdeveloped.

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One of the first things that grabbed me about Where the Dead Brides Gather is that it is a possession horror story but based on Nigerian folklore. I've not read any Nigerian folklore tales before, and I love reading folklore stories, so I was very excited to jump into this.

This story is about Bata, a 10 year old girl who is plagued by nightmares for as long as she can remember, until one day she is possessed and discovers that the spirits have a different plan for her. She is to become bride sentinel, protecting human brides from evil ghost Brides trying to ruin their day or worse, kill them. What follows is Bata's journey to a realm called Ibaja-la, where she meets many good-hearted bride ghosts waiting for their time to experience their wedding day and be reincarnated. But across from here is the Wastelands, an island which holds the evil bride spirits who are waiting to take their revenge.

I really enjoyed this story. It was the perfect mix of ghosts, possession, and folklore, which made the story immersive and intriguing. I wouldn't say it is scary or particularly creepy but there were moments of darkness and tension which added to the overall gothic feel of the book.

I enjoyed the variety of personalities of the story from your vain and selfish, 2nd wife, Ola to the playful, adorable triplets known only as Ejima. Then you have the medicine man who plays a big role in all this as he helps the family overcome some of the hurdles.

But the star of the show, the protagonist, Bata, has the most interesting story arc. As a young, innocent 10 year old girl she is suddenly thrust into this ghost world where she must get to grips with death, tragedy, murder, suicide and everything in between as she learns about the ghost Brides stories and why they are each there. This would be an emotional job for an adult, but for a child who hasn't even started puberty yet this would be a confusing, stressful task. But she accepts the role she has been assigned and carries it out to the best of her ability. Once assigned the role of bride sentinel, we see a bigger change in her as she slowly becomes more introverted to avoid certain aspects of her to be revealed.

There were so many areas of this novel I found greatly intriguing but the best one was meeting the great spirit and guardian Mmuo- Ka Mmuo who becomes Bata's guide through this process and almost becomes a mother figure to her in the spirit world.

This is a story of death, possession , and also one of acceptance, growth and grief. It is a rollercoaster of emotions and the story is a wonderfully robust tale of not only one girl's difficult journey but also of her family's own hurdles they too must overcome.

If you are looking for a fascinating tale on death, grief and the afterlife, I would highly recommend this.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - a dark, gripping Nigerian folklore tale that will keep you hooked until the last page.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this book. I love anything with a paranormal element to it, and this gave that.
What really stood out for me here was the setting in Nigeria, The inclusion of the cultural elements intertwined in the story really gave it some depth. I’d absolutely recommend this one.
Thank you for the arc.

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Where the Dead Brides Gather is a hauntingly imaginative tale steeped in Nigerian culture, folklore, and the supernatural. Nuzo Onoh masterfully crafts a vivid and eerie atmosphere, immersing readers in the spectral realm of Ibaja-La, where the tragic spirits of ghost-brides linger. Bata’s transformation and journey through the spirit world offer a gripping exploration of possession, family bonds, and resilience. The infusion of cultural elements, alongside Onoh's knack for chilling imagery, creates a story that stands out in the African horror genre.

However, the novel’s pacing and structure can be challenging. The initial setup, rich with tension and familial stakes, transitions abruptly into the spectral realm, leaving some aspects of Bata’s human life underexplored. Bata’s development as a protagonist felt rushed, with her newfound abilities often overshadowing her emotional journey.

Fans of culturally rich horror and supernatural tales will find much to admire in Where the Dead Brides Gather. It’s a chilling and evocative read.

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This book was an ok horror book. If you like books about possessions and exorcisms then this would be worth the read. I did enjoy the Nigerian background and seeing how they’ve advanced as a society.
Thank you NetGalley for the advance copy.

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Eli LaChance
9 minutes ago3 min read
Book Review - Nuzo Onoh's Where the Dead Brides Gather

I recently finished Nuzo Onoh’s Where the Dead Brides Gather, which was precisely the kind of book I needed at this very moment. It’s a different kind of ghost story than I think most of my readers are accustomed to. Part magical realism, part fantasy; informed by Igbo folklore the book is a supernatural story of endurance and strength of women and community under patriarchy.

Set in a rural Nigerian village outside of Lagos in the 1970s, Where the Dead Brides Gather follows Bata, a 10-year-old girl who has experienced temporary death due to an accident. At the start of the story, Bata is plagued by nightmares, and there’s reason to believe they may be connected to her near-death experience. The bad dreams are so disruptive they cause her to sleepwalk, and wake her family. Her father is so upset she fears being sent away by him. This is all background, woven tightly throughout the opening where it’s established that Bata’s cousin Keziah is to be married and her village is hard at work in preparation.

On the eve of the wedding, Bata once again experiences nightmares and wakes to find herself sitting outside her cousin’s door transformed. Her skin is completely white like paint. Her father immediately takes her to the witch doctor for an exorcism.

It’s here that I should mention; all this is delivered in first-person narration. Onoh renders Bata’s voice with unwavering clarity. We get a real sense of childhood innocence, longing and wonder. We see the way she respects her mother, looks up to her stepmother, and fears her father. Her faith in Jesus, even in the face of gods, is unwavering. Early in the story, we see the way she longs for a life in Lagos. Bata idolizes her stepmother, Ọla, to the degree that Ọla calls Bata “minime,” and how this informs her worldview.

Through stepmother Ọla, Bata learns about rich Lagos city culture, and “pancake face” makeup, and it becomes Bata’s goal to be educated in Lagos too. As the story progresses, Bata is pulled into the supernatural realm, she finds herself in Ibaja-La, the eponymous place Where the Dead Brides Gather. Brides who die before their wedding go here to await their husband’s next marriage where they will get to possess his new bride, only for the wedding, and then move on in the afterlife where they will eventually be reincarnated with their twin flame.

To me, it seems Onoh is interested in intersections and liminality. Where the Dead Brides Gather explores many such thresholds and in betweens. We see living/dead, rich/poor, urban/rural, masculine/feminine, Black/white, and strong/weak. In Ibaja-La, these distinctions aren’t strict boundaries as in the mortal world, but part of a rich tapestry that bring us together.

The multi-cultural feeling of unity that permeates this afterlife of women sharing community over each others pain is an enticing picture of harmony across cultural and gender lines as there are male brides here too. This is a world for all, regardless of class in life, death reveals we are all equals.

Pain unites the dead brides and in it they find their strength. The afterlife becomes proof of a cosmopolitan world. It isn't all lovely, of course, there is a wasteland full of ‘unrepentants’ who've done horrible things without remorse. They pose a danger to the world of the living and Ibaja-La.

The horror in this book isn't overly gory or cruel, it’s a slow and eerie peek behind the veil that gets to you.As I’ve been reading a lot of grief-horror, I was glad to get to something more hopeful that offered an escape and a promise that better worlds aren’t only possible, but exist, even if they're beyond the veil so to speak.

Where the Dead Brides hit shelves back in November and is available today.

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Review for 'Where The Dead Brides Gather' by Nuzo Onoh.


This may be the first book I have read by this absolutely incredible author but it most definitely will not be my last!!


This book is extremely well written with vivid and evocative descriptions that really put you in the storyline, feeling the hair on your arms raise and putting you on the edge of your seat!!! The storyline is just as stunning as the cover!!!

The first thing I have got to say is an absolutely HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to the amazing author Nuzo Onoh! I absolutely loved this addictive, explosive, creepy, horrific page turner!!! It had the perfect amount of horror, occult, suspense and everything else that you could ask for!! It is a very fast paced and gripping read and I devoured it in one sittings in the space of a few hours!!! This really is the perfect book to read for any horror fan!! I mean, the cover alone is absolutely epic and made me want to sink my teeth into the book and that is before I end read the synopsis!!! In this gripping novel we meet 10 year old Bata who suffers with nightmares and sleepwalking. She wakes up one night to discover that she is standing outside her cousin Kezia's bedroom door. Kezia is due to be married the next morning but is attacked by a ghost bride. Bata defeats the ghost bride but becomes possessed herself. Her family takes her to get her exorcised by local witch doctor Dibia. However, a spirit intervenes and takes her to Ibaja-La which is the realm of dead brides instead. Bata gets a new role as Bride Sentinel and is to protect brides from the ghost brides. When she returns to her world she is ostracised by many of her relatives whom she is meant to protect. How can she protect the people that shun her? Grab your copy of this captivating book today to discover the answer to this and find out much more and I promise that you will not regret it! With a storyline ram packed with traditions, horror, occult, bravery, fantasy, folklore and much more what are you waiting for?? I absolutely love how unique this storyline is having never come across anything like it before!! It is such a fascinating read and I was completely absorbed throughout. Nuzo's absolutely terrific and vivid writing skills and descriptions ensure the reader really feels and sees everything that Bata is seeing and feeling through the pages. I was absolutely intrigued by the Nigerian beliefs and traditions having never read a book based on Nigerians before. Ibaja-La was an absolutely amazing and fascinating place to visit with Bata and it really did come to life. I had no idea what to expect as I was turning the pages and I was surprised by how much of an emotional punch Nuzo brings with her imagery from terror to heartache. I absolutely adored Bata and my heart went out to her especially considering her cruel and horrid father and how much worse he made everything for her on her return. It wasn't just Bata that was treated awfully but also the women by the males who have too much power. Considering Bata's young age she is such a strong, determined character and I was completely invested in and rooting for her throughout!! I was absolutely intrigued and fascinated with the folklore and mythical aspects of the book as well as the horror so if you like any of those genres this book is definitely for you! This truly is an absolutely addictive, action packed page turner with a unique storyline that will grip you from the moment you open the pages until the very end, and longer!! A huge well done to Nuzo on the absolutely uniqueness of this book!! I have read hundreds and hundreds of books so it is getting harder and harder to find books with a truly unique storyline but Nuzo has smashed it out of the ballpark. I loved getting to meet all the different characters and Nuzo has done an absolutely brilliant job of weaving the storyline together perfectly ensuring the reader gets the bigger picture. The setting and creepy atmosphere is perfect for the storyline and Nuzo's fantastic emotive and evocative writing skills really suck the reader into the story ensuring they can see the horror all around them and feel the chill up their spine. You have truly got to grab a copy of this fantastic horror today!!! I absolutely LOVE horrors and for me the creepier the better but, although I have found some great horror books out there, I struggle to find many filled with enough to creep me out!! That was up until I read this book and Stephen King eat your heart out because this is absolutely packed with a storyline and horror that I have never come across and as I have read hundreds of horrors and seen hundreds of horror movies THAT is truly hard to come across but Nuzo absolutely slam dunks it!! A MASSIVE CONGRATULATIONS Nuzo Onoh!! Along with a creepy and horrific atmosphere and storyline Nuzo also creates an absolutely fantastic group of characters each with their own unique personalities. They were all very strong characters, realistic and sturdy with their own unique personalities, flaws, quirks, strengths and weaknesses. I enjoyed seeing the friendships and relationships between the characters change and develop and really enjoyed their interactions between them all. There is a wide range of characters and we get to meet loads of different characters which I absolutely loved!! I remarkably became very quickly attached and invested in the Bata and some other characters and loved seeing the dynamics and interactions between them all. Nuzo has created them so well that I really did feel like I was with Bata and the dynamics between the characters worked perfectly. Well done Nuzo on creating such a memorable, unique, diverse and multi layered group of characters that will stay with me for a long time!! This is one of those books that I picked up and within a quarter of the book I realised I was wasting time lying to myself saying just one more chapter and I will do X, Y or Z as there was no way I could put it down!! Each and every chapter ended in a way that I had to know what was going to happen next so I ended up walking around with my book glued to my hands and unable to take my eyes of the screen until I had completely devoured the book within a few short hours. This book has definitely shot to my top horror book of the year and I would be absolutely shocked if anything managed to knock it off this spot as it just had absolutely everything a horror fan could want or ask for!! I honestly loved absolutely everything about it from the characters to the settings and it was just one heck of an amazing read!!! If you love horrors, gothic stories, supernatural books, thrillers, suspense, well do you know what if you love reading then grab a copy of this book today and you will not regret it!!! It has got to be one of, if not the best horror book that I have ever read!!! I absolutely love, love, LOVED the unique storyline!! I've just genuinely never come across a book anything like this one and I doubt I will again!!!! I just genuinely love, love, LOVED IT!!! This book will suck you in and keep you gripped in the pages until your thrown out at the end with a racing heart!! A truly unforgettable one in a million page turner!!!!

Clear your schedules before turning a single page as this book is truly unputdownable!!! However, I recommend you read this in the day with company although I still couldn't guarantee you wouldn't have nightmares!!

This book is one the BEST horror books I have ever read !!! This book really is a truly unique page turner that I picked up and had devoured within a couple of hours!!! It had absolutely everything you could ask for and more!!!

Well done Nuzo Onoh on an absolutely addictive and explosive page turner and I would definitely like to welcome you on to my top 5 favourite horror author list!!! Congratulations on an absolutely fantastic success and here is to what is guaranteed to be many more 🥂

Overall an absolutely addictive, action and supernatural packed suspense filled and chilling horror that will keep you turning the pages until you've devoured the book in hours!!

#WhereTheDeadBridesGather #NuzoOnoh #TitanBooks #ZooLoosBT #ZooloosBookTours #Bookstagrammer #Bookblogger

@NuzoOnoh @TitanBooks @ZooLoosBT @ZooloosBookTours

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A wonderful example of African fantasy. you could never accuse this books of being set in America or Europe. For fans of NNedi Okorafor.
It is the matter-of-fact that the supernatural world exists within this book, and no one disbelieves our 11 year old hero as she gets possessed by a vengeful spirit. Full of gothic imagery, Where the Dead Brides Gather is at times quite gruesome, but always narrated by the (mostly) positive young Bata.

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A fascinating horror novel set in Nigeria, Where the Dead Brides Gather is absolutely worth the read. Follow Bata through this story of nightmares and ghosts.

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DNF. The blurb calls this powerful, but I found it kind of cartoonish more than anything else. (Nor that animated shows/movies can’t be powerful, but you know what I mean.) Complete with the ghosts blasting each other with lasers from their hands and eyes. Also, I got to 22% and am not sure if the Horror just comes later, or if this book is really more Fantasy than Horror (which is what it felt like).

I really like it when we get Adult stories narrated by younger characters, but that wasn’t really what was happening here; we weren’t limited by or informed by the 10yo’s knowledge of the world, so this wasn’t really what I was expecting it to be!

I don’t think there’s really much wrong with the writing itself, so if you like the blurb, you could give it a shot. I’m not really recommending it? But I’m not urging you away, either.

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I bought a copy for my home library as soon as it was released. I was so engaged that I wanted to know more of the folklore and did some background reading. Will be flagging this author for the future.

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Where the Dead Brides Gather is a perfect book for those who enjoy horror elements without the intense scary moments. This book truly explores the complexities of the horror genre in relation to the concept of marriage.

While I thoroughly enjoyed the plot and characters of the novel, finding their complexities allowed for well rounded and fleshed out characters and the plot unique and intriguing, at times I found it felt longer than possibly necessary. However, this did not deter my enjoyment of the story.

Overall, this African folklore based horror novel was highly enjoyable and unique addition to the horror genre.

Thank you to Titan Books and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Bata is a bright and ambitious child, longing for both a proper education and her family's love and approval. However, she soon learns she’s destined to be a Bride Sentinel, a role that requires her to protect engaged women from vengeful ghost brides. The story provides interesting insights into cultural traditions and community dynamics within Nigerian village life. The early chapters emphasise Bata’s awakening to her mystical powers and her experiences in a spirit world, while the latter half shifts to family drama upon her return to the physical world. I appreciated the author’s effort to create a horror novel inspired by African folklore, complete with a conclusive ending. While I didn’t find it particularly scary, and to caveat it is YA, readers who enjoy crossover fantasy will certainly enjoy.

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I’m honestly not sure how to put into words how this book made me feel, so I’ll just be honest.

It made me cry.

Nuzo Onoh has managed to describe both the experience of being a child on the verge of womanhood, and also as a traveller between worlds. The deep honesty of Bata’s story is touching on a human level (even if I, as a mid-40s white British woman, cannot relate specifically to her experiences!), because death is the one guarantee in life that we all must face. Western culture has largely forgotten this, so when it comes, we find it difficult to process. This tiny Nigerian girl shows not only how we can face that final mystery, but also how it affects us as part of female life experience.

For yes, this is women’s story. Be it little girl, bride-to-be, bride-who-never-was or wife and mother (including those brides who are male), these are shown to be experiences that transcend borders, be they geographical or spiritual. From the crazy, often nonsensical familial and social politics of the ‘real world’, to then seeing truths and trying to understand after experiencing the sisterhood (and its warped alternative) in the Otherworld, Bata’s story struck a chord with me as I remembered walking similar paths myself as a youngster, and then as a wife, divorced and then married again.

This is a beautiful morality tale and true heroine’s journey as Bata battles to find her power. I learnt enough of Nigerian legend to inspire me to seek out more, and I love that a quick-witted girl can take on the power of a great goddess… and then return to her (rather hapless but very realistic!) family.

‘Where the Dead Brides Gather’ is an experience, marvellously told and which I shall absolutely be returning to again. I’m beyond grateful to the author for sharing such an adventure, reminding us to see the common ground between womanfolk and those who’ve gone before.

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In <i>Where the Dead Brides Gather,</i> Nuzo Onoh presents a dark fantasy through the eyes and thoughts of a young girl, caught between a world of miraculous powers where Powerful deities work to protect Earth brides, and a patriarchal family ruled with an iron hand by her father. Fighting for the approval of her mother, step-mother, and father, stricken by violent dreams, Bata is plunged into a world where she must fight for the lives and marriages of the women of her village, while alternately being praised, and avoided by friends and family, while fighting against powers no one but she can see.

Very entertaining, and highly recommended.

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There is a big battle near the beginning and I wasn't sure what was going to happen next. I didn't expect to have such a uniquely populated fantasy world to experience. This book was a new experience. I didn't know what I was getting into, but I enjoyed the experience. If you like a unique fantasy world and people battling for what is right, you will like this one.

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