Member Reviews

This book was so beautifully devastating. I cried at the end and I felt strong emotions throughout the book.

Our Infinite Fates follows Evelyn and Arden, through their many lives, in which they must die before their 18th birthday. In their current lived, Evelyn is Bram, she lives in Wales and her sister has cancer and needs Bram’s stem cells. Unfortunately the procedure is set for after her 18th birthday. Bram/Evelyn needs to try and stay alive and figure out who Arden is in this life, to try and survive.

I thought this concept was really high stakes, because you want to help your family as best you can, but there is a time limit on that help, which is ehat made this so tense, will she or won’t she be able to help? So tense and it definitely made me think of my situation where I was ready to give up an organ for my mum (she got one from someone else, and we are very thankful!) and I can’t imagine having a time limit to be able to help her!

I absolutely loved thr chapters that were set in their previous lives! It was really interesting to see all thry have been through, and that ‘fate’ always brought them together. For me it showed that love can really overcome any lifetime.

This book was absolutely amazing, and I think it was the best book I have read all year! I can’t wait for it to come out so I can actually talk about it hahah.

5 stars, I can definitely see myself rereading it at some point!

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Laura Steven is a beautiful writer with an equally beautiful imagination. Our Infinite Fates is ambitious and absorbing with characters I came to truly care about. Also: perfect ending.

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I enjoyed this a lot. It has shades of Addie LaRue and has dredged up a YA book I'm really struggling to remember the title of. I felt there were some plot holes and it took a while for the story to get going but overall it was a fun read!

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I am an enemies to lovers addict, I can never get enough, so when I read the tagline ‘They've loved each other in a thousand lifetimes. They've killed each other in every one’, I knew I had to read this book and I was lucky enough to pick up this stunning proof copy from the @houseofya stall at Bookfest 2024.

To confess, I didn’t fully look into the book or read a synopsis and made the assumption that it was a Romantasy book, how wrong was I in the best way possible? I have been churning through Romantasy & this more urban story with a fantasy twist was like a palate cleanser for my repetitive library. Laura Steven explores the different lifetimes lived in a beautiful, poetic prose that is impossible not to fall in love with. You never know what is coming with each life that the reader is introduced to. This book is a ride filled with more twists than the threads that bind Arden & Evelyn.

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Thank you to netgalley and penguin for sending me an eARC! when i saw this book on Laura Steven’s tiktok with the tagline “they’ve loved each other in a thousand lifetimes, they’ve killed each other in every one” I just became desperate to read this book. I was overjoyed when the ARC came in and thankfully, this book more than lived up to my excitement. Our Infinite Fates follows Evelyn and Arden and the strange curse that links them - they are drawn together and fall in love in every lifetime but inevitably kill each other before reaching their 18th birthday in each one, only to be reborn again moments later. It really reminded me of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue, another favourite of mine! This book really delves into the supernatural without getting bogged down in overcomplicated details. I found it both easy to understand and rich in magical realism that kept you guessing until the very end. The question of why Evelyn and Arden are this way kept me gripped throughout, and i did not see the explanation coming - it’s rare that a book really shocks me but i gasped out loud at this one!! Laura Steven also does an incredible job at immersing the reader in the places she writes about, and the world of Evelyn’s life as Branwen and her life in Wales with her mum and sister Gracie and all of their troubles was so heart-wrenchingly real. Not only that, but all of the places across the world we visit in Evelyn and Arden’s past lives like El Salvador, Serbia and the trenches of the Western Front are so captivating, so well researched and so detailed that I was in awe of how Laura creates a different atmosphere in every chapter. Not only is this a heartbreaking story of love, loss, betrayal and hope, but it’s a writing masterclass in all aspects. I cannot wait until this book comes out and I can scream about all the amazing little details I adored about this book!

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I've read a handful of Laura Steven's books before and enjoyed them all, though I've never quite been as excited for one as I was for this. I'm pleased to say, Our Infinite Fates did not disappoint! I was lured in by the tag line and the promise of an Exile inspired love story and from the very first page I found myself immersed in the lyrical writing. I was worried that the alternating time jumps would be too much and take me away from the 'present' story but in fact I found myself looking forward to the glimpses in to the past and the unfolding story of Evelyn and Arden's origins. Fast forward to the book's conclusion and I was reading through teary eyes, the raw emotions of Evelyn fast becoming my own. Our Infinite Fates is a beautiful book from start to finish, haunting and rich all at once.

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Steven’s writing style is both evocative and haunting, weaving a narrative that’s as enchanting as it is heartbreaking. Each page brims with tension and emotion, capturing the eternal struggle between fate and love. The intensity of Evelyn’s journey left me on the edge of my seat, torn between hope and despair, as I followed her quest for both survival and love.
It’s a powerful reminder that sometimes, love means defying fate itself, and this story beautifully captures the endless temptation of that defiance.

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This book is perfect for everybody that loved Addie LaRue. It has great characters, amazing story arcs and a plot twist nobody will see coming.

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Very excited for this gorgeous gorgeous bo9k! Not only is the cover stunning but the content is just as beautiful. I love a good love story and this did not disappoint

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Our Infinite Fates is a book that will stay with you long after you finish it. I truly believe this is a book for everyone – it has the tender love of a romance, the bizarrely supernatural elements of a fantasy, the heart wrenching reality of a history, and somehow the innocence of a children’s novel wrapped up in the maturity of an adult’s.

The beauty of this book is how it can make you FEEL every possible human emotion (no joke, I cried 16 separate times) sometimes all at the same time. There were times when I couldn’t tell if I was crying because it was so beautifully written, or from the love between Arden and Evelyn, or from their pain, and really it didn’t matter as I was so engrossed in their story I couldn’t stop reading through my tears. I can’t say anything about the ending, as you must experience this book as blind as Evelyn is to the truth – but I can say that I shouted NO through tears many times during the final 60 pages.

As a fan of Steven’s other works, I already knew I loved her writing, but Our Infinite Fates takes their craft to a whole new level. The lyricism of her language so gorgeously wove together the past and present in a way that felt poetic – and then she goes and proves through Arden that she can write poems too! I will be shocked if anyone finishes this book without a renewed (or new) interest in literature itself sparking. If you’re more historically inclined, I can assure you that the chapters in their past lives have you diving into wonderfully rich descriptions of the past – from the beauty of a tiny trawler off the coast of Nauru in 1968, to the horrors of an asylum in 1862 Vermont, to the sweltering heat of the Sahara in 1290.

It's hard to talk about this book without getting overly personal as you are so intimately involved in Arden and Evelyn’s story that you can’t help but reflect on your own life. They made me yearn for a love so deep and meaningful; made me re-examine and cherish the loves I do have; and truly made me question who I am at my core. It takes a master to tell a story with so much heart you are forced to look at your own, and Laura Steven has truly cemented herself as such with this book. Our Infinite Fates is not only my top read of 2024, but has instantly become a firm favourite that I can see myself revisiting over and over.

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