Member Reviews

Favourite Quote: "I never intended to annoy you. It's just my favourite. The food that makes me feel like I'm home"

This is the absolute perfect Autumn read. A binding of convenience between two of the most powerful families in a mgical safe haven small town. What is not to like?! I enjoyed how easy this was to read and getting to see how Lucy and Benedict's relationship turned from adolescent dislike to love. Adding in meddling families, spells gone wrong, and a nosy small community and it is the perfect combination to sit down with a hot drink and some Halloween treats.


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⭐️⭐️⭐️ - 3,5 stars

"There isn't a man alive who wouldn't want to kiss you."
"Then kiss me."
"You hate me."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"You'll hate me."
"I tought we already established I do."
"I should take you home."
"You should shut up and kiss me."

The Hating Game meets Practical Magic.
This cozy read is perfect for fall season!

In a small town named Foxford, Lucinda Hawthorne is on the brink of assuming the prestigious role of High Priestess. However, an unexpected coven gathering reveals that her lifelong nemesis, Benedict Matherson, is also nominated for the esteemed position.
They are presented with a grave ultimatum: either become magically bound to one another on All Hallows’ Eve or there will be a vote and one of them has to leave Foxford for good.

I loved that this was a contemporary small town romance but with a magical twist!
The chatacters were well written, there were animal sidekicks and it really gave me the perfect Autumn vibes.
The book started really good with a very 🔥 scène and banter in the early chapters. Tough I felt missed that same vibe between the characters trough the rest of the book.
I would have loved a little more banter and tension.
This was also advertised as open door spice, I mean, it was there but I would give it only 1 🌶.

I still enjoyed reading it. So I think if you would like a cozy small town read, in a fall setting with Gilmore Girls and Practical Magic vibes. You will love this!

- Haters to lovers
- Small town
- Elemental magic
- Witches
- All Hallow's Eve
- Potion gone wrong
- Cozy
- Fall setting
- A little spice
- Urban romantasy
- Arranged marriage

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Cute and cozy read for this time of the year, I enjoyed the banter and I always love an enemies to lovers trope.
3.5 stars

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This is the perfect read for Halloween. This was such an adorable, cozy small town romance with all the paranormal vibes. I loved it so much!

This book follows Lucinda and Benedict who are both witches and each other’s nemeses. They have spent their entire lives playing pranks on one another, but when one prank goes too far, it jeopardizes their future. Lucinda is in line to be the next head of their coven, but with her last prank bringing a bad light to the town, some feel like she should not be given that right and that is should be given to Benedict. Instead, Lucinda and Benedict are given the option to be bound together (married) or one of them must leave town. They agree to the binding, but Lucinda’s family try and take matters into their own hands and create a potion to get Lucinda out of the binding via a loophole. This goes wrong and Lucinda and Benedict’s elemental magic abilities get switched. They are then forced to walk a mile in each other’s shoes, and will this bring them closer together or make them despise each other even more?

There are witches, vampires, werewolves and more in this paranormal romance. And all the characters are wrote to perfection. You really feel like you are right there with everyone with the way Kate writes the story. You won’t be able to put this one down! I will be recommending this book to everyone!

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Lucinda Hawthorne is set to become the next High Priestess in Foxford, a quaint magical town. But there's a twist—her lifelong rival, Benedict Matherson, has also been chosen as a candidate. The coven offers them a choice: bind themselves to each other on All Hallows' Eve or face a vote of banishment. Reluctantly, Lucinda and Benedict agree to the binding. However, when a spell from Lucinda’s family backfires, they find themselves connected in ways they never expected.

If you're into enemies to lovers, small town magic, arranged engagements and a dose of whimsy this is for you!

Lucinda and Benedict’s dynamic is irresistible. Watching them grow from childhood pranksters to friends—and perhaps more—is utterly charming. The slow burn romance is perfectly paced, and the enchanting town of Foxford feels like an ideal autumn escape. Cozy, magical, and heartwarming, this story is the perfect addition to your fall reading list.

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Lucinda i Benedict drą ze sobą koty od pieluszki. Nikt w całym miasteczku nie pamięta momentu, w którym ta dwójka się nie kłóciła lub nie robiła sobie psikusów. Aż o jeden żarcik za daleko. Gdy hotel w posiadłości Mathersonów zostaje obsmarowany w ważnej gazecie, rada czarownic podejmuje drastyczną decyzję. Albo jedno wyjeżdża z miasta, albo ich dusze zostaną związane... Lucy zgadza się na małżeństwo przekonana, że Benedict odmówi.
Zgodził się.

Nie wiedziałam, że potrzebuję takiej książki! A potrzebowałam i to bardzo. Idealnie wgryzła się w chęć na coś jesienno-czarownego. Mamy tutaj małe miasteczko, zbliżające się Halloween i aranżowane małżeństwo (ale bardziej, bo łączą się ich dusze). Cały klimat oraz to, jak pisze Callaghan po prostu uderzyło w moje gusta. Czy była to książka idealna? Nie i jest to częściowo zaleta, ale też wada.
Te wszystkie nieidealne aspekty sprawiały, że była to po prostu lekka lektura. Taka, która zachęca do sięgnięcia po kolejne tomy. Autorka tak opracowała otoczenie Lucindy i Benedicta, że chcę poznać głębiej wiele z pobocznych postaci. Reakcje ludzi na ich „zaręczyny” były rozkoszne – wszyscy wiedzieli, że ta dwójka się zejdzie, chociaż oni najchętniej powyrywaliby sobie piórka. Co najlepsze, zostało rzucone wystarczająco dużo okruszków, bym chciała podążyć za nimi ku innym parom.
Ale te okruszki też trochę utknęły mi w gardle. Cała książka jest budowana na atmosferze oczekiwania, napięcia i pytań „co zrobi bęc?”. A, niestety, nic nie zrobiło. I chyba to jest mój największy zarzut do tej powieści – ostatnie 20% tekstu to linia życia nieboszczka. Napięcie, atmosfera i fabuła po prostu wypłaszczyły się, przestały być sycące a takie aż za stabilne. Callaghan kończy książkę satysfakcjonująco, ale bez fajerwerków. Wszystko przebiega grzecznie i cichutko. Zostawiła kilka śladów, zwłaszcza z pobocznymi postaciami, ale te ślady zmywa woda. Napięcie rozwiewa się, zamiast pęknąć z trzaskiem. Można by wręcz powiedzieć, że książka nie osiąga szczytu – wchodzi na pagórek i się kończy. To jest takie nieuchwytne uczucie, gdy myślicie, że zaraz COŚ się wydarzy i macie przeczucie, że wiecie CO... A to zostało nam to zabrane. Dlatego końcówka, chociaż dobra, jest po prostu nudna jak pieron jasny.
Czy przysłania mi to całość lektury? Trochę tak, zwłaszcza po tym, jaką iskrę mieli Lucinda i Benedict, co zostało na koniec stłamszone – bo jak oni się oczywiście zaczynają dogadywać, to gdzieś COŚ powinno zarezonować.
Ale, tak jak pisałam – bardzo chcę sięgnąć po kontynuację! I mam nadzieję, że będzie sycąca💝

Dziękuję Netgalley za egzemplarz do recenzji😄

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I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect when I first picked up this book, but it ended up being a cosy, magical enemies-to-lovers tale that truly charmed me once I got into the rhythm of the story.

It did take a few chapters for the story to really get going. Once the rivalry and magical mishap intertwined their fates, I was hooked.
I loved how the world wasn’t overly complex—it was easy to follow without needing an encyclopaedia of magic lore.

Overall, this was a wonderfully cosy read, perfect for autumn evenings. Despite a few pacing issues, I thoroughly enjoyed the mix of romance, magic, and humour. I’m definitely looking forward to seeing how the series develops!

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I enjoyed Potions and Proposals so much! It was such a fun read to kick of Spooky Season. I was absorbed into the town and people of Foxford. I love the community, the vampire day manager of the hotel, the werewolf librarian with the fierce nails, and of course our main characters: Lucinda and Benedict. The history of their feud and pranks have become town legend. The chemistry is amazing and the tension between these two is a very tight, thin line that’s about to snap. The whole town is a mesmerizing, supernatural place and I am looking forward to reading more about the people in this magical place. And hopefully more Lucinda and Benedict.

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I really did enjoy this book! It was a perfect cozy read. I do wish some plot line were more fleshed out if this meant to be a stand alone. I was relieved to not find a single character insufferable which is hard to find sometimes

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This was a cute read. I’m honestly not much into rom-com books but I did enjoy this. I loved the banter between Lucinda and Benedict. Was a little predictable but I think that goes along with really any book in this genre. It was well written though.

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Another great book from this author that makes you wish magic and fairytale love was an everyday occurrence.

This is my second book by this author but I am already convinced she is brilliant. She just has a way of creating a world you want to dive head-first into. From Christmas villages in the North Pole to Magical creatures living in what I imagine looks like Halloweentown, it’s perfection.

Now, let’s dive into this review. In this novel we have a feisty FMC and a cinnamon roll with a hint of spice MMC. The FMC, Lucinda, was a strong independent woman who didn’t need a man but wanted one. She has know our MMC Benedict since they were children. They have pretended to hate each other for years and tend to pull pranks on one another. When one prank goes too far, their coven (did I mention they are witches?) threatens to kick one of them out, the alternative is to be bound together (witch-version of marriage). An attempt to get out of the binding results in Lucinda and Benedict getting closer until they (maybe) fall in love.

In between these events you will meet hilarious friends, a nosey (but adorable) grandmother, and twists and turns that will have you laughing and smiling.

I will say this novel left some plot holes, but I think there is another book to come that will fill in these gaps. For instance, Peter (death’s assistant) is in town and needs to take a soul but he doesn’t want to. Who is supposed to die? I had some guesses but it wasn’t established in the novel (if it was and I just missed it, someone please let me know!).

If you want a lighthearted book that is truly unique, pick this one up. I love this author because you will get a hint of magical realism told in a way you’ve never seen before.

*An ARC was received in exchange for an honest review. And honestly, this book will be living rent free in my brain for months, and I don’t doubt I will reread it next year around Halloween.

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This book was the perfect read to start the fall season with its cozy town and the main characters reminded me of a young Luke and Lorelai. It was an interesting read with Lucy being in line for her coven's leadership and with a surprising meeting night having to be "bonded" with her "nemesis" in Benedict. With Grams and her mother having a trick up their sleeve in the magical realm, things go awry and things going a little wonky in both of their lives.

It was a slow start, I did not like Lucy in the beginning, to me she was very immature for someone who is in line for such a responsible role and the "pranking" to me made me feel uncomfortable because it made them both feel younger/got second hand embarrassment. The book felt more YA at times because of the maturity and choices they both made at times. The story line was such a amazing idea but the writing at times or plot felt a bit flat.

Overall, I enjoyed the cozy, cheesy read because yes its cheesy but I think the author leans into it at times in good ways! I recommend people who love a stars hollow vibe and a fast read

Thank you so much to netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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Am I allowed to say that I wanted more but mean it in all the best ways possible? I stayed up well past midnight with blurry eyes to finish this book and I would have kept on reading until the sun came up just to live in the town for a little longer. There was just enough world building for me to paint a vivid picture, but not so much that I got frustrated by it. I fell in love with not only the male and female main characters, but with so many of the side characters. I'm invested and can't wait for more of their stories to be written. This book was so much more than I expected it to be and I had pretty high hopes just off of the beautiful cover. This book is perfect for the fall and should be on everyone's October TBR. 1.5/5 spice level

Review copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Such a cute story. Loved this because it's just in time for Halloween season! Love how there isn't a bunch of random pages in the beginning of the book

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Loved reading the mesmerizing and engaging paranormal story. Lucinda is suppose to become the High Priestess when her mom retires, but because of the tricks Lucinda and Benedict keep playing on each other, both of them are to share the role when the time comes. Read the highly recommended, wonderfully written, and a must read riveting romance story.

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this was cute! it had a bit of a slow start, but I really enjoyed certain aspects of this book. i’m a sucker for cozy small-town romance, so paired with the autumnal witchy vibes this was a really enjoyable read for the most part.

I had a few issues with our mcs lucinda and benedict, who were intended to be enemies-to-lovers.. but this definitely leans itself more towards childhood friends to rivals of sorts? and once the story progressed a bit, it very quickly became insta-love, and the characters themselves felt a bit two dimensional and juvenile at times.

the writing also felt a little young despite this being intended as an adult read. I think the spice could’ve been closed door, and this would’ve been an extremely enjoyable YA book.

I think this story had a lot of potential as a concept, but wasn’t the strongest in execution.

thank you so much to netgalley for the eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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If I could live in such a charming little world forever, I would. The definition of a cozy read, the story follows the love/hate relationship of Lucinda and Benedict as they navigate their relationship and the troubles they bring upon themselves. While the world building itself is almost non-existent, it does dive a bit into the history of the world which I guess can make up for it, especially since it's a lighter read anyways. I obviously wasn't in the mood to follow the heavy hitting world building anyways (I'll proudly use this as an excuse to excuse my favorite thing about books).

The magical realism in this book is what makes me so hopeful for magic to be real. It wasn't over the top but it also wasn't completely dull. Some of the magic abilities didn't make sense when it came to other traits they had but the main magic being elemental belonging to families was the key part anyways.

I easily found myself relating to the personalities of both characters and even found it to be relatable to my relationship with my partner, which made it far more easier to connect with the characters. I'm a sucker for stories that allow me to easily imagine the life I would have as the MC. While the history of their pasts were explained the characters had basic traits and lacked depth but I still found them easy to love.

While I did hope for more build up between the two mc's, there was a lot unsaid things that would make the outcome more believable. I could guess the history of the two and that they feared admitting feelings in the past, which is also confirmed in the story, but it definitely made the relationship seem very rushed and in-genuine.

Overall, I love a cute cozy read that can make me giggle and squeal with it's little highlights and even yell at the pages because I don't want something happening. I definitely couldn't stop thinking about continuing the story until I finished it. Would I recommend it to everyone? Mmmm...probably not EVERYONE but I definitely could for someone who wants a cute, light romance novel.

Thank you NetGalley for the eArc!! It was splendid.

Kicking off my fall reading with cozy, magical love stories?!

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I loved this book. It was cute, comfy, and cozy. The perfect book to read by a fire with some cocoa. I finished it pretty quickly and fell in love with Benedict and Lucy and their slow burn romance. I truly loved the little prank wars they had between each other! I loved the little spice that was tossed in. This is not my normal genre of read, but it was defiantly a breath of fresh air.

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This trope of enemies to friends to lovers worked so good in it. You can see Lucy and Benedict really were meant to be together even though Lucy thinks its all the spell her grams and mom did. True love blossomed for both of them. I love their pranks on each other and how you will do anything to protect your family.

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Okay. This was cute, if a little bit cheesy. There were times I felt a little second-hand embarrassment at how corny some of the story was. However, for the most part, I loved the characters. I loved the story--the enemies-to-lovers thing was fabulous.
It was a great fall read that kept me thoroughly entertained!

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