Member Reviews

From the beginning of this book it's very somewhat clear what is going to happen, but we have no idea which road we'll take to get there. This makes you want to continue reading, keeps you grasping for every little bit of information you can find. I found the obsession of our main character to be quite tedious in the beginning, but as we got further into the book this disappeared.

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This book was everything it promised! Entertaining, in the near future, elements of “Red Rising” and “the Visitors”.

I really enjoyed my time with this book a lot! The perfect beach read for anyone in love with science fiction space stories.

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Pilgrims by M. R. Leonard is a quick read and it kept my attention for the full five hours that it took me to read it. It felt like a book written along the lines of Chuck Wendig and Stephen the beginning. It is an ambitious and interesting concept...Aliens coming to Earth for religious reasons and not war. Very idealistic! I loved Virgil the AI, and Austin...interesting that Mr. Leonard choose the last name of DeSantis for his hero..
Yet as the story progresses, it just begins feeling off due to all the religious context. I kept thinking wow, would all the people on Earth be annihilated if they didn't believe? the same??
All in all, I enjoyed the book and I look forward to reading more novels by M.R. Leonard.

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I wasn't particularly enthused with this book. I get the concept but it fell flat for me and I did not finish it.

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I received this ebook for free through NetGalley

I loved the premise of this book and how unique it was. Definitely glad I came across it. Thanks for the read and looking forward to what happens next.

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3.5 stars
Pilgrims blends sci-fi with a twist of religious intrigue as aliens show up speaking Latin and claiming Catholicism. Austin DeSantis, an out-of-work Latin teacher, gets roped into translating for these mysterious visitors. The setup is intriguing and the plot offers a fresh take on first contact, but it sometimes feels a bit muddled. The pacing is steady, and the character dynamics add depth, but the overall execution might leave you wanting more clarity. A solid read for fans of sci-fi with a philosophical twist.

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