Member Reviews

My Sister’s Downfall is a psychological thriller from SM Thomas. After a tragic accident, we follow two sisters, Isabella and May as their secrets start to unravel and we learn what happened on that tragic night.

The book is told in dual perspectives which is something I think works really well in thrillers. The fact that the narrators of the story were unreliable, it made you question everything they said. I think that is one of my favourite things about unreliable narrators, it keeps you engaged and helps to build up the tension. While the story was told from the sisters’ perspectives, the supporting characters were just as unreliable. There was very strong character building throughout the book which helped to give the characters depth. My only critique on the characters is that I felt like May could have had more of a personality like Isabella did.

There was constant alluding to multiple secrets throughout which definitely kept me hooked. I struggled to put the book down. While I am usually more of a fan of fast paced psychological thrillers, the fact that this book was more of a slow burn worked really well for the story. It was helpful to have so much depth from each of the sister’s perspectives.

When reading thrillers, I have a habit of trying to guess who the villain is as I am reading (I know I am not the only one who does this). I can safely say I didn’t manage to guess the bad guy or the outcome, which shows how well-written this story was. There were many twists, you just never knew what was going to happen next. My favourite highlight was the final twist of the book, it felt like a very satisfying ending for the story and there was a sense of justice.

My only critique overall was that I was unsure of the setting. We learnt that May is an accountant in a central London firm and she travels on a train to see her sister, but it was hard to decipher where the rest of the story took place. We do know that it was a town with a lot of big buildings but I wasn’t 100% on the setting. My GoodReads score for My Sister’s Downfall was 4 stars out of 5.

I would recommend this to fans of Gillian Flynn, Freida McFadden and Lisa Jewell. It’s a good choice for anyone who enjoys psychological thrillers and/or those who are wanting to start reading psychological thrillers.

*I came across this advanced copy on NetGalley and it is my first review for them!*

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May and Isabella. Sisters who have the closest and most loving sibling relationship and also the most toxic.

Isabella is campaigning to become the leader of her party and it seems it’s a slam dunk - Isabella is the future Prime Minister.

Don’t be put off if politics aren’t your thing, they’re not mine, but this book totally is!

The story is mostly told by Isabella and May, and their characters as well as Andrew, Isabella’s campaign manager, and James, the police inspector who investigates the sinister notes Isabella is receiving, are so well written. The sinister undertone running all the way through the book had me on tenterhooks right until the end. The twist in the final chapter though, OMG!

An absolutely brilliant thriller!

5 ⭐️ Thanks to Netgalley, SM Thomas and BooksGoSocial for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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A woman’s scream echoes through the night, a haunting cry that pierces the air as she plummets towards the unforgiving ground! Good read! This book was a bit different! It had the usual, it had suspense, murder, mystery, intrigue, action, and a few crazy moments! The story was interesting! It wasn’t my all time favorite but still a good read! I would recommend reading it! Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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Two sisters, truths and lies intertwine, trying to protect the other. A story of hidden secrets, paranoia, untrustworthy memories.
A mildly intriguing thriller that did keep me guessing for a bit, but ultimately felt too predictable.
I really enjoyed the writing style, so had the characters been more interesting and the plot a bit more surprising I think I would’ve had more fun with this one.
A nice read if you enjoy mild thrillers with some political intrigue, an easy to follow plot line and a couple of twists to keep you engaged throughout.

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Told from several different points of view, this book leads you down one twisting path before swiftly redirecting you altogether. I loved the final twist most of all, so cleverly prefaced almost casually much earlier in the book. The author writes really well with a great balance of pace and descriptiveness. I loved it.

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Thank you NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the eARC.
Wow, I absolutely loved this, sooo good !
Once started, I couldn't put this book down, But I don't want to go into details because I might leak some details that will spoil the read for others.
The two sisters are very close, they love each other and just want what's best for their sibling ... or do they?
All I can say is, read this book, you won't be sorry, it's terrific!

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I have no words… and not for lack of interesting things to say but just because it feels like my brain stoped working. WHAT A BOOK! WHAT A PLOT! WHAT A TWIST! Honestly, while reading my mind was continuously coming up with possible answers and scenarios but non of them came even close with what actually happened and whose fault it was. I absolutely LOVED that for me! Being able to be surprised or shocked in a mystery/thriller book is one of the best feelings ever. Because it’s expected to try and solve the mystery so the brain comes up with a lot os possibilities. The characters were wonderful in a kind of concerning twisted way. Their actions and their reason for acting that way were explained so well that sometimes felt like I was part of the story… and that scared me a little in the best way. And if that wasn’t enough… THE VERY LAST PLOT TWIST? HELLO? I wasn’t expecting that at all and it was so shocking I spent the next five minutes just staring at nothing trying to process what I had read.

To those who love a good mystery/thriller book, with real characters and with mind blowing plot twists… this one is for all of you!

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