Member Reviews

As usually Sally Rooney's writing is really captivating and I was hooked right from the beginning. The author just has such a unique voice when telling stories that I adore and I can't wait for the whole book to come out!

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This is a great introduction to Sally Rooney's Intermezzo.
I found the most to like in Ivan and Margaret's stories. As an autistic person, I found Sally's description of Ivan to be kind and thoughtful. In comparison, Peter's story is a bit too straightforward so far.
Despite the age difference between Ivan and Margaret, I really hope they get a chance at happiness.

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These 50 pages weren't really enough to get a good sense of this book and it's hard to tell what this story is really about. You are introduced to two brothers, Peter and Ivan, in the aftermath of their father's death. It's clear that they're very different from one another and have a strained relationship. They're both also struggling with their feelings towards certain women in their lives - but that's about as far as I got. I did get one quite spicy scene though!

The style of writing is quite different depending on which brother's point of view you're experiencing. Peter's chapter is almost poetic in the way the sentences are composed while Ivan's chapters are more straightforward. You also have Sally Rooney's trademark writing where the dialogues flows freely within the text.

All in all, kinda interesting but it also left me feeling like I had no idea what I just read. Will I read the rest of the story when it comes out September 24th? We'll see 😏

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Thank you Netgalley and Faber and Faber Ltd for the sampler of Intermezzo. I enjoyed the sample and will definitely be buyiing the book to read the rest of the story. Fantastic character writing by Sally Rooney.

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Thank you for the sampler!

From the few pages I have read I am already loving this story. Quintessential Rooney.

If you have enjoyed her previous books, read this!!

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I really enjoyed the first couple of chapters of this sampler for Intermezzo and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't gutted it wasn't the whole book as I just want to continue with the story NOW!

This book is top of my list for purchase as soon as it is released as I can't wait to read more from Ivan and Margaret- not too sure on Peter yet but I'm hoping he'll grow on me as the book progresses.

Thank you to the publisher for this sneak peak via Netgalley

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Okay so far I’ve only read 50 pages and I love it?!! I need more and I can’t wait for my copy to come now end of September!
Guys you need to read this book. I already know it’s going to be incredible!!

Thank you to Netgalley for my sample!!

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(Rating is for sampler only, I have not read the whole book)

Intermezzo, as everyone surely knows, is the fourth novel from Sally Rooney, about two brothers who have just lost their father. The sampler was quite long, of the first two chapters, and I thought it was most similar in structure to Beautiful World, Where Are You, but without the letters/emails, which is a Rooney staple. I found the first chapter harder to get into, about Peter who is the older brother, but I still was enjoying myself until it switches to Ivan, who is the younger brother and overgrown chess prodigy and I was absolutely hooked. Even in just the two chapters I felt really grounded in the characters and the setting and that Rooney was really setting up her pieces in an interesting way, which is something I've always liked about her novels - they do feel like a set piece in which she can explore thoroughly and thoughtfully so many elements of human experience. I of course can't wait to read more.

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Wow the sampler of Intermezzo gives so much depth to the story in only 52 pages. I’m preferring Ivan and Margaret’s characters so far to Peter, but I feel there is a lot more to come from Peter’s story. Emotional with so many conflicting feelings between all the characters. The intimacy between Ivan and Margaret is powerful, real and poignant.

I’m really looking forward to receiving my preorder at the end of September. Thank you to Netgalley and Faber & Faber for this sample.

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Thank you for letting me read The first few chapters, I absolutely adored the start of intermezzo. Can't wait to get the book on release day

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I am incredibly grateful to Netgalley and Faber and Faber for my sampler. It is a great read that leaves me wanting to read more!!!! I can't wait for this to be out, I won't walk, I'll RUN to get it.

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Thank you to Faber and Faber, and Netgalley for an advanced reader sample of Intermezzo. It was certainly interesting to dip my toes back into a Sally Rooney novel; the lack of quotation marks is always difficult to adjust to!

I wasn’t a big fan of Peter’s character and had to convince myself to keep reading, which I’m glad I did because I enjoyed reading from Ivan and Margaret’s perspective! I would continue reading this book when it comes out, and yet could understand why some may not be a fan of this book due to the unique writing style.

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Thank you NetGalley and Faber and Faber for providing me the e-arc sampler of this much awaited book.
Just two chapters in and I can't wait to read more.
None writes contemporary fiction like Sally Rooney does. The first glimpse of the characters are what you would except from Sally to create and write about.
I'm also very intrigued by the possible neurodivergent representations.

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What a lovely little snippet to make me super excited for my preorder! Sally Rooney will always be my queen

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This sampler was a great introduction to Intermezzo and made me curious about the lives of the two brothers and where their stories will go in this book. I enjoyed their distinct voices, noticeable even in this short sampler, and the way the writing differs for each point of view. The prose is beautiful, through I find Sally Rooney's writing style a little clunky as the lack of speech marks makes it more difficult to read.

Thank you NetGalley & Faber for the sampler.

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Very interesting sampler that leaves readers wanting more.

I really enjoyed the distinct feeling between the two voices of the brothers, I enjoyed that their chapters had different rhythms and flows to them.

I found the writing focusing on Ivan to be especially strong. Not to diminish the focus on Peter but I really enjoyed the set up and writing flow that came through when the focus was on Ivan.

Overall, interested to read more!

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I don't always love Sally Rooney's writing. Sometimes it's self conscious and laboured. The sampler of Intermezzo shows she is back on form. I loved the tender love scene between socially awkward Ivan and Margaret, 14 years his senior. I disliked intensely Ivan's older brother, who expects to turn women's heads. I can't wait to find out how the story develops.

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absolutely what i needed and i’ve just read 2 chapters…

dare i say that it could be my fav from her?

seriously i’ve already underlined a lot of quotes…

*rtc when i will fully read the book*

Thank you NetGalley & Faber for providing me with a sampler of this book ahead of its release in exchange for an honest review!

Thank you NetGalley & Faber for providing me with a sampler of this book ahead of its release in exchange for an honest review!

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50 pages in and I am already drawn in by; complex family relationships, complex romantic relationships & grief. But honestly, I can't really expect anything other than greatness from Sally Rooney.


Thankyou to Faber for sending over the first 50 pages, although now I feel teased I need the rest asap pls

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I loved this sample. Super compelling story and characters. The writing style is very unique and effective. I'm looking forward to the release of Intermezzo this month.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC.

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