Member Reviews

I’m such a sucker for fake dating tropes. This was a perfect romance, full of swoon worthy moments that were perfectly balanced with the more emotional scenes. I loved Eli and Sage, they were so well written in their own right which only made their relationship that much more believable and easy to root for. They each had their own battles to overcome and I found myself enjoying every single moment of this book, something that rarely happens for me in a romance. The side characters were also a great addition, I’m definitely going to read the other books in this series. A perfect romance, no notes!

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It the first book hadn't convinced me, Spiral was a really great read. I started out reluctant, and ended up moved, so I'd say it was a successful gamble!

I was absolutely hooked on Sage from the very first chapters. She's a people pleaser. She puts the happiness of those closest to her, who are a very small circle, before her own happiness. Despite rejections and setbacks, she doesn't back down from her dream of being a ballerina; on the contrary, she's determined, and I found that very realistic. She was used to not showing her emotions as a child so now she's unfiltered, if she has to cry she doesn't hide, if she flirts she goes all out. In short, she's great.

It took me longer to get attached to Elias. I found it hard to grasp his tears and reactions at first, but as he let Sage in, I let him in and then adored him. If I had to give his language of love, l'd say words of appreciation and act of services. He did a wonderful job of soothing Sage, where she allowed him to let go.

It was a real good slow burn and their fake dating was written to pertection!

It comes out in early 2025, and I recommend it, whether you want to read the first book or not!

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC!

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Give me a hockey player romance any day! Absolutely loved this read, it was a slow burn, no PDA, fake dating, forced proximity and wow it was so good. Both Elias and sage opened up to eachother so much and it was so lovely to read!

This might actually be one of my favourite reads this year! Thankyou NetGalley

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Thanks so much to Bal Khabra, Bloomsbury and NetGalley for the eARC, all opinions expressed are my own.

Another fab read from Khabra, I loved the dynamic between Elias and Sage and especially enjoyed the exploration of their character backgrounds and what shaped them into the people that they are.

The fake dating element was fantastic, set against a backdrop against ballet and hockey, a fantastic combination.

I especially enjoyed the way the storyline unravelled, and the secondary characters were fantastic.

Really enjoyed this one!

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I LOVED THIS BOOK!!! The ballerina x hockey player trope gets me everytime.

The banter between the main characters was everything and the story had a perfect balance of serious issues and the fluff.

Gotta say I’ve been in love with Kian since collide and can’t wait for his book.

Thank you NetGalley for approving me for this request.

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Thank you Bloomsbury for granting me a digital arc of Spiral by Bal Khabra from Netgalley. I know its an uncorrected proof but the copy I have is unreadable with no spaces between words and whole sentences. Worst formatting of a uncorrected digital arc I've seen and no response to request for support. Sorry this was such a disappointment.

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i love a good sports romance and this one did not dissapoint. i love khabra's writing, the first book in the series was just perfect. would recommend this to any romance lovers!

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really enjoyed this one just as much as the first!! you just can’t beat a good sports romance i eat them up every time and this was no exception! thank you so much for this arc

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I loved Collide, but in her follow-up Bal Khabra has really knocked it out of the park (or insert hockey analogue here!). This time, it's the turn of the enigmatic Elias Westbrook, Aiden's bestie.

While some of the guys from the hockey house are still at Dalton, both Aiden and Eli have now been called up by NHL team Toronto Thunder. Aiden's taken the switch from NCAA to NHL in his stride, but Eli is struggling under the weight of press attention and the pressure to perform. Having been the NCAA top scorer at Dalton U, Eli has yet to score his first professional goal for Toronto, and his initial golden-boy status has tarnished: the press are out for blood, trying to dig up any dirt they can on the 'underperforming' rookie, and the GM is less than impressed. Meanwhile, Sage Beaumont, a jobbing ballet dancer, is desperate to score an audition for the principal role with Nova Ballet Theatre, but as an unknown, her lack of social media following means she's turned down sight unseen. After taking a last-minute dancing gig for her uncle at a team fundraiser, she and Eli are thrown together when she agrees to help Aiden save Eli from the clutches of an over-zealous fan... But one 'auction-mandated' date isn't enough, and the pair agree to fake a relationship that should be mutually beneficial: the press will back off from the salacious gossip now Eli's settled down, and Sage will benefit from a massive boost in visibility and followers, so they can both focus on achieving their dreams.

Of course, we know how this is going to go, right? It's a fake relationship story... And to an extent it does - there's obvious chemistry between the two from the start, and there are rules for the fake relationship that are gradually eroded, and we get to see them discover what it's like to be with someone who complements you (Eli learning to trust, and Sage learning to accept help, for example). But nothing about the story is formulaic, and these are three-dimensional characters, and their arc was really satisfying to see play out. I was so happy to see Sage become brave enough to go for it and ask for what she wanted, and Eli overcome his past to give them both what they both needed. I also appreciated that other hockey romance tropes were incorporated in interesting ways - without spoiling anything, I'll mention the Stanley Cup outcome, and also how the storyline with Elias' dad played out. Neither turned out as I might have expected, and I loved that!

Sometimes there's one MC who I find more compelling, or whose story holds more interest at the expense of the other, but that's not the case here. Eli's stoicism and nurturing nature that we glimpsed in book 1 is elaborated on in Spiral and it's hard not to fall in love with him; for all that seeing him cleave to his rule is frustrating (as a reader, as well as for Sage), it's impossible not to empathise and only makes you root for him to do the thing and be happy. And Sage is a wonderful FMC - warm and funny and sassy and vulnerable; I loved that the ballet storyline was as compelling as the hockey one. The pair initially seem to have come from very different backgrounds, but the more we find out about them, the more parallels are revealed. I loved that the things they shared brought them closer, and the differences gave them both strengths and baggage that the other was able to balance or counter or complement in some way.

One of the best parts of Collide was the hockey family, and while 'mum and dad' (Aiden and Eli) have moved up to the pro world, they haven't left Dylan and Kian behind, so as well as plenty of cool moments between Sage and Summer, she also gets to have more new friends, and the family further expands to include Sage's younger brother, Sean. Given Sage's and Eli's backgrounds, found family is an even bigger theme in Spiral, and I think the epilogue perfectly encapsulated that.

I can't wait to read more in this series, and I'm sure I'll be re-reading Spiral before too long. Highly recommended for fans of sports romance, particularly those who're there for the found family.

(While I'm assuming most readers will be coming to this having read Collide, and there are recurring characters from that book, I think it would be perfectly possible to enjoy Spiral on its own merit, particularly if you prefer pro hockey to college hockey stories.)

Note: review also posted to but awaiting approval; will update links when available.

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thank you netgalley and bloomsbury for this arc! i had the best time reading collide, so this was a highly anticipated read for me 🫶🏻

i loved this book, fake dating romances just do something to me where i get all giddy inside but i also want to throw my kindle across the room because they don’t tell each other how they actually feel.

sage and eli were perfect. i loved how they were both unique but their personalities bounced off each other and complemented each other so beautifully.

it was refreshing to read about someone who was celibate and refrains from drinking alcohol. it was so real and something i think people can relate to. it was a lovely touch

i did feel like the story finished earlier than i was expecting, with how much book was left when they got back together i felt myself feeling a little disappointed. but i am glad that we got to see them both do something they loved and watch them grow.

the epilogue was actually so frigging adorable. no spoilers here. but i usually hate epilogues because they’re always married and have kids, but this was a warm welcome.

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I know what you’re thinking, another hockey romance, but if you decide to read just one more, let it be Spiral!

I am a huge fan of Collide, the first in the series and absolutely adored Aidan and Summer, but I have to admit, Sage and Elias have now claimed the top spot in my heart.

Spiral is a ballerina x hockey player, fake dating romance and I was hooked immediately, like I was with Collide. I LOVE Sage, she’s independent and strong but playful and flirty to Elias’s quiet and reserved demeanour, but they were so perfect for each other. Bal Khabra has a unique ability to create such likeable characters without them being overly perfect and I think it’s what makes her books so enjoyable to read. There were few unexpected twists which definitely took me by surprise and although this was a pretty slow burn the chemistry between Sage and Elias made it so worth it!

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I really enjoyed Collide so was super excited to get an eARC for Spiral. I just love the hockey team so much and it was great to be back in this world with all the familiar characters from the first book.
In this novel, Elias Westbrook is a professional hockey player who can't catch a break on the ice or in the media. He hasn't scored on the rink, but the papers keep reporting about him scoring with women - even though that's not accurate.
Enter struggling ballerina, Sage, who could do with a little attention from the media to help her achieve her dream of performing in Swan Lake.
The pair agree to fake date, even though there's immediate chemistry between them and they might struggle to keep their rules of no PDA, and no falling in love.

I absolutely loved this, such great tension / forbidden love between the two and I enjoyed the back story of both characters, especially Sage's relationship with her brother Sean. It made both of their flaws and worries make complete sense. The found family in this book is top tier, highly recommend!

The pacing was a little off as it built to a conflict that wasn't really in the third act and was over very quickly but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.

Thanks to NetGalley and Bloomsbury for the eARC.

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Ahh this was super cute! I'm a sucker for a hockey romance and Eli was possibly the sweetest hockey player MMC ever. The dynamic between him and Sage was really fund to read and the spicy scenes were great. Looking forward to the next book!

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Elias Westbrook, a field hockey player newly selected by the Toronto Thunder, faces the challenges of fame and media scrutiny.
Sage Beaumont, an aspiring ballerina who dreams of joining the Aurora Ballet Theatre, but her lack of online popularity puts her at a major disadvantage in landing the lead role. When Sage is faced with the perfect opportunity to fulfill her dreams by pretend dating Elias, she quickly seizes the opportunity.

Elias and Sage's is a story that takes its time, literally.
From the very first lines, there is a lot of chemistry between our young protagonists. So forging a pact that benefits both of them can only be a simple matter.
We got to know Elias in Collide, and the author fully met my expectations of him. Loyal as few are, helping Sage comes naturally to him. Then again, she, determined in her goals, has turned out to be my favorite heroine.
Their arrangement undoubtedly brings benefits to both of them, but what I enjoyed most was the relationship that was created between the two. Something genuine and realistic.

Compared to Collide, I liked Spiral much more. In some ways it reminded me a lot of Twisted Lies by Ana Huang, but in a more sappy and romanticized version.
That is why I liked it so much!

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After reading the first one I had high hopes and it didn't disappoint,spice was spicing and the characters development was beautifully written

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Beautiful. A five star read.
I loved Collide so when I seen this I had to read asap.
I really didn’t expect it to be as good as Collide and was absolutely delighted when I found myself enjoying it even more.
I loved Eli in the first one and wanted to know more about his background. He was the quiet, mysterious one.
Sage might just be my favourite female lead due to her being so relatable and realistic. She really is the perfect partner for Eli and I was rooting for her all through the story.
I loved it and as soon as it’s released I’ll be purchasing a copy just so I can go back and read it again and again.

Note: The download to kindle version was unreadable due to the words running into each other and I had to read via netgalley app which isn’t the best option due to not being able to edit font size. I still finished the book in one day though as it was way too good to put down.

Disclaimer: I received a copy of this earc from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions within my review are my own and in no way influenced.

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I took a bit of a risk diving into this without first reading Collide but I couldn’t wait any longer. And I’m glad I did, because as much as I love a hockey x sports romance, different authors approach the trope in their own individual way. This is my first read of Khabra’s and the hockey player and ballerina storyline made for such a good plot!!

So first of all, Sage? The most real character I have come across. Toxic upbringing, refuses to rely on anybody other than herself yet wants to support everyone around her. I LOVED her! A struggling ballerina, who has the talent but not the following to earn the principal role in Swan Lake.

Enter… Elias! Rookie ice-hockey player, struggling to achieve his first goal to secure his place and battling to maintain a positive image of himself in the media. Can you see where this is going? I did, yet I was still over the moon when the fake dating trope made an appearance.

Elias needs a ‘girlfriend’ to improve his image and Sage needs a bigger social media presence to achieve her life-long dream.

I don’t want to give too much away as the release isn’t until Jan 2025 BUTTTT the tension and the slow burn was perfect and everything wrapped up so well!! There wasn’t too much hockey talk, or too much ballet, it was the perfect amount of sports combined with Elias and Sage’s inevitable result!!

I do feel like the book was a little longer than necessary. About ¾ through I was getting concerned because it seemed like the right place to end? Nothing worse than when you’re terrified that something dramatic is going to happen right at the end and leave you on a cliff hanger (this isn’t the case but it still gave me anxiety). If it wasn’t for that, it would be without a doubt a 5 star rating!

Thank you NetGalley and Bloomsbury for the ARC in return for an honest review!

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I was thrilled to receive spiral as an ARC for review after absolutely devouring Collide earlier in the year, and boy, was I not disappointed.

Although this is yet another hockey romance in the overly saturated current market, I instantly fell in love with the unique and visceral Sage and tough-to-crack Elias.

The mixture of these two complex characters felt real, and I couldn't help but root for them all the way through. Their story stands out from others I have read recently with plenty of unique plot points, and Bal Khabra is really making her voice stand out from the crowd. Her characters are addictive and fans of collide will be extatic to see more of Aiden and Summer.

It was refreshing to read a sports romance that didn't purely rely on smut to hook the readers, and when it was there, it was done tastefully and to drive the plot. The hockey was there, but not overwhelming, and didn't distract from the story, in my opinion, as too often happens in novels like this.

In all honesty, the only criticism I have is that the whole thing did feel quite low stakes, but I'm not complaining. Sometimes, that's just what you need as a romance reader!

Overall, I would recommend this to lovers of sports and specifically hockey romance.

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3.5 stars!

firstly, thank you so much to Bloomsbury & NetGalley for sending me this arc - i am so so thankful 💜

I loved the concept of this book so much. i started & finished within a day, it is 100% worth the read!

the writing style flowed so well and i love that the couple built more of a friendship as the chapters went on. eli is definitely an acts of service man, and a deep down softy. he treated her so well and i adored how all he wanted to do was make her life better, take the stress off of her and to see her happy. he is the definition of a supportive mmc. i also loved his bond with her brother so much and it felt so organic between them!

sage - i did like sage a lot, i found her really relatable as a people pleaser and always wanting to make those around her happy.

i think for me, on a deeper level i didn’t quite connect to these characters as much as i did in collide. i also was slightly confused at the beginning if sage was in college or not as it kind of implied she was at the beginning then it just faded out.

i am so excited to read what comes next! im intrigued to see who it’ll be.

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Absolutely love this sports/dancer troupe. I enjoy books like this so much. I thought it had great characters and the storyline was well written and kept me interested. I highly recommend this to readers who love sports romances like I do! You will not be disappointed

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