Member Reviews

4.5 stars

Thank you Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for allowing me to read this book early.

I enjoyed this book very much and could not put it down! I loved all of the characters, the slow-burn romance, and lore of the world (the Gods, Divines, Houses etc.). I am left wanting to know even more about the world and its people and creatures (I wish there had been a bit more of that).

The map is incredibly stunning and colorful, possibly the most beautiful I’ve ever seen, it’s just a shame it appears so dark and hard to read in certain places on a Kindle.

Overall, wonderful fantasy setting and story. I am excited to buy a physical copy because of the gorgeous cover and can’t wait to read the sequels!



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The premise and cover of this book was an instant hit with me and I couldn't wait to start it. It started off a bit slow, but the slow burning romance had me begging for me. I would have preferred a bit more world-building or explanations on things, but I would absolutely recommend.

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You may want to hit check out on your cart with this book if you love unique magic, one bed tropes, slow burn romances, fake relationships,

Eira has spent much of her left sequestered to the Temple. Her Tempest gift - a gift from the gods has named her as a Divine but it’s too dangerous for her to use it for anything besides secretly healing wounded members of the guild the Copper Jackals. When Teeg, a boy she’s been entrusted to care for goes missing from the Temple, she chooses to leave the safety of her home with the mysterious Caelus in order to rescue him. But is everything what it seems or is her destiny just starting to unravel.

The Good, The Bad and The Yes Please:

Even with a slightly slow start, this book has an interesting premise, a twist on the magic systems and a wonderful slow burn romance that keeps you on your toes. It took me a few chapters to really feel like I had gotten fully invested with the characters and world building but once I did I was very stuck on needing to know what happened and why.

I did find there were times when things were missing more of an explanation than I was hoping I’d get but overall it didn’t detract from the story enough for me that it was a problem. I enjoyed reading it and being brought along for the journey.

A big thank you to NetGalley, Victory Editing and Brittany M. Riley for allowing me to have an ARC for this book in exchange for an honest review.

Reviews have been posted on Instagram:


And will be posted on Amazon on Aug 27th

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I was given this as an Arc read, i got this through NetGalley for an honest review. I loved reading this book, As soon as i picked this up i didn't want to put this book down, I am loving the slow burn romance, loving the world in which Brittany wrote. Eira is an amazing FMC and i love reading her journey.

this is a 5 star read for me personally loved every second thank you for this arc

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4.5 stars!

I wish I hadn't started The Tempest's Soul on a Sunday evening because I absolutely could NOT put it down.

This slow-burn romantic fantasy hit the perfect balance between plot and romance in a way that kept me hooked from start to finish. The pacing was spot-on—I was never bored for a moment. Every character had a purpose, and I found myself genuinely invested in this myriad of unique individuals. I sincerely cared for each of them.

The tension and buildup between the FMC and the love interest had me kicking my feet in excitement!

One thing this book did exceptionally well was creating a strong FMC who was both compelling and flawed. She wasn't perfect, but she also didn't make those frustratingly ridiculous mistakes that leave you questioning her choices. Instead, she was relatable, making her journey all the more engaging.

I can't recommend this book enough!

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I loved almost everything about this book:

- the worldbuilding
- the relationship between the two main characters
- the plot twists
- the original magic system

It has everything you would want in a fantasy book!

Also the romance in this book was perfect, I really enjoyed the tension and the slow burn and it was well balanced in the main storyline. Eira and Caelus are just perfect for each other.

The book ends on a massive cliffhanger which you do not see coming!
I can´t wait to read the next one and find out how this story is going to end.

Review on Goodreads will be published today and on Instagram tomorrow

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I had so much fun reading this book. The adventure gave me the nostalgic feelings of reading Percy Jackson as a teenager - entailing a chaotic adventure prophesied by the Gods.
During The Tempest's Soul you can feel the story building to the conclusion. I expected a plot twist/ cliffhanger and was so happy that I hadn't guessed all of what was to come at the conclusion.
I love Eira. I genuinely love the fact that she does not master her abilities overnight. She is slightly trained and driven by love and makes a mess she has to clean up as she goes.
The storyline is fast paced, the tension was good and I am kicking my feet in anticipation of the found family that's going to fill my soul when the story continues.
I am definitely in line for the next book!
Thank you to Victory Editing and NetGalley for allowing me to access an ARC of this book. I am voluntarily leaving this review.

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The Tempest’s Soul
Author: Brittany M Riley
Release date 27th August 2024

Rating: 5 stars CAWPILE: 9.00

This book was something I gobbled up and now I am left wanting more. I was intrigued by the premise of the book I seem to be leaning into books with some epic world building this month.

Let’s start with Eira- she was someone who I felt myself relate to so hard and I was rooting for her, I am intrigued where her story keeps going because I felt the ending to my bones for her and I really need book two now.

Caelus: I need you to be the end goal here because you my dear were written so well and made me fall in love with him on page and if you are not I guess I will turn keep you in my heart forever, The pining the stares the touching yes please yes please.

The tension between these two and the slow burn was fire on this page I could almost feel my kindle overheating. There is a small amount of spice, I am hoping for more but I must remember this is slow burn… slooooow burn.

The world building was rich and political I was wanting to know what was going on in the world building and more about the gods and what is going on have I mentioned I need book 2 now please and thank you.

Post going up today 15th August instagram

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I was very fortunate to receive an eARC of this book to review. I have to say...I really liked this book! Honestly, it had me at the 'accidental cannibalism' trigger warning, but the plot, world building, slow burn romance (plus my favourites - one horse, one bed tropes), the murder and the intrigue had me hooked.

I think the author did a superb job; she gave just enough description for me to picture things perfectly in my mind without making me overwhelmed. The plot was well thought out and I felt she successfully created such a unique world, which is not always easy to do in this genre.

My only critique, and the reason for 4 stars instead of 5, was that I felt there were quite a few characters introduced and some had very little development, which meant I sometimes had a hard time keeping track of them all in my head. This at times pulled my head out of the overall immersion.

One personal highlight from the book was the treasure hunt the lead characters embark on - it's such a short part of the book but I loved it and felt that is was so well done.

The tension and cliffhanger at the end of this book got my pulse racing! I am so excited for the next instalment, and to continue this story.

I received an advance copy of this book via NetGalley and I am leaving this review of my own free will.

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