Member Reviews

The Cottage by The Sea by Keri Beevis
*5/5 Stars - Gripping Thriller with a Jaw-Dropping Twist!*

As a huge fan of her previous book 'Nowhere to Go', I was excited to get to read and review an ARC of her new book! Harper's story had me hooked - a widow trying to move on through online dating, but with a creepy stalker lurking in the shadows. There's a dual POV of both Harper and her mysterious stalker. You'll want to keep reading to find out who her stalker is. And there's a crazy twist and secrets to be revealed! Highly recommend you give this a read when it comes out in October!

Note to author and publisher: I found some errors to be corrected in the book
-In Chapter 2
This sentence doesn't sound right: 'But I promise you that you once you’ve done it, you will be so proud of yourself.'
I think it should say, 'But I promise you that once you’ve done it, you will be so proud of yourself.’
-Chapter 14
Multiple text messages and sentences are repeated twice

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This is a first Keri Beevis book for me. I loved the suspense in this, it’ definitely sucks you in soon into reading and has a solid plot. It kept me engaged throughout and I liked the ending which wasn’t rushed unlike some novels! Will definitely be reading more by this author. Thank you for the chance to read this.

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Oh my word, what a chilling story, it had me rocking through all the emotions, jumping at every sound as I read late into the night. It is terrifying - because it felt so plausible! I think I'll be giving the world of on-line dating a miss after reading this, but what a story. I loved the way the tension built as the main character discovered her dead husband's secrets and began to understand the danger didn't die with him. It gives me the shivers just thinking about it. Fantastic!!!

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I’m a huge Keri Beevis fan and I’ve enjoyed every one of her books so far, but this one blew my head off!
I was so gripped by how terrifyingly realistic parts of this story were! I was thinking how this really could happen to any of us and I could feel the paranoia from the main character of not knowing who to trust! Then when the secrets started unraveling, it is honestly so much worse than anything you could possibly imagine!!
It was absolutely brilliant! Dark, chilling and a psychological thriller at its finest!
Congratulations Keri on another fantastic book!
Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for my ARC!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this arc. Harper lost her husband and best friend in a car accident. She decides to get back out there, and joins a dating site, looking for the right one. So many creeps, but some are actually nice. I love the different POVs, great plot, love the books by this author.

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This was an 'ok' book with some good elements but at the same time I've read much better books.

The story centres on Harper, a romance author who is trying to rebuild her life after the death of her cheating husband. A friend recommends that she sign up to a dating app. However, her experiences with the men she connects with are dire.

I thought this element was good as it gets across just how many creepy, unsettling or downright threatening situations women can end up suffering because of sexist men. Harper begins to think that she may be being stalked and doesn't know who could be responsible. There's a question over Luke, a man she has begun seeing after Luke helps her escape another dodgy man, this time a cyclist who collides with her.

We aren't quite sure whether to trust Luke because of all the other crap Harper has put up with, and the author does quite a good job in creating a sense of unease and uncertainty. However it also felt very 'obvious' that this is what she was doing, a little bit too much like following a script.

I felt that Luke wasn't that fleshed out as a character. He felt quite vague. We don't even really know why he's attracted to Harper or her to him - there's very little said about what they have in common or what they like about each other. Particularly as Harper has to make some effort to be able to trust him, this was a bit disappointing.

Harper eventually discovers something horrific about her late husband, which adds another terrifying dimension to the plot. But this felt a bit odd to me - almost like this was trying to be two novels in one. It also took the 'nasty men' theme to a new level, which I didn't really enjoy reading about.

This was a readable book and the character of Harper kept me interested. But it wasn't one of my favourite reads.

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Harper is a romance novelist who is struggling with writing her newest book. It’s hard to feel romance when your husband is dead, and hers has been dead for two years now. Charlie was killed in a car accident, along with Harper’s best friend, Alicia. Apparently, they’d been having an affair, so her grief is twofold: her husband is dead, and he was also unfaithful to her.

After two years, her friend Megan convinces her to join a dating app, “IntoYou”. She met her husband there, and after watching her friend become a recluse, she pushes her to get out of her comfort zone and start dating. Harper gets a dog, which forces her out of the house, and reluctantly joins the dating app. She meets several men, but they are either lying about who they are or just not her type.

Harper’s dating life isn’t the main thrill in this book though - she has a stalker, and the book has chapters written from his perspective that grow increasingly unhinged. There are so many men in this book that it could have been just about anyone, so the ending of this book was quite shocking…literally.

This was definitely a suspenseful read, and while Harper annoyed me in the beginning (how many red flags do you need before realizing a guy is trash, girl?!) I started to like her more towards the end. She’s just a lonely woman who was given a rough patch in life, and watching her try to claw herself back to being a strong woman was really good. This book has action, suspense, mystery, and horror, and it also has great writing, along with a fantastic plot and ending. 4.5 stars!

(Thank you to Boldwood Books, Keri Beevis and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review. This book is slated to be released on October 14, 2024.)

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Thank you @theboldbookclub & @keri.beevis @netgalley for my complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

Get ready to enter the scary side on online dating!

Two years after Harper Reed’s husband was killed in a car accident, Harper, who has barely left her house in all that time, decides she is ready for a new relationship. At the encouragement of a friend, Harper creates an online dating profile. After a few very bad experiences she finally meets someone. But strange things keep happening… an intruder, mysterious incidents, vandalism, an attack…. and suddenly Harper doesn’t know who to trust!

This one roped me in from the beginning. The story unfolds through duel viewpoints, one of them very chilling! The suspense builds as the action moves at a steady pace. There are plenty of suspects to go around and I was never certain who I thought it was, until the very end.

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I always love a Keri Beevis novel so when The Cottage by the Sea came up and I got accepted for an ARC I could not wait to read it.

I have to admit that this is not my favourite novel by Keri Beevis but still a good read.

We meet main character Harper, who a few years ago lost her husband in a car crash and not only that but unbeknown to Harper one of her good friends was a passenger in that car and also died.

Harper lives in a beautiful cottage in Norfolk and is now ready to move on with her life. She joins a dating site and goes on a few rather awful dates, she does meet someone and they form a relationship.

It appears that someone is out to scare/stalk Harper and the story really kicks in.

This is a very fast paced novel and at times Harpers character did start to annoy with with the way she acted but still a good read.

Thanks to Keri Beevis, Netgalley and the authors for allowing me an ARC in exchange for my honest review. 3.5 stars from me.

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Loved the suspense in this one and how things built up, it’s a great read, with great characters And a solid plot. It kept me engaged throughout and I liked the ending which wasn’t rushed unlike some novels!

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Wow , I absolutely loved this book from the gradual build up of the story to the great ending. The characters were great and I did not guess who the killer was , which was unusual . I’m so pleased the dog didn’t get killed too as there is too much of that in novels these days . It was an unexpected storyline , I would definitely recommend this book and give it 5 stars

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Harper grieving the lost of her husband and good friend. Lots of questions and suspicions, but no answers. On the advice of her friend, Harper sets up a profile on a dating app. She meets a few at her local pub. At the same time she suspects someone is breaking into her house. This is a slow burn read. Thank you to Boldwood Books and NetGalley for a copy.

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Love this author so was looking forward to reading this and from the off i loved it

Devestated by the loss of her husband 2 years ago Harper decides to enter the world of online dating, what she finds is a world of creeps,liars and those with secrets and more than she ever signed up for

A thrilling read and highly recommended

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I am a big fan of Keri Beevis and was eagerly anticipating the new book

I wasn't disappointed

Thanks for the opportunity to review the book I loved it

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This is the second Keri Beevis novel I’ve read and it did not disappoint !! THE COTTAGE BY THE SEA had me staying up late and wanting to read “just one more chapter”. So many amazing twists and turns!

Harper, a widow mourning her husband Charlie who died in a car accident two years ago alongside her friend Alicia—whom she thought was having an affair with him—is ready to reenter the dating scene. She joins a dating site called IntoYou and ends up agreeing to a date. She decides on a date a pub she’s familiar with called the Black Dog Inn on Friday with a man named Adrian. The date goes great and they part ways with plans to meet again . On Sunday, while Harper is out with her dog Bailey she catches Adrian out with his wife and two young children. Walking briskly back to her car after confronting him and telling his wife she’s ran over by a bicyclist.

The next chapter shifts to a creepy new perspective, revealing the antagonist who is stalking Harper throughout the book. The story alternates between Harper’s point of view and the antagonist’s, building suspense and keeping you guessing.

Harper continues to try to IntoYou app and we up end meeting Lee(another liar) Justin (a widower), Ben (who never shows) and Gavin (the one still obsessed with his ex). Then we have Isaac the bartender who lends an ear to all of poor Harper’s misfortunes. Amidst this, she also encounters the handsome doctor Luke, who adds an intriguing new layer to her life.

Harper decides to finally start going through her husband Charlie’s belongings, and while cleaning out his office, she finds the deed to a cottage.. who was Charlie, and what secrets did he have?

Overall, THE COTTAGE BY THE SEA is a psychological thriller that will keep you hooked with its suspenseful plot and unexpected twists.

**Thank you Boldwood Books and Keri Beevis for providing this book for review consideration via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.**

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I love Beevis’s writing style and the way she ties in chapters by an antagonist that keeps you guessing as to who she/he could be. I loved the plot of this story and each turn it took! It was an easy read, and I didn’t want to put it down!

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I am a huge fan of Keri Beevis and this book did not disappoint.
Harper is still navigating widowhood. Starting to think about meeting someone new, she embarks on internet dating. What follows is disappointment, danger and knowledge of her late husband’s dark past.
Well rounded characters, a slow drip feed of clues and a mind blowing finale!!

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Keri Beevis has done it again. The Cottage by the Sea was another can’t put it down thriller. The book tells the story of Harper Reed, a widow at 38, who after 2 years is ready to move on with her life, and in the process keeps discovering how little she knew her husband, even after years of marriage. It story goes between her, and her stalker, and although we read the stalkers thinking, desires, etc, we never figure out who he is until the end. It could be, anyone linked to the series of horrible dating experiences from a “reliable” dating app. Keri keeps you guessing throughout the story. Definitely check out The Cottage by the Sea, when it’s
released October 14th. You will not be disappointed! 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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This book kept me guessing from page 1. It's a slow burner that picks up momentum and I must have guessed every single character and doubted myself constantly.

Keri is a brilliant author who has that power to keep you invested from page 1. Can't wait for more from Keri.

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Firstly I would like to thank netgalley and Boldwood books and the brilliant author Keri Beevis for an early copy of her book to read..

My rating is 4.5
This is another fantastic read from this author,Harper lost her husband and a friend in a car accident.did she really know her husband as she finds out her has many hidden secrets...she wants to get on with her life and joins a dating app are the guys she meets are genuine...another intense read and excited to see what happens..looking forward to reading her next book...

This book will be reviewed on goodreads and Amazon.

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