Member Reviews

This had a much more intense feel to it, the stakes are high now that Elodie and Wren are back where they don't want to be!!! And that ending with Finnan - It filled me with so much dread. The evil is rising and Wren is in its sights. But the one thing I wondered at the end, was who was manipulating who!

There are some shocks, especially with one of Wren's 'maids' - shocking! There are still so many unanswered questions; thankfully, I can jump into the next book immediately! I can't wait and I can't wait to go to College of Winter!

I loved seeing more about Finn and his family, and I did like Hestia. So much more foreboding and when you meet the DAD!! oh, my days!

The writing is captivating, and it has you hooked. As soon as I started the book I knew that I would be absorbed into every word of this tale and it had me going all over the place with my emotions!!!

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Fantasy Romance
Shadow magic
Family Secrets
Political Intrigue
Multiple POV
The Lost Queen #2

Wren wants nothing more than to be back in the forest with Elodie and have their old life back but things will never be the same again.
Now that the lost Queen has been found, everyone wants answers and justice.
The constant battle to fight the Nox is getting harder and harder but lucky for everyone, Wren has Finn at her side.
I love the new turn this story has taken and can’t wait to see how this pans out.

I enjoyed this book more than the first one. I think this is an excellent fantasy series that seems to get better with each book.
I cannot wait for book 3 in this series. It is absolutely worth reading.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts are my own.
A huge thank you to Netgalley and Second Sky for this e-arc.

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Jessica Thorne's "A Kiss of Flame," the second installment in The Lost Queen series, is an utterly captivating read that had me hooked from start to finish. Thorne's masterful storytelling weaves together mysteries, twists, and intrigue, perfectly balancing action sequences with romantic moments. The author excels at conveying Wren's discomfort and the suffocating atmosphere of her new life in the capital, adding layers of complexity to the plot. With its complex characters, political intrigue, and dash of magic, this romantasy is a must-read for fans of the genre. The chemistry between Wren and Finn is off the charts, and I'm already eagerly anticipating the final book in this trilogy to see how Thorne's utterly captivating world concludes.

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Thanks, @SecondSkybooks, for my copy of A Kiss to Falme, which is the second book in The Lost Queen Series by Jessica Thorne.

I am absolutely thrilled by the captivating continuation of this fantasy world! The ongoing inner battle between light and darkness that Wren faces is incredibly compelling, and I admire her resilience through it all. Discovering her true identity adds another layer of depth to the story. Finn's unwavering presence and boundless love for Wren is heartwarming. The unexpected twist at the end left me in awe, and I'm eagerly anticipating a satisfying resolution in book 3. The intricate magical systems of Aurum and Nox add so much intrigue to the narrative. I was fortunate to read this as an ARC, and I'm eagerly looking forward to diving into book three next!

#SecondSkybooks #AKisstoFlame #TheLostQueenSeries #JessicaThorne #fantasy #booklovers #magic #bookish #bookworm #excited #readingjourney

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✨ second book
✨ sci-fi
✨ romance

✨ as the sage continues from the book 1 and doesn’t feel like the first one… same to this book again..
I would love to like it but it’s not worth the hype.

Probably it’s just me and it’s great for someone who actually likes sci-fi romance ..

DNF 30%

✨ Thankyou for the opportunity to read this book for a honest review.

🫶🏼 shaye.reads

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Jessica Thorne certainly knows how to captivate and leave readers eager for more. I adored "A Touch of Shadows," yet "A Kiss of Flame" managed to surpass it unexpectedly. Fortunately, the wait for the third book won't be long, as it's set to release next month.

The saga of Wren unfolds as she is pursued for the throne, while her mother Elodie and Roland await trial. Wren's shadow magic is intensifying, making concealment increasingly challenging. Discovery by the people of Asteroth means certain death. Finn, going against all his teachings, aids in safeguarding Wren's secret. Their bond is tender, and the agony of separation is intense for him. Yet, could there be other forces at work? As enemies ready their invasion and peril looms, their allegiances face the ultimate test.

Wren starts to realize that the perceptions of light and dark magic are not as clear-cut as portrayed, witnessing the impact on Elodie firsthand.

Wren and Finn's tale captivated me, but the conclusion left me reeling, questioning all I had believed about their bond. I'm a fan of Jessica's cliffhangers, especially knowing another book is always on the horizon. I eagerly await the continuation.

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The loves in this book will have you swooning!

Following Wren, Finn and Elodie right after the end of A Touch of Shadows was a blast and had me not being able to flip the pages fast enough! The story is nicely put together and the paceing is phenomal.

However- can we talk about that ending!!!

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This is fantasy as it should be.

I loved book one of this series and was excited to dive into book two. I loved it even more.

This series has everything a fantasy should have - light and dark, a bottle of good against evil - although the lines between the two are beautifully blurred. The world building is great. and the characters wonderfully complex.

There are two great love stories in these books... young lovers finding their way in a confusing and dangerous world, and a love that had withstood the test of time, and the worst the world can throw at it. Both are compelling.

And talk about a cliffhanger! I need to read book three immediately or I may expire!!

All the stars - as many of them as I can find.

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Wren is trying her best to fit in but she would be happy to be back in the forest with Elodie but she knows that it isn’t possible. She hopes that they can find a way to help her mother before it is too late. As Wren knows that things are about to get worse. Finn is trying to keep his distance from Wren but he is drawn to her & they both need each other. Elodie knows that she has to keep them from marking Wren Queen but she fears that she is too late. Roland will do anything to save them both. Enemies all around no one is to be trusted. Will they make it out alive? What will become of them?
Another read in the series Strong powerful characters that only add to the storyline. Can’t wait for the final book. Thank you Netgalley & the publisher for the copy. This is my voluntary review.

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I absolutely loved this book! I loved getting to follow Wren, Finn and Elodie after the epic ending of A Touch of Shadows. We get more magic, more secrets, and even more betrayal in this book and I ate it up! The lost queen returns and Wren must continue to hide her magic all while hiding her relationship with Finn. The spice we do get is deliciously spicy and the tension is delightful. The villains will also surprise you. The ending was absolutely bonkers! If you are a fan of Romantasy, betrayal and forbidden love, this series is perfect.

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I really enjoyed this second book in the series. It moves along the story nicely and throws in some very interesting plot twists. Some things were predictable, but others were definitely not as clear cut.

I really enjoyed the introduction of Finn's cousin. That was interesting, and I really liked her view on things and the balance between the Aurum and Nox, which is something I have thought would best serve the world from book 1.

The cliffhanger was something else though, and I desperately need to know what happens next!

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I started A Kiss of Flame immediately after finishing A Touch of Shadows because I couldn’t leave it at that cliffhanger, I was totally immersed in this world.

Now Wren and Elodie are at The Royal Palace of Pelias a real political game is afoot, who can they trust?.

Wow and wow and just, this book was absolute perfection, so much happened I could hardly keep up.

Roll on next month for book 3

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What a great continuation in this fantasy world. The constant struggle to decide between light and darkness that poor Wren has to endure is tested so many times. She also finally learns what she actually is. Finn is the one constant in her life and he has so much love for her. The twist at the end had me screaming and it better all work out in book 3. The magical systems of the light Aurum and of the dark, the Nox, keeps the story interesting. Read this as an ARC, will be reading book three next.

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Book 2 does not disappoint. Love, suspense, plot twists, and betrayal that drives me crazy with a cliffhanger. A Kiss Of Flame was an ebook ARC, and after listening to A Touch Of Shadows on audio, I can’t wait till I can get the audiobook for book 2! If you like a well paced story and a unique magic system The Lost Queen series is for you! A fantasy with romance and spice giving mystery vibes. Great world building with glossary and chapter epigraphs. Warring kingdoms, light vs dark, hidden identity, shadow mommy. I am looking forward to getting into my ARC of book 3, A Crown Of Darkness! Thank you again NetGalley, Second Sky, and Jessica Thorne, you have a made me a fan!

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I dropped into this world cold, having not read book#1 (bad Nikki)!  However I was soon at home in this world of magic, shadows and epic adventures.  I soon felt that I had traversed the world with Wren, Finn, Elodie and co.  I soon new their quirks and habits and what buttons we should NOT push!

Learning about the various courts and politicking between witches and animosity but political niceties between kingdoms.  It was like medieval Europe had come to life on the pages - just with a bit more magic added!

I really felt for Wren, she's so used to being free to do what she wants, she feels trapped in "her" castle.  But she still manages to undertake little rebellions to annoy The Maidens et al.  I did wonder how she'd react to all the royal retinue and she handled just as I thought she would, with huge disdain!

As in life nothing is completely black and white, good or evil.  You can see how both sides in this tale feel they are the good guys.  There is going to have to be a lot of compromise made to keep any kind of peace!

Spicy but not heavily so.  There are a lot of what I would call "hand clenching" Mr Darcy moments by Finn and to a certain extent Roland.  There is a big cliffhanger but the 3rd book is out soon so there won't be a huge wait to see where things go.

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I didn’t think it was possible, but this book is even better than the first book! I loved Wren’s character development, and how the story continues to evolve and keeps you guessing until the end. Describing this as “an absolutely unputdownable and gripping Romantasy” is 110% correct.

Thank you Second Sky for providing me an ARC! I can’t wait for the 3rd book in this series. 🤞for a HEA.

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The author did it again, oh my! These cliffhangers are killing me and I really need the 3rd book right now!
This book was a quick read, like the first one. It was suspenseful and twisted and again, unpredictable.

“They saw only a girl to be used, not a woman with a heart and mind of her own. They thought her helpless. But she was far from helpless.”

Wren is still super powerful and eventually learns to control her magic with some help of an ilanthian witch - I never thought this is possible, but I really liked Hestia, she is powerful and wise and somehow seems very trustworthy.

“‘I would leave with you in a heartbeat.’ She would if it would work. And why not? Why shouldn’t they? Just go, right now, and never look back.”

And oh I wished they would’ve ran away.. Instead Finn did something stupid I guess and it broke my heart. I’m still not sure what happened there..
Hopefully the next book will answer all my unanswered questions and be the perfect ending of this trilogy 🤞🏻

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Is there anything better than a sequel that not only lives up to the first book, but is even better??

This book picks up immediately after the events of A Touch of Shadows, with Wren, Finn, Elodie and Roland all gathered together and awaiting the trial of the lost queen. Where the first book gave us a thrilling chase through the dark and enchanted forest reminiscent of the The Fellowship of the Ring, A Kiss of Flame gives us political intrigue and a richly expanding cast of characters, locations, and cultures.

Wren continues with her struggle to understand where she came from, and to find the balance of the light and dark forces within herself. As we are introduced to more of Finn’s family, devout worshippers of the embodiment of the dark side of magic, the reader gets to see that the Nox is not necessarily “evil” - and similarly, in understanding just how much it costs Elodie to be a vessel of the Aurum, that the light side of magic is not inherently “good”.

There is also an ever growing sense of much larger forces at work as the sentient magics seem to push and pull our characters towards a predetermined (if unknown) fate.

The spice level is perfectly done, adding to Wren and Finn’s growing relationship without distracting from the main plot of the book. The delicate balance of their relationship adds tension to the story, as the question of whether their attraction is real or the influence of the Nox remains uncertain. The love story between Elodie and Roland is also very well written, demonstrated in the ways they act for each other, even without any real moments of physical affection.

THAT CLIFFHANGER LEFT ME SPEECHLESS! I cannot wait for the next book to come out - I will literally be on the edge of my seat waiting to see what happens next!

Thanks to Netgalley, the author Jessica Thorne, and the publisher Second Sky for an advanced reader copy of this story to review.

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A Kiss of Flame, by Jessica Thorne

Book 2 In the Lost Queen Series
Thank you to NetGalley, Second Sky Publishing and Jessica Thorne for the ability to read the ARC!

Possible Spoilers...

In a world we have so many series where book 2 tends to fall flat and be filler, Jessica did an AMAZING job with providing actual meat to the story!
We had SO much more world building, the plot thickens, and we get 4 POV’s.
We are able to see more of the secrets uncovered as we get further into the series.

My brain is still trying to wrap itself around that ending tho... 🤯 WUT?? PLEASE, I need book 3!!
“My little bird” - Okay, we have Leander AND Elodie both refer to Wren by this pet name. Did I miss an obvious reason why?? INTERESTING...

“Lady of the Darkest night, I know you like I know my own heart”

‘Any moment with you is never wasted, Wren. I crave you like water, or air, don’t you know that? It’s so strong, it… it scares me.’

Wren asking “who did that to you?” I LOL'ed

Overall: I really enjoyed this book! The first book felt a lot like insta-love, and I was confused, but you find out it is al lot deeper than that in book 2! Rating a 4⭐️ Totally recommend!

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Like when can I get the next book??
Wow, a lot of twists and turns! And oh my, this was very action-packed! I was so confused, but in a good way...
Need a little more romance, but hopefully in the next one....

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