Member Reviews

Always such beautiful, immersive and unique storylines.

Beautiful writing I was confused where the storyline was going for a bit of the last third of the book but it all made sense in the end.

I really enjoyed this!

Great narrators.

Thank you NetGalley, Swift & Lewis Publishing LLC, Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Audiobooks and Sarah Ready for this ARC.

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I am very excited to be listening to this book! I have really enjoyed the full series and the realistic supernatural twists on fate. I can't wait to see what happens next! My full review to follow.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for this ARC. All thoughts and comments are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Sarah Ready for the opportunity to listen and review this audiobook. I want to preface this by saying I have not read any of the other books in this series, but I do believe they can all be read as a standalone.

While the description and premise was what initially drew me to want to read this, unfortunately it fell a little flat for me. I was not a fan of Max and couldn’t understand what Anna saw in him, let alone why she would wish to be married to him. I didn’t really feel the chemistry between them.

I did however enjoy the bits of magical realism and the beautiful European setting.

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Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to review this audiobook. The premise is interesting, and the story has so much potential. Unfortunately, I found the MMC completely unlikable and didn't understand what the FMC saw in him. The narrative was also difficult to follow at times with the wishes and reality/not reality becoming disjointed.

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This book was an absolute delight to listen to and I am so thankful for an early listen on Netgalley!! The characters are charming, the European backdrop and descriptions are magical, and the story is unique! Who would have thought that one simple wish by Anna would completely change her life in so many ways!! 4.5 ⭐!!

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I had the best time reading this, the plot is so unique to anything else I've read before

- magic
- alternative reality
- she cleans his house for the past 3 years but they haven't really interacted
- closed door romance
- mainly single pov (her pov) with prologue/epilogue in his pov
- dual narration

She makes a wish that he loved her, and woke up the next day in an alternative where they've been married 7 years but she doesn't remember any of it

I really enjoyed the plot twists and didn't know what was going to happen in the end, it was so good tho and kept me reading more and more

Thank you to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for the ALC - all opinions are my own

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Where to begin? Wished is my second favourite book in this series (Switched being number one! 🥰) however, I fell hard in love with Anna and Max faster than I thought was possible! Of course Sarah has written it so well that you do not need to read the others, and can take this book as a stand alone. But why would you?

4 stars and so much love from me to Anna and Max! A must read for all romcom lovers!

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We finally get Max's story in Wished after seeing him pine away for another woman in a previous book.

Anna is such a doll. She wishes for life with Max, and she gets ot. Except she's so guilty about Max reciprocating when everything is imaginary. Set aside your skepticism and just enjoy the ride while reading this book. As usual, Sarah does lovely transitions between real and magical, and the wrap ups are emotionally very charged and well written.

Do we get more in this series? Please, pretty, please.

Will Watt, you can totally star in my magical world where you read me books forever after!! The narration was very well done!!!

#netgalley #sarahready @sarahready #wished

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Aww what a great story!! And I really enjoyed both of the narrator’s voices! I WISHED 😉 that Max’s POV had a bigger part because i loved Will’s voice! It was so smooth…

I love how Sarah can write such fun stories with magical realism in them. You know it’s not possible.. but sometimes you just wonder.. wait are you SURE it’s not possible?!? I loved Anna!! And my heart just went out to her and her mom and sister 🥺 and the bad luck that keeps on happening…

And then there’s Max! It was sort of hard to pin down who he really is because of all the events that happen, but i want to say he’a stoic, but LOVESSSS Anna…. And YOU just have to go read or listen to the book to find out!

𝗔𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗯𝗼𝗼𝗸…
🧞‍♀️Magical Realism
🧞‍♀️Love at first sight
🧞‍♀️One Bed
🧞‍♀️Open Door

I received an advance listening copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was quirky, funny and the love story took me on an amazing ride. I love how they get to know each other and their relationship develops. The narrators were amazing though I wish that the book was a dual pov.

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I have been a fan of Sarah Ready's for awhile now. I have also really enjoyed this series. Wished is the 4th book in the (Ghosted) Series and I had such a great time with this one. I was so happy that we get to welcome back Max from the last book "Fated". I'm happy that we got to see what happened to Max. Anna is a sweetheart of a character. She cleans Max's house and is a hopeless romantic and is in love with him. One day she ends up making a wish and let me tell you it's a wild ride!! This book had me laughing and kept me entertained. Max and Anna were both great characters that were likable and well written. The side characters were also great. I loved Anna's boss. She was a spit fire of a woman! This book was narrated by Amanda Ronconi and Will Watt. They did such a great job telling this story and making you feel like you were there with thee characters. I can't wait to see what Sarah comes up with next. I would definitely recommend this book and anything she writes!

Thank you NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC | Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Audiobooks for allowing me to listen to this ALC for my honest opinion

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I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. Thank you, to NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing, LLC for the opportunity to read this book as an audio copy.

Goodreads blurb: “When Anna Benoit wishes she’s married to the enigmatic owner of the chateau she cleans, she wakes up in a topsy-turvy world where she’s Max Barone’s wife.”

I have read the entire Ghosted series by Sarah Ready and this one is my favorite thus far (I hope there are more coming).

I am not usually a “magical realism” lover but I have started enjoying it more, hugely thanks to Sarah Ready and this series of books. They are such unique stories and she develops the characters in each story so well. Each story is intricately woven together and lends to plot twists that I would never expect, and this one was no exception to this!

Do wishes really come true? Anna always dreamed of being a genie when she grew up. Not to grant her own wishes, but to make a difference in other people’s lives by granting theirs. This trait alone made me fall in love with Anna and her story because she truly cares about others over herself. Was her wish in this book selfish? Maybe. But after living a selfless life and wanting to grant wishes for others, she did something impulsive for herself and she was deserving of it. However, this wish led to a lot of chaos, confusion, and a marriage that Max did not know he was in.

Anna had the best of intentions throughout the entire book, but things did not always seem to go the way that she planned or hoped. I felt bad in several incidents in this book because my heart felt for her. But do not fret, a happily ever after is definitely in the cards.

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I have enjoyed the books in the “Ghosted” series very much. When I saw this one, I couldn’t wait to read it!
The story was very cute. The who wishing part was interesting. I also loved that one of the main characters was Max, who was in the last book of the series. We got to find out more about him. Anna was a great character and the banter between her and Max was on point. The story had a bit of a plot twist at the end, and I loved it!
The audio was well made, and the readers did a great job. They made it easy to follow the story and kept my interest! Well done!

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I sooooo badly wanted to like this book. But, it reminds me EXACTLY of that Lindsay Lohan Netflix movie except way more boring. :(
DNF'ed at 47%. I tried incredibly hard to get through it, however, I am four days in and finding myself not enjoying myself while reading this book. Not worth it for me. Also, the random spice scene in the first couple of chapters is so random especially now that I'm half-way through and there's been nothing like that since...
The book wasn't *bad*... By the synopsis, I thought I'd really enjoy it. But the writing isn't anything to write home about (LOL) and I am falling asleep. Rated 2 stars because it may just be a me problem.

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“How awful would it be really to blink and find yourself be married to a man who barley knew you existed a second ago…and to magic someone into loving you, that’s even worse”

📚 magical realism
📚 love at first sight
📚 she falls first
📚 love at first sight
📚 (partial) dual POV


This is the 4th book in the Ghosted series and I’ve read two of the previous titles which I thoroughly enjoyed. Unfortunately, this one didn’t work for me and I think largely due the level of Insta love that the story is built around.

“I’m in love with a man who doesn’t even know my name. After three years of seeing me in his house”

Thought we’d get to a point where the characters grow to know each other, but that’s all skipped over and straight to love.

“I thought it was love at first sight”
“You didn’t know me, you knew nothing about me”

Missed some of that magic from the earlier books. Enjoyed the small glimpses into the MMC’s PoV to bookend the book.

“I love you without reservation”

Thanks to NetGalley, the publisher & author for an eARC in exchange for this honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Thank you to the author and NetGalley for the ALC (advanced listening copy) if this audiobook in exchange for a free and honest review.

This was such a cute story! I was sucked right in and thoroughly enjoyed every minute! It was an interesting premise that proves that the grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence.

Anna is a poor housekeeper for a famous jeweller, Max. Hers is a tale of love at first sight; his is a tale of overcoming a fear of love. The story takes the reader through Geneva, Paris, and St Trope where the MCs meet each other in multiple timelines, or wishes, and discover what truly matters.

I would have really liked a bit more of the story from max's POV (we only get the prologue and epilogues) in order to see more of his growth as a character.

The narration was spot on. Both narrators nailed the accents and dialects from the various regions which really added to the story. I found her voice a little nasally after listening for a while, but it wasn't off-putting. If we had had more of his POV, and more of Will's narration, it would have pushed this story up a notch.

Overall, if you are in the mood for a light romance with some whimsy and passion, I recommend picking up this audiobook!

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Sarah Ready's stories always make me so happy. They're so romantic and sweet and whimsical. The characters are always delightful and well rounded. And the magical realism is always so fun.

This is the third book in this series that I've enjoyed (somehow I have not yet read the first one). I really liked both characters and was rooting for them. But what I always really enjoy about Ready's stories is her use of incredibly romantic metaphors. She makes every little emotion feel so special. Also, Ready did an amazing job handling consent. That could have been tricky considering the magic involved.

Max's POV nicely bookended Anna's POV for the rest of the story. And that allowed for two sections being narrated by Will Watt and his very nice voice. Amanda Ronconi narrated the rest and did a great job, as usual.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher!

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I very much enjoyed having the opportunity to go back into this series and get Max’s story, as his character was introduced in the third book of the series. This author writes magical realism so well- the stories are always captivating and unique. The characters float between wondering if they are dreaming or if it is real life: as in this case Anna, a house cleaner, wakes up and finds herself married to her rich employer, Max, a wealthy businessman. Their story was refreshing and fun, and I couldn’t help but root for their relationship to work out. As the book was told in first-person, mainly from the MFC’s point-of-view, the female narrator did an outstanding job with Anna’s character, but I did enjoy the male narrator’s voice a bit more with the few chanters told in the MMC’s POV-his accent is captivating. As with all books in this series, the cover is absolutely captivated drew me in. Thank you to the author, NetGalley and Swift & Lewis Publishing for theALC.

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I was so excited to read another Sarah Ready book in this series and it did not disappoint! Can you imagine wishing for your wildest desires and that wish coming true?! Now imagine that wish was being married to your hot, rich boss? In this super fun book, that’s exactly what happens.

Anna has been cleaning Max’s chateau for the last 3 years and over this time, she found herself falling for him even though she’s never really had a conversation with him. Before wishing she was married to him, she’s noticed what books he reads, what snacks he eats, heck she even knows he likes mint toothpaste. But as the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for!!

Even though this story is whimsical and not realistic, it was a lot of fun and had such feel-good vibes! While it is a fun story, it had some pretty spicy 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ scenes, so keep that in mind before reading. Overall, I gave it 4.5 stars and can’t wait for the next one in the series!

I listened to the audio book of this one and I think I fell in love with Max’s voice!! 😊 Thank you NetGalley for an ARC of this book.

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I received an advanced listening copy for review. This review is my own opinion.

I think I've read 3/4 of this series (I really need to go back and read the first!) and they've all been so fun! I love the connections between the series, and I'm excited to get Max's story after Fiona's refusal of his proposal in the last book.

What if you got everything you wished for? Anna does, and it...kind of works out? She wakes up after being fired from her job cleaning houses (Max is one of her clients) and making a wish on one of his magical necklaces (he owns a jewelry company). Anyway, the wish sort of works but they both want to go back to their real lives, except another wish goes screwy.

I'm describing it HORRIBLY (you should read the official blurb 🤣) but I love the sort of vague magical world Sarah Ready has built, and I love seeing how everyone gets what they want and it goes sideways and then works out in the end!

The whole series is pretty light and easy, and I would definitely recommend them! There's a bit of spice, too.

Thanks to Netgalley, Sarah Ready, and Swift&Lewis for the ALC!

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