Member Reviews

Okay so I didn't like this as much as I liked Immortal Longings. I loved the games aspect from the first book so I did miss that the sequel didn't have that side of it, though I understood why. It would have made no sense for the games to still be around after Calla had already won it.

[redacted due to possible spoilers]

I'm really excited for the next book!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the arc!


One word I never thought I'd use to describe a Chloe Gong book was uneventful. As someone who is known for her action pack stories with plot twists that keep you at the edge of your seat, Gong's Vilest Things ultimately came off as a disappointment. Oh, how this suffered from the second book syndrome.

Immortal Longings was one of my favorite reads of 2023. I was curious to see the direction in which the sequel would head now that the games were over. Vilest Things fleshes out the world introduced in book 1. However, I preferred the setting of San-Er more. There wasn't a lot of action in this one. Also, the gods, which seemed to be an important part of the worldbuilding were not given much attention. Writing smut is definitely not Gong's forte. The characters did not have any chemistry during the smut scenes and they felt forced.

A Chloe Gong book would never be complete without plot twists. Although quite a lot less in number than in book 1, the plot twists hit HARD. As disappointing as the majority of this book was, the last few chapters were perfection. For those, I'll be rounding off my rating to 4. I'll definitely be reading the sequel!

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The story and world building evolves into something much bigger, the world expands and the plot moves into a direction I didn't see coming. Also the "jumping" part is more of a topic in this one.
Once again, you shouldn't go into this book expecting the most kicking-my-feet-feeling romance, cause it's really more focused on the story.
I liked the writing in this one more compared to book 1, it didn't feel as overly edited and unnecessarily complicated as it sometimes did in the first one.
Liked Calla as a main character again, I love how she just doesn't apologize for anything.
Chloe Gong just knows how to write the most quiet but intense twists - I'm so excited to see where the story will end up in book 3.

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Stunning, spectacular give me 14 of them right now ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ซ๐Ÿคญ

Miss Chloe Gong really does know how to drop the most juiciest, jaw-dropping information after writing the most intense and heartbreaking moments.

I don't want to mention any spoilers, but all I will say is that this journey is a complete 360 to Immortal Longings but in an incredible way. I have never been so gripped as I had read this. The twists and turns were so incredibly well written and honestly left me guessing every single time.

I need book 3 immediately, I just know that it will be the most tense and jaw-dropping book I'll read.

Thank you, netgalley and hodderscape for the e-arc ๐Ÿซถ

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After reading Immortal Longings, I wasnโ€™t sure if the sequel was going to be quite as good but Chloe proved me wrong. Vilest Things was even better than I anticipated and I think it even surpasses the greatness of the first book. Chloeโ€™s writing has always been so immersive and this story is no different. The development of all these characters was so refreshing to see and Iโ€™m excited to see everyoneโ€™s fates at the end of this series as a whole. The twists in this book were so good and very unexpected, in the best way possible. The introduction of a few new characters and more background on the same characters from Immortal Longings kept the pace of the book just right. The fast-paced moments with the best action scenes were perfectly balanced with the slower paced scenes in between.
I cannot wait for the final book to be released!

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Much like Immortal Longings, Vilest Things is a litany of all things morally grey and murky. The second installment of this trilogy sees Calla and Anton unpicking the catastrophic mess they've made at the end of book 1, both in Talin and their personal lives.

There is a lot of context in plot progression with light call backs, so would suggest a reread of Immortal Longings ahead of reading this if it's been a while.

The crowning glory in this book is Calla and Anton's relationship and banter. And most notably Calla's unique ways of apologising. ๐Ÿ˜‚

This book will make you audibly gasp. All hail Chloe Gong, master of emotional damage!

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This book was an absolute whirlwind of passion, intrigue, and power plays. The blend of romance and political machinations kept me on the edge of my seat. The authorโ€™s writing style is both sharp and evocative, pulling me into the emotional turmoil and high-stakes drama with every page. The witty banter and deep romantic tension between Calla and Anton were portrayed with such nuance, I couldnโ€™t help but get completely absorbed. The character dynamics were rich and complex, adding layers to an already gripping narrative. This isnโ€™t just a fantasy romance; itโ€™s a rollercoaster of emotions and a brilliant exploration of power and identity.

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Thank you Netgalley and the Publisher for this ARC in exchange for a honest review.

Actual rating: 4,5 โœจ

I wasnโ€™t expecting to be this shocked after reading Vilest Things by Chloe Gong. The first book in this new trilogy didnโ€™t really reach my expectations, I felt so disappointed by it and I thought that its sequel couldnโ€™t be any better. Well, I was wrong.

Vilest Things is the second novel in a trilogy inspired by Shakespeareโ€™s Antony & Cleopatra but with Hunger Games vibes and a TRUE enemies to lovers. Chloe Gong turned out to be one of my favourite authors and I finally recognised her talent while reading Vilest Things.

Since itโ€™s a sequel, I donโ€™t want to spoil anything about the plot, but I need to state that the ending of Immortal Longings left the reader with a lot of questions and in a state of utter astonishment. That ending was the perfect springboard for this new book. It had the right tension, the stakes were higher than I remembered and it kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the entire book.

Even though the romance featuring the series is well done (itโ€™s probably the best enemies to lovers Iโ€™ve ever read), my favourite character was Calla. If you liked Juliette in These Violent Delights, youโ€™ll worship Calla! Sheโ€™s unpredictable, filled with vengeance and hatred, and extremely powerful. Youโ€™ll love reading her povs, especially if youโ€™re fascinated by morally grey characters.

I also loved reading all these different povs. Not all the characters narrating the events are extremely relevant for the story, but their perspective gave more depth to the plot. Galipei and Anton have my heart, I really wanted to read more about their relationship and I hope theyโ€™ll be deepened in the next book.

The ending really took me off guard. I expected what was going to happen, but I really enjoyed reading it!

The magic system is the main focus in this novel and itโ€™s uniqueness makes it even more interesting. How it develops and changes completely as new knowledge is discovered, how itโ€™s portrayed in a different way from character to character, and how itโ€™s a fundamental part of San-Erโ€™s society.

All in all, Vilest Things proved to be a beautiful book, despite the disappointment of Immortal Longings. So, if you like Hunger Games and enemies to lovers than do not miss this trilogy!

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I had thought this was the last book of a duology, so was at points confused when things werenโ€™t coming to a conclusion towards the end (which is my own fault).
My Chloe Gong continues to be a fantastic and Iโ€™ve so far loved everything she writes, I love her morally grey characters, which are always so interesting. And imagery I got from her words was so fleshed out.
I look forward to the next instalment!

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The start of this story lacked focus and direction for me. I would probably have benefited from a re-read of Immortal Longings, but even so, there felt like a lack of continuity, or at least, a lot of meandering from where the first book finished. At 30% in I was wondering where it was going.
Our two main characters, so magnetic and charismatic in the first story, felt like shadows of their former selves.
It wasnโ€™t until around 70% that the mists began to clear, and glimpses of the relationship between Calla and Anton from the first book began to emerge. With a bit of exposition, the finer plot points were also revealed and it felt like the story had some direction.
The last 30% saved this for me. The ending was great. Had the rest of the book been the same, Iโ€™d have rated it 5 stars. However, overall this was a disappointment, so itโ€™s 3 stars for this sequel, and I wonโ€™t be picking up the next one.
With thanks to NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton for a chance to read the ARC.

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When in doubt about a sagging middle instalment, look to the characters to lead the drama stir-ups.

There were many things I enjoyed in this instalment. The heated back and forth between Calla and Anton. Anton chasing down dead leads. The heartbeats of anarchy palpating to life every now and then, a reminder of threats older and larger than our cast persisting and setting up the climax. The lovely twist with history. The qi experiments and the larger role of divinity within the story, throwing more weight behind the name of this trilogy.

I had the puzzle pieces but I wasn't able to make every last one click together...not until the final chapter. Oh, was it an itch satisfied. Patting myself on the back for noticing the clues (and the clues were nicely woven in!)

It certainly sets up what's going to be a truly bloody showdown. But will Anton, Calla, and San-Er survive?

Thanks to Netgalley and Hodder & Stoughton for providing me with the e-ARC/DRC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was incredibly disappointed in this instalment, especially with how much I enjoyed the first book. I will preface this by saying that I had assumed that this was the last instalment of a duology so I spent a lot of this book confused as to why it didn't feel like any questions were being answered, in addition to finding the character development (or the lack thereof) and the actual plot quite confusing.

Something I loved about book one was the morally grey nature of all the characters. Our three main characters were all shrouded in mystery, with complex motivations that get hinted at throughout the book. Usually, some of that ambiguity would be cleared up by the second book but it wasn't this time which meant that I was just incredibly confused about what was driving these characters and their decisions the entire novel. They also didn't go anywhere the entire book - they didn't seem to grow or change as people at all.

The concept itself - both this idea moving your qi into different bodies and the politics of the world - should be engaging and fascinating but they just weren't. The rules about jumping into different bodies seem to change halfway through which I didn't love. Something I still really love is the fact that Calla and Anton's relationship develops whilst he isn't in his birth body and isn't reliant about how he looks at all. However, this general lack of clarity completely distracts from the cliffhanger at the end for me.

Overall, I don't think this book moved forward or developed enough. It felt stagnant and didn't seem to add much to the premise, world building or characters. I'm still interested in how the series ends but this instalment could've used an extra 100 pages to really expand and provide some extra clarity. 4 stars for Immortal Longings. 1.5 stars for Vilest Things.

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EXCUSE ME, but you cannot leave me on that ending omg.

This book is full of twists, strategic moves and questionable intentions and I absolutely loved it. The magic, the developments regarding Qi and people from the past. This story grows and explores new angles with detail and it leaves you nothing but intrigued to find out more.

I will need 3-5 business days to wrap my head around the complexity of those twists and the dangerous path they have led the story down. Iโ€™m so excited for the next book!

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Vilest Things was a fitting sequel to Immortal Longings, sharing the same strengths and weaknesses.

Keeping up with the story and its twists was captivating, and I breezed through the book in just a few days. Calla is a compelling and morally complex character; her choices felt authentic and raw. I appreciated that Chloe Gong didn't shy away from letting her characters make necessary decisions, even if they weren't always likeable.

Unfortunately, I struggled with the same issues as in book one. Some plot holes and inconsistencies in character behaviour pulled me out of the story at points. While Calla was incredible, the rest of the cast sometimes felt like tools to push the plot forward.

Overall, I enjoyed the first two instalments in this series and will definitely read the final book (that ending!), though I am a bit disappointed in the execution of its potential.

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In Vilest Things, Chloe Gong continues her retelling of Shakespeareโ€™s Anthony and Cleopatra (only better because it has magic and body-switching). After the numerous revelations at the end of Immortal Longings, I was desperate to find out what happened to Calla and Anton in the sequel, and Iโ€™m happy to say that this book didnโ€™t disappoint. Moving on from San-Erโ€™s death games, this book focuses more of the politics of the city, the connections and betrayals that tie the main characters together, and hints at the tragedies to come in the third and final book in the series. Thatโ€™s right! Thereโ€™s going to be a third book. So donโ€™t expect everything to be resolved in Vilest Things, thereโ€™s still much more to the story.

First of all, I loved the continued focus on the magic system and the body-snatching powers of some characters . I feel like this, along with the setting, is one of the most interesting aspects of the book. Whilst some of the rules about body jumping are still quite vague, I liked the new focus on the consequences of jumping. It isnโ€™t simply that you might be lost or that your qi might be suppressed by someone stronger, there is also a wider societal effect. With an imposter on the throne, it begs the question- can a royal family or even a single royal be trusted to lead when they can be overcome anyone with enough power? What good is it having a figurehead when the body means so little to many people in San-Er? This type of usurpation (where the people arenโ€™t even aware that thereโ€™s been a change of power) is completely unique and I loved seeing how it played out.

I also thoroughly enjoyed seeing how the new dynamics between the main characters were explored. Personally, I thought that Calla and Anton grew very close and trusting a bit too quickly. I also love the enemies to lovers dynamic, so it was really interesting to see how Callaโ€™s betrayal made them much more wary around one another. Her actions had huge consequences and Iโ€™m thankful that the author didnโ€™t dismiss the betrayal straight away to focus on romance.

I also liked the inclusion of Otta in this novel. She seemed to drive the plot forward and her complicated history with other characters also led to a lot of conflict and development. Calla and Otta threatening each other was also entertaining (itโ€™s always fun to see two powerful female characters finding themselves on opposite sides).

Overall, I think that Chloe Gong wrote an intriguing and political fantasy novel. Whilst some detail still need to be fleshed out (mainly the magic system and some of the world-building) she writes in a way that forces you to keep reading. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves strong female characters, unique magic systems and tense romantic relationships. I originally picked it up because I loved the body-swapping in the Alchemy of Souls TV show so Iโ€™d also read it if youโ€™re a fan of that K-drama!

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I did struggle to finish the first book, i had to give it a second chance to see if it was for me or not but i did ended up liking it especially with that cliffhanger i had to get my hands on the second one. I do love the main characters, their complexity, their development, the fact that they are morally grey (morally grey characters = best characters). Vilest Things started slow, although a lot of political stuff were thrown at us, new characters, new places, new things, they were brushed off without letting me grasp them to the point of leaving me confused and uninterested. Half way through the book felt like a lot was happening (because a lot of new info was thrown at us) but nothing was happening at the same time. This is a political based world, but iโ€™d prefer if things were explained a little bit better. The pace was fast towards the end and i started getting more interested again, that cliffhanger got me hooked so iโ€™ll definitely be looking forward to the next book.

Thank you NetGalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review. โœจ

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Rating - 4.75โญ๏ธ

I loved this even MORE than the first book!! This was one of my highly anticipated sequels this year AND MISS CHLOE GONG DID NOT DISAPPOINT๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป

THE CHAOS! THE DRAMA!๐ŸคŒ๐Ÿป I especially had a fun time reading the drama unfold between Otta, Calla and Anton.

I LOVED the exploration of the obsessive relationship between Calla & Anton. Theyโ€™re at each otherโ€™s throats one moment with accusations of betrayal and then the next theyโ€™re confessing their undying love for each other and the cycle repeats.

Chapter 36 and onwards gave me GOOSEBUMPSโ€ผ๏ธ Calla Tuoleimi was such a girlboss in those last few chapters.

Overall I had a really fun time with this book and Iโ€™m so excited for the third instalment!!

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Thank you Hodder & Stoughton and NetGalley for the ARC.

Huge fan of Chloe Gong's books! I was super excited when I received the ARC for this title. I loved 'Immortal Longings" and I kind of wished that I had read the first book before I dived into this. The first book was fast-paced with a lot of action but 'Vilest Things' was slow-paced with a big action sequence towards the end of the book. The second book dealt with more worldbuilding and character development. It was very political compared to the game sequences, and I expected there to be a lot more of that. Again, this isn't really a complaint.

There were a lot of aspects that I loved. The romance!!! The tension, the chemistry, my goodness. It was incredible. There were moments of angst and yearning. I love the romance and devotion between Anton and Calla, but there is a bit of darkness between them.

I can't wait to see where this story goes in the third novel of the 'Flesh and False Gods' series.

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๐—ฉ๐—ถ๐—น๐—ฒ๐˜€๐˜ ๐—ง๐—ต๐—ถ๐—ป๐—ด๐˜€ โ€ข ๐—–๐—ต๐—น๐—ผ๐—ฒ ๐—š๐—ผ๐—ป๐—ด

๐—ช๐—ต๐—ฎ๐˜ ๐—ง๐—ผ ๐—˜๐˜…๐—ฝ๐—ฒ๐—ฐ๐˜
- Fantasy
- Inspired by Antony and Cleopatra
- Political court intrigue
- Unique magic system
- Morally grey characters

I absolutely adored book one, Immortal Longings, it was easily one of my top books of 2023. So, why do I feel oddly disappointed with this second installment?

I remain deeply in love with Calla. Sheโ€™s fierce, smart, quick to anger, slow to love, but when sheโ€™s on a characters side you simply know that that character will come out on top. In fact, I enjoyed all the characters except maybe Otta, simply because thereโ€™s too much mystery and uncertainty she is shrouded in.

I loved the cutthroat games of the first book. However, I found this installment confusing and overwhelmingly political. There were so many plot points that were brushed over and itโ€™s left me half-satisfied. Iโ€™m hoping that the third installment will stamp out any lingering bafflement and this series will soar to a new favourite of mine, as all CGโ€™s books seem wont to do.

What really shines in this book is the writing and the romance; both intense, both seductive, and both entirely enthralling.


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Before diving into โ€˜Vilest Thingsโ€™, I did a reread of โ€˜Immortal Longingsโ€™, which turned out to be a really great idea on my part (well done me!), because I did forget some more or less important info.

โ€˜Vilest Thingsโ€™ starts off right where โ€˜Immortal longingsโ€™ left off.
I was super curious in what direction the story would go, since the plot of book one was quite clear.

One of the things and plot points I was most excited about was Otta. And let me tell you, while I do wish we would have seen more of her, Otta did not disappoint! Especially the ending. IYKYK.
There were also some new and different povs, which was interesting. For example, I really liked Galipeiโ€™s parts and chapters and, again, do wish there were a bit more of them in the book.

While Iโ€™m still not 100% convinced of the romance between Calla and Anton, I do think their relationship made more sense in this book. Or letโ€™s say, as much sense as them and their relationship can actually make.

What I also liked was that we got to see more of the provinces around San-Er (the book has a map!!). Aaaaaand more backstory to the history of Talin!

The ending was absolutely cruel! I did had a slight suspicion about one of the plot twists, but not *the other one*.

I do have to say that the book fell a bit flat for me just about after the 50% mark for maybe the next 15%-ish and after that, my brain just kinda was not having it. Not the bookโ€™s fault, but purely a me-thing.
Hence why I bumped up the rating to a 3,75 in favour of the book.
I am excited for book three though!

(MaoMao has 100% main character energy and I support it)

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